Explore the root chakra as the foundation of your identity and sense of safety.
00:57 Introduction to Chakras
01:40 Understanding the Root Chakra
03:18 Root Chakra and Survival
05:01 Balancing Your Root Chakra
07:49 Affirmations and Practices
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Welcome to the Art of Life podcast.
Speaker:I'm Kanika.
Speaker:I'm your host.
Speaker:We talk about spirituality and how you can really step into your power and
Speaker:create a life of your dreams, because that shouldn't be elusive for anybody.
Speaker:Please subscribe so that we can be connected.
Speaker:And quick housekeeping before we get started for today.
Speaker:I run a sacred healing circle and I open a few spots every
Speaker:month to welcome in new members.
Speaker:So if you feel called for it, check it out at artoflifecenter.
Speaker:com slash moon.
Speaker:This is where we gather every new moon and every full moon to utilize
Speaker:that potent energy to really heal our innermost selves and bring in energies
Speaker:that are really more suitable for us.
Speaker:Every session is a powerful healing and a powerful activation.
Speaker:So I welcome you with open arms.
Speaker:Today we'll start talking about chakras, the major chakras in our body.
Speaker:Our body has seven major chakras and there are so many other minor chakras.
Speaker:So what are these chakras anyway?
Speaker:Chakras are energy centers.
Speaker:Chakras are where a lot of energy flow is happening.
Speaker:If you are trying to picture an energy chakra, you could think of
Speaker:it like a ball, but almost think of this as having that spiral energy as
Speaker:well, because the energy is really flowing very much in a spiral form.
Speaker:I'll try and explain more as we go along with each of the chakras.
Speaker:But starting with the root chakra, this is where you are born.
Speaker:That's why it's called the Root Chakra.
Speaker:This is where you get your roots.
Speaker:And why?
Speaker:Because this is where you are born from.
Speaker:So, as a spirit, you got into the body, you got into your mother's
Speaker:womb, when you are coming out, you come out through the Root Chakra.
Speaker:The element for Root Chakra is Earth because this is the ground that
Speaker:you need to stand on to survive on.
Speaker:And hence root chakra very much has the energies of survival.
Speaker:That means that all the survival fears or all the survival opportunities, all of
Speaker:that is connected with the root chakra.
Speaker:If you wanted to physically imagine where the root chakra is before I started
Speaker:explaining the concepts, just so that you can have your energy there and you can
Speaker:really feel it in your body while you are listening to this, your root chakra is
Speaker:very much at the base of your tailbone.
Speaker:A healthy root chakra or basically any healthy chakra will be very
Speaker:much along your spinal cord.
Speaker:If they are a little bit in front, or if they're a little bit at the
Speaker:back, that just means that the chakra is disaligned somewhere.
Speaker:And that could be because of various reasons.
Speaker:So whenever you are practicing in your meditation space, it's
Speaker:really good to imagine them very much along your spinal cord.
Speaker:Okay, so now let's get back to understanding the root chakra.
Speaker:So root chakra as I was explaining is around feeling safe.
Speaker:It's very much the survival energy.
Speaker:This is where you've entered on earth and you're wondering what's going
Speaker:on and am I going to fit in or not?
Speaker:Guess what?
Speaker:That is the theme of the root chakra pretty much all along your life.
Speaker:Now, if you think of early men, they had to fend for themselves,
Speaker:even in terms of food, in terms of a place to live, and so on.
Speaker:We've evolved from that.
Speaker:But then we've also had wars, so at times when people have been born,
Speaker:they've had to fight for their lives.
Speaker:We still continue fighting.
Speaker:There are places where wars are still going on.
Speaker:And even if we don't have wars going on, we have a modern form of all of this.
Speaker:Countries will impose some trade sanctions or they'll put on some import duties, etc.
Speaker:But there's always this sort of battle of survival.
Speaker:There's the fear of lack, that somehow the world's not enough.
