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E02 Take the First Step: How to Begin Your TV Talk Show Journey
Episode 212th April 2023 • TV Talk Show Formula • Donna Kunde
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  1. “Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it”― Buddha 
  2. Become a person worth watching by focusing on your purpose instead of your fear so you create a TV Talk Show that changes businesses and lives. 
  3. Your purpose will be like the sun, everything will revolve around it and nothing else can pull you away from it.   
  4. Get crystal clear on your life’s purpose and your reason for creating a TV Talk Show. It will be your compass to guide you in everything else you do. 
  5. [TAKE ACTION] Share your purpose with your social media community in a short video. 

Remember, if you want direct, live support from us for your TV Talk Show, then contact us today at

Each week we will walk through an easy-to-follow, proven, plug-and-play way to get YOUR podcast done, 13 minutes at a time, in just 13 weeks.

So follow the formula each week. And welcome to the show.


Declan Oceguera

International TV Producer & Talk Show Host, Visionary Media Institute Founder 

Declan Oceguera is a video and TV Talk Show Host whose TV Talk Show Formula has impacted over 100,000 lives globally and gives business owners and entrepreneurs a simple way to make a positive impact while sharing their vision and services with an aligned audience. Via his flagship training program, The Authority & Visibility Accelerator, Declan shows visionary authors, coaches and course creators how to transform their life experiences into attention-getting videos that magnetize their ideal customers. Declan’s life mission is to elevate consciousness in the world and that’s why he teaches heart-centered experts how to broadcast their brilliance by hosting their own TV show. If you’d like to learn more about the TV Talk Show Formula, contact Declan today for an exploration call. 

Donna Kunde

Global Radio Authority & Podcast Expert, IBGR Co-Founder

Donna Kunde is a podcast host & radio personality who has produced almost 14,000 podcasts, while elevating businesses, with more than 300,000 downloads (to date). So with her own international business radio station (and network), Donna is amplifying more than 70 experts (in 14 countries), reaching listeners in more than 180 countries, and delivering worldwide transformation, every single day. Donna is all about taking proven wisdom and applying it, 13 minutes at a time. Then turning that into a podcast AND book, in just 20 weeks. (It’s called the Influencers Formula.) If you’d like to learn more about the Influencers Formula for your business, contact Donna today.


Donna Kunde



You're listening to business Podcasting Made Easy, a brand new season with the TV talk Show Formula, where you get a roadmap to elevate your authority and expand your visibility with a TV talk show that you're proud of. And you're listening on the IBGR Radio Network. This is episode two. Today we're talking about use your purpose to create a TV talk show that changes businesses and lives. I'm Donna Kunde, co founder of the IBGR Network global Radio Authority and podcast expert and the producer of over 14,000 podcasts.

Declan Oceguera



A lot of podcasts. I'm Declan Oceguera. Some people know me as Rich. I'm a TV producer and international TV talk show host. My TV talk show Formula has impacted over 100,000 lives globally and gives business owners and entrepreneurs a simple way to be seen and heard with their own purpose driven message. And we are your hosts for this 13 week journey. So remember that you can easily follow the plan at And if you want direct life support from us for your TV talk show, then contact us today at

Donna Kunde



And welcome to the show. Yes, this is our second step, second episode into this. And of course, if you've been listening to any of our seasons, any of our shows, you know that we start off with a quote. We just love quotes to focus. And this one is from the Buddha. It says, Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it. Find your purpose.

Declan Oceguera



Yeah, exactly.

Donna Kunde



Well, it's true, because, Declan, I don't know about your clients, but I have a lot of them that when they do some soul searching for purpose, they're like, I don't know, what's my purpose? What's my purpose? I love Dr. Seuss. Read it to my kids a lot. And it always reminds me of, are you my mother? Are you my mother? Are you my purpose? Are you my purpose?

Declan Oceguera



Yes. It's pretty common. I think people are challenging because I encounter that for sure with my own life. That was a thing for a long time. But when you find that, when you get clear on that, then everything else that you do is going to like they call your North Star, right?

Donna Kunde




Declan Oceguera



Everything organizes around it. And anything that doesn't match that or move you towards that purpose, then it's not for you to do. Which is kind of a relief, right?

Donna Kunde



Yeah. When it was explained to me, it was said that your purpose is like the sun, where everything else revolves around it. And and then you have your vision, which, you know, you you kind of takes you towards towards towards that purpose, and then your goals are just a little action steps to get there. And why is this all important?

Declan Oceguera



Because you want to become a person worth watching by focusing on your purpose instead of your fear. Right. And when you do this, then you can create a TV talk show that changes businesses and lives and really like the sun, like what you were just talking about. When you're clear on your purpose and your show is related to that, then you create this unique universe that draws your specific audience and gives you the entire world of what you're going to speak about, because it's your unique brilliance coming from that place of purpose.

Donna Kunde



Your unique brilliance. Yes. And you and I have both delved into Napoleon Hill's think and grow rich. And he talks about the six ghosts of fear, and I think it's so interesting that he calls them they're ghosts of fear because it is they're not real, but they're as real as it is to what was that Ebenezer Scrooge? Was it him who was the guy that went to bed around Christmas time and got visited by yeah.

Declan Oceguera



Yes. The ghost of Christmas past future.

Donna Kunde



Yeah. Yes. And these are the ghosts that we live in if we allow it. Right. That's the hard part, is that fear is really what is false evidence appear appearing real.

