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A deep dive with an empowered Projector - Kendra Woods | EP6
Episode 625th September 2023 • Unjaded: Human Design for Intentional Entrepreneurs • Vickie Dickson
00:00:00 01:04:50

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Eavesdrop on this conversation with my guest, Kendra Woods.

Kendra is truly living ALL of her Human Design in every area of her life.

We speak candidly about what it feels like to live the Projector experiment, how having a motor defined changes your experience, and what it feels like to live with Generators.

Kendra is the founder of Soulful Success By Design. As an international Transformational and Human Design Coach, Kendra empowers women to master their inner leadership skills, fostering success in both business and life with authenticity.

Through Human Design Coaching, online group programs, and personalized coaching, Kendra facilitates transformative experiences that enable women to embrace new realities.

Kendra's literary works include 'The 7-Step Morning Manifestation Guide,' 'Mind Boss Habits: 12 Steps to Getting out of Your Head and Into Action,' and her contribution to the Amazon bestseller 'Girl Get Up And Win.'"

Listen in on this Deep Dive into the Projector Lived Experience.

What You'll Learn

  • How Kendra always felt out of place in the corporate world and what changed once she found Human Design. 
  • How and why invitations are key for Projectors
  • What energetic invitations feel like and how to curate them.
  • How to seek out recognition in healthy ways.
  • Myths about Projectors that must be ditched.
  • Tips for Generators living and working with Projectors.
  • Human Design Gate 21 - CONTROL  - and how it plays out as a theme in Kendra’s design.
  • And so much more!

Links Mentioned in the Episode:

You can find Kendra here:

In the Next Episode

Be sure to tune in to Episode 7 for an overview of Kendra’s chart with me!


Unknown Speaker 0:00

I'm excited today to be speaking with Kendra woods of soulful success by design. Kendra is a human design coach and she is one of the most empowered projectors. No scratch that she is the most empowered projector that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I'm excited to bring you this episode especially if you are a projector or if you love a projector. If you have a projector in your life, you really want to tune in for Kendra's insights. This is a great conversation. Welcome to unjaded, I'm your host Vickie Dickson. This is a podcast with a human design spin on building the life, the relationships and the business that you were made for. Let's dive in. Welcome to the unjaded podcast today I'm here with Kendra was and I'm super excited about this Kendra is the founder of soulful success by design. As an international transformation and human design coach Kendra empowers women to master their inner leadership skills, fostering success in both business and life with authenticity. Kendra's philosophy centers on transcending conditioned consciousness, enabling women to achieve the business and life they genuinely desire and deserve. She partners with purpose driven women guiding them to elevate their ventures and lives by connecting with their hearts instead of relying on constant hustle. Doesn't that sound absolutely amazing? Through Human Design coaching online group programs and personalized coaching Kendra facilitates transformative experiences that enable women to embrace new realities. With a background in business admin, bachelor's and master's degrees and over 10 years in the corporate world. Kendra blends practical business knowledge with intuitive wisdom to steer clients toward authentic success on their own terms. Kendra's literary works include the seven step morning manifestation guide, mind boss habits, 12 steps to getting out of your head and into action and her contribution to the Amazon bestseller girl get up and win. Now, I had no idea that you were a published author, how did we spend so much time together in the last year? And I had no idea. That's really cool.

Unknown Speaker 2:12

Thank you. That was a fun project to work on. And I'm really proud of it. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:18

I bet you that's a huge accomplishment. Writing even one book is a huge accomplishment. Yes,

Unknown Speaker 2:22

it was the process for the work. And I'm glad that we had support there to kind of help us move through, you know, the writing and editing and all that good stuff. So it was great to have the supportive all the other people around in the energy of everyone else to kind of keep the project going, too. So

Unknown Speaker 2:39

very interesting. Very interesting. So I am super excited to have you here on the unjaded podcast today. It was definitely on my wish list to try to get you here. So I was super excited when you said yes. And you're launching a podcast the same week as me.

Unknown Speaker 2:55

Yes, yes. On the 28th. Next Thursday, so Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 3:01

How's that going?

Unknown Speaker 3:03

Oh, it's going there's still definitely some pieces. I mean, I will say this, like, I know, before this, we were before we started recording, we were kind of talking about this, and I'm like, Ah, there's still so much to do. But I do have to give myself some credit. Like there are things that are in the work that I'm not doing, like my VA, it's putting some things together for me getting the pages together. And I'm doing more of the logistical things like, Okay, I got to actually sit down and start recording some things like I have things in place, but it's like, I need to sit down and do my part because she's doing her part. So it's coming along, I just I honestly have this feeling and maybe you can appreciate this this like, I'm excited about at the same time. I'm a little anxious, so I'm a little nervous. I feel like I'm like, oh my goodness, I'm gonna put my voice out there. And everyone's gonna hear me and it just feels different than showing up and doing live video. You know, this feels a little bit different in in more skills important.

Unknown Speaker 3:59

Yeah, definitely, definitely. So I would love to unpack with you. And I'm kind of starting in the middle. But that's just kind of how I roll. I'd love to unpack with you how it's different because I didn't think that your podcast launch would be like that. So let me just start at the beginning and say that Kendra is a projector. And I think that you are one of the most purposeful or on purpose projectors that I know and have ever known. You have such a clear understanding of how your energy works, you know, your lived experience is so valuable. But I just had this vision that your podcast would be completely perfectly every T crossed and I's dotted way, way before now and that's not a judgment in any way. It's just like I had you on this pedestal that it was all gonna be done. And I was feeling very managin like crazy in the background like oh my gosh, so that was kind of interesting for me to hear. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 4:52