Speaker:So in an imbalanced chakra, that's what's really coming through,
Speaker:that the world's not enough.
Speaker:So root chakra is really defining your ability to be as you are.
Speaker:It's your identity chakra, if you will.
Speaker:It's pretty much the foundation, right?
Speaker:We're calling it the root.
Speaker:So this is the foundation.
Speaker:This is how you stand.
Speaker:This is how you walk.
Speaker:Root chakra is connected very much to how much are you earning?
Speaker:Do you have a comfortable house?
Speaker:How are you feeling about yourself?
Speaker:What is your identity?
Speaker:Now let's look at a few questions to understand whether your
Speaker:root chakra is balanced or not.
Speaker:Root chakra is very much around you feeling safe.
Speaker:It's feeling safe in the body and it's also feeling safe to be as you are.
Speaker:So especially, let's say, people who've had trouble coming out, that is just a
Speaker:reflection that their root chakra might have taken that impact as well because
Speaker:they've really suffered in their identity.
Speaker:If you're hiding a part of who you are, especially with your loved
Speaker:ones, then that can mean that your root chakra is imbalanced.
Speaker:Another question to look at could be, do you like your work?
Speaker:Do you like your study?
Speaker:And even if you don't, at least can you talk about it?
Speaker:That again shows you how safe you feel.
Speaker:So essentially what the root chakra is looking at is can you be yourself?
Speaker:Can you do what you like?
Speaker:Can you talk about what you don't like?
Speaker:These are the questions that your root chakra is trying to answer.
Speaker:I imagine that a lot of you, while you're hearing this, you're thinking,
Speaker:Oh my God, my root chakra is imbalanced.
Speaker:What you would be feeling if your root chakra is imbalanced is maybe
Speaker:you would have loss of sleep or you're feeling fatigued and at the
Speaker:very least you feel very demotivated.
Speaker:But it's not all doom if you're feeling like that.
Speaker:The reason why you're listening to this right now is because you're
Speaker:very much on your journey to heal and you want to evolve and grow.
Speaker:So, bringing your awareness here, just understanding that this is the disbalance,
Speaker:that's pretty much the first step.
Speaker:Anyway, so congratulations, you've done that.
Speaker:And the second thing is you can start working on it.
Speaker:You can start taking the baby steps wherever you feel that
Speaker:you're not owning your identity.
Speaker:And sometimes we can get a little bit far in life and we really lose our
Speaker:identity, maybe in a relationship, maybe just with the people we are with.
Speaker:We can really become unaware of who we are.
Speaker:So start exploring those things.
Speaker:Make a very honest list.
Speaker:What do I like?
Speaker:Do I really like talking to that person?
Speaker:How do I like to dress up?
Speaker:How do I like to eat?
Speaker:And try and keep people away or anyone else in the picture away.
Speaker:Just think about yourself.
Speaker:What is it that you like to do?
Speaker:What is your identity?
Speaker:That pretty much is what your root chakra is trying to define.
Speaker:If you further wanted to improve your relationship with your root chakra
Speaker:, then you can simply start saying this affirmation as well, I'm safe.
Speaker:Every time you do that, you're just telling your body that I
Speaker:am safe and it learns to relax.
Speaker:Now what's happening with the root chakra?
Speaker:This is where we sit.
Speaker:This is where we stand up and walk.
Speaker:It's supporting you all the time.
Speaker:So root chakra is really supporting you in every single
Speaker:thing that you're trying to do.
Speaker:Sometimes there is a misconception in our world that you need to work the
Speaker:upper chakras if you need to evolve.
Speaker:But guess what?
Speaker:You have a body and you really need to have all your chakras in
Speaker:the body really working as well.
Speaker:Root chakra is supporting your survival.
Speaker:It's supporting how much money you have.
Speaker:It's supporting your comfort.
Speaker:It's supporting your life on earth.
Speaker:So, especially if you wanted to be wealthy, if you just wanted to have
Speaker:a comfortable life, having a healthy root chakra is very important.