Declan Oceguera



Yes. Yeah. That which we give power to is what persists. It becomes our reality. And so we always get to make a choice right. To be aligned with what we're afraid of, and that more of that shows up, and that immobilizes. Or this is why the purpose is so important. When you know what that purpose is and it lights you up, then you might be afraid. You might be scared as you move towards it, but the power of your purpose is more powerful, and that pulls you forward.

Donna Kunde



There's another book that I do a lot of study from. I don't just read books and I do nonfiction, but it's by Dr. Maxwell Maltz. It's called Psycho Cybernetics. And what blew my mind in his book was that you can give all of this energy to fear and worry and doubt or you can give the same amount of energy, because we tend to give a lot of energy to those things that we're afraid of. And most of us tend to be timid towards the things that towards going towards what we want. He said, but what if you changed the focus and you gave as much energy to everything that you're excited about? And so he calls it like positive worry. That positive fear energy. If your fear exists, if that same amount of energy exists in your fear, well, turn around, do a 180, and put it towards all the things you want in there.

Declan Oceguera



Yeah, I call that flipping the script. Right. Using we're the writers of our script, right, in our reality. So if you're going to use that much energy, put it like exactly what you're saying, put it towards the thing that's going to make the difference for you. And that's part of why we had you do affirmations in the last episode. That's part of the flipping of the script. Right.

Donna Kunde



Yeah. And I always like to tell the story here when we talk about fear and performance, because I have a background in music. I went to college for it. I did a senior recital. It was the worst performance I've ever done in my life. And I was a performing musician for 20 years. People say, Why was it the most worst performance of your life? And it was because I went on stage with no butterflies. I hadn't I had no anxiety and no fear. And it was what I gave as a performance was so flat that the audience was just like, oh, golf clap. Nice. I played all the notes. Right. But some of that fear energy can also be excitement. So when you're getting ready to push the button, get really clear, a lot of times we just like, anytime we have this, we say, oh, that's fear. Is it really?

Declan Oceguera



Well, your body actually it doesn't know the difference between what we call fear and that energy. It's that excitement.

Donna Kunde



Excitement energy. Yeah.

Declan Oceguera



Physiologically, it's the same mechanism, but we call it fear, and we allow it to keep us from something. But you're a musician. I grew up being a musician as well and doing lots of stage acting, comedy. Talk about fear. Oh, my gosh. Getting in front of an audience in a comedy club, that is one of.

Donna Kunde



The scariest things ever.

Declan Oceguera



Yes, but I withdrew from that, just like what you're talking about. I was terrified. It's really scared. It's very vulnerable to do that kind of work. But I used it. I turned it into energy because I know that my body doesn't know the difference, but my brain knows what I tell it. Right. So I called that excitement. And then that brings you alive, right?

Donna Kunde




Declan Oceguera



And that's what you got to do. Like you said, when you go to push that button what button are we talking about? The record button on your computer or your phone when you're making videos or going to record or go live for your show.

Donna Kunde



Yeah. One more example here is if you go to a movie and it's do your palms get sweaty? Are you starting to like, I'm still.

Declan Oceguera



Afraid to take baths because of that movie?

Donna Kunde



Yeah, exactly. I'm referring to Jaws. The movie Jaws. And it's just a screen. You could watch it how many times, and your heart still you have a physical response to something that's not real because it's in your head. If you go to a drama and you start crying because something is making well, it's not making you sad. It's a physical response. And so we're talking about this physical response, and you can take what you call fear and you can turn it however you want to turn it into different energy. We're getting a little heavy here, so make sure you subscribe to and if you want support from us for your business TV talk show, we want to be there for you. Contact us today at But it can be real as day. Terrifying. I remember back in the high school, I'm dating myself when Nightmare on Elm Street came out. I didn't sleep. I had to go see it again and again and again. So my mind would say, it's not real. Declan, let's start going down the path of what you need to do. What do we want people to do that are listening right now that want to get started?

Declan Oceguera



Well, we want you to get crystal clear on your life's purpose, and maybe you've done some of this work already. So if you have, we're going to revisit this because there's always some zhuging we can do, maybe some words that change. But if you haven't gotten clear, then this is going to be so powerful for you. So we want you to get clear. Think about this. Write it out. What is your life's purpose and the reason for creating a TV talk show? If you're going to create a show right, or any video, there has to be that reason which comes from your purpose. So we want you to get clear on that because it really does become like the sun, like Donna was saying earlier, it's the center point, it's the compass. It's there to guide you in everything else that you will do. And then what are they going to do with that?

Donna Kunde



Donna share it and create a short video and share it on social media. And do it afraid if you have to. It'll probably be a little bit frightening. We understand that. We get it. But you're here because you want to create a TV talk show. We could have started with get this camera, get this lighting, do this. That the other thing. But what good would that have done if you invested all of this time and energy into equipment and scripting, if you're not sure still what to say and you're not ready to share it? So that's why we're starting with this.

Declan Oceguera



And why you're saying it, which is what the purpose piece is. Everything that we're showing you in every episode is to help you to develop that confidence. But the confidence is from the inside. And you get to choose if you're going to rise up to that or allow fear to keep you from being seen. And we're rooting for you to allow yourself to be seen. So when you do this exercise, this action, like Donna said, even if you're nervous, that's authenticity, and people respond to that. We'll talk a lot more about that in future episodes, but I think we're going to have to start wrapping this guy up again.

Donna Kunde



Yeah, I know. It goes so fast. We are going to wrap this one up. This is episode two of the TV talk show Formula, how to use your purpose to create a TV talk show that changes businesses and lives. You're listening on the IBGR Network. I'm Donna Kunde.

Declan Oceguera



And I am Declan Oceguera.

Donna Kunde



Thanks for listening. We'll be right back.




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