I would love to speak to that because it's interesting to say that because just in my own experience, I've had so many people that will I was gonna say project, but there's not in a bad way, right? Like, I've been in situations where I'll go to a networking event or I go to a conference. And people make the assumption that like, Oh, you must be the speaker today, or Oh, are you the one that's that the head of this, this networking event? And I'm like, no. Oh, Mike, that's not me. Or, and I even say this part of my story, too, that when I was in corporate, and, you know, people perceived me as like, Oh, she has all of our stuff together. But I was like, Oh, my gosh, you guys gonna, you had no idea at the time at that time. I was like, internally struggling so much. I just knew how to, I knew how I needed to show up. And I did that. Right. But then, at home, it's like, okay, I had to then do my work of putting myself back there. Again, you know what I mean? And like, clearing my mind, and you know, I got into meditation during that time, and writing journals and things like that. So I think that I'm really good at being able to show up and be who is I need to be. And I've gotten better on the back end, where I can get I can get stuck in that perfection loop, right? Like it has to be, it has to be perfect. It has to be right. So it's funny that you say that, because for me, that is a challenge that I have to work through that actually, honestly, say, kind of makes me move a little bit slower than I would want to, right? Because I'm constantly, like, I'll do something. And I'm like, Okay, wait a minute, maybe I should say that differently. Right. And maybe I want to do that differently. And so for me, it's an every day journey of just, even when I do videos, sometimes I'm doing something live, and you might see me like laugh a little bit. Or maybe I smile, because in my head, I'm like, oh, that came out wrong. But I'm like, keep going anyway.

Unknown Speaker 6:46

Always keep going anyway.

Unknown Speaker 6:49

Right? So I think it's interesting that you know, and I get that a lot, like, you've got it all together, you got it all figured out. And I'm like, You have no idea. Like, I don't have it all figured out. You know, I mean, I think that I'm, I'm good when it's when the pressure is on, and I need to show up, I've got to do something I know how to do that. I know how to turn it on. But I do have to work behind the scenes to to be able to do that. You know, I don't know if that makes sense. Like it's Yeah, I know how to show up. But I know how I need to show up. And then on the back end, I know what to do now to like, take care of myself to take care of my energy to take care of my mindset to take, you know, have the systems and things in place that are going to help support me. I didn't have that before before human design. Now I know those things. So it feels a bit smoother on the back end. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 7:46

Okay, so let's talk about when you found human design, or when human design found you How long have you been in your we call it in human design your experiment? How long have you been in your experiment?

Unknown Speaker 7:57

invited into human design in:

Unknown Speaker:

And I noticed that you have gate 48 as a big theme and your chart. So I when I was looking at your chart, so just for people, we will put it in the show notes, but Kendra has seven centers undefined, and two centers to find her root center is defined and her spleen is defined in your human design. She has one channel that 3254. So I'm hearing you talk about, you know, pressure and being able to work for a deadline and all of these things. And I'm thinking well, 30 to 54. There you go. And then you're talking about going deep into human design, like well, channel 40 OR gate 48. Okay, make sense? Do you find that you do that with a lot of things that you just have to get deep in the weeds on it?

Unknown Speaker:

You know what I do? And I think that that is, again, there's two sides to that, right? Like, I know that I like to go deep in it like we were talking about the podcast, I'm going deep into Okay, let me let me restart. Let me look at this, let me look at that. And that's great. Because that helped me kind of feel secure and moving forward. But then I have to make sure that I'm not spending too much time over in the let me make sure I do I know enough plays, and actually put myself out there to share the information. And for a long time I did that with human design, right? Like I was, you know, I got certified, I think level one, level two. And it wasn't until level three where I was like, Okay, I really need to get out here now start talking about it. And I was so nervous. Because I thought I don't know if I know enough yet. I don't know enough yet. You know, maybe I need to I need to do a whole four levels first. And then you know, so it's interesting when you understand the energetics of some of like your own personal energetics, you can catch yourself.

Unknown Speaker:

Yes, yeah. And you can always hear it in others, right. So I have, I have the channel the 4816 channel and that that inadequacy thing comes up so many times, right. And all of our conditioning goes with it to me as a manager, I mean, I have a ton of conditioning around doing things wrong or doing too many things and all those things and then you put that inadequacy of the 4816 in there. It's it's really something else. Oh yeah. So you and I met actually in Karen curry Parker world. You are a coach and I was a student in all of the levels in the mastermind and you know, all of the things that we do with the the gay 48 But you're one of my favorite coaches. I love the questions that you ask. And I love how on purpose you are. I know I've already said that. But I really love how on purpose you are because I feel like some of the stories that projectors get are like what you were experiencing in your corporate world. You were wondering, why am I tired all the time? Why can I keep up to this? What's wrong with me? So how did human design change that for you? How did specifically learning to work with your energy because this is like a lot of questions. But you're kind of amazing and projector land. So like you You did the 75 hard, you run distances, right? I'm not sure if it's marathons half marathons, like you do a lot of things, you run a successful business. You have a big family life. And so many times maybe a projector would look at that and go, Well, she can't possibly be projector. So how do you? How do you do it?

Unknown Speaker:

