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The Mukad: aberrant insect harbingers from Grim Hollow by Ghostfire Games
Episode 1125th July 2022 • Making a Monster • Lucas Zellers
00:00:00 00:26:41

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The mukad are insect-like aberrations following the orders of a slumbering god of destruction as they lurk in the walls.

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Joe Raso:

Grim Hollow by Ghostfire Games:

Music by Jason Shaw at


Joe Raso:

As the adventurers walk

Joe Raso:

down the dark stairwell they notice

Joe Raso:

scrabbling sounds coming from perhaps

Joe Raso:

within the walls themselves and

Joe Raso:

in the darkness, there's movement

Joe Raso:

stirring in the bottom of the steps.

Joe Raso:

You see forms slowly coming into focus,

Joe Raso:

which are small worm like creatures and,

Joe Raso:

for many in, your group, there's probably

Joe Raso:

a bit of a revulsion cuz it reminds you

Joe Raso:

of centipedes that writhe together and

Joe Raso:

start flowing up the steps towards you.


Welcome to Making a Monster,


the bite-sized podcast where game


designers show us their favorite


monster and we discover how it works,


why it works, and what it means.


I'm Lucas Zellers.


Monsters are often


simply a matter of scale.


Many of nature's most perfect


predators are simply too small to


be any threat to humans, and some of


history's most famous monsters are


those too big for what we perceive


as their place in the natural order.


Designer Joe Raso showed his keen eye for


how this works in the context of D&D with


his aberrant insect harbinger, the mukad.


So Joe, your title has changed a


couple of times since I've known you.

Joe Raso:

My official title right now is

Joe Raso:

writing coordinator for Ghostfire Games.

Joe Raso:

That was effective as of.

Joe Raso:

Wow end of March this year.

Joe Raso:

Prior to that, I started doing freelance

Joe Raso:

writing for a bunch of RPG folks.

Joe Raso:

I guess I went full time

Joe Raso:

in July of that last year.

Joe Raso:

Before that I was just doing my

Joe Raso:

own work on DMS Guild, in addition

Joe Raso:

to my day job, so to speak.

Joe Raso:

But I'm, I'm fully vested in the

Joe Raso:

whole RPG space at this point.


I think you and I we're sort


of in each other's orbit circa 2019.


And I, I think back in December, we


had talked about getting you on the


podcast for the Dunwood project.


Dunwood is a forest in D&D's Forgotten


Realms setting that feels a lot like


Tolkien's Mirkwood or the balanced


growth and decay of the green-black


Witherbloom College of magic in Magic


the Gathering's Strixhaven University.


In real-world terms, this would be


an old-growth forest, a term coined


in the 1940s to describe the later


stages of stand development with truly


massive trees, multiple canopy layers


blocking the sun, and a forest floor


covered in large dead woody material.


These are forests that feel more like


oceans, and the oldest of them sheltered


the last vestiges of Ice Age megafauna


like bush-antlered deer and dire wolves.


In lore, Dunwood is a part of


a region called the Great Dale.

Joe Raso:

The first big effort that I did

Joe Raso:

was, um, The Great Dale Campaign Guide.

Joe Raso:

It's a, a Forgotten Realms source book.

Joe Raso:

It was sort of paying homage to

Joe Raso:

a third edition production, um,

Joe Raso:

that I really loved called, um,

Joe Raso:

Why the heck, I can't remember the

Joe Raso:

name of the production right now.

Joe Raso:

Oh, the, the Unapproachable East.

Joe Raso:

I got a suggestion to reach out to

Joe Raso:

some other folks and me building a

Joe Raso:

little source guide, um, expansion to

Joe Raso:

bring things up to fifth edition, over

Joe Raso:

period of two or three weeks exploded.

Joe Raso:

12 authors or 10 authors.

Joe Raso:

I can't remember the number I had,

Joe Raso:

um, and a a hundred plus source book

Joe Raso:

that, that I ended up producing.

Joe Raso:

Um, my first real effort

Joe Raso:

that big, it was it.

Joe Raso:

I really shouldn't have done it,

Joe Raso:

cuz it was, it was way too way

Joe Raso:

too large, but it was a fantastic.

Joe Raso:

Learning experience for me.

Joe Raso:

So that was, that was the first big one.


