What do you do when something happens in your life, and it means you have to stop everything in your business to deal with it?
We live in an uncertain world, and the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic has shown that you don’t know what might be coming around the corner to turn your life upside down.
And while your business is a huge part of your life, there are inevitable things that happen with your family and loved ones which, at times, mean they need to come first.
Running a business is challenging during these times. You don’t have the usual time, energy, and resources to keep the plates spinning.
So what can you do? In this podcast episode, I’m sharing some thoughts on how to navigate the day-to-day running of your business and taking care of yourself too.
The last 12 months have been a stop-start time for me.
And I’m talking about some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way in the hope it will be helpful for you if you’re experiencing the same.
Key topics and timings in this episode:
00:00 - Introduction
1:29 - Defining a stop-start period
4.44 - My own stop-start experience from the last 12 months
7.46 - The difference between going through tough times as a business owner compared with an employee
9.20 - Seven thoughts on how to navigate stop-start times.
9:36 - 1. Accept that you can't do all the things
10:36 - 2. Take the pressure off yourself
13:29 - 3. Work out how much time you can dedicate to work
15:22 - 4. Prioritise cash-generating activity
17.30 - 5. Step away from things that will make you feel rubbish
21:03 - 6. Accept that things will take longer than usual
25:11 - 7. Be kind to yourself
27:19 - Coaching exercise: Prioritising tasks
30:13 - Final thoughts
34:22 - How to keep in touch
Links mentioned in this episode:
Further reading
Navigating the rollercoaster of running a business
The power of taking a pause in your pet business content
Why I trained as an accredited coach and what this means for your pet business
How to navigate controversy in your pet business
Buy Emotional Agility by Susan David here on Amazon.
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