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If You Work In The Business Of Podcasting, You Need A Podcast
Episode 313th April 2022 • Podcast Pontifications • Evo Terra
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Evo Terra:

Podcasting's purveyors of picks

Evo Terra:

and shovels—the myriad service providers that make our space

Evo Terra:

an actual industry—are filled

Evo Terra:

with smart people.

Evo Terra:

But smarts only gets you so far.

Evo Terra:

What's needed is

Evo Terra:


Evo Terra:

Hello, and

Evo Terra:

welcome to another Podcast Pontifications

Evo Terra:

with me, Evo Terra.

Evo Terra:

I'm breaking

Evo Terra:

a cardinal sin of podcasting today because I'm going to be talking to

Evo Terra:

an audience other than my primary one.

Evo Terra:

Because I follow many of the best practices I put forth on the show, I

Evo Terra:

know who I'm for, the serious podcaster, and why

Evo Terra:

they are here.

Evo Terra:

I also know that many people who work in the business of podcasting

Evo Terra:

either listen to my episodes,

Evo Terra:

watch the videos, or read my words, either on the site or in the

Evo Terra:

newsletter I send out.

Evo Terra:

People at

Evo Terra:

the top of the companies that make the podcast ecosystem

Evo Terra:

happen, but plenty in the middle of those organizations, as well,

Evo Terra:

in the business of podcasting.

Evo Terra:

And that's who I'm talking to today, those of you who work

Evo Terra:

in the business of podcasting.

Evo Terra:

And I have a single message for you.

Evo Terra:

And it's a message I'm confident my

Evo Terra:

primary audience will get behind

Evo Terra:


Evo Terra:

And here it is.

Evo Terra:

If you work in the business of podcasting, you need to be

Evo Terra:

a podcaster.

Evo Terra:

A controversial

Evo Terra:

take, I know, which is why I wanted to take today's episode

Evo Terra:

to really help push you in the right

Evo Terra:

direction, or what I feel

Evo Terra:

is the right direction.

Evo Terra:

Now, if you're feeling called out right now, relax, I'm not advocating

Evo Terra:

for your immediate dismissal, nor do I think your employment should

Evo Terra:

be predicated on you having

Evo Terra:

an active, growing podcast.

Evo Terra:

That is not my position at all.

Evo Terra:

My position is that you should want to have your own podcast, either a solo show

Evo Terra:

or a group effort, because it

Evo Terra:

will make you better at your job.

Evo Terra:

It will accelerate your career trajectory.

Evo Terra:

It will increase your value, present and future.

Evo Terra:

And it will make you all the more resilient and able to withstand

Evo Terra:

the upheaval our industry faces

Evo Terra:

every single day.

Evo Terra:

By becoming

Evo Terra:

a person who works in the business of podcasting and is a

Evo Terra:

podcaster, you'll gain an appreciation for the role you play in the podcast

Evo Terra:

ecosystem at your job that no amount of training can ever provide.

Evo Terra:

By becoming a person who works in the business of podcasting and is

Evo Terra:

a podcaster, you'll have more than just an appreciation of the effort

Evo Terra:

it takes to put out a podcast,

Evo Terra:

you'll gain empathy for those

Evo Terra:

that do.

Evo Terra:

And that empathy will lead to understanding, and understanding will

Evo Terra:

make you more efficient and more effective because you'll know the crux points faced

Evo Terra:

as a podcaster because you faced them.

Evo Terra:

That's the why.

Evo Terra:

Here's the how.

Evo Terra:

Before the how, let me be clear, I do not care what kind of podcast you make,

Evo Terra:

where you host it, or whom you collaborate with, or even how

Evo Terra:

big you can grow it.

Evo Terra:

I mean, you may care about some of those aspects, depending on your own

Evo Terra:

goals and objectives, but for me, it's enough that you start podcasting.

Evo Terra:

And then keep podcasting, ideally.

Evo Terra:

So go ahead and start on Anchor or some other free hosting platform if you want.

Evo Terra:

Though, I would recommend keeping your employer's

Evo Terra:

relationships in mind.

Evo Terra:

If they have

Evo Terra:

a, or perhaps they are their own, preferred podcast hosting company,

Evo Terra:

you'd probably be seen as a model employee if you use that same service.