That is such a great question. Oh, my goodness, um, oh, gosh, how do I answer that? So here? Here's what I would say. Right is what I've come to what what first, let me answer the first question, right? Like what specifically changed for me when I really began to understand what it meant to be a projector right? So first and foremost, when I recognized okay, I do not have a defined sacral which means I am not like I don't have that sustainable workforce of lifeforce energy, I need to rest or I work best in spurts of energy. You know, other parts of my chart, you know, I have a two line in there. So I need my time to myself, like that actually regenerates me and restores me. And so understanding that what happened is it allowed me to release certain expectations that I had on myself of how I was supposed to show up, right? So if I'm using corporate as an example, I know that I was surrounded by a lot of managers and generators, and in that world, and I think this is part of the energy of my channel, too, is like this drive to succeed. So my energy was naturally naturally in that realm of like, I got to succeed at this I need to succeed at this. I need to climb the corporate ladder and do all the things but I was forcing it, right. I was forcing it. I was pushing it. And once I learned how to project One of the things I recognized that the environment that I was in wasn't actually recognizing my value and when I brought the table, so what does that lead to me feeling better, right? And then operating out of my conditioning of my undefined Wolfinger. So I'm like, well, I'll show you, right, I can do this, I'm gonna prove myself. And so when I put all these pieces together, I was like, Oh my gosh, like, it was like a weight that's lifted off of me. And I gave myself permission to not feel like I needed to keep up with everybody else. Right? So at this point, I mean, I was been an entrepreneur for several years. And so what that looked like for me is I stopped my way of comparing myself to others lessened. Because I was like, okay, Kendra, this is not a fair comparison, love, like you're comparing yourself to this person over here, who maybe had been in business for 25 years, like their manifest generator or their generator, and they're showing up and doing all these things, and you're trying to keep up with that stop. So gave myself permission to this kind of lean back. The next thing is, I really then also began to prioritize my rest, that became super important, instead of me having shame around. Like just being lazy, and I'm doing air quotes for those who can't see, like being lazy. Because I mean, I was told that growing up like he's just so lazy, not lazy. And so just understanding that, oh, wait a minute, that's really not who I am lightened, that a lot of energy got moved, just by understanding that, right. The third piece, I would say, understanding that I'm here to guide individuals. Do you know and when I look back on my corporate experience, that's what I excelled best at. Right, I was managing over 60 employees. And the part that I loved most was when I would have one on one time with them. And I was literally coaching them, I was coaching them, I was guiding them, I was helping them move through conflict, right, I was helping them figure out how to work best with their doctor, because I've worked with doctors, that worked great, I would do trainings about customer service. So I got to teach, I was like in my zone. So those like three things like that, and then that would have really just helped me embrace who I am. Now, what that has led to is, I've always been the kind of person that and you know, this could be my roots and our energy, right? I want to, you know, energy there. It's a motor. It's, you know, moving energy. And I've recognized why I felt the need to have to move my body because when I don't move my body. It's like that energy becomes internalized, you know, like that roots, or energy feels like it's just bouncing all around in my body that need to move. And so I found that when I give myself permission to move my body in ways that feel good, because that was another area decondition I thought I needed to be doing the hit workouts every single day and going hard every single day. And I actually burned myself out dealing and I realized that I need to mix it up, right, I can have a day or two where I go hard and long run long distances. And there are days when I just need to do some yoga, and go for a walk. And that is and so I've learned to listen to my body more. You know? Yeah. So. And the last thing I'll say to this, and I'll wrap this up here is it's also become important for me to get really good at asking for and receiving help. Ooh. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker:

that's juicy.

Unknown Speaker:

That is a big one. Yeah, my husband is a generator. And so before I found human design, I would find myself trying to compete with his energy, right? It's a Saturday, and he's relaxing by you know, tinkering on something in the garage. And I'm like, well, I need to be doing something too. I need to be folding clothes, I need to be doing something. Now I just sit back and I'm like, That's relaxing to him. And me laying on the sofa reading a book is relaxing to me. So understanding that gives I give myself permission to just lean way back. And I will ask him to do things for me. Can you do this? Can you do that? Right? How can I delegate? What can I delegate and that has helped me as a projector to honor my energy and to also honor his energy because he loves it. He needs it. He needs that right? Um, so that's just been, you know, a game changer. And just being unapologetic about the fact that I need to rest.

Unknown Speaker:

I love that. period. I love that. So I'm wondering what kind of what kind of things if you were to outsource things in your, in your home and in your business, what kinds of things would you outsource that would really free up that space for you as a projector?

Unknown Speaker:

For me, from the home from speaking of the home space, it's delegating the housecleaning, that has been something and again, that was a hard one for me. Because while I work from home, like I should, like kids, or you work from the house, like, certainly you can clean your own home. Yeah. But I realized like, Nope, that's not the best use of my energy. Can I do it? I could. But then honestly, if I spent four hours cleaning, I'm done for the day. I'm done. Don't and side

Unknown Speaker:

no. Sorry, side note. I think that every type should be doing that. I don't think that's a projector.

Unknown Speaker:

Amen. Yeah, exactly. I would agree. Yeah. But you know, maybe some people enjoy that I don't, I don't particularly enjoy that. You know, I can do, I'm just like, so that's one thing. And then something that I've done in the past, I'll do it so much anymore, because my husband is now home full time. He was overseas for five years. And so it was just me. Yeah, here at home. And so one of the things that I did was, I would outsource, like our, I would have them deliver food. Like I would have, you know, delivered. And that worked great for me. I mean, I still had to do some things. But I didn't have to worry about going to the store or putting the ingredients together. It was all packaged together, it was good to go. So that's really good. In my business, like having a virtual assistant. Like that was honestly one of the first things that I did in my business is having someone that I can delegate things to and say, Can you do this? Can you do that? Having systems in place in my business, like when it comes to my time, you know, if someone's like, you know, I meet somebody, and they want to connect with me, instead of just saying, oh, yeah, we can meet on whatever day like, No, I pick specific days, these are the days that I will have these kinds of conversations. And this is for how long? So getting really clear. And and again, I think that's great for all everyone to do that right. But I think especially like when you're a projector, it's like really being unapologetic about where you are allowing your energy to go. Right and really honoring your energy. You know, to those that so yes, anyone? And I'm gonna say this real quick, because I gave myself a hard time because I've always liked when people do things for me. I've always loved it.

Unknown Speaker:

Interesting and Hmm. Love Language service.

Unknown Speaker:

Well, my love language is words of affirmation. But I think acts of service is like maybe to like the second one down, but I want people if I convince someone to do something for me, I will please do it. Yeah. And I used to give myself a hard I used to judge myself for that. Right? Like, who do you think you are? Right? Like, who do you think you are to want someone to do all this for you? Like what I like you the queen or something? Now? I'm like, yes, yes, frankly, yes.

Unknown Speaker:

So yes, I have no problem. Now someone's like, hey, like, I'll take care of that. Thank you so much. I will give my appreciation, I will send a gift. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker:

Yes, yeah, so pay the money and get it done. I know what a lot of my projector clients, they have a they have a hard time with the food thing. And I think that's something that's really freeing, especially for women, traditionally, we are the people who do the groceries and the the food and all that stuff. I mean, if you've got a man that does that for you, I want to live in your house, but I don't and I find with my projector clients when I'm working with them, especially we talk about the food delivery thing. And I think that can be a huge, freeing up of time and freeing up of energy. Because, yeah, it's a lot more than just figuring out, you know, 30 minutes to make a meal. It's a lot more that goes into that. But there's sometimes so much resistance and like you say conditioning around the help that we're getting. But if you're an entrepreneur, you know, working from home, it doesn't mean that you have to become the maid and the bottle washer and all of those things, but that is what happens, right?

