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Christian Yordanov - Thriving Health for Children with Autism
Episode 8411th September 2023 • The You World Order Showcase Podcast • Jill
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In this educational episode of the You World Order Showcase podcast, Jill interviews Christian Yordanov, a personalized health consultant and author of the book "Autism Well-Being Plan: How to Get Your Child Healthy".

Learn more about Christian's expertise on his website:

Join the Detox Workshop

Grab your copy of the book: Autism Wellbeing: How to Get Your Child Healthy

Listen to Christian's Connecting Minds Podcast

Listen to Christian's Children's Health Podcast

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast.


Today we have Christian Yordanov with us and he is a personalized health consultant author of.


Autism well-being plan. How to get your child healthy and we are going to talk a lot about that cause I think we we're kind of on the same.


Page as far.


As causes it, but I really want to delve into.


What you can do about it if.


Your child ends up with autism, so.


He's also the host of two podcasts.


Not just one, but two connecting minds and Children's Health, so we'll definitely wanna touch on that too.


Welcome, Christian to the show.


Thank you so much, Jill.


Glad to be here with you.


So what motivated you to?


Write the book.


So back in 2018, someone in my family.


A child was suspected of being on the spectrum and at the time I was heavily getting into the health stuff, all the stuff around the microbiota, you know, these the gut bacteria in in our guts that are.


That that plays such a large role in health, mental and physical.


When I found this out, I started digging into the scientific research on autism and basically most of 2019 I was researching and writing the book because I wanted, first of all, I wanted to help these folks in my family and then.


I realize that most parents are not aware that these children that are suspected of being on the spectrum or are diagnosed with autism or Asperger's or PDD or PDA.


There's a ton of different labels you can put on these kids, even ADHD and all this other stuff.


The fact of the matter is, whatever you put a label on, that's just what a practitioner decided to pin on a person.


The fact of the matter is that under the hood, as it as it were these children, the research is unequivocal.


These children suffer from a multitude of metabolic.


Imbalances which I term health challenges and we are talking about job dysfunction, dysbiosis.


You know, overgrowth of nasty bacteria, overgrowth of certain pathogenic, what's the other word?


Big opportunistic organisms, immune system dysfunction.


This dysregulation food sensitivities.


God the list goes on some of these kids have auto immune reactions, nutrient imbalances, nutrient deficiencies and.


You know, heavy metal toxicity, chemical too many toxins and inability to detoxify these toxins.


So what?


What I wanted to do with the book is.


Educate more parents.


About these things, because most of these things with fairly accessible lab testing and very accessible nutrient supplements, dietary changes, sleep hygiene enhancements with these things.


A lot of these underlying health challenges.


Can be.


If not fully addressed, at least ameliorated, so the kids can have a better quality of life, and thus in turn, the parents can have a better quality of life because the research is actually very clear that a lot of kids.


Up to from 9 to 90% of the.


The kids in the in the autism studies have some type of gut dysfunction and very often it's associated with poor sleep behavior difficulties like aggression to self aggression to others, non compliance to their parents requests or teachers requests, just general anxiety.


A lot of these.


Things seem to be associated and even stem from gut dysfunction, so just fixing certain little thing and I'm not using the term fixing as if a child is broken, right?


We're not trying to change their character.


We're not trying to change who they are, their personality.


When I say fixing, I mean.


Discovering imbalances like a doctor can find.


An iron deficiency.


A doctor can find parasites and they will prescribe something for the parasites.


Or iron for the iron deficiency.


So this is similar in that the parents with my book, my resources, and my podcast, the parents learn how to identify their children.


Specific things that are out of balance like, you know it could be.


B vitamin deficiencies.


Candida overgrowth, parasites.


God knows what else.


Too many toxic metals.


Mercury, aluminum.


There's so many other things that could be going on.


And in fact, most kids do have a number of these going on.


So with a bit of guidance with their practitioners help or even their doctor's help with the resources in the book, most parents, if they have the will and the enthusiasm, they can improve their child's health really dramatically. And once you improve a person's health.