Evo Terra:

Likewise, if your company has an antagonistic relationship with a hosting

Evo Terra:

company, that's probably one you want to

Evo Terra:


Evo Terra:

But look, podcasting

Evo Terra:

hosting companies range in price from free to cheap.

Evo Terra:

So don't let that stop you.

Evo Terra:

And when you podcast, I mean, you know, going through the actual motions of

Evo Terra:

making a podcast, I think you should do as much as you possibly can on your own.

Evo Terra:

And yes, that's scary and a lot.

Evo Terra:

So I'm not going to fault you if you establish a team of

Evo Terra:

people, hand off as many moving parts to others.

Evo Terra:


Evo Terra:

a lot to podcasting and you're not going to grok it all,

Evo Terra:

probably, if you just simply show

Evo Terra:

up and talk into a microphone

Evo Terra:

with your

Evo Terra:

friends for thirty minutes and

Evo Terra:

then bug out while they do all the work.

Evo Terra:

But hey, at least you'll understand some of the process.

Evo Terra:

But I think you should try your hand at everything, even like audio

Evo Terra:

editing and engineering.

Evo Terra:

And I don't

Evo Terra:

care if you use a free tool like GarageBand or Audacity.

Evo Terra:

You can

Evo Terra:

even use Descript if

Evo Terra:

you want.

Evo Terra:

You don't have to use professional tools like Hindenburg Pro, my tool of

Evo Terra:

choice, Adobe Audition, or Pro Tools.

Evo Terra:

You'll learn so much about this industry just by

Evo Terra:

editing audio tracks, sweating

Evo Terra:

over things like softening

Evo Terra:

plosives, EQ, and whether

Evo Terra:

or not to leave in that sharp intake of breath.

Evo Terra:

Riveting, I know, but also very crucial to what it is that we do here.

Evo Terra:

And if you can, I think you should work on your episode outline.

Evo Terra:

You should write up the episode details.

Evo Terra:

You should send the audio file off for transcription and then

Evo Terra:

correct that transcription.

Evo Terra:

You should fret over just

Evo Terra:

the right

Evo Terra:

title for the episode.

Evo Terra:

You should

Evo Terra:

create episode

Evo Terra:

cover art in Canva or some other

Evo Terra:


Evo Terra:

You should research guests, invite the guest to a recording session,

Evo Terra:

conduct the interview, and then pull the files from the recording system.

Evo Terra:

You should make social media assets, whether those are static

Evo Terra:

images or audiograms, and

Evo Terra:

even video formats.

Evo Terra:

And you should then publish those assets

Evo Terra:

to see what resonates.

Evo Terra:

You should

Evo Terra:

try to get people to listen to your show.

Evo Terra:

You should work on collaborations with other podcasters and participate

Evo Terra:

in various Twitter spaces and even answer newbie questions in places

Evo Terra:

where newbie podcasters hang out.

Evo Terra:

You don't have to have a hit podcast to gain this experience.

Evo Terra:

You don't have to attract advertisers or sponsors to your show.

Evo Terra:

You don't have to vie for the biggest

Evo Terra:

celebrity guest.

Evo Terra:

All you

Evo Terra:

have to do is learn what it truly means to make a podcast.

Evo Terra:

And I assure you that doing so will make you that much more valuable to

Evo Terra:

the podcast-related company

Evo Terra:

you work for today, as well

Evo Terra:

as podcast-related companies

Evo Terra:

you might work for tomorrow.

Evo Terra:

With that, I shall be back next week with yet another Podcast Pontifications.

Evo Terra:


Evo Terra:

Podcast Pontifications is written and narrated by Evo Terra.

Evo Terra:

He's on a mission to make podcasting better.

Evo Terra:

Links to everything mentioned in today's episode are in the notes

Evo Terra:

section of your podcast listening app.

Evo Terra:

A written-to-be-read article

Evo Terra:

based on today's episode is

Evo Terra:

available at

Evo Terra:

where you'll also find a video version and

Evo Terra:

a corrected transcript, both created

Evo Terra:

by Allie Press.

Evo Terra:

Podcast Pontifications is a production of Simpler Media.



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