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#GivingTuesday with Oceans 2050
Episode 416th November 2021 • St. Supéry #GivingTuesday Chats • St. Supéry Estate Vineyards & Winery
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Join St. Supéry CEO Emma Swain for an inspiring chat with filmmaker and environmental activist Alexandra Cousteau with Oceans 2050. Learn about her award-winning work in restoring the oceans to their former abundance, learning to swim before she could walk from her grandfather Jaques Cousteau, and the small changes we all can make to save the oceans for future generations.

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All right.


Happy giving Tuesday, everyone, we're really excited to be with you here today


and celebrating our oceans again with Alexandra Cousteau,


who is one of the founders of Oceans 2050


and thinking about Oceans 2050.


It just sort of inspires you by the name, knowing that


we can restore our oceans to their future glory by 2050.


That's even in my lifetime at my age.


So I'm pretty darn excited about it because I grew up


by the ocean and really enjoying the ocean.


And to me, it's just so special and so important


to the overall health of our planet.


So Alexandra, you've been an environmentalist


and an inspiration for over 20 years, working


and founding important organizations like Earth Eco with your brother in 2000


and just leading the charge to restore our oceans.


So welcome.


It's so great to have you with us here today.


- Thank you so much, Emma.


Well, Alexandra, can you tell us a little bit


about how you got involved in restoring our oceans and


and really knowing the science around how we can actually make this happen?


Well, you know, the


thing is I was born into the ocean work that I do.


My grandfather, of course,


was a world renowned ocean explorer and filmmaker.


He invented scuba diving and started exploring the oceans


back in the 1950s, right after the second World War.


The oceans were largely intact and they were abundant, they were diverse,


they were full of life and it was the life that he saw there


that inspired him to go and make these films because he wanted


to share that abundance of life with the whole world.


And indeed, it was the


first time that anyone had ever seen what was under the surface of the ocean.


I mean, people didn't know that just 70 years ago!


Which is kind of hard to imagine now with all of our National Geographic


and BBC Blue Planet documentaries and knowing


what's there is something that we take for granted.


But that wasn't the case back then.


And my father joined him on expedition


and started seeing the degradation of the oceans


and the sixties and seventies, and they started to articulate this


ethic of conservation for the ocean.


This idea that we need to protect what we have.


And that was a really good message back then


because we still had so much of the ocean left


and it started


changing, of course, the way people think about the oceans.


The way they think about their own actions.


Lots of non-profits were established, legislation and policy was passed, and


people did, of course, become much more aware


of a human impact on the oceans and that the oceans are actually finite.


We can't just, you know, take as many fish as we want and dump as much trash


as we want. Because they are finite.


And I think that's something that we understand today.


But over the course of my life, we have lost ocean.


Every year we've lost fish and whales and life in the ocean


a little bit more little bit more.


Every year


we've had net losses to the point where today we've lost half of our ocean,




is hard to believe that in such a relatively short


period of time, we could empty the ocean of half of the life that lives there.


But that is what we've done.


And so it occurred to me after my children were born that


they could be the generation of my family that writes the obituary for the ocean.


And that was heartbreaking to me because I could swim before I could walk.


My grandfather taught me to scuba dive when I was seven years old,


and the oceans have always been


so present in my mind and my life and my experiences, and


I've watched them decline.


I've watched the places that I loved as a child disappear.


People ask me,


Do I dive all the time?

And the answer is:

I don't, because many places

And the answer is:

feel like to me like they are filled with ghosts.

And the answer is:

And so I...There was there was a time, up to my children

And the answer is:

were born, that I was really concerned and really sad about this.

And the answer is:

And I called a friend of mine, Professor Carlos Duarte, who I think

And the answer is:

is one of the great marine biologists of this moment in time.

And the answer is:

And I asked him, I said, Is it inevitable

And the answer is:

that my children will write the obituary for the oceans or is there a chance?

And the answer is:

That we

And the answer is:

could bring them back to the abundance that my grandfather knew,

And the answer is:

and he said that actually it is possible.

And the answer is:

It's scientifically possible to rebuild ocean of abundance by 2050.

And the answer is:

And he was in the midst of writing a paper for Nature magazine about it.

And the answer is:

And that, for me, was a turning point.

And the answer is:

When I let go

And the answer is:

of conservation and embraced restoration

And the answer is:

as a fundamentally different pathway to a different future.

And the answer is:

And so that's what we're focused on.

