The Surprising Reason You’re Sensitive to Dust & Dander
26 min.
With Shawn Diddy and Śankari Wegman
If you’re the kind of person who starts has dander sensitivities when you even look at a cat or dog, chances are you have an immune system that overreacts to harmless natural substances. But there’s hope.
From the perspective of Ayurveda, accumulated toxins and weak digestion are often the culprits when it comes to sensitivities to common irritants like pets, dust, dander, and mold.
Join Shawn Diddy and Śankari Wegman and learn:
- How diet and herbs can help reduce your discomfort around common irritants
- Why getting more exercise can actually decrease your discomfort
- How stress and sleepless nights could be making matters worse—and what to do about it
- Why meditation and yoga can make things better