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047 12 Minute Well-Being Meditation: Listen To This Every Morning
Episode 4720th June 2024 • A Changed Mind | Mindset That Matters • David Bayer
00:00:00 00:15:48

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In this episode, I speak with you directly, offering a unique meditation experience designed to help you let go of limiting beliefs and create the life you desire. Whether you're listening in a quiet room, on your commute, or while exercising, this meditation is all about shifting your focus away from habitual, resistant thoughts and opening up space for new, empowering ways of thinking. As you listen, you'll find yourself naturally relaxing and tuning into the qualities you already possess—courage, compassion, curiosity, and more.

I truly believe that transformation is simple and starts with just listening and being present. This meditation isn't about making an effort or figuring things out; it's about allowing yourself to feel good and aligning with the abundance and well-being that already exist around you. By the end of this episode, you'll feel more connected to your inner power and ready to embrace the synchronicities and opportunities life has to offer.

So, take a deep breath, relax, and join me on this journey to a changed mind.


Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality


What We Explored This Episode

00:02:16: Starting the Meditation

00:03:18: Changing Your Habit of Thought

00:04:49: Relaxation and Letting Go of Resistance

00:06:22: The Loving System of Intelligence

00:07:24: Tuning Your Vibration

00:08:25: Creating Extraordinary Experiences

00:09:26: Living in Joy and Curiosity

00:10:29: Giving Up Old Ways

Memorable Quotes

"Transformation is not engaging in the old ways anymore, but allowing space for new ways to emerge."
"The key to you creating everything you want isn't about figuring it out. It's not about hustle and grind. It's not about having enough time or money. The key is simply about being in non-resistance."
"When you live in your joy, curiosity, and anticipation of a beautiful future, your present moment quickly transforms into that future you desire."