It doesn't matter what condition they've been diagnosed with, be it autism, even Alzheimer's, even multiple sclerosis.


If you take a person and improve their health.


A lot of these symptoms that are associated with that specific.


Label start to melt away or at least improve, and this is kind of the idea is it's all about getting the human as healthy as possible and then letting their body do the rest.


And again, when these kids get healthier, a lot of these things go away.


You fix some gut dysfunction underlying gut dysfunction.


They sleep better.


They are.


They're less likely to act out to hurt themselves, to hurt others, to poke their eyes, you know, whatever else to pull their hair, they can concentrate more.


So this is what I'm trying to teach parents and that is kind of a little bit about how I got to publish the book in two.


That that's.


And it's really interesting that.


You're talking about gut.


Health because I think people tend to think that it's starting to get more out there, that your gut health is really important, that people don't really realize how much.


Your gut health.


Has to do with.


How your brain functions and it's just a matter of.


Oh yeah.


What you're putting in?


And the food supply.


It's an interesting to me that.


The Food and Drug Administration, the Food and Drug Administration, started out as a Department of Chemistry and now we have like mostly chemistry in our grocery stores.


It's not actually even food, so.


It's ridiculous.


And you know, little things like Doritos, the impact that it has on your kids and their behavior and their thinking abilities, their cognitive abilities is.


It just like.


It's mind.


Boggling to me.


Let's just break Doritos down very quickly.


Now, from what we can.


Tell from looking at the label.


There's corn.


OK, so probably GMO corn first.


So we have we're introducing genes into our body that are in the novel in a sense, we're not used to.


The body is not used to seeing when the body when the immune system sees something it hasn't seen before.


Generally, the immune system will mount some type of response.


Antibodies will get formed.


You know things will get tagged as antigens.


We're probably gonna be attacking them with those antibodies.


Probably gonna be causing inflammation that can cause collateral damage in the Organism.


That will cause further, you know.


Tissue damage.


More antibodies.


So that's one mechanism.


Kind of how a novel or foreign compound can even lead to autoimmunity, or if left unchecked, over a long enough timeline.


So that's one thing then we have MSG, which has been shown in a number of studies to cause all sorts of things, including hyperactivity.


And we remember like when I was a small child.


That that's like 1/4 of an adult's weight or sometimes 1/10 of a of an adult's weight when they eat the same amount of food.


They you know it, it can be 5 to 10 times the impact as an adult would have.


So things that don't like toxic exposures in our daily life that don't perturb us could be having much more meaningful and significant influence on our children's cognitive function.


That function, everything else.


So that's a couple of things.


But don't forget that they're putting these seed oils, corn and safflower, corn oil, of course, sunflower oil, soybean oil.


Putting these, which is like a poison.


Yep, Yep.


Canola poison.


So these are poisons.


So a lot of, especially in the Western world, a lot of food is basically what's the word I'm looking for, doused in seed oils in poison.


So these things are incredibly.


Inflammatory because they're very unstable.


And so if you fry food inside.


Oils you're already getting.


In many cases, oxidized rancid oil along with your food.


But when even if you, if you take raw oil or whatever, let's say the let's say, buy some stroke of luck, the Doritos you're eating that soybean oil or whatever oil sunflower oil is not oxidized when it gets.


Into your body incorporated into your body.


It's still this very.


Fragile, easily oxidized fat that when it gets oxidized, it causes these oxidation reactions.


They cause a lot of damage all around the body and they require vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, nutrients basically and energy.


To deal with so instead of using our energy to build in the case of a small child instead of using that energy to build the body, the brain repair from all the activity they're doing, the body is now in.


A state of emergency just trying to fix all the damage from all these horrible foods, that too many of us are still putting into our kids, which is an absolute travesty.


I know, I know.


We are kind of exposed to them, but at the end of the day, we're the parents, we're the ones responsible.


So it's on us what our kids are eating and it's not OK.


It's really, really not OK what's happening out there.


So yeah.


And again, these kids, they never mind the kids ourselves.


If I start eating a bag of Doritos, I'm finishing that whole bag.