And the answer is:

And the more we work on this, the more hopeful we become that

And the answer is:

we can actually chart a new path

And the answer is:

to an alternative future that is not

And the answer is:

A future where our oceans are dying and there's more plastic than fish

And the answer is:

and our children are watching

And the answer is:

the oceans just disappear.

And the answer is:

But that between now and 2050,

And the answer is:

we can see or start to see net gains every year

And the answer is:

in terms of ocean life and ocean abundance.

And the answer is:

And by 2050, our children will live

And the answer is:

in a world where oceans are abundant again.

And the answer is:

And it's pretty exciting, actually.

And the answer is:

You know, it's extremely exciting.

And the answer is:

I mean, some of the folks we've had on in the past have talked about

And the answer is:

restorative aquaculture and what they're doing along coastlines

And the answer is:

and what they're doing by farming in a sustainable manner in the ocean.

And the answer is:

But you're you're going so much further than that.

And the answer is:

You want to tell us a little bit about the different...

And the answer is:

you have five recovery wedges for the oceans.

And the answer is:

Shall we delve into each of those?

And the answer is:


And the answer is:


And the answer is:

the first one that we were looking at is is ocean forests.

And the answer is:

Ocean forests are something that we don't know

And the answer is:

that much about, and in a general sense,

And the answer is:

we know a lot more about coral reefs

And the answer is:

or other ecosystems, mangroves, which are, of course,

And the answer is:

a type of ocean forest, but there's so many others.

And the answer is:

There's salt marshes or seagrass meadows.

And the answer is:

There's kelp forests,

And the answer is:

there's mangroves.

And the answer is:

There's these forests that are like forests on land.

And the answer is:

But well, they're like forests on land in terms of the fact that they

And the answer is:

they create habitat for biodiversity.

And the answer is:

They oxygenate the water like trees on land.

And the answer is:

Oxygenate the air.

And the answer is:

They sequester carbon,

And the answer is:

much like forests on land.

And the answer is:

They also protect coastal communities

And the answer is:

from extreme events like weather events.

And the answer is:

They deacidify the water because ocean acidification

And the answer is:

is a growing problem, with the climate changing

And the answer is:

as a result of carbon emissions.

And the answer is:

And those carbon emissions

And the answer is:

have this chemical reaction in the ocean that makes it more acidic.

And the answer is:

And so ocean forests can actually reverse that.

And the answer is:

So they have these extraordinary abilities to address

And the answer is:

many of the issues that we're struggling with.

And the answer is:

And the nice thing about ocean forests

And the answer is:

is that we can recreate a lot of those benefits

And the answer is:

by growing seaweed as a crop.

And the answer is:

And so our first project

And the answer is:

at Oceans 2050 was really to quantify the carbon

And the answer is:

sequestration of sea farms,

And the answer is:

to understand their contribution

And the answer is:

and to to mitigating climate change and to

And the answer is:

create a voluntary carbon protocol that would allow us

And the answer is:

to drive investment into seaweed farms as the

And the answer is:

best nature based solution

And the answer is:

that we have in the ocean that we can scale.

And the answer is:

And the nice thing about seaweed farms is that they have

And the answer is:

all of these same benefits in the ocean that wild seaweed forests do,

And the answer is:

but they also have all of these benefits

And the answer is:

for the communities that grow them.

And the answer is:

You know, there's about 24 farms

And the answer is:

in this global study that we've been doing around the world.

And the answer is:

From Canada, to Madagascar, to a 300 year old seaweed farm in Japan. And

And the answer is:

those farms represent about 27,000 families

And the answer is:

who are living from seaweed farming.

And the answer is:

And of those families,

And the answer is:

70% of

And the answer is:

people involved in seaweed farming are women.

And the answer is:

Which is exciting because it's really a way to

And the answer is:

accelerate the just transition and

And the answer is:

and find ways to both rebuild our oceans

And the answer is:

and provide for these communities,

And the answer is:

many of whom are former fishermen who can no longer fish

And the answer is:

because of overfishing and are finding an alternative livelihood and seaweed

And the answer is:

farming that coincidentally helps to bring the fish back.

And the answer is:

So we see a lot of promise and potential in seaweed farming

And the answer is:

and and are working to help scale that up through science and through

And the answer is:

carbon protocols and driving investment

And the answer is:

into helping to

And the answer is:

scale these farms so that we can

And the answer is:

we can scale seaweed farming up to 1000 times

And the answer is:

what is being done today without having a negative impact on the environment.

