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The Leadership BEAT Model: Stress, Sacrifices, Joy and Social Connection #06
Episode 64th May 2023 • Mindful Paths Podcast • Nick Day & Hari Kalymnios
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The Leadership BEAT Model: Stress, Sacrifices, Joy and Social Connection #06

In this episode of The Mindful Paths podcast, Nick Day and Hari Kalymnios explore the Leadership BEAT model - a revolutionary approach to achieving health, vitality, and longevity. Based on the four key elements of Brain, Elements, Activity, and Tranquility, this model offers a comprehensive framework for developing a happier, healthier, and more mindful life.

Hari Kalymnios, the author of the "Thought Gym" (see links below to order a copy), shares his journey of learning, which started over 10 years ago and saw him research and learn from a wide range of disciplines, from neuroscience, neuro-linguistic programming, and hypnotherapy, to philosophy, spirituality, personal development, nutrition, exercise, business, and even quantum physics. Along the way, he studied the biographies and autobiographies of great leaders to identify common traits and habits that contributed to their success.

The Leadership BEAT model recognizes the importance of the four elements in achieving optimal health and wellbeing. The Brain element refers to the importance of mindset, resilience, and stress management. Elements is about our relationship with the earth. Activity focuses on the importance of movement and play, while Tranquility emphasises the role of social connection, mindfulness, and relaxation.

Nick and Hari also discuss the science behind the model, the importance of social connection and how we can release hormones through dancing that help us feel joy. Nick shares his own experiences with dancing and explains how the movement to music can induce a flow state, which in turn, leads to a release of endorphins, making us feel good and boosting our overall health.

If you're interested in achieving health, vitality, and longevity and want to learn how to implement the Leadership BEAT model, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in to The Mindful Paths podcast for more actionable insights and ideas to help you on your own journey towards personal growth and positive change.

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DISCLAIMER & GUIDANCE: The content provided in this podcast and on our webpage is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice or treatment. Mental health is a complex issue, and this podcast aims to raise awareness and provide helpful insights. However, it is essential to note that everyone's mental health is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. If you are experiencing mental health issues or feel overwhelmed, seeking help or speaking to someone is crucial. Speaking to someone about your concerns can help lighten the load and provide a way forward.

We have listed some professional organisations below that may help:

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