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6 - How To Increase Enrollments at Your Events with a Sales team with Wingman Coaching's Thanh Dombroe
3rd May 2022 • High Profit Event Show • Rudy Rodriguez
00:00:00 00:25:08

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Welcome back to the "High Profit Event Show" with your host, Rudy Rodriguez. We're excited to introduce Thanh Dombroe, anExpert High Ticket Enrollment Professional. Thanh brings to the table over 18 years of expertise in direct selling and high-ticket sales, sharing his unique insights and strategies that have shaped his successful career.

Throughout the episode, listeners will get an inside look at Thanh's early beginnings in real estate investment, how he mastered the art of building rapport in sales, and his ethical sales philosophy that centers on truly understanding and serving the client's needs. Thanh also opens up about his personal growth journey, detailing how his experiences have influenced his professional life, and the importance of addressing and overcoming sales objections to empower clients.

As a man committed to making an impact, Thanh discusses his aspiration to enhance his influence on people's lives by 33% each year and his desire to leave a legacy marked by service to others and meaningful change.

Memorable moments from the episode include Thanh's perspectives on sales and life: "It's about making sure people feel heard, appreciated, understood, and empowered," and "I want to be known for serving others, being a good father and husband, and truly making a difference in people's lives."

To connect with Thanh or learn more about his work, check the links provided in the show notes. If today's conversation inspired you, make sure to subscribe, like, and share the episode with others who might benefit from Thanh's wisdom. Stay tuned for more episodes of the "High Profit Event Show," where we dive into the strategies and stories behind successful, high-profit events.

Want to connect with Thanh?




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Check out Dale Carnegie's book, How to Win Friends and Influence People at

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Rudy Rodriguez:

Hi, I'm Rudy Rodriguez, the host of The High Profit Event Show. On today's episode, we have an extremely special guest, a dear friend and long term colleague of mine, Mr. Thanh Dombroe. Thanh, welcome to the show, sir. I want to share a few accolades. I know you're a humble man, and you don't like to speak about yourself, but I love talking about you, man. One of the things I really appreciate about you is the fact that you started young. I think at the age of 19, you invested your first $25,000 or $10,000, a big sum to do a week-long course in real estate. You went on to build a serious real estate empire as well as multiple traditional businesses. Heck, you were making over a quarter million dollars by the age of 25. You semi-retired by the age of 35 and you don't have to work, but you choose to work because you love to make a difference and serve people. You're a proud father of three beautiful girls and a wonderful husband to an amazing wife. So, just love bragging about you, man.

Thanh Dombroe:

Thanks, Rudy. It's been a journey for sure. As you mentioned, I started young. I started at 19 years old buying real estate. I knew that growing up, we were poorer than poor. I mean, I'm talking like rice and soy sauce for dinner. If I got instant jello for a snack once in a while, that was a lot. I could go on and on and how we didn't have anything when we were growing up. So from there, I was determined that I was going to change what has happened in my childhood for my kids' childhood. At 19, I said, you know something, I'm going to do something different and begged my parents for an online course that I couldn't afford at first, and then found a mentor and took a one-week course with them. I think it was $17,000 for a one-week course, but I figured out a way to make it happen. That started the journey. Then I bought a single-family home, never lived in it right on campus at my college. Then went to a duplex, four families, and commercial properties. Then graduated college as a computer programmer. Then started my first traditional business. 18 months later, doubled the size of that one, started another traditional business, and then another. Truly just was living the dream. At 25, I was making a quarter million dollars a year. And that's net, by the way.

Thanh Dombroe:

I know if you live in California, that doesn't sound like a whole lot of money, but I live in the Midwest, there was a ton of money. It just continued to grow from there. The one thing that was missing for me, though, even though I had a lot of money, I didn't have a lot of time, but I noticed that everything that I was doing, the only person that really benefited was me. I knew that what I wanted to do in life was much bigger than who I was. So when I hit 35, I decided that I was going to make a shift. That was the time I could, I had the ability to retire if I wanted to, but I wanted to help other people. I wanted to make a difference. Since then, I've truly committed myself to helping others. I've always wanted to help others. I remember in 2006, seven or eight, a good friend of mine came up to me and said, Hey, Thanh, he actually wasn't even asking for anything. He was telling me about his parents and how they were going to lose their house. So I made their mortgage payment for six months. Unfortunately, they still lost their house. It brought me to a point where we've heard the old adage, give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach him how to fish, feed him for a lifetime. What I did is I committed myself to teaching people how to fish. That's where we are today. Now I do what I want, when I want, when my wife says I can, and I have a lot of fun doing it.

