This episode explores Carl Jung and the signals that arise on the path to change. This episode's guest is James Hollis who's an American Jungian psychoanalyst, author of sixteen books, and public speaker. This special podcast episode explores the work of Carl Jung, including the themes of shadow work, archetypes of the collective unconscious, lucid dreaming, dreams and dreamwork as well as the path to change on the Hero's journey. We also touch on Jungian psychology in a way that's easy to grasp while exploring conscious change, common fears, anxiety and how difficulties in life can signal a calling from the deeper "soul".
If you're interested in Carl Jung, Jungian psychology, shadow work, archetypes, are going through a passage of change, struggling to find purpose in life or are looking to change your life in a seemingly drastic way based on a calling from within; this is the podcast for you, my friend!
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Check out the wonderful work of Jungian Analyst James Hollis here:
James Hollis, Ph. D., was born in Springfield, Illinois, and graduated from Manchester University in 1962 and Drew University in 1967. He taught Humanities 26 years in various colleges and universities before retraining as a Jungian analyst at the Jung Institute of Zurich, Switzerland (1977-82). He is presently a licensed Jungian analyst in private practice in Washington, D.C. He served as Executive Director of the Jung Educational Center in Houston, Texas for many years and now as Executive Director of the Jung Society of Washington until 2019, and now serves on the JSW Board of Directors. He is a retired Senior Training Analyst for the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, was first Director of Training of the Philadelphia Jung Institute, and is Vice-President Emeritus of the Philemon Foundation. Additionally, he is a Professor of Jungian Studies for Saybrook University of San Francisco/Houston.