Speaker:Your practice could be to just start saying again and again I'm
Speaker:safe and connecting with the earth because it has the earth element.
Speaker:So as you're walking or as you're sitting down to have a nice
Speaker:silent connection with yourself.
Speaker:Whenever you do that just imagine that you have a cord connected with the
Speaker:center of the earth and she will just help you release a lot of the stress
Speaker:that you're carrying because that's pretty much what the roots job is.
Speaker:Think of the foundation of a house.
Speaker:The foundation supports the house, right?
Speaker:You might not see the foundation as much but a very solid
Speaker:foundation is required for the house to really stand and function.
Speaker:That's pretty much what your root chakra is doing.
Speaker:It's really critical and fundamental.
Speaker:And it's also workable.
Speaker:If you did not feel very well after answering those questions, I can tell you
Speaker:that when I looked at these questions, they were very hard for me as well.
Speaker:I started to from a place where my root chakra was really flaming red.
Speaker:And it really spoke to how I was feeling very disbalanced in my life as well.
Speaker:So it's pretty okay.
Speaker:If I can move on, you can move on as well.
Speaker:With the affirmation, I'm safe at first, you might feel a lot of
Speaker:resistance, but you just have to remind yourself that you are safe.
Speaker:And why are you safe?
Speaker:You might ask, , you have people around you who are probably judging you or
Speaker:who have some expectations of you.
Speaker:So how are you safe if you cannot even express yourself?
Speaker:You are safe because when you're connecting with the
Speaker:Earth, Earth is not judging you.
Speaker:She is there every day, every night, every single moment when
Speaker:you're connecting with her.
Speaker:Or even if you're not connecting with her, she is not judging how you look.
Speaker:She's not judging the size of your paycheck.
Speaker:She is simply there.
Speaker:So you are safe.
Speaker:A lot of the inner work and balancing your chakras is really about
Speaker:understanding you versus others.
Speaker:Just understanding who it is that you are and celebrating a lot more of that, not
Speaker:worrying or thinking about people as much.
Speaker:And root chakra encourages you to start doing the very same thing.
Speaker:What you're doing with the root chakra is you're really owning that
Speaker:feeling of safety regardless of how people think about you, you're
Speaker:really bringing it back to yourself.
Speaker:Question is really valid.
Speaker:People are judging you.
Speaker:How do you still feel safe?
Speaker:You feel safe because you tell yourself that it's okay.
Speaker:They can judge you.
Speaker:as much as they want, they can have their expectations, but you are
Speaker:supposed to hold your own space.
Speaker:You can just bat for yourself and you can go, I am okay as I am.
Speaker:The more you say that, the more you say I'm safe as I am, I'm okay as I am, the
Speaker:more you start healing your root chakra.
Speaker:Now, if you really wanted to expedite, your chakra balancing,
Speaker:then I run a moon meditation circle.
Speaker:We gather together two times every month and do some amazing meditations that
Speaker:are filled with art, that are filled with laughter and a lot of creativity.
Speaker:And the whole idea is to just start balancing ourselves.
Speaker:So if you are feeling some stress and anxiety, or if you're feeling
Speaker:fatigued, then these circles really help you get your motivation back.
Speaker:You start waking up ready to win and conquer because your energy, not
Speaker:just in the root chakra, but in all the chakras start getting balanced.
Speaker:So you start really experiencing a life of inner peace and abundance.
Speaker:If you wanted to join my Moon Meditation Circle, just reach me at artoflifecenter.
Speaker:com slash moon meditations.
Speaker:I will see you there very soon.
Speaker:Thank you so much for listening to this episode.
Speaker:Do leave me a review and let me know how you found this episode.
Speaker:If you're wanting me to explore other topics, you can put in a request as
Speaker:well as I definitely consider that when I'm planning my next episodes.
Speaker:Lots and lots of love.
Speaker:You are awesome.
Speaker:I'll see you next time with another episode.