Joe's work on Dunwood and


other projects over the past few years


led him to become a contributor for


the 5th edition setting Grim Hollow.

Joe Raso:

Grim Hollow is a grimdark

Joe Raso:

sort of horror based campaign

Joe Raso:

that Ghostfire games has produced.

Joe Raso:

And I felt astoundingly,

Joe Raso:

astoundingly, astoundingly, lucky.

Joe Raso:

Um, when Sean me Merwin asked if I'd

Joe Raso:

like to contribute a bunch of monsters

Joe Raso:

to the to this monster book that

Joe Raso:

they're creating for that setting,


Oh, so this is


in progress right now.

Joe Raso:

It it's in delivery actually.

Joe Raso:

Yeah, I, I did the actual

Joe Raso:

writing for this last.

Joe Raso:

Oh, what was it?

Joe Raso:

in the June, June, July timeframe

Joe Raso:

is when I, when I was working on,

Joe Raso:

on these Grim Hollow creatures.

Joe Raso:

And I think the, the products are

Joe Raso:

actually showing up in people's

Joe Raso:

doorsteps in the last month or so.

Joe Raso:

So I haven't got my hard copy yet, but

Joe Raso:

I've, I've, I've seen the seen the,

Joe Raso:

the PDF, which is pretty fantastic.


You've dropped a buzzword and


I'm all about breaking those apart


and figuring out what that means.


What does grimdark mean to you,


especially in the context of what


Grim Hollow is trying to do and be?

Joe Raso:

For me, grimdark means stories

Joe Raso:

that fear and dread are a key component

Joe Raso:

and the survival of the heroes is not

Joe Raso:

necessarily guaranteed as opposed to

Joe Raso:

uh, heroic fantasy where, um, you're,

Joe Raso:

you're dealing with giant threats and

Joe Raso:

ultimately you expect the heroes to,

Joe Raso:

to survive in the end victoriously.

Joe Raso:

Um, in, in a grimdark setting.

Joe Raso:

I, I don't think that's the assumption.

Joe Raso:

I, I think it's, we hope that

Joe Raso:

they'll get through whatever terrible

Joe Raso:

onslaught that they're going through.

Joe Raso:

Um, but it's, it's perilous might be the

Joe Raso:

good, the correct word to use for that.

Joe Raso:

Um, overwhelming.

Joe Raso:

Bad stuff is, is maybe

Joe Raso:

the, the simpler way.


Yeah, What I've heard from people


who have played older editions is that


they have somewhat of a more adversarial


relationship between player and DM and


mechanics and character than fifth edition


does such that fifth edition is kind


of, kinder to, to player characters.


It leans more into the heroic


fantasy element of this.


Does that jive with your experience?


And do you think Grim Hollow


might be a return to that sort


of attitude from older editions?

Joe Raso:

Possibly that that

Joe Raso:

might be a nice way to look at it.

Joe Raso:

I, I, I think the earlier editions, it

Joe Raso:

was the, the game was still being figured

Joe Raso:

out by everybody, in my opinion, um, where

Joe Raso:

you, it was the first time you, you had

Joe Raso:

these role playing games available to the

Joe Raso:

public, to purchase and, and play with.

Joe Raso:

And it was such a different or

Joe Raso:

change to what, um, everybody

Joe Raso:

had experienced up to that point.

Joe Raso:

I mean, I I'd played risk.

Joe Raso:

I'd played all the typical board games.

Joe Raso:

So to actually play a game that

Joe Raso:

didn't have a board on it, um, was

Joe Raso:

a bit of a leap for, for most folks.

Joe Raso:

And I think whenever you go into

Joe Raso:

something new, you, you hold onto

Joe Raso:

pieces of things that you understand.

Joe Raso:

And in all those board games, it's

Joe Raso:

usually a person versus a person.

Joe Raso:

So I could see the default assumption

Joe Raso:

being the, the dungeon master against

Joe Raso:

the players as here's your challenge.

Joe Raso:

I'm trying to defeat you

Joe Raso:

and the, the players.

Joe Raso:


Joe Raso:

We're gonna try to, to overcome that.

Joe Raso:

So I, I can see how a grimdark theme

Joe Raso:

might echo some of that same setup.

Joe Raso:

Um, and yeah, I agree in, in the.