Unknown Speaker:

Yes, absolutely. And the only thing that you know what I definitely attribute that to and everyone that grows up differently. But I know growing up, it was like, you know, and that was a different generation than I get. I get that but it was pride about like a woman like cleaning her home and making meals you know, for her family and doing the laundry and having everything so I think I kind of grew up like in the back of my mind with that expectation. That's like okay, well, that's when you become a wife like that's what you do. Yes. Yeah. And I've kind of grown out of that now where I'm like me Got no, that's not going to that doesn't that doesn't work for me. And so it did. I'm telling you, it took a while, I would have people always say to me, like, even with my daughter because my other two children are out of the home. But so when he was overseas, it was me and my daughter. And it was in the all the time, hey, if you need us to come get you know your daughter, and we can she can hang out with us while you have some time to yourself, like, please let us know. I mean, all the time. And it took me years before I would pick up the phone and say, you know, what, can I take you up on that? Can I drop her off, like for a couple of hours, okay, just spend the night with you. So I can just, I'd have a night to myself. And I just had to get over like I was there as I think what was coming up is if I'm asking for help, then what I'm saying is that I can't handle it. Yeah, and I really had to learn that that's not true. I'm not saying that I can't handle it, I'm choosing to make a decision that is actually supportive of me, that fills me up so that I can be a better woman and mother to my daughter, which is the ultimate thing that's really most important to me as being a really good mother to her. So I had to, like work through that and let that go. Like if someone thinks that I can't handle it, because I'm asking for this help. And that's not for me to take on, then to what stories do I need to shift and change around if I'm believing that about myself.

Unknown Speaker:

And I know we're spending a lot of time on this. But I feel like this is a this is a really sticky place for a lot of the women that I serve, and probably the women that you serve to. And even though we work with entrepreneurs, they come up against this over and over and over again. So I think it's a good conversation to have. So I really appreciate your perspective on it. And I would like to switch gears a little bit. And there's so many like drops of gold that your pieces of gold that you're dropping, you know that I'm like, Oh, I gotta remember to go back to that I should be taking notes. Invitations. So you mentioned that the with human design with the you know, the second time was introduced to you that someone invited you in. And we know that as projector, your strategy is to wait to be invited. And we talk about how there can be energetic invitations, how you can live in in inviting energy, how you recognize your gifts, all of those things. What do energetic invitations actually feel like as a projector, because I can tell you all day long what my sacral feels like when it's lit up. But I can't tell you what that feels like, lived experience. So

Unknown Speaker:

this is I don't know if I have to put words to this because it is a feeling when I'm with somebody, for example. And must, for example, I'm with, you know, a colleague or friend or whatnot, and they're talking to me, and maybe they're talking about some of the challenges that they're having, or, you know, this is happening, that that is happening. I can really sense like if a person, for example, is open to me, sharing my thoughts with them, for example, right. Or I can tell when someone is like I'll get I'll use a live example. So I met with I met with a woman last week, I met a networking event. And we were talking over coffee about our separate businesses. And she knows about human design. She was excited about that. And we just kept talking and talking and she kept talking about like how she would, she would love to figure out how I can integrate this in with my clients. I would love that. Like I think it would work great. And like she just kept saying all these things about how like she wanted to figure out how to integrate this into her business. And so for me, I'm like, Oh my gosh, she's totally open right now. She's energetically inviting me to like step in and say, Well, you know, I have some ideas about that. Right? Okay. And it's a language, listening to what people are saying. And I think as projectors, we're really good at this. We can tell when someone is physically open to it. Like they're inviting us in. Right? We can tell through their language. Like, okay, wait, this may be and I think it maybe just comes natural to projector I don't know, for me, it feels quite natural when someone's speaking. And I'm like, I'm being invited in here. Right? Let me put this out there. And now what I do do is I don't just jump there. I will say, I Gosh, this sounds so exciting. And I have so many thoughts about this, like, is it okay, like, I'd love to share with you what I'm thinking or what I think could potentially happen. Are you open to that? And of course I'm like, yeah, like what is it? So we go further with it. So for me, that's what, you know, energetically. I don't know if that's a great explanation, but that's what would it feel like, you know, you just know that someone's open to it and when they're not open to it what that feels like for me it was a lot of pushback. There's a lot of Yeah, but Hmm, I don't know. Like, there's just that energy of just uncertainty like, Ah, I'm not sure that kind of like going in circles kind of thing. And so it's like, Okay, it's time to lean back. Let them figure it out. Are you ready? Right, so you're ready, you'll be badly.

Unknown Speaker:

So we're always in tune to these energetic invitations. Do you think? Or do you think this is more since you became aware of your design?

Unknown Speaker:

And I think I've always been aware, but I think now I am. Before human design, I felt like it's more of an unconscious thing. Right? I would just kind of it was just happen. Now that I'm conscious of it. I'm more purposeful with how I approach those situations. I'm more purposeful about what I'm saying. Right? Like, I'm more purposeful about giving advice to someone like if a family member calls me in the past. They'd like, well, you know what, this happens a lot. And I would say, Well, why don't you do this, and you shouldn't be doing this, then you might want to do this. And then it's just whole like thing, right? And then I'm feeling weird, because I'm like, Oh, my gosh, I told you this, why have you not done it yet? Whereas now, if that were to happen, it's like, Okay, let me Are they asking for my help here? Am I being asked? Or do I feel like there's an opening here? Let me test it and see. Right? So then it's like, you know, if they say yes, great. If they're like, no, no, I don't know. I just kind of needed to sit with this more and kind of figure it out. Upgrade. Wonderful. Take your time to sit with it. I'm here. If you need me, just let me know.

Unknown Speaker:

And does that ever get old? Being there when people need you?

Unknown Speaker:

i Yes, man.

Unknown Speaker:

That wasn't a very, very projector question. I'm sorry. So for our listeners, we wanted to question sorry, that was totally a sacral. I was asking you to respond. I'm sorry.

