There's a lot of boasting going on here. What's everyone so proud about? Well, there's poor man, and he's boasting in the riches that are his in Christ. He is a child of God, heirs and co-heirs with Christ. There is no one richer than that poor man! There's someone else boasting; who's this? It's the rich man. Is he boasting in all he has in this life? No! He's boasting that he will one day get to leave it all behind and have Christ. He's so happy that this is not all there is - for he has come to realize that "fading is the worldlings pleasure, all his boasted pomp and show; solid joys and lasting treasure, none but Zion's children know."
Are you able to boast like this? Today's message is all about finding joy - no matter what your financial condition.
Pastor Jon Hueni - 9/28/2008