Rudy Rodriguez:

That's awesome, man. I love that. You want when you want, when your wife says you can. That's awesome, brother. My understanding is, at the age of 35, when you went into wanting to continue to give back and serve others, that's really where you dove into your career as a sales professional through the direct selling industry, rose to the top of your top 1% of your company you've been with over 18 years, and eventually led you to become a high ticket sales professional. Having done thousands of individual one-on-one consults with people and enrolling hundreds of people into high end coaching, education, mastermind type programs, and just giving amazing experiences to people on a one-on-one basis. I'm looking at my notes here and I see that you've done over 300 events as well over the course of the last 18 years. So you are a veteran to sales and enrollment and events. That's why you're on the show because you are an expert, my friend.

Thanh Dombroe:

It's been a long road, but it's been incredibly rewarding being able to change people's lives, help them see beyond where they are, to where they want to be and help them discover what that possibility is.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Awesome, man. You and I have actually had the privilege and the opportunity to get to work together within the context of Wingman Coaching and the support we've done with some of our partners and the virtual events. You normally are kind of the guy that's running the events and also leading or facilitating or supporting the closing conversations, the enrollment conversations, having people being in that conversation where people are saying yes to a $10,000, $25,000, $50,000 level program. I love the way you do it. I love your ethos and your approach. Would you mind maybe sharing with us a little bit about your philosophy and your strategy when you've done thousands of these at this point? I think it's super insightful.

Thanh Dombroe:

Absolutely. One of the premises that I work upon is that if you don't understand someone's need, want, pain or desire, all you're doing is selling to them. If you understand what their need, want, pain or desire is, and you're offering a solution, now you're truly helping them get what they're looking for in life or relationships or family or whatever it might be. So there's a process that we go through or that I go through specifically whenever I speak to an individual. The first piece is really about building rapport, understanding where they are, where they're coming from. So I may start out with sharing, with asking them, tell me a little bit about yourself, tell me about your life, your business, where you're at. And I let them talk. People love to talk about themselves. So I let them share where they are. It's always great to know where they are, but in order for me to get them to the next step, I need to know where they want to go. So we start to ask them a little more about where you want to be, if you could wave a realistic magic wand, where would you want to see your life, your business in the next 6 to 12 months? If you could have it just the way you'd like it, what would that do for you? What would the best part be? Probably the most important question is why. All too often I see people have goals, but they don't know why they have those goals or they have a why and they don't know the steps or the goals that they need to achieve in order to get to that point. So by diving deeper into that, you really start to understand where they're coming from and what they're looking for.

Thanh Dombroe:

The next piece is really starting to understand what their challenges are. What do you think could be slowing you down, standing in the way or stopping you from reaching those goals? All too often, you'll see people say things like, oh, there's nothing stopping me. Oh, really? That's interesting. I'm curious, if there was something that was slowing you down from reaching those goals because you haven't met them yet, what might it be? And being able to dive deeper in. Sometimes the first challenge is just a fluff answer that they give you. So maybe you need to dive a little deeper and ask them, well, what else could be slowing you down, standing in the way or stopping you? What else? What else?

Thanh Dombroe:

Some people don't realize that they've had these challenges all their lives. Now we have the ability to say, ok, if we can identify what those challenges are and how those challenges have been serving them or not serving them, now we can start to come around to what's going to be the next step. If you could overcome those challenges, overcome those fears and flow freely toward those goals, what would that do for you? How would that make you feel? You get to see people start to shine and get excited and they should start to share with you the best part of being able to be in that space and why it's so important to them. From there, you may ask, how soon do you want this? Then you get to see what expectations they have. Is it now? Is it today? Is it six months from now? Is it a year from now? Is it yesterday? Which is always a wonderful answer, because when they say yesterday, they're really itching, they're really motivated to move forward. You also have to put a gauge on it, understand where they are on a scale of one to 10. How committed are you to reaching these goals? If they say anything less than a 10, it's important to dive in and discover why they're not a 10. Because you and I both know that if you want something and you're committed to getting that, you've got to be a 10 level commitment. Anything less, all it does is open the door for procrastination, excuses, complaining, blaming.