Unknown Speaker:

You know, it can though, because and I think it can, and then I have to feel like I need to take responsibility for that too, and set up the conversation. So that it supports me and the other person, right? So if I have a friend that's constantly dragging on about the same thing, and I'm saying, Oh, well do this, oh, and try this, and oh, and try this. And it still just keeps happening? Then it becomes a okay, we need to have a conversation like, do you? Are you do you like when I give you advice? Are you trying to things that I'm sharing with you? Or are you just needing me to be here to just listen, right. And if you're wanting me to be here to just listen, then we need to talk about that, because I'm available to listen. But then if you're not, and I'm the kind of person that and this is just me personally, and if anyone else feels this way, but if someone's talking about something over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, and they're not doing anything to change it. Stop, stop, stop, stop. Let's take some action here, or let's not talk about it. And that is something that I've had to grow into, really had to grow into that because it feels a little scary to tell somebody like, Look, if you're not willing to do anything about this. I'm not available to keep listening because it's energetically draining.

Unknown Speaker:

I mean, again, I feel like that's for all any human design type like that. You know, definitely as a projector, you have that guiding energy, and people come to you for guidance. But I feel like that's a good lesson for all of us. Know, if somebody's banging on about something and not doing anything to change. It might be time for a different conversation. Yes,

Unknown Speaker:

absolutely. It and I will say that. That was a thing. But it feels like that guiding energy that projectors hold it immediately. It's always there. But it's like it gets really activated when someone comes forth was like, Well, this is what's happening. None of that like and you're inside. You're just bubbling up. Oh my goodness. Well, have you thought of this? Oh, and here's what I see. Like that is happening internally. You know what I mean? So if it doesn't get to come out, it's like, Okay, listen, if you're not open to taking my guidance or my support, and we've talked about this now for the umpteenth time. I cannot Yeah, because there's things going on in here that want to be processed that but it's it has nowhere to go.

Unknown Speaker:

That's so interesting. So interesting, so that they just put it into words when it feels like I think Yeah.

Unknown Speaker:

So that's good information for projectors, because that's something that I always get asked is like, what is the invitation gonna feel like in my body and I'm like, Well, you know, we go through the words and things and what it can look like in life but have lived experience it's so nice to talk to someone who really understands and feels that. What about recognition? Because I feel like I feel like when you say recognition with a client or someone who's new to human design, whether you're talking about undefined throat or projector manifester reflector, it feels almost like like a weakness. Like, like they feel like it's a weakness in them that they would need to be recognized. I'm like, No, it's not like that. How does that feel for you? How does recognition actually feel? Are there ways that you seek that out in healthy ways? Set up your life for it, you know?

Unknown Speaker:

Yeah, that's interesting. Recognition. What does it feel like to me recognition to me feels like it feels affirming. It feels affirming. And so what I mean is, and here's the thing. I'm going to talk energetics for a minute, because I get a lot of people that come into my email, and they're like, you know, in my inbox, and they're like, maybe pitching me to, you know, I'd love to have you on something, I'd love to have you here that, and I went to your website, and I love what you're, and I can tell when someone is truly recognizing, even if they've just met me, I can tell when they are recognizing the work that I do, by how they say it, by how they really go into depth with how they resonate with it, right, versus a person that literally just copy and paste my bio or something or pulls a sentence from my website and says, I love that you are helping women by bla bla bla bla bla. And I'm like, Yeah, that was so shallow. Like I don't like do you really? Are you really recognizing what it is that I do? So there's a different feel there. And and I noticed that when it comes through, I'm like, yeah, no, this is not, it's not going to work. Versus a person who is truly like, they can just share like heart resonance with them. They can tell me like, oh, this part of your story I resonate with because of blah, blah, blah, right? Or I love that you're doing human design. And you know, the way that you teach it because of this, right? Like their recognition to me feels like the person knows, like, they know how to truly recognize you they know your work, even if it's just even if they've just come across your website a day or two ago. They get it. Right, and

Unknown Speaker:

what are people in your life? Like, how does that work in a relationship? You know, I remember being in the mastermind. And I remember a participant saying about her husband, she's married to a generator as well. And she said, you know, if he would just ask me once in a while, if he would just recognize that I don't have to do something with him just because we're so do you set people up in your life to recognize you? Do they understand?

Unknown Speaker:

So that is a really great question. Because what I have come to learn is I have to let like, speaking of husbands, right, I have to let my husband know, I'm like this, okay? This is what I need. Right? I need you like, sometimes I feel like I'm not being the best mom. Or that, you know, we all go through this. Like, you just feel like you're not being a good mom, you're like, am I messing up my kid? Like, like, what am I doing? Right? Yeah. And so I'll say, I'm like, I need you sometimes to just recognize and see what it is that I'm doing. Right? And then let me know that and, and do it organically, right? Like, don't just like everyday, like, oh, I recognize this. And you know, like, when you get that that hit to go, you know, I know, I see that she's really great with our daughter with this or she's really with that. Like, please tell me, I need to know this. And so that is that. So asking, asking for what you need. Right? And for example, like when we're together as a family, I've got so when all of us are together, there's three projectors a manifest and I'm sorry. Yes, me, my daughter, my son, our projectors are the daughter of the manifesting generator, my husband's a generator. And so when I'm just thinking of me, I'm like, mg energy is a lot for me. Right? Especially when it's with another generator. And so when we're together, we've been on family vacations at parks, and I'll go you know what, guys go and get ice cream. I need to go and just sit down and just beat myself. I did that just this weekend. We took my daughter out for her birthday. And we went to Six Flags. And I needed to step away. My husband's like, are you okay? Like I'm like, No, I just need to step away. I need to go for a walk. I need to clear my head a little bit. I'll be right back. Right and so letting my family know like this is what I need. Doesn't mean anything about you doesn't mean I love you. I just need it so that I can feel like I'm grounded in uncentered so I think asking for what you need and letting your family members know or even if it's friendships, like letting them know, like this is I just need this for myself because it supports me. Right? Um, yeah, being able to communicate that is vital.

Unknown Speaker:

And I feel like it's good practice for all of us to be recognizing each other's gifts whenever we can. Anyway, again, regardless of type I know it is. It is a projector thing, a projector strategy, but it's just such a beautiful way to live, if we can recognize it.