And the answer is:

- Wow -

And the answer is:

And when you're looking at the seaweed farm

And the answer is:

and you're bringing back more fish and more

And the answer is:

more diversity, how are you working with legislation to limit

And the answer is:

it getting overfished again as it rebuilds or managing the population within

And the answer is:

within the area that

And the answer is:

you're farming or the area that you're restoring?

And the answer is:

So that's a great question, and we need to be mindful

And the answer is:

that there's wild seaweed and then there's cultivated seaweed.

And the answer is:

And cultivating seaweed can actually help wild forests,

And the answer is:

in part by

And the answer is:

lowering the incentives to go harvest wild for us.

And the answer is:

So we're not advocating that people go harvest wild forests,

And the answer is:

and that's actually a problem in a lot of places.

And the answer is:

So the more seaweed we're able to grow to satisfy the growing demand for seaweed,

And the answer is:

the more we'll be able to actually protect those wild forests

And the answer is:

and even find ways to help restore them.

And the answer is:

Seaweed is being used for so many things

And the answer is:

now, and we're doing a lot of innovation in the West

And the answer is:

around how it can be used.

And the answer is:

So, for example, seaweed

And the answer is:

has long been used in food.

And the answer is:

That's something that the West doesn't really have a taste for outside of,

And the answer is:

you know,

And the answer is:

when you go eat it at a Japanese restaurant

And the answer is:

or a Korean restaurant or Chinese restaurant.

And the answer is:

But seaweed is now being - especially kelp, you know,

And the answer is:

you might have heard about kelp smoothies, kelp burgers -

And the answer is:

so people are starting to use kelp in a variety of ways, which is great.

And the answer is:

It's very healthy.

And the answer is:

It's also being

And the answer is:

used as an industrial feedstock for plastics.

And the answer is:

Plastic alternatives that are biodegradable,

And the answer is:

being used for cosmetics and nutraceuticals.

And the answer is:

And they're even doing a lot of research around using it for biodiesel.

And the answer is:

There's people that are testing out

And the answer is:

how it can be turned into phosphorus.

And the answer is:

It's being used as a fertilizer in other places, so that's great.

And the answer is:

The more we can use seaweed and grow it in an environmentally

And the answer is:

and socially responsible way and in a way that's regenerative to the ocean,

And the answer is:

the better off we'll be because there's a lot of industrial feedstocks

And the answer is:

for things such as plastic that come from

And the answer is:

oil and gas and are destructive to the environment.

And the answer is:

So we actually see seaweed farms

And the answer is:

as a force of good, a force for good.

And the answer is:

Well, yeah, especially if we're reducing

And the answer is:

and hopefully eliminating the destruction of any wild forests.

And the answer is:

Tell me a little bit more about other methods

And the answer is:

that we can move to restore our oceans,

And the answer is:

other things that we can be thoughtful about as as consumers.

And the answer is:

Clearly we want to.

And the answer is:

We want to choose those solutions where plastics are being replaced.

And the answer is:

Eliminating plastic from our our purchasing profile is very important,

And the answer is:

but other choices that we can be thoughtful about

And the answer is:

just every day we do.

And the answer is:

You know, there's there's a lot

And the answer is:

that's been said about reducing plastic in your life.

And the answer is:

And of course, that's really important.

And the answer is:

We are seeing the equivalent of two garbage trucks worth of plastic

And the answer is:

going into the ocean every minute of every day of every week

And the answer is:

of every month of every year, and that's just growing.

And the answer is:

So the plastic crisis in the ocean is very real, and

And the answer is:

it's not just

And the answer is:

impacting the ocean, it's also coming back and impacting us.

And the answer is:

We found nanoplastics that are being consumed by bacteria.

And the answer is:

We're finding microplastics that are raining down from the sky in places

And the answer is:

where there are no human settlements and there is no plastic on the ground.

And the answer is:

So plastic is literally becoming part

And the answer is:

of the water cycle and traveling around the world.

And the answer is:

We eat the equivalent of one credit cards worth of plastic every week

And the answer is:

in our food and our and our beverages,

And the answer is:

just microplastics that are that are present there.

And the answer is:

And that's having impact on our health.

And the answer is:

That's having an impact on

And the answer is:

every aspect of of our wellbeing.

And the answer is:

So we definitely want to reduce the amount of plastic in our lives.

And the answer is:

The amount of plastic we eat food out of.

