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Ep. 25 - Fabrics and how they affect your health
Episode 2525th October 2023 • The Reality of Health • Erik Muzzy
00:00:00 00:40:22

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In this episode I discuss the benefits of surrounding yourself in fabrics that have surprising benefits for your health.

The reality of fabrics in health has been known for centuries. Ancient people knew the value and yet today we mostly use synthetic fabrics that are harmful to your well being.

Join me if you love to learn truth that can impart your daily struggle in this difficult world we live in.

I promise this is very interesting and valuable information!

Super soft Linen sheets: thinner, more colors amazon link

Thicker longer lasting:


Fabrics and your health


Erik: Welcome friends. Today, we are going to have an interesting and fun show. I know it will be for me. I hope it is for you. Something, maybe you've never really thought about. Of course, I say that all the time, because I'd like to bring you things you've never thought about.

Well, this one is really big. So I'm going to try and condense it for you,

but just know I'm just touching on the subject. Actually. It's much bigger than this.

I have a question for you.

Anything that you use? Consume. Where. Think about. Drink. Put on your skin. Breathe into your lungs. Look at listen to. Read eat. What does that lead to?

What's the end result. What is the benefit of it?

you. In the future or right [:

There's an old Indian proverb. From India. He talks about the man who was cutting. A branch off of a tree. While he was standing on that branch. At the end of it. So once he was successful, he fell.

Every decision. We make has some consequence. Meaning either good or bad.

All right, so let's get into this. The human body. Actually vibrates at 100 megahertz. That's right. You heard me? 100 megahertz. Why 100, who knows? It's just the way it is.

A very sickly, diseased body or death actually vibrates at 15 megahertz. Could goes, it could go lower than that, but generally it's 15.

now. Oh, we're going to get [:

Yup. Super fabrics like linen and wool.

I know that this is a health podcast. Well, I'm going to bring your health. The reality is. There's so much more going on that affects your health than you even realize, or I even realize. This is just one aspect happens to be really fun to talk about and learn about.

It's not always about your diet and exercise and nutrition. Sometimes there's things that affect you in a really wonderful way. And would you want to know what those are?

not anywhere close to linen. [:

All the animal fibers are equivalent to just the larger context of wool. As in cashmere. Et cetera. But I'm not quite sure that just yet. So we're just going to talk about the generalization of wool today. Mostly, this is going to be on linen because linen is absolutely an incredible, incredible.

Fabric to be wearing. We're using.

Problem. Is that when you think of things like cotton, you've always been told, you know, we should do cotton. And now the newer one that's coming out again is hemp. They're good, but they're also neutral. They don't really do much for you. They're just kind of there. We'll get into this a little bit further.

to help you anything above a [:

All fabrics besides wool. Flax linen. Cotton and hemp. Measures. Zero to 15. That includes silk, by the way. You see, everyone thinks silk is this natural substance? Well, it is technically, but. It is so synthesized and it's not technically a fiber, so it's not really a fabric per se.

It's the product of the silk worm. And then they add dead silkworms into that.


Pot of silk. So. They've added.

the general term. It creates [:

So then you say, well, how do we know this, Eric? That. There's this.

ny researchers from doctors. [:

They wanted to standardize medicine by doing that, you had to have a license. Well, guess what? They didn't like the people doing electoral medical [00:07:00] therapy.

Those have survived. Then in:

Her and her colleagues used a device they use in agriculture. They can, um, test for soil and how the soil and the plant works together. In vibration and [00:08:00] frequency to figure out the best time to plant it.

Yes, that's actually a thing because there's frequencies. Nowadays, they call it electrical culture. For gardening and growing fruits and vegetables in this kind of thing. It's massive. We becoming popular really, really fast. He was everything from magnets to electricity. To light to, oh, it's crazy. Really fun stuff. They know that you can test the soil and the plant and make sure that they're.

In sync.

ade an antenna out of linen. [:

the main cause of all disease. And death.

He measured frequencies of fabrics, as well as things like the pathogens and sicknesses and good things and bad things that could affect you. He figured a lot of this stuff out long time ago.

So Dr. Heidi Yellen decided. I look at, I got all these people back then. Let's check this out. .