Unknown Speaker:

Yes, yeah. And pointing that out in people. And I think that's, I mean, I love that. And I think that's why I love human design so much, right? Because you can, like, I've learned how to appreciate, you know, the very defined generator that I have, as husband, I have learned to appreciate his defined head and Aashna and throat and G center and sacral and root and definition, but I've learned how to appreciate that. And I've learned how to not, like have that power struggles. I'm like, no, no, I don't need to like he's, that's how his energy works. I get the mechanics of it, right. And I think that's good. Like my daughter, Amanda. She's a projector and she's a two, four. So like, when she gets home from school. I'm like, Hey, if you need to go in your room, and decompress, and just let your bed for a while. That's cool. Go do that. And then we kind of get into, you know, well, what do we have for homework? How do we need to prepare for tomorrow, that kind of thing. And helping my husband understand that too, right? Like, because he and I both have to find route centers. So in that way, we do share that we've got that like, you know, I can get in there and like do the thing. You know, when my my route center was on, my daughter has an undefined route. And she's like, the more you press her, the more the slower she moves. Those energy dynamics, it's so important in recognizing that and one another and helping each other see that what we think is a weakness is not a weakness, it's your string. Right? And how do you work with that? So yes, that recognition piece, and I think I can decide talking on and on, oh, my goodness, okay. But no matter what your type is, I think there are like a generator or a manifesting generator, if there are things about your energy that are amazing, like, it's good to offer that recognition to the other person to write, like, I love how you can just start something and finish it. That's amazing, because I don't have that started, and you're done with it. Like, it takes me a minute to get to the finish line. Yeah, and I appreciate that. Right. So yeah,

Unknown Speaker:

I can relate, I can relate. And the thing I love about human design, too, when you're talking about your family, you know, I'm not sure your age, your husband's age, but I think we're kind of in the same ish area. And, you know, we were raised where we wouldn't have been able to come home from school and just go to our room and just be you know, because there were things that had to be done and all of those things, and it's so beautiful that now you can say and you know, we're doing it with our grandchildren, my husband and I were their grandchildren, we had a conversation that they're both emotionally defined. One of them has three emotional waves, he is deep, deep, deep, but they anyway, it's, it's just a lot sometimes and my husband is open. So I have a husband and a daughter who are open emotionally and the rest of us are all defined. And so sometimes for him, but it's, it's a lot sometimes for him to process all of the emotions, you know, if I'm waving and the two kids are waving, and it's like, oh my gosh, what is going on here. So it's nice to be able to have those conversations and to be able to say, you know, this is how the energy is working. And you can take time away, you can be in your own aura for a little bit and that's all you really need sometimes to recharge is just to kind of, but to raise these children without being conditioned to be something they're not like I just makes my soul sing.

Unknown Speaker:

Yes, I am so wealthier now and I'm so grateful and thankful that I found this human design because that reason, right I get it now like I can now the way that I parent my daughter is I mean I was already doing it kind of my way anyways, but now it's even more you know, intentional? Yeah, you're gonna mean and, and I absolutely love that I can look at her and I'm like, I can see the dynamics when we're all three together. I see the energy dynamics playing out right and I can speak to that when it's just me and her. I see it play out and I know how to then manage that right. And it's wonderful and helping her kind of know about herself as well. You know, she's, she's pretty open. She's got it. She's got the 4016 and and one more because her Asana is connected to her I can't remember but anyways, she's got Asana throat spleen center, right. And so just how Helping her like understand, like her energy and helping her navigate like, well, you know, she's still excited about things. She wants to tell people things, and she wants to show them all this and they don't receive it well, and she's like, but I don't know why they don't listen to me or but you know, like, understand that. And it's beautiful that we can, you know, do that, you know, for our children and help them understand themselves and know that nothing's wrong with you. Right, there's just a different way that we can approach this situation or this thing. So yeah, I think it's amazing.

Unknown Speaker:

So amazing. So amazing. So are you okay, if I ask you three more questions? Yes. All right. Number one, I have to ask about gate 21. Because I was looking at themes in your chart, and it shows up four times in your chart, and it's your conscious son, I have to know how does that play out in your life?

Unknown Speaker:

Oh, my gosh, I know, you're gonna question all that out. You know, to be quite honest with you, like, I feel like I'm still.

Unknown Speaker:

And maybe I mean, this is, I feel like this is a lifelong journey, right? i No matter how I can look at my chart over and over again, to contemplate the different rates over and over again, and I always get, like, new insights and new feelings. But for me, that gate 21 Hmm. Gosh, I'm in the thick of it. Right now, like learning how to because it is a very, for me, like this controlling, I want to control I need, like this tight grip on my all the things and add on top of that, you know, maybe some conditioning around feeling like, you know, if I control it, and I'm safe, right, right. Maybe, maybe. But it's a very controlling it just it feels like, it's hard for me to let go of control is what I'll say. Okay, right. So for me, my journey has been all about like, How can I just, you know, how can I trust source more like, you know, like, my relation, my spiritual journey has been all about, how can I relax into this journey without feeling like, I need to control it? Right? How can I let universe source like, do its thing? Without me getting in the way? You know, most recently, it has showed up in my relationship where I realized that like, like, when it comes to me, I like to control the money, meaning I really love to sit down and look at where's it going, right? Where is it going? And how is it going? And so recently, like, I have this whole, like software that I put together, I don't tell my husband about it. And I'm like, Okay, well, I'm categorizing all the expenses. And I'm putting this here and there. And I'm like, You need to let me know. Like, where that like, I just, and it really dawned on me, I'm like, Oh, my gosh, like, this is my game. Again, right, wanting to control the resources, but I'm doing it in a way that feels more aligned versus controlling. Right, it's more of a managing. So on one end, it feels very controlling. I also the staff at the shadowbox like I need to control that so that I control that. On the other end, where it feels more lighter, it's more feel, let me just let me manage as I don't need to control anything. It's just about managing what shows up. And so when I can remind myself to be in that energy, of I know how to manage this, I know how to move through this. I don't feel like I have to control every little thing because of fear of gate 40 Gate not knowing that I can handle it. No, I can handle it. And I know how to manage it, that will figure it out. Right? Because I am resourceful. I got this. And so that's, you know, that's what it feels like. And I feel good to feel those gates, like, I think the wine expression is six for all of them. So this has definitely been like an evolution and growth like over time. And so I spent a lot of time looking back in my, you know, younger years of like, Oh man, I was really trying to control that, like in relationships, for example, like I wanted it to go a certain way, like I'm going to it's gonna happen, I control it and make it happen. And so noticing and seeing myself doing that in the past and how I've matured, and letting my letting things play out. And then managing me manage my expectations and what's happening around me in a way that feels good.