Joe Raso:

The more modern game of fifth edition,

Joe Raso:

the storytelling bit is much, um,

Joe Raso:

greater piece of it where, you're

Joe Raso:

looking to see how can I get my group

Joe Raso:

to play a fun and exciting story and

Joe Raso:

get them through it and engaged There's

Joe Raso:

almost always combat involved depending

Joe Raso:

on your group, obviously, but, um,

Joe Raso:

it's, that shared group experience.

Joe Raso:

Whereas in the earlier

Joe Raso:

days, I, I saw it as, yeah.

Joe Raso:

We're gonna try to get through this

Joe Raso:

thing and hopefully the DM won't kill us.

Joe Raso:



When we're talking


about Grim Hollow is there kind


of a hook for this setting?


Is there a thing that is peculiar


to the way that this works?


A thing that makes Grim Hollow what it is?

Joe Raso:

It's very much a dark setting

Joe Raso:

the gods have somewhat disappeared

Joe Raso:

because of a terrible that's gone on.

Joe Raso:

So there's, their surrogates have kind

Joe Raso:

of tried to pick up the mantle, but, um,

Joe Raso:

overall the, the world itself is in a, a

Joe Raso:

terrible state where I think fear and just

Joe Raso:

survival are a key aspect of this setting.

Joe Raso:

They've got a lot of different uh,

Joe Raso:

regions that explore certain areas.

Joe Raso:

Like there's a, a vampire controlled

Joe Raso:

area and sort of, rougher savage northern

Joe Raso:

Viking ish type region along with others.

Joe Raso:

But in general, the, the world itself

Joe Raso:

is, is a, a dreadful, scary place.


Let's talk about one of


the monsters that you've made.




Pronounce this for me.


If you can, the mukad?

Joe Raso:

Yeah, in my head I pronounced

Joe Raso:

it mukad, but, um, mukad sounds fantastic.

Joe Raso:



Well, we're going with authorial


intent because you happen to be here.



Joe Raso:

Well, clearly mukad, if

Joe Raso:

you don't get it, you're you're uh,

Joe Raso:

no I've, accepted that, um, all the

Joe Raso:

fantasy names and words that I've

Joe Raso:

read for the last 20 or 30 years.

Joe Raso:

The, the way it sounds in my

Joe Raso:

head is not the way most other

Joe Raso:

people would pronounce it.

Joe Raso:

Um, and so I'm quite happy for people to

Joe Raso:

come up with their own interpretations.


Do you know why that is?


Is that just a quirk of the genre or?

Joe Raso:

I, I, I don't know.

Joe Raso:

I, I don't know if it's the genre.

Joe Raso:

I don't know if it's my own background.

Joe Raso:

Um, I, I suspect it's probably

Joe Raso:

a combination of both.

Joe Raso:

Both my parents are Hungarian, actually.

Joe Raso:

You'd think that with the name

Joe Raso:

Raso is, is Italian, but, um,

Joe Raso:

my both folks are from there.

Joe Raso:

And so I, when I write often I,

Joe Raso:

I'm trying to come up with a, a, a

Joe Raso:

strange fantasy name and I'll, I'll

Joe Raso:

think of a, sort of a Hungarian term.

Joe Raso:

And I realize I can't actually translate

Joe Raso:

the sound properly because there's

Joe Raso:

certain vowels or consonants that don't

Joe Raso:

translate into English terribly well.

Joe Raso:

Um, so that's probably the same thing

Joe Raso:

what happened with, with this name?


That's fantastic.

Joe Raso:

Well, yeah, I mean, I've

Joe Raso:

seen many times people suggest

Joe Raso:

using Google translate to take

Joe Raso:

a, a word from one language and

Joe Raso:

shove it into the, to another.

Joe Raso:

I kind of use my vague understanding of

Joe Raso:

Hungarian to, oh, well, how Hungarian

Joe Raso:

language speakers that might read my work

Joe Raso:

and go, oh, that's, that's almost like,

Joe Raso:

would dad say, that thing and then I'll

Joe Raso:

sort of twist the, the letters around.

Joe Raso:

It's the cheat that I do when I'm writing.

Joe Raso:

When Sean originally asked me to

Joe Raso:

contribute monsters, one of the things

Joe Raso:

he was hoping for was more urban based

Joe Raso:

creatures that would threaten players.

