TITLE: Must I go to court?
Guest: Amanda Singer, Esq., CDFA®, MDR, Co-Owner and Professional Family Mediator, West Coast Family Mediation Center
In this episode of the Her Empowered Divorce Expert Series podcast, Beverly Price interviews Amanda Singer, Esq., CDFA®, MDR, Co-Owner and Professional Family Mediator, West Coast Family Mediation Center Amanda will discuss what legal options are available and how does mediation differ from mediation.
The conversation touches on: The Role of the mediator and how she helps divorcing and divorced women.
Key Interview Questions:
1. What is divorce mediation?
2. What are the benefits of mediation?
3. What is the mediation process like?
4. What should I look for in a mediator?
5. How can a divorce mediator who is also a CDFA be helpful in my mediation?
6. If my spouse is a narcissist will mediation work for us
Actionable Takeaways:
1. Information on how mediation can be beneficial to their divorce process.
2. Understanding how to find the right divorce mediator for them
3. Know what a mediator’s role is and what other professionals they may need to work with during their divorce.
About this week's special guest, Amanda Singer:
Amanda D. Singer, Esq., MDR, CDFA® is a professional family mediator and co-owner of West Coast Family Mediation Center. She is also a licensed attorney and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst. She works to help families improve communication, solve problems and reach agreements while staying out of court and works with clients all throughout California. She has a focus and interest on premarital mediation as well as training other mediators on the service. Amanda was the past Vice President of the Academy of Professional Family Mediators and was the awardee of the 2022 APFM Outstanding Professional Family Mediator Award. She is a member of the State Bar of California and actively involved in Lawyers Club of San Diego.
Website: www.westcoastfamilymediation.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/divorce_mediators
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WestCoastFamilyMediationCenter
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/singeramanda/ and https://www.linkedin.com/company/west-coast-family-mediation-center
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About Beverly Price, Her Empowered Divorce Podcast Host and Divorce and Empowerment Coach for Women
Beverly Price, MBA, certified Divorce and Empowerment coach , and podcast host, combines divorce and empowerment coaching to provide education, support, and insight to guide women along the entire divorce process, and to conquer its emotional, technical, financial and logistical challenges. She serves women in four groups 1) those contemplating divorce, 2) those in the legal and financial process, 3) those dealing with co-parenting, and 4) those who are divorced, but want a happier, more fulfilling life.
Her coaching stresses self-awareness, conflict resolution, communication skills, organization, and clarity. She provides one-on-one custom designed coaching to help women through the ups and downs and grow from self-doubt to self-love quicker, with less pain, more knowledge and more support than she had. She shares educational tools, skill building techniques, mindset and emotional growth work to help women navigate the achieve an empowered state, where they find and use their voice, reduce their hostility and low elf-esteem, develop enhanced communication skills and move on to a fulfilling next best chapter in their lives.
Beverly also comes from a background as a senior executive in financial services in corporate America. There she managed areas such as Accounting, Finance, HR, Executive Coaching and Training. She has a personal history with divorce, co-parenting, domestic violence and more. Combining this personal experience with her training, professional certifications and business knowledge, she can help women by supporting them along their journey, helping them to work through resentments, challenges of co-parenting, time management, communication, fear, sadness and shock.
She knows what it is like to let relationships destroy self-esteem and self-confidence. She knows what it’s like to handle co-parenting while being a single mother, to feel shame and resentment, and fear that she can’t do it all. When she finally embraced her authentic voice and her own power, she went from self-doubt to self-love – and that is what she wants for her clients.
Beverly Price, MBA, certified Divorce and Empowerment coach , and podcast host, combines divorce and empowerment coaching to provide education, support, and insight to guide women along the entire divorce process, and to conquer its emotional, technical, financial and logistical challenges.
She serves women in three groups:
1) those contemplating divorce and wanting clarity in their decision process,
2) those in the complex and confusing legal and financial process, and
3) those who are divorced and unhappy, but want a happier, more fulfilling life.
To schedule your private consultation click here.
Beverly’s website – www.herempowereddivorce.com
Social Media Links:
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Sign up for a free consultation with Beverly to find out there is someone who can educate, advocate and guide you through all phases of divorce so you can reach an empowered and happy new life! Click on the link https://Beverly-Price.as.me/Consultation
Other episodes of the Her Empowered Divorce podcast and the Divorce Expert Series, information about Beverly’s coaching, blogs and more can be found at https://www.herempowereddivorce.com
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