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Using Compassion and Boundaries in Our Advocacy
Episode 808th March 2022 • The Collaborative IEP • Ashley Barlow
00:00:00 00:41:44

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“If we really want to practice compassion, we have to start by setting boundaries and holding people accountable for their behavior.” -Brene Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection.  Surely you’d agree that compassion plays a big role in special education advocacy.  We want school teams to be compassionate and equitable to our children, right?  Have you ever considered how to evoke compassion, empathy, and equitability?  I re-read The Gifts of Imperfection over the weekend, and the quote above stuck out.  So, in today’s episode, I explore the intersection of compassion and boundaries, landing on three tips to help you hold your IEP team more accountable and – in turn- evoke more compassion at the IEP table.  




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