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3 Dead Giveaways that your Business is not Healthy
Episode 39th February 2023 • The Business Conservatory Podcast • Ellie Mcmakin
00:00:00 00:21:31

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Is your business as healthy as you think it is?This episode will be the ultimate wake up call and will be the true indicator you have been searching for. Too many business owners discover their business unhealthy far too late. You shouldn’t have to experience a crisis to witness the tell tale signs your business needs a health check.

What I’ve discovered is that there are really three main indicators that can tell you how your business is doing, and my job is to help expose those tell-tale signs so you can clearly know how to pivot and bring your business back to optimal health.Here are three questions to ask yourself:

  • Are you only making sales when you show up–and show up a lot?
  • Is your marketing strategy based on one platform?
  • If you had to step away from your business for a time, would it be okay?

A healthy business is able to generate leads without you being present 24/7. It should be cross-posting, not for virality but for security. And when life happens and you need to step away from your business for a time, your business can–and should–still be there when you return.





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