When she saw all of those. Journals and books written about this and said, what the heck is going on? Why don't we have this? I'm going to figure out this is true. And she figured it out.

n, maybe. Well, that's up to [:

But it goes further than just your clothes. All right. So you really going to have to decide. Where and how you can use these things in your life. I'll give you some ideas. Don't you worry?

Disclaimer. I'm going to give you testimonies as well.

These are ones I've read.

There are numerous testimony throughout the ages. Going way, way, way back. There's a lot of research too right now on linen other fabrics. So if you need the data and you want to look at it, you know, from. Scientific studies and things like that. Go ahead, look it up. Knock yourself out. But the whole point of this. Podcast is you don't have to, I'm going to give you the truth right now. I've deciphered. Most of this for you.

ience says. Most science. Is [:

Yes. You heard me correctly. Your human body is 100. [00:12:00] Linen is 5,000. Cotton unbleached.

Organic. Is 100.

Those yoga pants you're wearing right now. That dri-fit polo you're wearing right now. Yeah. 15. The same as death.

Linen. It's the oldest known fabric. If you read the history of linens, going to blow your mind, remember. Last episode. I said that I got on to this. Episode. And I had to listen to other ones as well. They were just so fascinating. This was one of them. How. Is linen made. Why did they make it? Where do they make it? Whether it's attributes who uses it, how long ago have they been? I mean, it just goes on and on. And it's been used in so many things. I never knew.

One of the ways that they've been using it forever is on wounds. They can prove this just.

in any setting, you can take [:

Add it to your wound, whatever that is. You'll find that it heals. Either in half the time or super fast, much, much faster than any band-aid or any. Topical anything you can put on there. It is really fast. That's that vibrational frequency of 5,000. I know I've hit you a million times on vibrations and frequencies and EMF and all this kind of stuff. This is why you see at 5,000 it's ultra healing. It tells yourself to repair faster. Your cells want to repair faster. This is your body. Doesn't want a wound. It's trying to get the wound healed. Linen is a naturally. Antibacterial and antifungal. So when you use it for wounds, It keeps bacteria out. And fungus. And the coolest thing. That I think linen does.

Is Linden fibers. Reflect light.

t? What does that mean? They [:

It means that you're protected. From all kinds of frequencies of light that may not be good for you at any specific time.

So you have two ways that you get light in your body. So just before eyes and skin. So if you're wearing linen fibers, And you're in a blue lit environment. It blocks the blue.

And by the way, it's the only fiber that reflects light. Isn't that crazy? It actually reflects light. That's just that. To me is phenomenal. Why, why does it. Reflect light.

It's also anti-static.

It keeps. Electrical charge. From static in your environment from collecting on your skin.

Which is never a good thing for your body.

ething. Or anything of these [:

Sounds far-fetched doesn't it. Well, guess what? They know this in nuclear facilities. So they can't wear synthetics. They even set off the detectors on their way out. That they've got too much rate on attached to their clothing.

It's also. pH neutral. Which helps with skin while wearing or sleeping in it. pH interesting. Why does it help your skin? Well,

For some reason.

Maybe it's the fact that it absorbs.


static electricity, but good [:

So good. Is linen. That even mummies in Egypt. We're buried in it. So, not only were [00:17:00] they buried in it. They used to wear it themselves. Were there other fabrics? Of course there were cotton. Animal stuff. They had those. Why was linen?

Such a prized fabric. In Egypt. Because it's better. Remember it's temperature regulating cotton is not. We'll can be. But will was probably uncomfortable being out there in the desert. And it was hot.

Of course we know Jesus was buried in fine linen. The Bible says not just linen says fine linen. There is a difference. Oh, by the way. Fine. Linen is stuff that you would wear. Burlap or canvas. Those are also linen, but you wouldn't wear those.

Scripture also tells us that he's going to come back in fine linen. And everybody with him will be in fine white linen.

any of the concepts that the [:

All right, let's talk about, uh, Sensitive subject. That's babies.

Why should babies use linen? Well, Babies. Are like little. Sponges. They absorb everything. Do you know, When you look back into the literature swaddling. Was actually linen.

