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Walking in the Will of God (Part 2) | Andy Elmes | 23rd April 2023
23rd April 2023 • Family Church Portsmouth • Family Church Portsmouth
00:00:00 00:42:38

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Pastor Andy continues today with part two of his three part series on the Will of God. This week Andy speaks on Walking in the will of God. We can only walk in the will of God if we know what His will is. The Bible is full of the Prescriptive and Prohibitive will of God, as Andy explained last week. This week, Andy concentrates more on looking at God’s Perfect will and also His Permissive will. 

By permissive, we mean things that God permits or allows while other things would be God's perfect will for our life. God's will is sovereign yet certain things are permissive – they may not be what God truly desires for us, but will allow us to do these things. Our choices may give us a lesser experience of life than what He intended in His perfect will. Some people are happy to live within His permissive will only. 

There is also available to us the perfect will of God - that which God wants for us, which is His very best. God has specific perfect will plans for us, but we have choices whether we take hold of them or just settle for living in that which is allowed. In Jeremiah 29 verse 11, God speaks to Jeremiah saying I know the plans, filled with prosperity, not harm that will give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah had to choose to say yes or no to the plans of God – he did say yes. In Jeremiah chapter 1, he says the word of the Lord came to me saying before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. 

The permissive will of God will never match the perfect will of God. Let us aim for the perfect will of God. 





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