Unknown Speaker:

And your whole, I mean, so six, the role model. So you're stepping into that role model energy in this. And I love that too about human design. It is a constant exploration. It's a constant call to go deeper. You know, people think that because you are a human design coach or mentor, whatever it is that we call ourselves. They think that we've got it all figured out for ourselves, but there's always another layer every time you heal something or decondition something, something else comes up for you. So it's it's really an interesting exploration. It was just I was just so curious when I saw that I was like, Whoa, this is really interesting for her. This gate 24 times. Yeah. So second last question. I would love to know, what are three things that you think either are misconceptions about projectors? Or are things that projectors get wrong, even though I don't love that languaging. But like, condition projectors who have no idea about human design, what do you see happening that you'd love to just like, fix if you could?

Unknown Speaker:

So what I would say, first, it's around our strategy of waiting for the invitation. And I speak to this a lot, because that we're waiting, I feel like in the very beginning gets in the way. Because number will be long, you're a projector, you learn that, oh, I'm not here to work. And like, you know, you're not working in a traditional sense, I should say, and you don't need to rest and then it becomes too passive, where you're just like, I'm just waiting, it's gonna show up, gonna show up. So I've picked up a lot because I'm like, waiting for the invitation is not a passive thing. Right? While you're waiting, quote, unquote, waiting for the invitation. Like, what there's still things that you get to show up for right studying and learning. And if you're an entrepreneur showing up and talking about what you do, with enthusiasm, writing a blog, doing a podcast, whatever, like putting yourself out there, I'm like, we want the invitation, we do have to make ourselves seen, right. But ourselves out there. And so that's one thing. The other thing, and I think this gets into the nuance, I think, if human design where we learn, you know, like, I don't know, like, this is a little tricky, because you learned human design, like projectors can only work three to four hours or three to six hours or three to five hours. And that gets me because I think it really does depend on the configuration of the projector.

Unknown Speaker:

Lujah Yeah, yes.

Unknown Speaker:

So, and it depends on your, your your energy, like how ebbs and flows I mean, I have days where I'm just like, yes, like, energy is on everything is there and I'm just like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And then the next day, I'm like, Alright, I need to take a little bit of a slower day today. Right. And maybe today is a three hour workday. Right? Well, yesterday was our workday, you know, so it's, it's, it's understanding, like, what your energy is like to like, I know that I have a motor. So it's like, yeah, I've got a little bit more of that little, you know, to, to move through this. And so that's, that's probably that's the second thing is, is finding out what works for you. Right, and not letting that not letting that limit you. Because I think we can hear that because I think yeah, you can build a business and not have to work eight hours every day, you can work four hours a day, three hours a day, and you can build a business but it's it's being willing intentional with your energy, be clear on what you're doing. And taking like, you know, specific, intentional action. Um, let's see what else. What else those are the two big ones I feel. Another myth. Okay, here's the last one that I'll say is this. And this has to do with comparison, I think, you learn you're a projector, you learn that you don't have that you don't have an undefined sacral and you go oh, there's this is what the not self mind thing. I just can't keep doing it. Okay, well, that just proves that I cannot keep up with the rest of these entrepreneurs out there doing this thing, right? There's no way I could not sustain it. And the fact of the matter is, like, it's that's not that's not entirely true. Yeah. Again, it's about how you got it as a projector. Right? Because I loved and I'll tell you, I look, I watch the dynamics in my household, right? Because, you know, my husband's, like, outside as a generator, I'm a projector. And it's funny because I can watch him do something like fold clothes, for example, or, you know, cleaning up a refrigerator or whatnot, or do whatever. And I'll look and I'm like, Oh, my goodness, I have, you know, you know, spend an hour or two creating content. I've gotten things scheduled for my, you know, from from my daughter's appointments. You know, like, I've done all these things, and he's still in the refrigerator. So, I'm gonna think it's not about like competing, but at the same time, it's like, I just was really strategic about how I did these things, right? Whereas for him, he's just like, all in the process of just like, you know, doing this and that and then how will will my girlfriend look at this, and then like, come back to it, you know, and so, I think that as a projector, like our aura is focused on observing, I take that quite literally when I Am I in something I am focused on it and Bam, done. As a generator, you're more, you know, open and enveloping. So he's like taking an iterator. And he's like over here talk to dog. And he's like they're doing this. And it takes a little bit longer to get things done, right. And so it's just a myth that as projectors, we can't, like we can't. It's just the way we go about it. It looks different. That's all.

Unknown Speaker:

Yeah, I love that so much. Love that so much. Because that's the thing that drives me crazy with human design in general is that people use it as an excuse for bad behavior. You know, they hear that they're whatever type like Manny, Jen, oh, I'm just, I'm just scattered all the time. Because I'm a manager. No, you're not. That's not what you're supposed to be here for, you know, or project or, you know, I'm, I'm tired all the time. I can't build yet. You get it? So, yes, I love those answers. So one more question is one tip that you would give for generators who have a projector in their life because there's a lot of households where there's one projector and a lot of generators we actually have so I have two grandbabies do one is November 3, and one is December 5, and the December 5 baby could be anything. reflector is even on the table. So I'm like, and we are all bikini gents. But we have one generator with an undefined throat. Four of them are 3420 managers right now. So I'm like, wow, oh my gosh, this child what if we get a projector or reflect like, we have to be on our toes with this. So I need one tip. If we have a another energy type in or

Unknown Speaker:

not that's already 20 against us projectors, my oldest ownership to the manager 3420. And yeah, man. Like, it is it is intense. Okay.

Unknown Speaker:

Oh my gosh, you can say more than one.