And the answer is:

The amount of plastic that we drink, beverages out of the amount of plastic

And the answer is:

that we microwave and or, you know, just reduce it

And the answer is:

as as much as you can because that's going have a direct

And the answer is:

benefit to your health and the health of your family.

And the answer is:

And when it comes to the oceans, of course, a lot of all of the plastic

And the answer is:

that's in the ocean started out in our communities and our kitchens

And the answer is:

and our homes and our places of work. So.

And the answer is:

There's a false

And the answer is:

solution that's been promoted by industry, which is recycling, and that puts

And the answer is:

most of the burden on us as consumers to recycle the plastic that they make.

And the answer is:

And I think that that's actually a way for them to to dodge

And the answer is:

responsibility for the design flaw of using plastic.

And the answer is:

Which is a material that lasts for hundreds,

And the answer is:

if not thousands of years, in a product that's meant to be used for a few moments.

And the answer is:

So we shouldn't be using single use plastic at all.

And the answer is:

We should find alternative containers for single use plastics that are single

And the answer is:

use containers that degrade when they're no longer needed.

And the answer is:

And until we're able to do that, we should find plastic free alternatives,

And the answer is:

reusable bottles, whatever it is.

And the answer is:

But we need to

And the answer is:

to not just make those choices in our places of work

And the answer is:

and in our own lives, but I think support legislation

And the answer is:

wherever we can at the local, state or federal level

And the answer is:

that seeks to eliminate single use plastic from our lives.

And the answer is:

And I think also

And the answer is:

having alternatives of disposal for other items

And the answer is:

being able to have like in Europe, where you buy that bottle of Pellegrino,

And the answer is:

that bottle is going back and being

And the answer is:

being bought, washed and reused.

And the answer is:

It's not being recycled, it's being reused.

And the answer is:

And some of those alternatives are so important in our decision

And the answer is:

making process and making disposal so much easier.

And the answer is:

And we've talked about on our program before how here in Napa,

And the answer is:

we have a fantastic composting program with the city where we can

And the answer is:

basically, in our yard waste, eliminate 95% of our trash

And the answer is:

if we're making great decisions with our purchasing and what we're doing at home.

And the answer is:

Pretty much everything is is compostable that we're bringing into our house

And the answer is:

and or recyclable, you know, because those wine bottles, we still have those

And the answer is:

that we need to refill.

And the answer is:

But you, you know, that's not the only thing

And the answer is:

that we can make smart choices about.

And the answer is:

And I know at the at the winery, you guys are also looking at sustainable seafood.

And the answer is:

That's another really important choice that we make

And the answer is:

in our kitchens in addition to plastic.

And the answer is:

And I think that if anybody watched Seaspiracy,

And the answer is:

you've seen the really ugly side of industrial fishing and

And the answer is:

and the impact that it has on our oceans, but also on the people who are sometimes

And the answer is:

forced to work as slaves

And the answer is:

or as indentured servants, practically, on these boats.

And the answer is:

So there's there is

And the answer is:

a direct connection to

And the answer is:

the seafood that we find on our plates

And the answer is:

and many instances of illegal, unreported

And the answer is:

and unregulated fishing, which basically means pirated fish.

And the answer is:

And so the the opportunity

And the answer is:

that we have to eat fish,

And the answer is:

that is

And the answer is:

not going to to be harmful to our oceans

And the answer is:

and not be harmful to other people and be good for our health

And the answer is:

is really going to mainstream

And the answer is:

when we have traceable and transparent

And the answer is:

supply chains with

And the answer is:

apps where you can trace the fish that you're buying

And the answer is:

all the way back to where it was caught and find out where it was caught,

And the answer is:

who caught it. How it was caught.

And the answer is:

What kind of fishing gear was used to catch it.

And the answer is:

Whose hands it passed through on its way to your plate?

And the answer is:

And that's exciting because a lot of that technology is coming online.

And the answer is:

Oceana, in partnership with Google and Sky Truth, created the Global

And the answer is:

Fishing Watch, which tracks fishing boats around the world in real time.

And the answer is:

There's a lot of

And the answer is:

efforts now to

And the answer is:

to track fish and even industrial

And the answer is:

fishing companies that are fishing.

And the answer is:

Chilean sea bass in Antarctic waters,

And the answer is:

for example, are creating apps

And the answer is:

that that have transparency built into their fish

And the answer is:

and where people are even using

And the answer is:

satellite images of the crew to make sure that the crew

And the answer is:

is legally employed and

And the answer is:

that the working conditions are safe and they're being compensated.