Thanh Dombroe:

So when you're a 10 and there's an obstacle or a challenge, there's only three options at that point. You either go over it, around it, or through it, but no matter what, you're going to move forward. Probably most importantly, in that initial conversation that I have with people, it's about making sure that they get value. That value could be clarity. It could be clarity on their goals. It could be clarity on what it is that they want and why they want it. It could be more clarity on the challenges that they're having. At the very least, helping them create a vision of where they could be.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Thanks for sharing, man, just kind of your overall process that you guide people through. I really can see how it's important the way you take them through their desire, their dream, what heaven looks like for them, as well as connecting with their pains and challenges. And then the impact of that. I think that's a super important process that we can't overlook from a sales perspective. Then the way you also check in with them. I think that one to ten, and making sure that they’re a 10, is super critical. I've had the opportunity to sit in on a few calls together with you that you were leading. One of the things I really appreciate about your approach is this idea that you're not there to hard-close people. You're there to make sure that you're enrolling them for their reasons, not manipulating them or trying to hard-close them using some sleazy tactics. Can you talk about that a little bit? I think that's super important. Our listeners really, they care about not doing sales in a sleazy kind of way. Can you kind of talk about that philosophy a little bit?

Thanh Dombroe:

When I hear someone say something like that, what it reminds me of is convincing. Convincing somebody that they need to do something. Convincing somebody that a product or service is so amazing that they have to buy it. What I believe in is serving. When you truly build rapport, you've got to be professional with them. You have to build the rapport so they know, like, and trust you. If they don't know, like, and trust you, they're not going to listen to anything that you have to say. It's about what they want. Quite honestly, if what I have to offer at the time, depending on the event that I'm working, if it's not a good fit, I don't bring it up. All too often I see people try to ram a square peg in a round hole. It doesn't serve anyone. What I want the individual that I'm sitting with to see is that there is a possibility and I have a solution to that. If it's a good match, let's move forward. If it's not a good match, it's okay, too. I don't ever want to talk somebody into that or be into a product or service and be sleazy about it.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Absolutely. Because it always comes back. I was actually reading in a book the other day that was saying if you do something in a dishonest way, even if they take the action, they'll resent you or they'll come back and undo it, refund, chargeback, all those types of things. That's the benefit of doing it from an enrollment perspective versus a hard sales perspective is you're not having to deal with the wrong people in your programs or chargebacks and refunds or bad things happen to your reputation or disruption in your program or having the wrong people in your program, which is super important.

Thanh Dombroe:

If you have someone that you're sitting with and they're not fully committed to their goals, I mean, the intention of any client that I've ever worked with to sell their product or service is to create success stories. If you bring the wrong person into the program, you won't create a success story from that. Good news travels fast. Bad news travels faster. We want to create success stories to make the client create raving fans for our clients.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Most definitely. Very cool. Thank you for sharing your process again and your ethos and your mindset around how you do things differently than many other sales. That's what also makes you an expert. I think I stepped over this earlier in our interview. Not only have you done hundreds of events, but you've also done high ticket sales. In fact, I think you do on average to maybe even more events a month where you're doing dozens of one-on-one enrollment sessions into very high end, high quality programs. So you're on the ground, you're doing this every single day, every single week. This is not theory. This is coming from experience. So thank you for sharing. I think we’ve got about five minutes left in our show time. I wanted to maybe do a quick little rapid fire kind of question and answer here and give you an opportunity to just kind of share a little more of your expertise. What would you say are three of the most common mistakes that people make when doing one-on-one enrollment sessions for their high end programs? What would you say are three of the most common mistakes you see?

