1-54 Forum Paris
7 - 10 April 2022 (09/04/2022)
Have We Ever Been Modern?
Joël Andrianomearisoa
Christine Eyene
Marie-Cécile Zinsou
Moderator: Marie-Ann Yemsi
How do we negotiate the tension between the notion of old and new; the ‘traditional’ and the contemporary culture produced on the African continent and its diaspora today? Rather than retreating into debates of semantics, this conversation seeks to create a propositional sphere, where social justice is not merely an aspiration but a way of collaboratively thinking through the different means that solidarity around African art can be made manifest. Whether deliberating restitution or the framing of our present discourses of contemporary art, this session seeks to move us beyond the debate of western notions of modernity, in favour of a dichotomous and rapturous sphere of constant dissonance.