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BOLD BASICS with Allyson Marino
Bonus Episode21st July 2021 • Boss Goddess • Christina Barsi
00:00:00 00:25:36

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Since this week I had the expert of experts on sales and cpm’s and ad insertion and podcast monetization then I couldn’t let her go without breaking it all down for us. If you’ve ever needed the basics on how to work with brands, what they’re looking for, how to leverage your niche to monetize and all the definitions around CPM’s, dynamic ads and more then the conversation I have with Allyson Marino, the Founder of podcast ad agency Lipstick & Vinyl is for you.

Allyson’s bullet points of what you need to know:

  • Brands are looking for their customer in your audience 
  • Smaller listenership can garner ad sales if it is niche specific & has an engaged audience
  • How to calculate CPM 
  • Total impressions per month (total episode downloads for the whole month) is how you create the number to share with advertisers that represents your current listenership
  • Dynamic Ad Insertion versus Native Reads
  • Twitter: @AllysonSS

    Instagram: @allyson__marino or @_lipstickandvinyl_


    Thinking of starting a podcast? Get the FREE companion Podcast Starter Guide now:

    Connect with Barsi on IG: @thebarsi

    Visit our company website for any podcasting or media creation needs.

    Do you have a question you'd like to ask on Be Bold Begin? We'll feature it on the show and offer answers in an upcoming episode. Just email us here:

    Be Bold & Happy Creating!




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