Joe Raso:

So I was trying to think of creatures

Joe Raso:

that could sort of scrabble away in

Joe Raso:

the darkness of some large building,

Joe Raso:

like somehow how hidden in the walls.

Joe Raso:

There's a, there's these unnatural

Joe Raso:

beasts that are, are scheming in the

Joe Raso:

darkness and you better not go down

Joe Raso:

that dark place, cuz uh, they'll decide

Joe Raso:

to use you to, to some nefarious end.


I had in the house that I


grew up with an unfinished basement,


so like cold rock walls and.


I think you've nailed it.


Like that is the feeling that I get


here of there are grubs in the walls.


I mean like this is D and D


so these aren't just grubs.

Joe Raso:

Of course not.


Uh, what makes this different,


what is, what makes a mukad what it is?

Joe Raso:

One of the, I guess the concepts

Joe Raso:

for the, setting is the Ather kindred.

Joe Raso:

It's this very esque villain

Joe Raso:

godlike creature in the

Joe Raso:

background that slumbers away.

Joe Raso:

Um, and people dread the time

Joe Raso:

that it'll awaken and come back

Joe Raso:

and devastate the land again.

Joe Raso:

Um, so I figured, well just because

Joe Raso:

the master god or whatever, this

Joe Raso:

giant beast entity is, is slumbering

Joe Raso:

doesn't mean his foot soldiers

Joe Raso:

aren't doing something currently.

Joe Raso:

So I wanted to create a tier one challenge

Joe Raso:

that would start to pull in some of that.

Joe Raso:

Um, I guess C'thulhu-esque feel of

Joe Raso:

a strange unknown entity that could

Joe Raso:

potentially overwhelm or, or hurt

Joe Raso:

the, the populace at large is kind

Joe Raso:

of where I was coming from with it.


What makes them


good at filling that role?

Joe Raso:

I think a tunneling aspect

Joe Raso:

where they, they could hide through,

Joe Raso:

um, the walls and, and, um, be hidden in

Joe Raso:

sort of public, um, structures per se.

Joe Raso:

The attacks of these monsters are

Joe Raso:

sort of psychically charged where

Joe Raso:

they're they unleash bursts of energy

Joe Raso:

that, um, will stun or paralyze the

Joe Raso:

victims that they're going to use.

Joe Raso:

I think I had the larger one, be somewhat

Joe Raso:

more intelligent than you would expect for

Joe Raso:

a, from a sort of centipede-like creature.




Intelligence 10,

Joe Raso:

So just an average.




but still like, this is a


full on sapient being.

Joe Raso:


Joe Raso:


Joe Raso:

And so that was the, the idea to have this

Joe Raso:

animalistic thing but smart enough that

Joe Raso:

it would be able to stare you in the eyes.


So let's talk about why we


had to make a suite of these things


because one of the fundamental truths


of Dungeons and Dragons and most role


playing games is that characters, i.e.


heroes, level up and monsters do not.


You just fight bigger and bigger monsters.


So this is, it reads as though


you have laid these out in


the order of their life cycle.


Is that fair to say?

Joe Raso:

Yeah, I think so.

Joe Raso:

For me the life cycle, wasn't,

Joe Raso:

they're either larva or they

Joe Raso:

transform into the whatever creature.

Joe Raso:

I, I was thinking of insects in

Joe Raso:

terms of, you know, how an ant colony

Joe Raso:

might be managing their brood.

Joe Raso:

They have eggs and then they become grubs.

Joe Raso:

And then the grubs eventually

Joe Raso:

transform into the more adult form.

Joe Raso:

When I was thinking about this,

Joe Raso:

I thought, okay, I'll have these,

Joe Raso:

these larval grubs then the

Joe Raso:

transformed versions of them with.

Joe Raso:

Depending on their specialization,

Joe Raso:

they would have different capabilities.

Joe Raso:

One might be stronger than another.

Joe Raso:

And, and then the big master progenitor

Joe Raso:

that's actually creating all the little,

Joe Raso:

little bugs, um, would be the, the,

Joe Raso:

the one that's toughest to take on.

Joe Raso:

I, I want to make sure that all of

Joe Raso:

the more sort of a, a tier one threat.