And the answer is:

So there's a lot of work that's being done to shine a light on fisheries

And the answer is:

and make sure that that the fish that we eat

And the answer is:

is traceable.

And the answer is:

And I think that's something that we can ask for.

And the answer is:

Buy fish from a fishmonger that has traceable

And the answer is:

seafood and can tell you who caught it and where it came from.

And the answer is:

And there's a lot of work being done on that.

And the answer is:

And that's exciting to me as well because we'll never stop eating seafood.

And the answer is:

I mean, I know a lot of people are choosing not to.

And the answer is:

I don't eat seafood anymore because I know too much and I don't.

And the answer is:

I don't want to eat fish that's been pirated.

And the answer is:

And I know it's quite likely to happen.

And the answer is:

So I choose not to, but I know that a lot of people will continue to eat fish,

And the answer is:

and it's a healthy source of protein and a lot of parts of the world.

And the answer is:

It is the only source of protein for coastal communities

And the answer is:

that are addressing food scarcity and food security issues.

And the answer is:

So I think the more that we can do to express

And the answer is:

a desire for traceable seafood

And the answer is:

and really understand the story of the food that we're eating

And the answer is:

is going to help create momentum in that direction.

And the answer is:

Chefs need to demand it.

And the answer is:

Supermarkets need to demand it.

And the answer is:

And I really love what you guys have been doing on sustainable seafood as well.

And the answer is:

You know, we've been really fortunate to partner with the Ora King salmon folks

And the answer is:

out of New Zealand, and they do have a tag on every single fish.

And the answer is:

When we get it and we know exactly where that fish is

And the answer is:

coming from, that they're farming there, and

And the answer is:

we really demand that fish when we're having it.

And the answer is:

And it's delicious, which is kind of an added bonus and good for you.

And the answer is:

And we've also been working with Pacifico

And the answer is:

Aquaculture here on the West Coast, with the fish that they're farming.

And the answer is:

Which has been

And the answer is:

a nice success story and knowing that

And the answer is:

they're doing it in a in a really thoughtful manner.

And the answer is:

But let's jump over a little bit and talk about coral reefs.

And the answer is:

I grew up always enjoying

And the answer is:

seeing them being told not to touch and

And the answer is:

and seeing the beautiful fish and surrounding them,

And the answer is:

and they've really seen a lot of destruction

And the answer is:

over the last 30, 40 plus years.

And the answer is:

What can we do to help with that?

And the answer is:

You know, the the thing that's amazing to me is that the

And the answer is:

coral reefs are

And the answer is:

the most critical ecosystems in the ocean.

And the answer is:

They are

And the answer is:

possibly the most biodiverse and abundant ecosystem on Earth,

And the answer is:

and yet we have no real incentive

And the answer is:

to financial incentive to protect and rebuild them. Yet

And the answer is:

most of the work that's being done to protect corals

And the answer is:

is coming from philanthropy, and that's great.

And the answer is:

But I think that in order to really be able to,

And the answer is:

not just protect what we have left,

And the answer is:

which is about half of the coral reefs that we used to have,

And the answer is:

but rebuild what we've lost.

And the answer is:

It's going to

And the answer is:

take figuring out

And the answer is:

how we can create financial products

And the answer is:

around the restoration of coral reefs

And the answer is:

and how we

And the answer is:

develop the technology

And the answer is:

that that will allow us to restore them at scale.

And the answer is:

Because most of the work that we can do now with with restoring coral reefs

And the answer is:

is hanging fragments of corals online and letting them grow out

And the answer is:

and replanting them in the reef and hoping that they survive.

And the answer is:

And we just can't rebuild

And the answer is:

what we're losing fast enough with that method.

And the answer is:

So I know of technologies that are in development now that allow us

And the answer is:

to to rebuild corals at scale and to select naturally heat

And the answer is:

resistant corals and corals that are resistant to increasing acidity.

And the answer is:

So that's really exciting.

And the answer is:

And one of the things that we're working on at Ocean's 2050 is how

And the answer is:

we can take that technology to scale

And the answer is:

and make it something where all of us

And the answer is:

can be participants

And the answer is:

in the restoration of corals in a way that feels meaningful

And the answer is:

and in a way where we can actually see progress

And the answer is:

and we'll be ready to talk about that.

