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Unread Story is a Broken Dream!
26th February 2015 • Brand Architect • Ani Alexander
00:00:00 00:14:19

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Today I would like to talk to you about the most exciting and at the same time scariest moment. That is the moment when what you’ve been working on for a while is put out to the word.

Many of my guests have mentioned that the biggest challenge that writers are facing is hitting the publish button.

Many writers complete their work and stop there. There are so many amazing stories hidden somewhere in someone’s computer folder or in someone’s drawer.

What makes publishing a book so scary? I can tell my personal opinion. I think that what keeps most of us from putting ourselves out there is the fear of failure. We are afraid to fail publicly. We are afraid that the book won’t be liked, that the book will get bad reviews. We are terrified that people will be asking “so how is your book doing?” and we’ll have to admit that it is not selling…

Besides the emotional pressure we are having with ourselves, by putting our work out there we are putting ourselves in a situation where we also have to deal with others. By publishing our work we kind of give permission to people to read it and later publicly share their opinion about it. The opinion, which can’t be predicted in advance. The opinion which can’t be silenced if it’s not what you hoped for.

So, does it mean that those who hide their writings are right? Well… I don’t think so.

Because along with all the things I said there is another side to this.

What if your book helps someone? What if your book inspires people? What if people need to get the message you’ve shared in the book? What if your writing will help someone escape the reality, forget their problems and re-live the lives of your characters? What if people will actually like it and the book does well?

You know what?

You will never know what will actually happen unless you publish.

So you have 2 choices. Either keep that writing to yourself and keep dreaming seeing your name on book’s cover knowing that the dream will never come true… or collect all the courage you have, take the risk and hit that publish button.

I know it’s hard. I know that you have to get out of your comfort zone for that and that taking risks is scary… But I also know that nothing amazing in life happens until you leave that comfort zone of yours behind.

I know that it is very difficult…

At the same time I believe that an unread story is a broken dream.

Unread story is a broken dream

I know what I’m talking about because I’ve been there. I had different notebooks and word documents hidden far away. I’ve been their only reader and they felt lonely and neglected because of that.

None of the books wants to be read only by its author.

Maybe you are not ready to publish your book because you think it’s not good enough? Well, let me tell you something. None of the good writers are ever completely satisfied with their writing. They all think that it could have been written better. And that’s ok… No one’s first book has been perfect. But if not that first book… we would never have read author’s second, third and fourth books either.

When I was launching this podcast my biggest fear was that no one would listen to me. Well if I listened to that fear and did not launch - no one would listen to me for sure… but you’re listening to me now right? Which kind of proves my point. Just don’t let the fear stop you. Go ahead and try and you’ll be surprised how wrong you were to feel scared.

So ask yourself now…

Do you have a story that you want to share with the world?

Do you dream of seeing your name on a bestseller cover? Do you have a special story to tell?

If yes, then what are you waiting for?

Since I know that it is not easy I am willing to help you and I want to tell you how…

Remember me talking about taking risks, getting out of the comfort zone and putting yourself out there?

Well I did that few days ago…

I am very excited about that. But I am also terrified .. Yes, both at the same time.

That is because I have the same feelings one has while hitting publish. I have launched a Write 2B Read 8 Weeks Master Class for you to overcome everything I spoke about in this episode.

Remember I told Unread story is a broken dream? I want to change that for you. With this Master Class that I have created I want your dream to become reality.

I am not sure you know this, but I spent years in the high stress corporate world as a marketing specialist for big brands… until I finally burned out and decided to strike out on my own. It was a difficult decision, but looking back now I can say it’s been one of the best ones so far.

I decided to follow my passion and become a writer. The only problem was… I knew nothing about writing, self-publishing and book marketing back then.

Oh yeah and I also couldn’t afford to hire anyone to help me out. But what I did have was time (the one great benefit to being jobless).

So I dug in and through trial and error, and more error…  I made all the possible mistakes that self-published newbie authors made. I spent weeks and months researching and experimenting. and failing…

That was until I finally became Amazon bestselling author - twice. But believe me I did it the slow and the hard way.

That is why I want to help you avoid all the mistakes I’d made and save your precious time so you can spend it on writing instead.

The Write 2B Read Master Class will have your book published in 8 weeks.

Basically by the end of week 8 you will be all set for your exciting journey of becoming an author, with your book already available for sale on Amazon and paperback!

During our weekly coaching and video calls I will show you how:

  • to finalize your book and make it ready for publishing (title, cover, blurb, etc)
  • to come up with your launch strategy and make sure that your book gets the visibility it deserves
  • to fulfill your dream and have your book published on the biggest bookstore in the world (both Kindle format and paperback)
  • to build and grow your audience (social media, e mail list building, etc.)
  • to create your personal brand

We will have Group Coaching Meetings With Your Book Project in the Hot Seat

You will become part of the exclusive Facebook Group where you will meet like-minded people and get direct access to me there. You will get feedback on your ideas (book title, cover, concept, launch plan, etc.), present your problems and get help and the members may become part of your book launch team.

Each new member will get 30 minutes Skype call when we will specifically discuss the details your project and end up with action plan  for your book and you will also get unlimited e mail support in-between the live weekly calls

I know what you might be thinking… Actually Few days ago I saw a similar program which was priced over $1,000.

Remember when I told my story? I needed something like this but I could not afford paying thousands of dollars. And I don’t want you to that either.

That is why the price of the 8 week master class is only $149.

You can get all the details and reserve your spot here 

The Master Class starts on March 20 and the group will be limited to 25 people.

25 people only because I want to ensure that I have enough time to provide you with the personal support, encouragement and over the shoulder guidance on top of the knowledge you’ll be getting.

Please do not hesitate to contact me and ask anything you need to know but could not find on the website.

I will be more than happy to meet you in the class.

Let’s share your story with the world!

Well that was all I wanted to share with you today… Just like I feared that no one would listen to my podcast, now I am scared that no one would enroll to the Master Class. I truly hope you’ll prove me wrong again.

Write 2B Read Closed Facebook Group

Please feel free to join me and other Write 2B Read podcast listeners at our Facebook group.






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