Joe Raso:

I almost feel like there's not enough

Joe Raso:

tier one threats that really can

Joe Raso:

scare, um, creatures or parties.

Joe Raso:

I wanted a whole suite.

Joe Raso:

So if a, a DM created a, a set of

Joe Raso:

adventures that they'd have enough

Joe Raso:

of a toolbox that they could create,

Joe Raso:

you know, a first encounter where, oh,

Joe Raso:

what the heck are these little things?

Joe Raso:

And then, then slowly the, the

Joe Raso:

adventures would follow the, the clues

Joe Raso:

and discover where the, the source

Joe Raso:

of the infestation actually was.


Yeah, this is a really classic


storytelling structure that you have


coded into this series of stat blocks


I mean, my favorite example is Bruce


Lee's I think it was Game of Death where


he started at the bottom of this tower


and he fought his way up to the top.


Only you've done it in reverse that


you start in the basement and then


you work your way lower and lower


to the terrible truth at the bottom.

Joe Raso:

It's such a common trope that

Joe Raso:

it's, if you can set the pieces up for DMS

Joe Raso:

to use, then it makes their job easier.

Joe Raso:

As a game designer, that's.

Joe Raso:

That's what I'm trying to do is give

Joe Raso:

all the tools to let someone at their

Joe Raso:

own table, make the game that they want.

Joe Raso:

Um, and so if you have a lot of

Joe Raso:

options, then you, there's a bunch

Joe Raso:

of different ways that you can, can

Joe Raso:

approach the game for your own table.

Joe Raso:

Cause every table's different,

Joe Raso:

somebody just wants to.

Joe Raso:

Go head first at the big bad guy.

Joe Raso:

And let's, don't worry about the

Joe Raso:

lead up, whereas others love that

Joe Raso:

slow uncovering of the truth and,

Joe Raso:

and figuring out what the mystery is.

Joe Raso:

So I wanted to make sure that you

Joe Raso:

could play it however you wished.


So anytime you say C'thulhu I have


to do another like buzzword thing wherein.


I call it the Lovecraft protocol


that even for his time, Lovecraft


was a problematic person.


And the genre that he created has far


exceeded his personal ideology in order to


create something that I think people are,


are using to find a lot of truth and make


some really interesting statements about


the way the world does and should work.


Was that part of your design


scheme or did that just sort of


happen when you created the mukad?


Does this tell you anything about the way


the world works when you work through it?

Joe Raso:

Um, C'thulhu has a whole

Joe Raso:

bunch of baggage left for, for sure.

Joe Raso:

But it's, it's a shorthand from a

Joe Raso:

design perspective in that, for me,

Joe Raso:

it's, it's this unknowable, evil

Joe Raso:

that can't be understood, even if you

Joe Raso:

try and if you try then it's likely

Joe Raso:

gonna cause you grief in the end.

Joe Raso:

And probably the demise of whoever is

Joe Raso:

trying to understand whatever that is.

Joe Raso:

Um, and I guess I wanted

Joe Raso:

these beasties to be similar.

Joe Raso:

They're this thing that you

Joe Raso:

as humans or humanoids can

Joe Raso:

never really fully understand.

Joe Raso:

You just know that they have

Joe Raso:

intentions that are associated with

Joe Raso:

this evil monstrosity that's caused

Joe Raso:

horror havoc in the world already.

Joe Raso:

So if you come across them, it's not

Joe Raso:

terribly ambiguous in terms of, is

Joe Raso:

this a humanoid with good intentions?

Joe Raso:

This is a big nasty that has no moral

Joe Raso:

compass that's gonna challenge whether

Joe Raso:

or not what you're doing is correct.

Joe Raso:

And I mean, that's the easy

Joe Raso:

way to how do I say this?

Joe Raso:

Um, I think there's a, a challenge, um,

Joe Raso:

particularly , in the modern game where

Joe Raso:

we're realizing that there's so many nasty

Joe Raso:

nasty is the wrong word, but ill-advised

Joe Raso:

approaches to how, um, creatures and

Joe Raso:

threats are presented in the game itself.

Joe Raso:

Um, and.

Joe Raso:

Sometimes you just want to play the game

Joe Raso:

and not have to be in a moral quandary

Joe Raso:

of am I really presenting this correctly?