It's just the way you eat them.


The Cytotoxins it's the way they're designed.


It's the way it's designed.


They put chemical on it.


That was they go through a.


They use.


Embryonic research, really.


To test to see if it will become addictive and they put an addictive substance on to the top of these already.


Not really.


Good for you pieces of.


Oh yeah.


Substance don't even call them food because.


Yeah, it's only food actually, it's.


It's not.


It's written, but it's designed to get you.


Not food, yeah.


To eat the whole bag.


Yeah, yeah.


You know you have a banana.


Gonna eat one. You're done.


You might not even eat the whole thing, because they're really feeling but Doritos.


Your brain doesn't know when to say enough, because the stuff that they put on it that's flavor is designed to trick your brain into thinking you want the whole bag.


It's, it's.


So many criminals going on.


It's absolutely that's the word, you know, that is absolutely the word criminal.


There is no other word to describe what is and.


Look, it's a matter of my part of my mission is to educate more parents, more people, how to live a life that is more conducive to health, to good health and to thriving because a lot of people they are alive.


But are they really living?


You know?


Are they thriving?


I don't like.


I look around, I go outside and I see a lot of people that look like they're in kind of like a in a middle gear per say.


They're not, like, completely halted, completely stopped dead, you know, sick, bedridden.


But there's certainly.


You know, in a precarious state.


Where, you know, could they?


Could they go a week without food?


Let's say back in the day when the way we kind of evolved that, says hunter gatherers.


We had the metabolic, all of us kids, young, old.


We had the metabolic flexibility to go for many hours, sometimes days, sometimes a couple of weeks without food.


And we, we would still have be able to muster up the energy to go and look for food and hunt for food.


A lot of people, they can barely make it through meals in between meals.


Nowadays, a lot of people, it's just, I think, not only the.


Foods but also the unprecedented levels of stress and the toxic exposures.


So these three things poor nutrition, a lot of nutrient deficiencies, a lot of depleted organisms, extreme levels of psychological stress and just unprecedented levels of toxic exposure is.


What is really at the crux of it driving?


This epidemic of chronic disease and you can see now in our children in some states like New Jersey, I think the autism rate is something like one in 22 or one in 24.


And just like 10 years ago, it was.


One in 60.


Four or one in 120.


And it just.


It it's, everything is creeping up so fast.


It's exponential and I.


Part of my mission is to.


And what's gonna?


Help with that but.


Happen with.


Yeah. No, please.


I'm sorry, what's going to happen with all of these children?


Who need their parents to help them just function day-to-day when their parents die and we're talking, you know, huge numbers when you're talking, you know, one in 22 kids, I think the numbers going up and it's like one in 10.


Or one in.


5 cause those are the projections I've heard, and they're it wrecks the parents life because they require so much extra care and the schools aren't, you know, equipped to deal.


With it and they're.


They're dependent on their parents because a lot of them aren't not able to function and.


If what you're saying and I have no reason to.


Doubt you is true just cleaning up.


Their diet could go a long way in helping them.


And it.


It's like.


That message just needs to get out there I.


I people completely.


What's the word I'm looking for here?


Completely underestimate how important that is to good health, a lot of.


Like I work with clients, I work with adults of all ages as well, and it for whatever reason, when I when someone starts working with me, I often recommend a number of supplements and.


It's it.


It still amazes me.


How people will be super compliant with the supplement protocol and they're or they're always willing to consider new supplements and adding more to the protocol because I guess it's because it's easy.


It's fun, it's cool, it's sexy.


It's it with some folks, it's quite.


It's quite an uphill battle to really dial in the diet because it's boring or I suppose many people don't actually believe that just.


Just changing from conventionally grown and produced food to organic food, just that alone.


If there's a book called.


What's making our children sick?


The, the names of the authors escaped me at the moment.


But if folks want to read that book, some of the case studies that the two authors talk about in that book about families that they switched to organic food.


And I remember this Mexican dad, I think it was for Mexican descent.


He had this, I.


Think a kidney issue or something like that and.