Erik: But a story of a Jewish man who his baby. Was born. Dead. And he swaddled that baby in his prayer. Shawl, which was very fine. Linen. Held that baby for 30 minutes.

This is a recent story, by the way.

Ambulance showed up. Finally. And the baby was fine. To this day. Child is totally normal.

Just saying.

Could that have something to do with the antenna effect and the 5,000 Hertz. Probably.

lly bad for you, and they're [:

if you think about it with your children, And symptoms they may have or future problems they probably will have with their health. How about diapers?

How about all the chemicals you put on your baby's skin that are in soaps and lotions? I mean, like I said, their skin is this. Sponge.

I have a soft spot for babies. And pets because they can't tell you how they feel. They can just cry and that's it.

So to me, anything you can do. To protect them. Why would you not want to do those?

In Japan.

bedsores. People get healed [:

I told you hyperallergenic thermal regulating pH neutral, no static. Antibacterial antifungal. They put it on wounds. So if you put it on your body and then you're laying on it, how is it possible? You're going to get a bed sore. I mean. You can't.

The other thing that's pretty wild that it does is it can buffer. Bad. EMF 5g, your phone's wifi. All the negative garbage in our,

in our electro pollution. Environment.

So when you sleep. In linen sheets. You're actually almost kind of like a Faraday cage against bad EMF. It protects you.

t of it can be buffered out. [:

It's also hydrophilic, which just means it sheds moisture from your skin. So that whole dry fit idea or some of these clothings that we wear that say, whisks moisture from your skin. Well guess what. Flex linen already does that naturally. It's already, it's already in it. Why do you have to spray some chemical? That's totally toxic on your clothes in order to get that when you can just wear linen. I know that there's all kinds of, you're going to say, oh, but it, it wrinkles easily. It's expensive. All this kind of, I get it. But.

It's worth it.

Absolutely 100% worth it.

Erik 1: Now as far as.

The quality of the materials. Some materials are really high quality. Others are not so much. The thickness. Or how course it might feel to you. Isn't always.

An indicator of its quality.

hicker. Linen that's organic,[:


Materials we'll keep you warmer. A little bit. They also last longer for the most part. You can get very soft linen right away. But it has its drawbacks. It's also been stonewashed and used more. So. Maybe it's too soft or.

Maybe you just don't like the feel of whatever. Article of clothing or sheet set you got, but.

Just know that no matter what, the more you use it, the softer it gets.

Of course, it's going to wrinkle. That's one of the things that is the hallmark of good linen. It will wrinkle. If it doesn't wrinkle, they have additives in there that you don't want.

The thicker.

The linen, the longer it's going to take to break in. I'm telling you it's worth it. And the, for a side note, I will tell you.

that is , already. Soft. Is [:

The softer linen sheet set that I use. Is much cooler to the skin. it might be one of those things where one's good in the winter. One's good in the summer. Mostly. We'll see. You never know, you gotta work with it. You gotta work with what you got. Got to work with what you paid for.

I just wanted to let you know. That. It's not always. The softest is the best. Sometimes there's other qualities that you need to look out for, like quality stitching. Is the weave. Correct?

Is the color what you're looking for? There's a lot of things you need to think about. I just wanted to throw those out to you.

Erik: Linen. And also hemp are so much better for the environment. It's crazy.

In so [:

All right, I'm going to give you a few testimonies here. Um, I said I would, I'm going to run through these. I'm not going to spend any time on them going right through them. Okay. So I'm gonna talk fast. I hear me out and we'll be onto the next thing.

I decided to wear linen underwear because I was having yeast infections and heard it could help. I received the underwear and put it on. I noticed after an hour or so, I had no lower back or hip pain. You see, I also suffer from chronic bursitis and have chronic pain daily. I often wake my husband in the middle of the night because I cry out in pain when I move the wrong way. I am a total believer. I cannot believe the linen worked when all of the essential oils, massage and chiropractic only relieve the pain slightly. And the pain always returned.

Here's another one. I had a migraine for three days before I got my linen pillow cases. I slept on it. One night in the morning, the headache was gone. I've read those a billion times, by the way.