And the answer is:

Maybe by the time our luncheon at the winery rolls around in August.

And the answer is:

But we're tremendously excited

And the answer is:

about the possibilities that we're seeing

And the answer is:

in terms of funding coral reef restoration,

And the answer is:

deploying new technologies

And the answer is:

to to rebuild them and seeing that happen

And the answer is:

as at scale, like really being able to rebuild them

And the answer is:

in a timeframe that that is months rather than years.

And the answer is:

I think that's coming fairly soon,

And the answer is:

and that's exciting to me because it's it's the only way.

And the answer is:

And Carlos Duarte, who is our scientific director -

And the answer is:

he often tells me - he said, you know, I think marine biologists

And the answer is:

have taken coral reef restoration as far as we can.

And the answer is:

And now we need engineers, we need technologists,

And the answer is:

we need programmers, we need artists.

And the answer is:

We need, you know, all sorts of other talents and skills and

And the answer is:

ideas to figure out how to do this.

And the answer is:

And so we've been bringing those talents together

And the answer is:

to think about how, how we can.

And the answer is:

Rebuild them faster than they can die.

And the answer is:

And I think we're getting there.

And the answer is:

You know,

And the answer is:

I think you raised some additional really good points in the conversation.

And the answer is:

We need awareness of people realizing what's below the ocean

And the answer is:

and what we're losing because that's not being seen.

And the answer is:

I mean, I grew up with your, your grandfather and my Jacques

And the answer is:

Cousteau books and the films.

And the answer is:

And just and seeing that and being in the ocean myself as a diver

And the answer is:

from a young age and then to have it gone and to go back and dive.

And the answer is:

And there's nothing to see but sand in places

And the answer is:

where we used to go that we're we're full of life.

And the answer is:

And I think there is not an awareness because you don't see it every day

And the answer is:

vanishing light.

And the answer is:

You see the trees being cut down or additional concrete

And the answer is:

and you see your environment shrinking in the world.

And the answer is:

That's where you go hiking and so forth.

And the answer is:

And then there's the financial incentive to it.

And the answer is:

There's only so much that philanthropy can do, but philanthropy needs to partner

And the answer is:

with industry and with government to all take a stand.

And the answer is:

And so working to bring those things together is really remarkable

And the answer is:

and very exciting to have you doing that.

And the answer is:

And I know Google has some interesting projects with their

And the answer is:

X projects working

And the answer is:

on tracking of fish and so forth.

And the answer is:

But you know, how do we get that investment?

And the answer is:

Is it a financial incentive in carbon sequestration?

And the answer is:

Is it a carbon tax?

And the answer is:

Is do we get that funding and that brainpower behind it?

And the answer is:

I think, is really a challenge.

And the answer is:

It is a challenge, and it's amazing to me

And the answer is:

that oceans is the least funded of the sustainable development goals.

And the answer is:

That's crazy.

And the answer is:

And yet it is, even though it touches on almost every other sustainable

And the answer is:

development goal.

And the answer is:

And when we look at how much we have to

And the answer is:

bridge -the gap we have to bridge -

And the answer is:

Philanthropy alone

And the answer is:

will take us part of the way.

And the answer is:

But to to really be able to invest in the kinds of changes that we need,

And the answer is:

we need

And the answer is:

the financial sector, we need investors and businesses,

And the answer is:

and we need to make restoration

And the answer is:

into a business.

And the answer is:

So there's, again, a lot of people that are thinking about that.

And the answer is:

And we've been thinking about that.

And the answer is:

And again,

And the answer is:

I'm really hopeful that we can

And the answer is:

rebuild our oceans.

And the answer is:

I think that we have everything that we need.

And the answer is:

We have extraordinary technologies that we can deploy.

And the answer is:

We have digital platforms that allow us to take action

And the answer is:

at the touch of a button globally.

And the answer is:

And we have, what Paul Hawkins calls,

And the answer is:

the largest movement in human history.

And the answer is:

Which is the environmental movement, where people aren't

And the answer is:

gathered under a single leader, but they are gathered

And the answer is:

by a feeling of loss and grief

And the answer is:

for the environment and a desire to see it come back.

And the answer is:

That unites

And the answer is:

them, and I think is a really strong driving force.

And the answer is:

We're seeing our youth rise up in Fridays for the Future and,

And the answer is:

you know, all sorts of other movements that are that are taking place.

And the answer is:

So I think that there's there's an interesting moment now.