To support their child because it was the child had the issue, whatever that they were trying to sort of intervene with an organic diet.


So the whole family switched to an organic diet and this supposedly genetic thing that the dad had after being on an organic diet for however many months completely spontaneously resolved itself.


So the power of diet to for good or for bad in in, in, in terms of an individual's health is absolutely enormous, enormous.


Yeah, it's whatever you're putting in that becomes.


Your body. Yeah, and people.


Just kind of gloss over that.


It's like ohh Jelly.


Let's see this but.


You know the problem.


The problem is the school system.


They teach us all of this nonsense.


How to find the hypotenuse of a triangle, which honestly, I have never in my life needed to find the hypotenuse of a triangle or even the area of a circle.


Which I'm not saying.


And then it's not worthwhile.


Learning geography and science and history and stuff like that, but there's a lot of things.


At the very least, we should learn a little bit in school, diets, vitamins, minerals that that's something that they should they should gardening.


Name cooking.


Yeah, yeah.


Things that like, actually could sustain yourself.


But look, I understand the school system has many problems and it wasn't designed to create free thinkers and independent, independently minded individuals.


But at the very least, as again as parents, we have to take responsibility.


I think this is.


Again, an outrage that more parents aren't taking.


I think the events in the past three years woke up a lot of parents to the importance of taking more responsibility and doing their own research and not blindly trusting directives from higher up, as it were.


So I think we, we are make gonna make some amazing progress in that area but we have to really mobilize and start acting fast because we just literally a few minutes ago we were talking about the skyrock.


Getting disease rates and rates of conditions so time is not exactly on our side in this in this matter.


No, it's not.


And it's not just kids with autism.


It's adults who have Alzheimer's or dementia.


Which is, you know.


More commonly called type 3 diabetes and diabetes is.


Just a direct result.


Of inability to process sugar, you add too much sugar in your life, so now your metabolism is.


Screwed up and you know the first rule on hold digging.


You want to stop digging?


You know, talking about that actually for my research, it seems that the seed oils which have been come in the last 150 years, they've become such a staple, especially in the Western especially in the.


States I actually from my understanding is that the seed oil.


Those are an even bigger culprit.


In the obesity epidemic in the heart disease, in a lot of things that we thought were caused by, you know, in too much, too much sugar, too many carbs, stuff like that, it actually seems like.


In the absence of these seed oils, high, high carbohydrate diets.


High sugar diets even are actually not really that detrimental if you know all things are being equal.


If everything is that so, it seems like the seed oils that the, you know, the American Heart Association for decades were saying they're heart healthy, they they've actually removed all those slogans from their website.


They they've also said.


In recent times, that saturated fat is no longer a nutrient of concern.


Remember, there were demonizing saturated fat.


Oh yeah, that's when they were trying to.


Push the margarine on everybody.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Just eat butter.


It's natural actually comes from.


It's natural sex.


As vitamins and.


It's got vitamins and stuff, especially if.


Yeah, and they said.


You get it raw.


Ohh God, I wish I could get it wrong and they said the same thing about cholesterol well, but they weren't very vocal about it because I think they would have created too much of A of an outrage wait for years.


You know, you go to.


You still go to a doctor and you have these lab ranges and.


And it's like, ohh, if you're on, if your if your cholesterol, cholesterol is.


Under 200.


You're a low risk or whatever and all of that stuff is absolute nonsense, you know.


Well, it has.


To do with, I think the bent endothelial cells.


From, like drinking soda pop and corn syrup.


It bends your endothelial cells in your veins and it causes the cholesterol to collect inside of your veins and arteries instead of.


If the other arteries are smooth, then the cholesterol just moves along because unique cholesterol.


It's what your brain functions on and your hormones need it, and when you.


Ohh yeah, it's a backbone form of all steroid hormones.


Testosterone, estrogen and.


And when you?


Start like.


Messing with stuff.


It's like every time you take a chemical that your doctor gives you.


It's going to mess something else up, guaranteed.


And there's a lot of there's a lot of things that you were talking briefly about the gut.


But yeah, what you were saying, what you were saying is very.


