What's the point of marriage? Do I have to get married? Is being married an "upgrade" to my spirituality? What are the pros and cons to being married? What about being single? Is it better to just stay single?
What a conversation we have for you today! We're digging into all the dirt on being married and being single and the pros and cons to each one. We even included a couple of our single ladies to weigh in on this topic and share with us their thoughts! You wont want to miss this one!
This Momentary Marriage (Piper)
The Meaning of Marriage (Keller)
Love&Respect (Eggerichs)
Boundaries in Dating (Cloud and Townsend)
Kingdom Marriage (Evans)
Single-Dating-Engaged-Married (Ben Stuart)
9 Lies That will destroy your marriage (Paul and Smalley)
Sacred Marriage (Gary Thomas)
The Marriage Builder (Larry Crabb)
Sheet Music (Dr Leman)
Wait and See (Wendy Pope)
Emotionally Healthy Relationships study (Peter Scizzaro)