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Inner Peace from Outer Chaos
Episode 29th October 2022 • Calming the Chaos • Tracy Kenela
00:00:00 00:57:02

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Inner Peace in Outer Chaos – Interview with Sue Corl – For National Domestic Violence Awareness

If you are interested in learning how women around the world can cope with the most oppressive situations where they are impoverished, abused or neglected, this podcast interview will provide enlightenment, hope and help to those who want to transcend oppression and move toward inner peace.

Sue Corl is an International Women’s Conference Speaker, Author, Mentor, and Missionary with a Masters Degree in Education and a Masters Degree in Christian Counseling. Sue is the Founder / Director of Crown of Beauty International. She served as a Missionary for 25 years in Asia, and she is the author of several books. Currently, she travels to speak and help women throughout Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the United States.

Sue has a passion to see women set free to live in freedom from within, and uses a spiritual framework to help women around the world find peace under oppressive circumstances.

I. Intro to Sue: Sue’s Story – how did you come to do the work you do now?

II. Sue shares about the types of women who struggle with oppression around the world

a. Who are they?

b. What are they struggling with (examples)

c. What do you typically tell them?

d. What do they learn from you?

III. Any tips or techniques for women who are struggling and feeling oppressed

IV. Tour of the website / Products and services you’d like to promote

a. Website

b. Podcast “His Heartbeat”

c. “List of Lies about self and God” (on website, under “More Resources)

d. Books

i. Crown of Beauty – Twelve Week Bible Study

ii. For Such a Time as This

iii. Broken but Undefeated

e. Workshops, retreats, speaking engagements and other promotions

V. Closing comments

Social Media Links:


Podcast: “His Heartbeat” with Sue Corl at


Instagram: @crownofbeauty_international

Notable Timestamps:

2:30 Sue’s background, travels and beginning work with women who were community leaders and struggling with issues like anxiety, anger, depression, marital issues, troubles with their children, etc. And how she began to work with their core beliefs so that they could change the way they feel about themselves.

7:12: Sue helps people identify:

The most common lies that people believe about themselves.

What their struggles are

What painful emotions they are going through, and when they first started feeling the emotions (early conclusions)

Checking the facts about their beliefs, helping them to see the truth about themselves, replacing the lies

11:49: Asking, “Are your beliefs truthful and helpful to you?”

12:23: “Protective Behaviors” are used to protect us so that we won’t have to go through hurt or pain again.

13:16: Sue’s work in very impoverished areas and “A poverty mentality” and reversing that mentality by seeing situations and circumstances in a different way, and by finding purpose and meaning in life.

16:33: Sue’s story that inspires women around the world to believe in miracles, and to open up and start talking about their own struggles

27:24: Sue speaks about how she works with women who have relationship oppression, abuse and neglect

28:45: What if you don’t believe in God? Sue can still teach people boundaries, and that you are beautiful, forgiven, valuable and loved. “You are a valuable person.” And so with abuse / neglect, if it happens, Sue helps people to remember these truths about themselves, stand up for themselves and speak their truth.

32:00: When a culture prevents a woman from leaving a relationship

35:00: “When a woman changes and sees herself with more respect, often the man changes too.”

37:00: Thoughts on suicide

38:24: Another cool story from Sue –

Thailand refugees from Burma, suicidality

40:55: Spiritual Inspiration

42:24: Another story about our amazing potential as humans. People are amazing and creative whoever and whatever they look like, and you have something amazing to bring others!




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