Much true that a lot.


A lot of issues that can happen that a person can experience can have a root in the gut and they can be completely unrelated to the gut.


It could be pain in your joints, headaches, skin stuff, and you might you might be pooping like a champion.


Everything is dandy, no Constipation, no diarrhea, no.


No gas, no bloating.


But you have these things and when you do some.


Digger, Digger, Deeping.


Digging deeper, digging with some, you know, look at pathogens.


Look at inflammation.


Stuff, stuff like that.


And you ameliorate these things and kind of use those as healing opportunities.


These things go away the headaches, the whatever the brain fog.


The inability to concentrate, they go away once you just address the gut and you just focus on the gut.


Ohh one another thing is a lot of people have these endotoxins that are part of the bacterial milieu.


Certain types of bacteria through their own life cycle these endotoxins.


They can get into our systemic circulation, that damage the blood brain barrier cause a lot of immune reaction. So a lot of people are living like this day-to-day and they're actually feeding them. The more you know, we're taught, eat more fiber, eat more this more.


Whatever more grains.


So we're actually feeding the putting fuel to the fire.


So this is another area where the science, you know it's.


It's quite clear, but it's the practitioners and the doctors that haven't caught up.


So you know, again, we have to take it upon ourselves to research these things, educate ourselves and then hopefully educate others so that we can all benefit from, you know, the knowledge.


Absolutely, absolutely.


And it's really important that these.


These newer paradigms get out there and.


I I'm I.


Really grateful to people like you that are on the cutting edge and trying to help people by, you know, making.


Making inroads into helping the.


Figure out how to address the issues that.


They're suffering from.


And you know, starting with autism, because I think autism is like it's the elephant in the room that nobody's talking about.


And you know, if you if you do.


Talk about it.


They're like well.


No, it's nothing.


It's inherited.


Well it.


Genetic yeah.


Just to be genetic.


You know for thousands.


Maybe millions of years.


People ate what came around, and really the lifespan isn't.


All that different.


Than it was maybe 200 years ago.


It's just that infants tended to live longer in the old days.


Children died early sometimes, and that brought the average lifespan down.


So people would talk about people.


Only live 40 years well.


Most people, probably.


That's the average.


Live to be like 80 years, but so many kids died in childbirth that it brought the number down.


And they don't.


They don't understand the dynamics of averaging and.


Today even today the average.


Birth rates in the United States is going up.


Which is affecting the longevity rates.


But you know people are still living a long time, not very well, mind you.


For many of them, you don't take care of your health when you're young, you're going to suffer when you're old and you're going.


Your kids are.


Going to suffer, it's not.


Like just you.


Yeah, I saw my grandmother in in the last.


Five years of her life was pure hell on my, my, my mother and her sister and other family members.


That was actually one of the catalysts for me to really get deep deeply into health is because I had to find out, is this all genetic?


Am I going to you know?


One day just.


Start having strokes when I'm 70 or 80 and is there nothing I can do about it?


Is it all just genetic and I actually started digging deeper into our genetics.


At least mine in the family, but it extra I can extrapolate to what my mother and my father has and my sister.


From what I have, you know, at least for them and then it gets a little bit harder once you get out further out.


But I actually through running some genetic testing I can see.


There are certain genes that we have variations in where.


Those variations are associated with conditions that run in my family, so the genetic aspect is not to be thrown out for sure, but I think genetics maybe will account 2 to 5% of things that that you see out there.


For the most part, it's.


It's like it's like the saying genetics loads the gun.


In your environment, pulls the trigger, so most of.


What we do on a daily basis, how healthy our mom was when she when she was pregnant with us was a big thing, sure.


And then what we are fed as a kid where we breast fed, where we are, C-section. Did we have to take antibiotics?


Were we?


You know, nowadays we're all like all these kids are stuck at home all day long in front of books and devices.


And that.


Is largely believed to be driving the short sightedness epidemic you could call because like in, I think in China something like 90% of kids are short sighted now. So it definitely seems to definitely seems to be.


Not enough light exposure, so there's so many things in our environment now that are predisposing us to disease or ill health.