And the answer is:

And my grandfather

And the answer is:

used to say, when asked how he was able to do everything that he did, that

And the answer is:

he lived in his lucky moment in time where all of the circumstances converged

And the answer is:

in a way that allowed him to do what he did.

And the answer is:

And it's true.

And the answer is:

If he'd been born 20 years earlier or 20 years later,

And the answer is:

you likely wouldn't have been able to do what he did.

And the answer is:

And I think that we are entering a moment in time that can be our lucky moment

And the answer is:

in time where the technologies and

And the answer is:

the awareness and

And the answer is:

the platforms and

And the answer is:

potential is all converging in a way that can allow us

And the answer is:

our own lucky moment in time if we choose to take it.

And the answer is:

And I think, and Carlos says this a lot,

And the answer is:

is that the worst thing that we can do for our ocean

And the answer is:

is to have the belief that it's too late

And the answer is:

to turn it around.

And the answer is:

If I think it's too late, it's game over.

And the answer is:

Yeah, I think that, one of our themes that we have

And the answer is:

is in these Tuesday chats that you're kind of touching on as we're

And the answer is:

speaking with philanthropic entrepreneurs And to me,

And the answer is:

that means that you care about a cause,

And the answer is:

but you're also approaching it in an entrepreneurial fashion.

And the answer is:

And to me, an entrepreneur is not just saying,

And the answer is:

well, this is what I'm going to do.

And the answer is:

You're creating your own reality.

And the answer is:

And I think often if we think of the magnitude of the problem, we'd never move.

And the answer is:

If we just think we can fix this and we can keep taking steps forward, we can.

And the answer is:

If you start thinking that it's too big, too much, too late, then you are.

And the answer is:

Because you've defeated yourself before you've started.

And the answer is:

If you just say I can make a difference and I'm going to start

And the answer is:

making a difference, it's remarkable how many other people will get on board

And the answer is:

and then you really can make that difference.

And the answer is:

If you wait to take action,

And the answer is:

or you feel like nothing can be done, then nothing will be done.

And the answer is:

You've just got to step forward and go.

And the answer is:

And I think that that is kind of one of the most important messages

And the answer is:

we can share with everyone.

And the answer is:

Because, you know, it's not too late for the planet, for the ocean,

And the answer is:

for our climate.

And the answer is:

And all of the decisions we make every day are so important.

And the answer is:

Whether it's enhancing biodiversity in the vineyard

And the answer is:

or enhancing biodiversity in the ocean.

And the answer is:

It's equally important.

And the answer is:

It's just I can walk out and see that biodiversity in the vineyard every day.

And the answer is:

I don't have the opportunity to see it in the ocean every day, but

And the answer is:

it's heartwarming to know that it's there, and can come back,

And the answer is:

and I can go see it when I put on my tank and my mask.

And the answer is:


And the answer is:

And the thing that - the really great news is -

And the answer is:

that life comes back in the ocean so much faster than it does on land.

And the answer is:

The ocean is so productive.

And the answer is:

And if we give it a chance?

And the answer is:

It'll rebuild, it'll regenerate.

And the answer is:

There's a lot that we can do to help, so

And the answer is:

I feel like there

And the answer is:

is this moment starting.

And the answer is:

I can feel the momentum building and it's it's exciting.

And the answer is:

It's an exciting time to be doing this work.

And the answer is:

I think that's wonderful.

And the answer is:

I'm excited.

And the answer is:

Tell me some of the most meaningful successes or the things that are really

And the answer is:

kind of getting you pumped up right now and how we can help you with that.

And the answer is:


And the answer is:

you know, we're we're working on a whole suite

And the answer is:

of digital tools that will give people an opportunity

And the answer is:

to be directly involved in restoration in the ocean around the world.

And the answer is:

So that's something that we're working on and getting ready to

And the answer is:

to share in the months to come.

And the answer is:

We recently won the

And the answer is:

Keeling Curve prize for our seaweed work, which was really exciting

And the answer is:

and I think was a big boost to our team and

And the answer is:

to all of the seaweed farms that are part of our study.

And the answer is:

And there's a lot of interest around seaweed right now.

And the answer is:

And so one of the things that we hope to do

And the answer is:

is to help shepherd that in the right direction

And the answer is:

because I see, you know, the blue economy is accelerating

And the answer is:

and the blue economy is just a term that references how

And the answer is:

we make money from activities connected to the ocean.

