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236 Understanding Western Medicine Through the Lens of Chinese Medicine • Dr Wen Hua-Bing
Episode 23625th January 2022 • Qiological Podcast • Michael Max
00:00:00 01:23:47

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Curious to know about your experience in the ER at Dong Zhi Men, where you using Western or Eastern medicine there? Or some combination?

Diabetes and High Blood Pressure are two modern illnesses we frequently see. Most Americans are quite content to take medication for the rest of their lives. I’d like to get your thoughts on how we can help our patients to reverse these problems and live medication free.

Lately I’ve had a lot of patients showing up with neuropathy. It’s a tough condition to treat, and in my experience requires long term care. Which people are not keen on unless you can first get dramatic enough results that they sell themselves on Chinese medicine. How do you approach this problem?

Men’s health is as neglected in our profession as women’s is not. Most men will have some form of prostate enlargement or cancer if they live long enough. It seems to me there is an area that we should be able to do a lot of good. Your thoughts.




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