All the plastics around us, all the dust in, in our houses that is collecting salads.


Polybrominated diphenyl ethers flame retardants, which are in everything your couch, your mattress, your car seat, plastics again.


So again what?


What people don't understand is when you say environment, your environment is a driver for disease.


It's all the blue light in the evening that looking at devices.


And then in in the morning, you're not seeing blue light as you would back in the day, you would be out in the sun?


So that is messing with your diurnal melatonin cycle.


Your sleep wake cycle and that causes too much stress hormones to get released and that.


Causes all, all manner of things from insulin resistance, inflammation, obese central obesity.


And you know, once you have that you have an even more ripe environment for inflammation.


So we have to.


We have to have a multi pronged approach to approach these problems because.


It's the body is a complex system.


We're in a complex environment with a complex set of factors, so you can't change.


One thing you can't just take one supplement.


You can't just stop eating meat, thinking suddenly you're going to be all healthy and stuff, and you're going to save the planet.


We have to really again take responsibility for ourselves, for our kids, teach them, and then.


You know, at the end of the day, if you teach your children how to live well and stay healthy and all that good stuff, well, they're gonna do that to their kids.


So we're setting our lineage up for generational success in terms of health well-being and so on. And I think this this is how we change the world.


I agree.


I agree.


I would ask you.


To say you know what's the one thing.


You want to leave the audience with but.


I'm gonna ask you that.


But I really think that.


You just summed it up so well.


Thank you.


There is something else I suppose I could say if someone listening if you were suffering from brain fog or fatigue or you can't sleep or you have some type of gut stuff or your skin problems.


Any number or you know you have weight that you don't want, you have unwanted weight gain.


All of these things.


Have there's a reason that they're occurring.


It's not.


Most likely it's not genetic.


It's not probably.


It's not because you're getting old, as your doctor might tell you, you just get no when you get old.


This happens and when you get old that.


Happens. Here's a.


Pill it's most it has a reason, so my advice would be don't.


To live in suffering, I just know way too many family members.


Friends that just I suppose they a lot of them are living on willpower.


A lot of them are just living thinking.


Ohh if I suffer now, I'm gonna get good karma.


That's B as God or the creator doesn't want you to suffer.


You are not gonna get extra brownie points for more suffering when you go to heaven or in your next incarnation, you're not gonna have more.


Pleasant circumstances because you suffered more and you have a karmic sort of debts to be repaid by the universe.


No, these are all choices that we make on a daily basis and every choice you make leads you towards more, more dysfunction and disease or towards vibrant health and yes.


You're fighting against aging, AKA entropy, so the fight will get a little bit harder as you get older, but you don't like there's back in the.


People would live well into their 90s.


They would cycle their bike, they would smoke their cigarettes.


They would, you know, drink their wine and they would be doing their, their gardening and people would be thriving until that, that day that you just pop off and it's onto the next journey.


So you your default.


State is like that of a of a 2 year old kid, thriving, jovial, happy.


Living in joy, so if you are not in that state, you know, look for someone that understands, you know, functional, health, functional medicine, a naturopath, someone that can help you with that because there are answers out there.


It's not genetic.


It's not because you're getting old.


It can be remedied somehow, so find somebody and get to a state where you're thriving because you cannot, someone that's thriving, happy and well, they're you cannot control them.


You know you cannot hoodwink them super easily.


And this is what this is a tyrant.


The tyrants worst nightmare.


So, you know, do that for yourself and the you will be doing us all a favor.




Absolutely, absolutely.


So Christian, how can?


People get in touch with you.


So folks can go to my website, which is, or if they're podcast listeners, which I'm sure many folks listening to this are, they can look for my podcast connecting minds or just type in my name, Christian Yordanov or my Children's Health podcast. You can type that into your podcasting platform and everything will come up.


Thank you.


So much for joining us.


It's been great getting to chat with you.


About one of my favorite topics.


Thank you so much and I can see you're definitely awake to a lot of these things.


So it was a great pleasure to converse with you.


Thank you.



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