Joe Raso:

And so I wanted to make sure that the

Joe Raso:

creature, the threat you presented

Joe Raso:

here is unquestionably something

Joe Raso:

that you could go up against.

Joe Raso:

Um, I don't know if the, I

Joe Raso:

answered your question there


No, absolutely.


For me, part of the magic of the


show is grappling with some of


those questions and figuring out,


like, is it a monster really?


And who's the, you know, it's,


it's a very old kind of subversion.


To the point that subverting it is.


You know, it's wrapping


around back on itself.


But I have had a lot of people


talk about, you know, the role


of catharsis in this game.


And just being able to say, very clearly


this is wrong and we're gonna stop it.


And the value that that has


for a player experience.


Assuming that the mukad have their way


and nothing stops them, what happens?

Joe Raso:

What happens?

Joe Raso:

Uh, They will do whatever mystical

Joe Raso:

scribblings in the darkness that these

Joe Raso:

unnatural beings do and help bring about

Joe Raso:

the, the Ather kindred again, which is

Joe Raso:

that slumbering unknowable evil beast that

Joe Raso:

had previously destroyed their gods and

Joe Raso:

created the terrible setting as it was.

Joe Raso:

So it's almost like, if you don't stop

Joe Raso:

these guys, then the already grimdark

Joe Raso:

setting might, might get worse.


Any of these attacks or features


or traits that you were particularly


proud of that resonated with people


who play tested this or, or other


designers that you worked on it with?

Joe Raso:

I like the thematic way that

Joe Raso:

I've woven some of the bits in here,

Joe Raso:

cuz I was trying to replicate, um, real

Joe Raso:

world creatures a little bit where you've

Joe Raso:

got insects that, oh, they've a spider

Joe Raso:

has trapped some insect for it to devour

Joe Raso:

it doesn't do it right away it sort of

Joe Raso:

paralyzes it and webs it in some coating

Joe Raso:

to, to ingest that it's leisure later on.

Joe Raso:

So it, I mean, I wanted that

Joe Raso:

sort of disgusting kinda, um,

Joe Raso:

feel for these creatures as well.

Joe Raso:

Like something where it's using you to,

Joe Raso:

um, propagate itself and it doesn't care

Joe Raso:

what's suffering or whatever is gonna

Joe Raso:

happen to the creature that it's captured.

Joe Raso:

So the progenitor has this etheric

Joe Raso:

incubation, um, ability where it

Joe Raso:

takes a paralyzed creature and wraps

Joe Raso:

it in a cocoon and basically injects

Joe Raso:

it with, little bug worms that

Joe Raso:

erupt somewhat later to, to devour

Joe Raso:

whoever the poor and fortunate, um,

Joe Raso:

beast is inside it kind of thing.

Joe Raso:

So I, I kind of like that, that it,

Joe Raso:

it, it replicates sort of things that

Joe Raso:

actually happen in the small insect

Joe Raso:

world that we have, but kind of blown

Joe Raso:

up to the, the heroic challenges

Joe Raso:

that, that players are gonna face.


It goes from a swarm of


tiny creatures to the mukad


progenitor, a large aberration,


lawful evil, interesting choice.


Alignment has become a tricky


subject since the so-called Tasha


apocalypse back in December of 21.


So, just out of curiosity, did you have


any conversations about alignment here


or, or any sort of deliberate way of what


how to represent these guys that way?

Joe Raso:

Um, no, I, I, I don't, I don't

Joe Raso:

remember having any discussions on the

Joe Raso:

design of related to the alignment bit.

Joe Raso:

For me it was, um, trying to

Joe Raso:

describe the creature, um,

Joe Raso:

in terms of how it functions.

Joe Raso:

And I, I saw it very much as a group

Joe Raso:

entity, it's this, this swarm of beasts.

Joe Raso:

So they're, they're following

Joe Raso:

the directions of the, the

Joe Raso:

big, bad progenitor guy.

Joe Raso:

They're not following individual

Joe Raso:

aims or, or doing some choice

Joe Raso:

that furthers their own direction.

Joe Raso:

It's the, whatever the big beastie

Joe Raso:

says is what the entire swarm

Joe Raso:

infestation is trying to accomplish.