Thanh Dombroe:

Unfortunately, there's a lot of mistakes that I see quite often. One thing I'll say is, you want to be a professional. Whether you're good or bad at what you do, you've got to be professional. What do I mean by that? That's by committing to excellence in your improvement. So that may mean watching, listening to your calls, noticing different things that you're saying, voice qualities, congruency. What's your physiology like when you're talking to somebody? Are you fidgeting around? Are you doing something and not paying attention to the person that you're talking to? Or are you really engaging with that person? Within being a professional, it also says that you've got to take on the identity of who you need to be to facilitate the change for the person that you're talking to. You have to identify as that person that can solve their problems. You have to do that by building that rapport first. Lastly, is when you're listening to their needs and wants and their limiting beliefs, don't buy into them. It's easy to suddenly agree with someone when something is suddenly said. But more importantly, when you hear it, you have to be able to look through that limiting belief and imagine like you're in their shoes, but not own it right now.

Thanh Dombroe:

Don't own it for them. You can hear it. You can understand why they might say something like that, but don't agree with them and their limiting beliefs or their challenges. So those would be the big three things.

Rudy Rodriguez:

I've had a couple conversations about that, that when people have objections, we can buy their story or not. I think in every conversation, somebody's going to buy you. They're going to buy their stories of lack or why they can't or they're going to buy what you have to offer. Really cool. I think we can probably do a whole episode just on the topic of how you handle objections and kind of manage people through those spaces, which I know you have a really great process that you use to make sure people feel heard and appreciated and understood and empowered and take the next best step for them, regardless of whether it's doing the program or not. So, Thanh, what would you say is a good book or resource or training you might suggest to someone who really wants to improve their skills doing high ticket sales?

Thanh Dombroe:

I'm going to say one of the biggest books that have influenced my life, especially in just how I communicate with people and understanding people's needs and how to make that process mesh well, probably How to Win Friends and Influence People. What a great, fantastic book.

Rudy Rodriguez:

That's a great resource. A couple of people on our podcast have recommended that book, which is pretty cool to hear that theme. I agree. Great resource. Awesome. A couple more quick questions. We'll do 30 seconds or less as we kind of come to a close here. This is more on the personal side. So on the personal side, what would you say is the next summit that you want to climb and what challenge or obstacle are you working on overcoming to get there?

Thanh Dombroe:

What's my next biggest goal? My next biggest goal is I'm currently evaluating the number of people that I've impacted over the last 12 months, and I'm still putting some of those numbers together. But I know in my mind, my goal is to impact 33 percent more people than I did last year. So what I believe from that, my hallucination is that the more people I help, the more I'll get in return. So it's very reciprocating that way and fulfilling.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Awesome, man. That's a great mindset tip right there. The more people you help, the more you'll get in return. I heard someone say, help other people get what they want, and then you'll eventually get what you want. Our closing last minute or so here, when it's all said and done, what do you want to be remembered for? What legacy do you want to leave?

Thanh Dombroe:

The legacy that I want to leave is a couple of things. One, at the age of 35, when I had the ability to retire, I did take a couple of years off. One of the things that I noticed is that my kids never saw a work ethic in me at that point, because they didn't see all the hard work that I'd put in for the 17 years prior to that. But they were reaping all the benefits of it. So one of the things that I want to be remembered for is teaching them that you've got to work hard. You don't have to work a lot. You can work smart. I've worked smarter in the last 13 years than I have in the 20 years prior to that. It's allowed us to have a lifestyle that many people want. I'm not ashamed of that, because I know that the reason I have the lifestyle that I have today is because I've helped more people and made a difference. I want to be known for serving others, being a good father, being a good husband, and truly not just selling things, but truly making a difference in people's lives.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Awesome, brother. I appreciate you sharing that. It's a perfect note to end on here. Actually, by the way, Thanh, if viewers want to connect with you or learn more about you and what you do, what's the best place we can send them?

Thanh Dombroe:

Well, I'll tell you, my name is one of a kind. So there's only one of me in the world. If you were to search for my name, you could find me on Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, and also ultimately through Wingman Coaching if you wanted to utilize some of our services.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Yes, you are one of a kind. Beautiful, my friend. And just kind of wrapping up here for our listeners, if you found value from this episode, please be sure to subscribe to the show if you haven't already. If you're watching on social media, be sure to like it and share it. And really take a moment, think about someone in your life that you feel would benefit from the message that was shared today by Mr. Thanh Dombroe. Take a moment and share it with them. So appreciate you, Thanh, for being on. And to our listeners, appreciate you as well. With that being said, we'll go ahead and call this episode a wrap.

Thanh Dombroe:

Awesome. Thank you, Rudy.




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