I [:

After four nights of sleeping on the linen pillow cases, my husband stopped snoring. Can you imagine? Is that easy? Well, it might be for them.

Many people struggle with sleep disorders, of course, but for those of us who are totally blind, The inability to sleep restfully and regularly is a special problem,

which is sometimes called. "non 24".

m discovering the refreshing [:

Next one. I just had my fourth baby sweet girl. On November 4th. I had read about menstrual postpartum pads. Out of linen. Helping to lessen pain and bleeding. So I made sure to order some before my daughter was born. With the birth of my first three children, I had a lot of blood clots. The cramps from my uterus contracting after birth were almost more painful than labor pains. Even with ibuprofen, man. I can't even, I can't even think about that. That's can you imagine. Worse than your labor pains. I continue. However this time. [00:27:00] Thanks to.

Menstrual and postpartum linen pads. I had absolutely no blood clots, a much lighter flow. And the afterbirth contractions were the least painful of all four of my children. Nurses warned me that they hurt worse. The more children you have, but that was simply not the case. This time.

nce that they did experience [:

I'm sure you've experienced things in your life when you were thinking this is not going to work, there's no way. And then bang, it works.

All right. So linens the best.

Wool. We're just going to touch on this and we're going to move on. We'll also. Vibrates at 5,000. But it doesn't reflect light.

Problem with wool is, , it can be a little more tricky because, it's. Hard to find the products and they're usually a little bit itchy. Now alpaca. Uh, his smoother fibers than wool, even Merino wool. . I'm not sure if alpaca has the same frequency of 5,000. I'm sure it does, but no, one's tested it yet.

If that's true and you want to use alpaca. That's probably a better alternative for you. Because it's not going to be itchy. Very few people get itchiness from alpaca. Very, very few.

they cancel each other out. [:

Linen. Vibrates right to left.

And wool vibrates left or right. So in essence, it makes it zero. That's what they said. They could see that. In the instruments. I'm going to take it one step further, maybe just maybe. It's because one's animal. And one's plant.

I'm just saying.

One more point to make, is that. Mixing fabrics is really not a good idea. It's best to keep one single fabric. Because you see. When you take, let's say a vibrational frequency of 100 for organic unbleached cotton. And mix that with something like rayon. Or other synthetic fibers. that are vibrating at 15. You're going to take that 100 and bring it down way, way down, probably closer to 15.


This is why it's important to read the labels. Even though someone may say 100% Merino wool. Sweater or. A hundred percent Organic. Cotton t-shirt. And when you read the label, it's 80% organic cotton. And 20%, some other fibers. That is not. A frequency of 100. That is not actually 100% organic. Cotton. That's them saying they put 100% organic cotton in there that wasn't mixed with anything else, but then they added a whole nother other synthetic. Fabric to that. So technically it's all. Word salad and they get away with it. Same thing they do with food and ingredients. They can say it's.[00:31:00] Organic. And then when you read the labels, Ah, only part of it's organic, but the part they put in was organic. Does that make sense?

All right, let's get back to it.

Erik: They're harder to find, even without the synthetic dyes, but they're out there still better than any other synthetic fiber. That's for sure. Why.

Because. Think about it, you're putting the stuff on your skin. Either you're sleeping in it or you're putting it on your body. A lot of pieces, by the way. And then the one that really bothers me the most is. You're putting that fabric on your private parts. You know,

That area. I should be probably the cleanest area of your body. And you're putting synthetic chemicals and synthetic dyes and fabrics that.

Vibrate at the same as death. Hmm, not such a good thing to do. Is it.

s from the plastic, from the [:

The acrylic and all of that stuff. Of course plastic. If you don't know is. Uh, Xeno, estrogen. So microplastics actually act like estrogen in your body. So we're wondering why you gain 20 pounds since you started wearing yoga pants. I guarantee you that's why.

Wondering why you gained 20 pounds going to all these athletic clothes all the time. That's why. Wondering why. Breast cancers through the roof. One of the reasons is bras aren't made out of linen. Or organic unbleached, cotton or wool. Dermato synthetic fibers, those things. Those fabrics are terrible for those sensitive areas of your body.