And the answer is:

And so the blue economy can be about

And the answer is:

mining and overfishing and extracting or

And the answer is:

in which case, you know, it's really going to be game over for the oceans.

And the answer is:

Or the blue economy can be about rebuilding

And the answer is:

and regenerating and using seaweed farming as an example

And the answer is:

of the kinds of activities that can sustain people

And the answer is:

that can support entire communities that can advance this just transition.

And the answer is:

That's so important.

And the answer is:

All while rebuilding ocean abundance.

And the answer is:

And I think that that's really the kind of blue economy that we hope

And the answer is:

to help shape and advocate for.

And the answer is:

And that's what I mean by, you know, we have a path

And the answer is:

that we're on

And the answer is:

now where we talk a lot about conserving what we have and sustainability,

And the answer is:

even though sustainability is a word that's lost a lot of meaning.

And the answer is:

And so if we stay on this path thinking that we can change the outcome by doing

And the answer is:

more of the same, and I think we're going to end up in a worst case scenario.

And the answer is:

So getting on a different path

And the answer is:

means getting an abundance mindset.

And the answer is:

It means being hopeful that we can turn this around.

And the answer is:

It means thinking about what

And the answer is:

we do in terms of contributing to the restoration of our oceans and

And the answer is:

mitigating the

And the answer is:

impacts that we have, but also investing differently,

And the answer is:

for example, buying differently,

And the answer is:

looking at our supply chains if they're connected to the ocean.

And the answer is:

There's there's a lot that we can do personally

And the answer is:

in different aspects of our personal and professional lives to

And the answer is:

advocate for and to help advance

And the answer is:

this regeneration agenda.

And the answer is:


And the answer is:

we're so excited that you spent time with us today

And the answer is:

and we're really excited about your project, and I'm very excited

And the answer is:

that in 30 years I'm going to be diving in an ocean

And the answer is:

that's even better than the one I had when I was a child.

And the answer is:


And the answer is:

I know it's possible and

And the answer is:

we're going to be out there and and enjoying it and seeing it

And the answer is:

with with new eyes.

And the answer is:

We're very excited to be hosting a luncheon on August 19th,

And the answer is:

2022 for Oceans 2050 at the winery in Napa Valley.

And the answer is:

If you're inspired today to give $500 or more, please just note St.

And the answer is:

Supéry on your donation and we'll get your information

And the answer is:

and send you that invitation to join us for lunch

And the answer is:

at the winery.

And the answer is:

In a beautiful setting with some wonderful seaweed

And the answer is:

that's been harvested and grown and lots of other delights.

And the answer is:

We've got some great sustainable seafood

And the answer is:

that is grown on land in California as well as other locations,

And the answer is:

and so we're excited to have you join us at the winery.

And the answer is:

And please be thoughtful about your choices.

And the answer is:

Alexandra, anything else that we can do, the last thing

And the answer is:

that you want to leave us with that I failed to ask you or

And the answer is:

little hope and inspiration?

And the answer is:


And the answer is:

I think that we've we've talked a lot about

And the answer is:

what's possible in the future,

And the answer is:

and I would just ask that people keep that in mind.

And the answer is:

You know, it's important to know all of the bad things

And the answer is:

that are happening with climate change and our weather and so many other things.

And the answer is:

But keep in mind that there are a lot of people

And the answer is:

that are looking at how we can change, how we do things

And the answer is:

and innovate new technologies and create new financial products and

And the answer is:

all sorts of things

And the answer is:

that I think can change change the outcome.

And the answer is:

And when it gets

And the answer is:

hard to read the news and see what's happening

And the answer is:

in the environment and in the ocean that we love.

And the answer is:

Remember that.

And the answer is:

And you can always come to

And the answer is:

and see what we're doing or follow us on Instagram or Twitter, and

And the answer is:

I will be announcing more of these projects that we're doing soon.

And the answer is:

And I think that it's going to be a fun ride.

And the answer is:

All right, well, I hope I see your next award

And the answer is:

being a Goldman award or one of the other wonderful things,

And the answer is:

because that would that would help us get us to that goal pretty quickly.

And the answer is:

But congratulations on all the work you've done and the recognition to date,

And the answer is:

and we're very excited to have had you join us

And the answer is:

and know that you're out there leading the charge to restore our oceans.

And the answer is:

It's really, really wonderful to have spent time chatting with you.

And the answer is:

So thank you. -- Thank you Emma.





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