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Hey, it's David. Welcome back to A Changed Mind Sanctuary for Your Spirit, a place where each and every episode, I will remind you of the certainty of the goodness future. I'm your friend, your host guide, David Bayer, and I've been getting a lot of requests for meditations and visualizations. So in this episode, I wanted to give you something that you could listen to that would have a profound and practical impact on the way that you're thinking that would support you in letting go of your limiting beliefs, no matter what they are, and support you in creating whatever it is that you're wanting to create in your life right. And so for this episode, my encouragement is just to listen to my word. And this may be a different type of meditation than you've listened to or participated in in the past. And the point of this meditation, and I believe the point of all meditation, is to simply take your attention off of the habitual, continual, patterned thinking that is creating resistance for you. In fact, already this meditation has started. The reason why is because you're no longer thinking about the fact that you feel like there's not enough time or you don't have enough money, or complaining about the way your physical body feels, or the absence of the kind of relationship that you want in your life, or the lack of clarity that you have. You're listening to my voice. And as you listen to my voice, you're actually doing the one thing that's really, really important. You're creating some space to let go of the resistance. Because the resistance is just an automatic mechanism. It's just a psychological and emotional momentum that you've built up throughout the course of your life. And transformation is really quite simple. Transformation is not engaging in the old ways anymore, but allowing space for new ways to emerge. Right now, as you listen to this meditation, whether you're listening with closed eyes in a quiet room, whether you're listening on the car ride into work, whether you're listening while you're walking or running on the treadmill, you're changing your habit of thought. You're simply listening to my words. And as you do that, the natural power within you begins to rise. Everything that you're wanting to be more courageous, more faithful, more compassionate, more curious, more intuitive, more innovative, more disciplined, more in alignment with the vision you have for yourself, all of those things, all of those qualities, all of those character traits, they already exist inside. They're simply being covered up by the old ways, by old habit that you know no longer serve you. And that right here, right now, as you're listening to my voice, you are no longer engaged. Simply by willing to listen to something different, something that makes you feel good, something that brings relaxation, you're actually changing the way that you think. The calm or the relaxation that you're beginning to feel right now is not a result of anything that I'm actually saying. It's simply a result of you not thinking the thoughts that you normally think. That's how easy this process can be for you. Everything that you're wanting is available right now, inside of you and around you. The world is awash with more money than ever before. The world is submerged in more well-being, more health, more feeling good than it ever has been in the history. There are more beautiful relationships out there coming towards you right now than ever before. More people, more connection. And as you simply relax, listening to my word, taking a little bit longer of an inhale, perhaps, a little bit longer of an exhale, everything that you already are, all of those noble qualities, all of those character traits that you desire to be, they move their way to the surface of who you are. And all of the orchestrated and organized coincidences and synchronicities, that infinite intelligence is organized in order to support you in creating whatever it is you want to create in your life, simply by listening to my voice and no longer engaging in the resistance, you allow those things to more easily come. This is such a beautiful life. We live in this incredible system of intelligence that's always working for your greatest growth, your greatest prosperity, your greatest evolution. It is a loving system. The base vibration is love. And it is always there for you, both inside and out, from the cells of your body to the synchronicities and coincidences that occur on a daily basis, the miracle that your life is when you allow it to be. And all you need to do is relax. See, the universe or intelligence or God or Jesus or Allah, whatever you want to call it, it doesn't matter. It's heard your request. It knows what you want. And it's doing all of the heavy lifting right now. All that you need to do is relax. As you relax, which you're doing by simply listening to this short meditation, you begin to tune your vibration. You begin to adjust and align the electrical activity of your brain and your nervous system towards all of the information that is trying to make its way to the thought, the ideas that you need in order to bring into materialization and manifestation the desires that you have. All of creation already exists. The dream, the vision you have, the amount of money in your bank account, the healthy body, connected, compassionate and passionate relationship, clarity of what your purpose is, successful business, kind employer, all of that already exists right here, right now. In order for you to actually experience it through your five senses, the important thing is to tune yourself to that experience, to experience the emotions that you would experience as that becomes your reality right here, right now. And the good news is you don't have to make an effort or push or figure out how to feel that way. You're beginning to feel that way right now simply by not engaging with old thoughts and the old habit that have created a momentum in your mind and your body and in your nervous. If you're wanting to create something extraordinary today, your best plan for doing that might be to go for a walk. Your best plan for that might be to play with your furry friend or to spend more time with your family or to listen to this meditation one more time. Because the key to you creating everything you want isn't about figuring it out. It's not about hustle and grind. It's not about having enough time. It's not about having enough money. It doesn't matter what your current circumstance or situation is and it doesn't matter how long you've been in that situation or how far back your family has experienced that circumstance or situation. None of that matters. The key to you moving forward is simply about you being a non-resist. When you're a non-resist, everything that you've been asking for begins to materialize both through you and around you. That's how much love there is. You're not being asked to work hard. You're not being asked to do the impossible. What life is asking you to do is to enjoy it, to enjoy your life. When you live in your joy and when you live in your curiosity and when you live in the anticipation of a beautiful future, your present moment quickly transforms into that future that you desire. How do we live in our joy? How do we live in our curiosity? Again, those qualities naturally exist in you and will emerge when you give up the old ways. Scripture tells us that in order to have new good wine, we have to put it in new good casks. We can't get good wine out of old casks. You can't get the life that you want out of the old ways. But that doesn't mean we have to figure out the new ways. We just simply have to stop doing what we've been doing that's led to the limitation we're currently experiencing in our life. And you can achieve that in a multitude of ways. You've achieved that over the last 10 minutes we've been sitting here enjoying this time together. And you've been doing nothing other than bringing your attention to the truth. Bringing your attention to the truth does the one thing that can help you materialize and manifest the dreams you have even fast. Pulls your attention away from the old story. You don't have to change the old stories. You don't have to go way back and figure it out when it first started. All you need to do is bring your attention to something. Bring your attention to something that feels good. Because when you bring your attention to something that feels good, you're living in the truth. You're aligning yourself with everything that life represents. The love, the joy, compassion, curiosity, courage, the inspiration. All of that resides inside. All of that has been making its way to serve through your ask. There's no coincidence that you're listening to this meditation right now. You've been asked. And when you ask for something, it is given. The time within which you will receive it is dependent upon your ability to simply be non-resistant. From there, you will receive inspiration, you will take inspired action, and you will meet the alignment that life has been organized. People, the circumstances in order to bring whatever your desire is into your reality. There are no limits. So take a moment to acknowledge yourself. To congratulate for doing the only work that really needs to be done. For taking 10 to 15 minutes today to allow your attention to move from the old ways to the new ways. As you do that, you open up space inside of you. And as you've created this space, watch today and beyond to see what shows up. That's the power of this meditative practice. From the space that you create inside of you, something new can emerge. New thoughts, new ideas, new hunches. And from the space that opens up inside of you, as you engage in the new ways and give up the old ways, simply by bringing your attention to something that feels good, you become more available to the miracles that are making their way to you each and every day. Thank you for being here. You are a critical part of this equation. The desires that you have are an essential part of us moving forward and creating a world that we all love, where we're living in harmony together. And your willingness to take time, to use time wisely, as you have done today, is the most important practice. You can be engaged for yourself and for those you love.




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