1) Here we go for another fantastic Friday with Dr. Dave's Devotional Diamonds of the Day! This one will be really cool because we're diving into all four devotionals from the Book of Jonah, and we’ll do it progressively. Instead of an expository teaching, we’ll take a topical approach, using Jonah as our launching pad. So, let’s kick things off with Jonah, chapter 1, verse 3.
2) First off, let’s understand the simplicity of Jonah’s story. Because of his flawed theology, Jonah does something really foolish—something that’s often true for us as well. He actually thought he could outrun God's presence! He believed he could slip away and not be seen by the Almighty. Well, surprise, surprise—that’s just not happening!
3) Next up, we have a devotional called "Keeping It Real." In Jonah chapter 1, verse 17, and Jonah chapter 2, verse 1, we see that Jonah spends three days and three nights in the belly of a fish. Then Jonah prays. Why did he wait three days to pray? Was he unconscious? Maybe. Was he stubborn? Probably, given his previous behavior.
4) This is a great time to point out that those who think Jonah’s story is a fairy tale don’t believe the Bible is the Word of God. In Matthew chapter 12, verse 40, Jesus compares His death, burial, and resurrection to the prophet Jonah, validating Jonah’s story. So, anyone—whether commentators, media personalities, Hollywood folks, or politicians—who doesn’t believe in the story of Jonah is simply ignorant and unstable.
5) Now, in Jonah chapter 2, verses 7 through 9, even Jonah acknowledges that he will sacrifice to the Lord with a voice of thanksgiving. Imagine being in the belly of a fish for three days and nights, with seaweed wrapped around your head, and knowing you could die at any moment. Would you still thank God continuously? Jonah does, acknowledging that salvation comes from the Lord, and that thanksgiving is called for.
6) Finally, in Jonah chapter 3, verses 1 through 2, God tells Jonah to go. After everything he’s been through, guess what? Jonah is a bit more responsive this time! Why does God allow us to go through trials more than once? Because eventually, we start to understand and become more responsive. So, let’s buckle up and face it, little campers!