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Trust, Surrender & Detach - How to Lean Into Your Life’s Purpose and Become Unstoppable
Episode 509th November 2022 • Joyful Journey • Anita Adams
00:00:00 00:16:10

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In order to create the best possible life for yourself, you must listen to the guidance of your inner wisdom. In order to do that effectively, you must learn to 1) trust that guidance unequivocally; 2) surrender to the current of the universe, even when that current becomes turbulent or wants to carry you in a different direction; and 3) detach from clinging on to any specific outcome. In this episode, we explore how to master these skills so you can create the life you are meant to live and become unstoppable.

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About your host:

I’m your host, Anita Adams, an award-winning leader and the founder of Joyful Inspired Living, an organization dedicated to teaching people how to access their highest most authentic self so they can find clarity and create a life of purpose, passion, and joy. In addition to hosting the Joyful Journey Podcast, I offer retreats, both live and online, and private coaching programs to further guide my clients on their journey to their highest selves.

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Anita Adams:

Welcome to the joyful journey podcast. If you're looking for more clarity in your life, clarity of purpose or how to activate that purpose, and you are someone who wants to operate from your highest self to be a force for good, you know this world craves, then this is the show for you. I'm Anita Adams, your host and guide to finding clarity and creating a life you love. Let's tap into our inner wisdom, access our highest self, and unleash joy. As we do this, we raise our vibration and heighten the collective consciousness. And that, my friend, is the joyful journey. Let's dive in. Hey, joyful journey or Anita Adams here, your host and today I want to talk about the somewhat intangible skills you must learn if you want to create a life that is full of purpose, meaning and joy. If you've been following the show and my teachings, then you understand that in order to create that life, you must look inward to better know yourself. Listen to the inner wisdom that guide you and learn the skills you need to learn to step into the best version of you. Some of those skills are tangible. These are the types of skills you'd find on a resume and, and they are unique to the individual and the thing you're trying to do. Then there are those intangible skills or character traits that everyone must learn if they are truly going to step into their best and highest self and create the greatest life possible. Those skills or traits are at capacity to trust, a willingness to surrender and an ability to detach. Let me explain each of those a little more. Trust is defined as the firm belief in the reliability of someone or something. It's the acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation. Surrender in the context of following your inner wisdom is allowing yourself to be carried by the current of the universe, not fighting against it, even when the current takes you in a different direction than the one you had hoped to go in. And detachment is letting go of the idea that you must attain a specific outcome. Herein lies three reasons why many people do not follow their dreams or the highest calling of their soul. They want to be convinced with irrefutable evidence that if they take a specific path, it will lead them directly to where they want to be. Some are willing to take the leap without evidence so they have trust when they start the journey. But at the first sign of trouble, such as turbulent waters are being pulled by the curd in a different direction. They jump ship. Others are so fixated on a specific outcome, and how to get there that they are blinded to seeing other possibilities or better routes. Although I have noticed a significant difference in my ability to trust, surrender and detach. Since I started consciously, looking inward listening and learning the tangible skills I need to move forward. I am still a big work in progress when it comes to mastering these intangible skills. As you may know, I'm currently writing a book. In fact, the content I've shared on this podcast has fueled much of my first draft. It turns out the writing of this book has proven to be an exercise in testing me how much I can trust, surrender and detach. And the truth is, that hasn't been easy. I have taken time away from growing my coaching business, and I have put my retreats on hold. So I could focus on finishing this book, which has impacted my income. There is part of me that screams about all the things I shouldn't be doing instead that will grow my business and bring in the needed revenue. This is certainly an endless list of things I could be doing. However, my inner wisdom speaks loudly to and it tells me the right thing for me to do right now is to focus on finishing my book. I do believe in the truth of the guidance given And I love the fact that that voice has gotten louder over the years as I've developed my listening skills, yet trusting the path surrendering to the flow of the universe and letting go of my desired outcomes. And to achieving those outcomes by a specific time is far from easy. It's never easy. And yet, I understand that exactly what we all must do if we are going to step into the best version of who we really are, and that greatest vision for our life. If you've been listening to this podcast, you'll recognize that I often talk about leaning in to the guidance of your inner wisdom. This is precisely what I mean by that term. First you lean in by deciding to listen to that voice of inner wisdom, then you lean in by taking action, the first step or a series of baby steps that will lead you down the path. And then you trust that you are on the right path. You surrender to the flow of the universe, and you detach yourself from clinging to any specific outcome. The question we must now address is how, how do we learn to trust surrender and detach? Actually, the question is, how do we relearn to do these things? These are natural abilities we are all born with and then life happens. And we are taught not to trust that we must fight for what we want, and that we've got to keep our eye on the end goal no matter what these ways of being have served us well in many ways. And yet there comes a time when we must let these old ways of being go, and relearn to trust, surrender, and detach. The answer to how you do that has been sprinkled throughout the joyful journey podcast is by learning Oregon relearning to love yourself deeply. I want to take you back to a conversation I had with spirit a few months ago, and which I transcribed into Episode number 33, which is a message about being the love. If you haven't listened to that episode, I encourage you to take a few minutes and do so. The essence of it is that we must understand that not only are we all loved, but we must also be the love. Be the love that you want to receive and choose love and everything you do. From the words you speak the thoughts you think and the actions you take. Always choose love. In order to be the love. You must love yourself deeply. And that comes from investing time with yourself and getting to know yourself. When you do this, when you truly love yourself and stand in love with everything you do, it becomes infinitely easier to trust, surrender and detach. Again, I encourage you to listen to or read listen to episode number 33. As there are some great tips there that can help you deepen your love for self. I believe we can all go deeper with that love of self too, and stand in that place of love in all that we do. Although my sense of self love has grown exponentially since I started to consciously do this work. Every once in a blue moon those feelings of doubt about the path I'm on crop up. Because of this. Once again, I decided to turn to my spirit guides through my automatic writing process to receive some more guidance on how to trust. What I want to share with you now is what came through in that conversation.




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