My name is Tara Bryan. I help business owners break into the next level of success by packaging their expertise into an online course experience. It's my passion to help to find the fastest path to results to create a greater impact and income for you and your tribe.
Check out my free Step-by-Step guide to building your online course. In it are the top steps and questions you need to ask before you get started. Check it out here:
This group is 100% focused on support, knowledge and example sharing, and building a community of online course builders who are passionate about building awesome learning experiences.
In this community, we are passionate about building learning experiences that produce results for our learners. We do that by building engaging, motivating, gamified, and learner-centered courses. We come up with ideas and strategies to ensure that our learners can thrive and succeed in our product.
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Here are two ways we can help you grow and scale your online course business:
Join LEARN ACADEMY - Learn Academy is the best Done-with-you Step-by-step Implementation program that will help you create, sell, and launch your online course.
Join THE COURSE EDIT - The Course Edit is a program that will assess your current online course to take it to the next level. Maybe you have a course that isn't selling or one that people aren't completing (therefore not remaining customers) then it is time for THE COURSE EDIT.
Mentioned in this episode:
It's Tara Bryan and you are listening to Course Building Secrets podcast.
All right, everybody. How is it going? Happy spring. I got to tell you we had all sorts of little parties this weekend. Social distance parties, of course, but parties this weekend celebrating spring. Being here in Minnesota, it is always wonderful when the weather starts to get nice. So hopefully it will continue to get nice and warm and sunny as time goes on. So hopefully that is happening in your world as well.
All right. So, today I want to talk about one of the things that a lot of people struggle with when they're first getting started in creating their online course or even packaging, their expertise. Is really around, how do you choose what you're going to lead with. What are you going to... How are you going to choose your topic for your course and really look at what you're an expert in and how you can best help your people.
So often one of the things that people say, "Well I don't know why people would pay for my course. They could just get all the information out on Google." Or, "I just don't get, I feel like I could be an expert, but I don't feel like I am qualified yet to be an expert. And I just don't know. I don't know." Right? And so if you're in that place, this episode is for you today.
What I want to focus on for you is listen, so you are an expert, right? You have something that you're either passionate about, or that you are an expert in. And be it because you are more interested in it because you have made it your career or even just because it's just something that comes supernaturally to you, that other people are always asking you for help with. So, those are clues in terms of what your expertise is.
But here's the difference between being an expert and having an online course or an online program with your expertise, is that when you look at what you're an expert in, what you actually have the ability to do and help people with, is to help them solve problems, challenges, or questions they have around your expertise. Around something that's happening that you're an expert in or something that's happened that you can do more easily than someone else. It's because somebody has a problem or a challenge or something that they're struggling with.
So, when you're trying to figure out, what should I be teaching? How do I teach something that's valuable to the market and also incorporates what I'm best at? What your expertise is. It's really around going out and finding the questions or problems or challenges that people are having around your expertise, around your topic and saying, "Okay, so what are the questions, what are the challenges that people are having." And then helping them solve that challenge faster than they can on their own.
And the way that you do that is really to start brainstorming. What are all of those problems? What are all of those challenges? However, you want to think about it, I'm just going to call them problems. But what are all of those things that you know people have questions about or are struggling with around the things that you do? So for example, you may have people who come to you and they're always asking the same question and you're like, that's interesting. I don't have that problem. I don't have that question that I'm trying to figure out, I already know the answer. That's a really good place to start.
So, start capturing all of those problems or challenges that people in your niche, your ideal person has around your topic. Then that's where you start to really look at whether or not you've kind of hit the right problem that will resonate with the most people. Or I should say the most people, your ideal avatar, the most. And then that's when you get that match. So you have the ideal person that you want to work with, and you have a problem that you are uniquely qualified to solve, then that is where the beginning of your course starts.
So, it's not so much, like I'm an expert in this topic and I'm going to teach you all the information I know about this topic. That's not going to be valuable for them, because then at that point, they may just pick out the one thing that you have that is actually the answer to their problem. And you can see then that either they're not going to participate, they're not going to complete, they're not going to get the results because they're just looking at it as information and that's how you are looking at it. And so therefore the value of what you're providing is sure. Like that's not as valuable as actually helping somebody, providing them the steps in the path for them to actually get that solution that they're looking for.
And so you look at your ideal avatar, you match a problem that seems to be one that a lot of people are dealing with in your niche. And then that's how you start building your unique framework to then start building out your online course. And so if you look at it from this perspective, what starts to happen is people are attracted to you because you're able to tell them and show them that you can solve that problem that they're struggling with versus just being an expert in a particular topic.
So, that is my tip for you today. Is if you really are in that place of just trying to figure out how do I focus on my topic, how is focusing on what my expertise is value is of how I can help serve people? It's really about looking at the problems, the challenges, and questions that they're out there asking that they haven't been able to solve.
So, obviously, go out to where your people are and start listening for those things and then solve that problem for them in your online course in your signature program. And you may say, "Oh, geez, there are so many problems that they have." Do I just like to shush them all into one big course, or do I really look at each helping them solve their first problem, then move to the next problem and then move to the next problem.
So, really look at what makes the most sense in terms of, how do you create that journey for your ideal avatar? But in reality, they have to solve the first problem before they can move on to the next one. And so you may look at that as being multiple courses, or it could be one course in multiple sections or levels from one course.
So that's how you really start to look at, from a big picture perspective, how do you create a viable and sellable online course? It's really going to not only start guaranteeing that you're helping people, but the people are going to be attracted to getting a solution that you are uniquely qualified to answer. All right, there you go. There is your course-building tip for the day.