Joe Raso:

So that's kind of the lawful bit for me

Joe Raso:

is that, that ordered decision making

Joe Raso:

the fact that there's someone at the top

Joe Raso:

describing what's going on and the, the

Joe Raso:

followers doing that to their ability.

Joe Raso:

The evil bit is that, Hey, they're,

Joe Raso:

they're not really caring what their

Joe Raso:

actions do to others around them.

Joe Raso:

There is no, um, sort of

Joe Raso:

moral compass for them.

Joe Raso:

They're just following this, this

Joe Raso:

evil plan to bring back their,

Joe Raso:

their a or kindred over overlord

Joe Raso:

or whatever the, the beast is.






I'm always trying to get to the bottom


of how useful that alignment chart is.


And this is a good example.

Joe Raso:

Yeah, I think it's

Joe Raso:

just, it's, it's a tool.

Joe Raso:

Anything that you use in a D&D

Joe Raso:

game, I would hope DMs feel

Joe Raso:

comfortable on throwing out the

Joe Raso:

window if they don't like it.

Joe Raso:

so for me, it's, shorthand to say,

Joe Raso:

okay, how does this monster work

Joe Raso:

and what are the intentions of it.

Joe Raso:

And I think the recent, um, 5E sort of

Joe Raso:

style design choices that they've made

Joe Raso:

with newer things by saying usually, or

Joe Raso:

I can't remember the actual words that

Joe Raso:

they they have in terms of the, the

Joe Raso:

alignment, um, perspective, um, is, is

Joe Raso:

I think helpful for some people that.

Joe Raso:

May maybe are newer to the game.

Joe Raso:

I think if, if you've played the

Joe Raso:

game for a while you realize,

Joe Raso:

um, all rules are optional.

Joe Raso:



Yeah, you always


had that permission.

Joe Raso:

Yeah, but I, completely

Joe Raso:

understand why WotC's kind of going

Joe Raso:

down the, the path they are is it's.

Joe Raso:

How do you make the game as accessible

Joe Raso:

as you can to, to new folks coming in?

Joe Raso:

So you do that by giving him guidance

Joe Raso:

if they, they haven't had that before.

Joe Raso:

So I, have no issue with the way that

Joe Raso:

the, the alignment's being presented.


Thanks for listening


to Making a Monster.


If you like what you've heard and you


want to support the show, please share


it with the people you play games with.


I'm approaching 50 episodes covering


monsters from all over the tabletop RPG


map, so there is something for everyone.


Your recommendation goes a long


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their time and attention, and it's


a way to start great conversations


about why we play the games we do


and why they mean so much to us.


You can also join the show's email


subscriber list to get extra bonuses like


the stat blocks for the mukad family tree


and other monsters featured on the show.


It's a great addition to any campaign,


and a fascinating introduction


to the Ether Kindred and the


Grim Hollow campaign setting.


Just go to scintilla dot studio


slash monster or follow the link in


the description to get your copy of


these monsters from the Grim Hollow,


with art by Anastassia Grigorieva.

Joe Raso:

She's done a fantastic job

Joe Raso:

on, on illustrating these creatures.

Joe Raso:

They look appropriately

Joe Raso:

horrendously disgusting.

Joe Raso:



awful and I hate them.


And that is a high compliment.


how do I find Grim Hollow?

Joe Raso:

That's a great question

Joe Raso:

and you'd think I would've prepared.

Joe Raso:

Um, so, Ghostfires website has a store

Joe Raso:

on it where you're able to they have for

Joe Raso:

sale both the, this monster grimoire and

Joe Raso:

the, the campaign and player guides that

Joe Raso:

sort of flesh out the world as well.


If someone wants to get in touch


with you specifically and what you


do on web and who you are and how you


think about things, how do they do that?

Joe Raso:

Probably the best way to

Joe Raso:

do that is follow me on Twitter.

Joe Raso:

My handles at underscore Joe

Joe Raso:

underscore Raso, R a S O.

Joe Raso:

I have a, a blog that

Joe Raso:

I'm horribly behind on.

Joe Raso:

I think for a while I was, doing

Joe Raso:

it once a month, but it's been a

Joe Raso:

number of months since I've done it.

Joe Raso:

That's scheming DM,

Joe Raso:

is the, the full if you type the

Joe Raso:

scheming DM, you, you probably find it.

Joe Raso:

Um, but yeah, Twitter's probably the best



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