And then the other thing that we do. As we wear black all the time. Black is horrible for your skin and your brain and your overall health.

When they measure black fabrics, it's zero.

Think about that. It's not even 15, which is death. It's below death. I mean. I mean is. Do I.

Wow. Well, I guess, [:

Now we're onto the depressing part of this conversation.

I know you're not going to want to hear this. Most people don't. But I'm going to give you the reality.

85% of clothing purchased, ends up in the landfill.

In one year.

Then guess what? Most people, they don't buy one article of really good quality clothing, every so often. No, no. They buy lots of pieces of clothing. And either don't wear them or get rid of them super quickly, like within a year.

There's more clothing on the planet. Then there are people that can wear it. So they end up also burning it or burying the clothing. In all kinds of third world countries. Yes. You heard me correctly burning. Or burying clothing.

In third world countries.


What does that say about things like the environment, the old people. They're so worried about a tiny bit of carbon dioxide coming out of the cars. But they're not worried about. Synthetic clothing being burned all around the world and put into landfills.

They're even burning used tires all over the world because there's no place to put them. They burned them.

You can't tell me that's producing less than cars nowadays that have really good emissions.

That's just a.

If [:

R one of, if not the largest. Environmental hazard on this planet. Well, maybe you do now. All the chemicals, all the fabrics, all the dyes. How they get rid of it, all the excess material that they can't use because they trimmed it off in the making of the garment where all that go. I mean, at least back in the day, when Levi's made jeans, They would give the cuttings to the government who made.

Dollar bills out of it. Not anymore.

One of the things you need to be concerned about with all this synthetic fabrics is they're extremely flammable. I mean, if you get anywhere near a flame and that sucker goes up, you're going up. There is no. There's no back in away. That's why, when you, when you buy. Oven myths and these kinds of things they're not made out of microfiber. , those are plastic. They burn, you would be well. We don't wanna talk about that.

mmable, they use things like [:

That's that substance I told you about that's in mountain Dew. It's banned all around the world.

It's a fire resistant. It's used in so many things. You come in contact with every day, especially your clothes. Why do you want those on your body then?

Absorbing bromine. If countries won't even allow it in the food, why are you putting it on your skin? I no longer am doing this. I'm getting rid of all my stuff that is not. At minimum neutral to my skin. Or up to the frequency of linen.

You ready for a truth bomb. I'm about to hit you with one. Hit me today. Never thought about this topic until today.

Why do we wear clothes with brand names on them?

That we have absolutely zero [:

You see where I'm going with this?

They're taking advantage of you. You're wearing their brand. And you're not getting anything for it.

Well, you can see I got a t-shirt Eric. Okay. You can get a t-shirt without a brand on it. Probably looks better too.

See where I'm going with this. You'll wear an entire outfit. With branding all over it. But you don't work for them. You're not an athlete. They don't pay you.

So. Why.

So here's the thing. Natural fibers. Come from the planet. From life from the ground. From animals. As well.

ut. Synthetics ultimately do [:

Here's an experiment for you. If you're wearing tight fitting nylon clothing, like yoga pants or dry fit, everything, or just about anything that you know, is plastic based.

Sheets clothing. It's on your. Furniture it's everywhere.

Tri wearing organic cotton or organic linen. Or wool loosely. For a few days and then see how you feel. Nothing tight. Just. Nice fitting. A little bit looser, more comfortable, just see how you feel.

Then you'll know, is it for you? Do you feel any better? I mean, you're going to feel the things that would be immediate. You're not going to feel the Xeno estrogens that develop over time. But maybe things like headaches, like the guy said.

Or. [:

Your clothing also sends a message to other people. Does it not.

Do we seriously? Do we wear clothing, expecting other people to notice it? Are we trying to impress them?

Or are you trying to feel good about yourself? And then why do you feel good about yourself? Because you think you look good to whom to them. It's not for you. It's for them ultimately.

Why are you wearing the clothing that you're wearing? Are you wearing it for others? Or are you wearing it for your health?

I hope you found this episode. Enlightening and interesting. I know I did.

Till next time, take care of yourself.





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