Unknown Speaker:

Okay, so All right. So I would say like, first of all, is okay, if you're a generator, and you've got a projector in your life, like number one, invite them to do things. Invite them to do things. And here's what I mean by that my husband's generator modality projector and he'll say to me, Well, you know, I want to do this with her. And I want to do that with her. But you know, like, she hasn't really came and asked me if, and I'm like, that's not how this works. So I try this on, like, by inviting her to go do that with you or try it, you know, like, she doesn't know it. But she is kind of like waiting for an invitation from you. Right? So make it easy for her. Right? So that's one thing. The second thing is, you know, really give them give projectors, like, make it okay for them to rest. And, again, if you're a gentleman and you're moving around, and you're like doing all the things and maybe a project or child or spouse or whatever, they're just chillin, don't look at that and go, Oh, I'm doing all the things and how are you just like sitting there doing nothing? That's not what's happening. Right? Again, it's just a different energy dynamic. So don't, don't make them feel bad about that. Like I would actually, like, recognize and good for you for taking some much needed rest, I can tell you, you need it. Good for you for doing that. The third thing I would say, and I feel like this is for children, right? Again, I'm gonna have kids. So it's two projectors, is helping helping your projector children or even your spouse or whatnot, see themselves and what I mean by that is point point out to them, you know, like, wow, like, I really noticed that like my daughter, for example, in square, she'll go on my calls, and she'll say, Mom, you should wear this outfit. And she puts it together. And I'm like, Whoa, like that. I'm like, I want to put that together. That's so cool. And I will make it a point to say you, you realize you've done this for me a few times now. And you're really great at this. I don't know if you realize that or not. But that will it comes natural to you leave it alone, right. But just little things like that to help them see themselves because she just does it because it's fun. But I also think it's important when someone recognize or when someone can point out to you, what comes natural to you and point out to you that hey, that's a gift. That goes a long way

Unknown Speaker:

as a two four as well. I mean, as the two she's got that thing where we don't know what it is that we do. So frustrating. If you go through 50 years of it, you have no clue what you're good at unless people pull it out of you. And I do that with my projector clients to that so many times. They're like I don't know how to recognize myself, but I think they've never been recognized along the way you know, they've lived 3040 50 years not being recognized along the way. So again, we get to change it for the kids.

Unknown Speaker:

Absolutely, absolutely. Um There was one other thing that I wanted. Totally mind what was it come back to me? Because we were talking about oh, okay, here it is. I knew it would come back. The last thing is, you know asking your opinion Actors like what they think, what do you think about this? What are your thoughts on this? I cannot tell you how much I love that. And it's hard to put this in words like, I think that sometimes we can learn that as projectors, we can learn that if we just give our advice, sometimes it gets cut off. Or sometimes it gets, you know, defensiveness comes with it, then we just kind of wanted to shut up or Google saying anything, right? And so then we're conditioned to deflect or say nothing. And then, you know, someone says, Well, why didn't you do something? Why don't you? And so ask them as well, what do you think about this? Right? I'd love to know if you have thoughts on this. And again, that's one way to that, I will ask for what I need, I will tell my husband like, hey, every once in a while, I would love it. If you would ask me what I think about this, or where I think about something. And I'm telling you, if you have someone who likely truly really cares about you, they will do this. And he will he'll be going through something and he's telling me what he's going through. And he's and I'm listening, and then he'll say, but so what do you think, like do you like do you see it that way? Or do you have a different idea about this? And I'm like, yes. Right. And so you know, and we had an example, just recently, he was working on his paper for school. And I mean, I kept hearing him talk about this paper over and over and over and over again. And he's stressing about it, right? He's a one three, by the way, he's stressing about it. And I look at him, and he's like, there's something you want to say I'm like there is I'm like, I think you're making this too hard. You're making it too hard. You're gonna want to help me, right? You don't need to do as much research to see I just do this. And Vicki, he finishes his outline on like, 20 minutes after that, because he was open to like, receiving, like, what I could see that he couldn't see. So just asking your projectors, what they what they see or what they think is good.

Unknown Speaker:

Because projectors always have so much wisdom. And I don't say that, you know, sometimes Sometimes people hear that and they think it's not condescending, but some you know, they think that I'm like, like beefing them up for some reason. And it's not genuine but it is true. Like so much wisdom in the projector. It's It's crazy how much that's your energetic potential right is holding the energy energetic potential of the planet. It's a big job. And you have a lot of wisdom. So you shouldn't be being asked. That's, that's what you're here for is to guide the rest of us right to great guide the crazy generators and management's to some sort of border.

Unknown Speaker:

Yeah, I love that. Yeah. And it's not an ego based thing, right? Like, it's just like I hated my 12 year old. How did you know that? Like, yeah,

Unknown Speaker:

they just know things. Yes, yes. So is there anything that you would like to add before we close out tonight?

Unknown Speaker:

Oh, my goodness. I don't. So well. I would say that if you are a projector and you're listening to this, I would say to you to be patient with yourself as you are learning how to properly kind of be with your energy and your aura and how to work with it. Be patient with yourself. Because we live in a world that's generator dominated, right? Like it says, I mean, that many of us in the populations generator. So there's, you know, a lot of conditioning that you've probably have picked up. And so be patient with yourself. I've been on this journey for four years now. And I just realized why there's so much conditioning in my wealth. And I grew up with two parents who have defined wills, I manage it in the generator, and I just made the other oh my gosh, right. And this is four years later, Vicki so it's like be patient with yourself as you're learning all the different, you know, aspects of your energy and how it works.

Unknown Speaker:

Yes. 100% 100%. Well, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here. I am so excited when you when you were interested in being a guest on the podcast. So thank you very much for being here. And I'll be linking in the show notes information so that you can get in touch with Kendra if you want to get in touch with her. She's very active on social media. You'll see her on both Instagram and Facebook. It's Kendra woods. We'll put her website in the show notes. I would love to put your clean chart clean human design chart in the show notes as well so that people can take a look if you're okay with that. Okay. Okay. And also in the show notes will be linked to run your human design chart on my website at Vickie and some information for readings and all of that good stuff if you'd like to. So thank you again for being here. Kendra.

Unknown Speaker:

Thank you so much for having me. This is great.



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