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10 Prophetic Values – James Levesque
Episode 13614th October 2023 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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10 Prophetic Values

James Levesque

With all of the turmoil we see happening all around us right now, it more important than ever before for believers to know and hear the voice of God. It is so important for us to be able to discern His voice as we prepare for the soon return of Jesus in these final days. Amen!

Today’s guest is the perfect person to help us gain a better understanding of this. I know you’ll be blessed because he has also authored a great book discussing this exact thing. Amen! The book is titled, “10 Prophetic Values for Today.”  We will be going over some highlights from this book as we get further along into the interview. Amen!

James Levesque is an author, church planter, and international speaker. He is also the founder and lead pastor of a network of Engaging Heaven churches across North America. Widely regarded as some of the emerging apostolic champions of revival and awakening in the United States and beyond, James and his wife, Debbie, are passionate about seeing lives transformed through Jesus Christ.

Pastor Levesque also hosts the popular daily Fulfill My Destiny Podcast and is the host of various TV shows, including Breaking Through with James Levesque and Love Living Life on CTN. Together, Pastor James and his wife Debbie live in Clearwater, Florida with their three children, Isaac, Luke, and Amayah.

I had the blessing of having Pastor Levesque on our podcast way back in December of 2018.  Episode #405… amen!

It is a blessing and an honor to welcome back a great man of God, Pastor James Levesque!  Pastor, thank you for coming back on the program today!

Episode #405, Pastor!  That was almost 1000 episodes ago!  Praise God!

I just want to take a minute and catch up. I believe our audience will enjoy this…

I’m not expecting you to remember this, but I went back and did some research.  We first connected on Facebook back in October or November of 2018. I had made a post asking if anyone had any questions or needed help in launching a podcast. You responded because you were just in the process of launching “Engaging Heaven Today” podcast. This is a daily podcast, so how many episodes are you up to now with your podcast?

Praise God!  And folks, you need to listen and to subscribe to his podcast. It is upbeat, energetic and if you listen every morning – it will FIRE YOU UP for the day! Amen!

Pastor, last time we talked, you were living in the New London, CT area. Now you’re in Florida.  Do you still have that infamous building in New London as your church?  Can you tell us about the history of that building and why it is so significant?

Naturally, it’s been upgraded over the last hundred years or so… but the structural foundation is still intact?  And you’ve found some interesting things over the years… like George Washington Carver’s initials carved into a wall and things like that?

Praise God for your growth over the last five years or so. Last time we talked, I believe you were only in two locations. But you are now in four locations around the country?

Let’s jump into some current events and discuss your latest book. Amen?

There is no doubt that we live in a very pivotal moment in history. It seems the world is tumbling out of control into deeper and deeper darkness. Something happened to you in December 2020. Can you explain what happened and what God was showing to do?

You share that, within the prophetic movement, there are extreme credibility issues. This is causing believers to become disillusioned, frustrated and unsure of whom they should trust.

What is the importance of Proverbs 18:21 for us today?

Yet, you say that God is speaking even more clearly now than ever before, if only we are able to listen. Can you explain this for us?

Let me ask you… why did you write this book and why publish it at such a time as this?

What are some of the prophetic values you outline in your book?

You share that hearing God’s voice is something every believer can “learn.” How can we begin tuning into God’s voice?  Is there some way they can position themselves to hear Him more clearly and frequently?

Give us a couple more of the prophetic values you outline in your book…

If each person begins to tap deeper into the prophetic, will that clash with some church pastors and leadership that may not be hearing God’s prophetic as clearly some may believe?

Pastor, this has been so interesting. How can someone obtain a copy of your book, “10 Prophetic Values for Today?”  Is it on Amazon?

 I’m so blessed that you reached out to come back on the program with me today. If someone has a question or would like to reach out for more information, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below…

Folks, there are a lot of issues going on in the world right now. In addition to the “wars and rumors of wars” and all the other signs in Mathew 24… we have severe societal issues right now as well.  In addition to rampant crime sweeping the nation, there is issues with increase in suicides, depression, drug use. You name it and it is happening now, at a pace and a level that has never been seen before.

There is no doubt we are living, in what the Bible describes as, “The Last Days.”

But there is no need to fear. Fear is of the devil, not God.

What we need to do is “tune into God” on a deeper, more frequent level. Amen!  Don’t shout me down when I’m preaching good! Praise God!

In these unprecedented times, His voice must be our guide, and His Word must be our lamp. And as you follow where He leads, you will speak peace to the enemy's storms and be the light the world so desperately needs.

Pastor James Levesque’s book, “10 Prophetic Values” will help you to do just that. Amen!

Drop down into the show notes below. Click the links right there and order your copy of “10 Prophetic Values” right now. Do it while you are thinking about it. Amen! You know as well as I do that the devil does not want you to read this book. So do the opposite of what he wants and do what God wants!  Order this book and LEARN how to draw closer to God. Amen!  Praise God!

Pastor, I want to thank you, again, for coming on the program today, catching up with us and sharing all about your latest book, “10 Prophetic Values.” I do appreciate it.



Social Media:  @James_Levesque


Book:  “10 Prophetic Values” – on Amazon

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