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Media Influence and Societal Shifts with Common Sense
Episode 618th December 2023 • Common Sense Ohio • Common Sense Ohio
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Hey there, folks! Welcome back to Common Sense Ohio, where today's episode is packed with all the hot topics and spirited conversations you love. Norm Murdock, Steve Palmer, and Brett Johnson are here to dish out their unfiltered take on everything from gender identity controversies to political shake-ups and the ever-changing landscape of media and entertainment's influence on politics.

In this episode, the hosts jump from dissecting the use of technology in law enforcement to reminiscing about historical events like President Roosevelt's iconic speech during World War II. It's a rollercoaster ride of humor, skepticism, and thought-provoking insights that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

So grab a cup of your favorite beverage, settle in, and get ready to join the crew as they navigate through the complex tapestry of today's society. It's time for another wild ride with your favorite podcast, Common Sense Ohio!

Stephen Palmer is the Managing Partner for the law firm, Palmer Legal Defense. He has specialized almost exclusively in criminal defense for over 26 years. Steve is also a partner in Criminal Defense Consultants, a firm focused wholly on helping criminal defense attorneys design winning strategies for their clients.

Norm Murdock is an automobile racing driver and owner of a high-performance and restoration car parts company. He earned undergraduate degrees in literature and journalism and graduated with a Juris Doctor from the University of Cincinnati College of Law in 1985. He worked in the IT industry for two years before launching a career in government relations in Columbus, Ohio. Norm has assisted clients in the Transportation, Education, Healthcare, and Public Infrastructure sectors.

Brett Johnson is an award-winning podcast consultant and small business owner for nearly 10 years, leaving a long career in radio. He is passionate about helping small businesses tell their story through podcasts, and he believes podcasting is a great opportunity for different voices to speak and be heard.

Recorded at the 511 Studios, in the Brewery District in downtown Columbus, OH.

Harper CPA Plus

Copyright 2024 Common Sense Ohio


Steve Palmer [:


Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:


Steve Palmer [:

is is when we declared war in:

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Right. You

Steve Palmer [:

know, when when when you would have to ask the Congress to declare war

Norm Murdock [:

Duh. Right?

Steve Palmer [:


Steve Palmer [:

You can pull it up on YouTube, and, you know, he's got that sort of thirties sounding day that will live. Yeah. Infamy. There he was. And I think they actually propped him up for that when he was standing.

Norm Murdock [:

He was standing. And and, you know, of course, he was a fireside chat President. Yeah. So Americans were comforted

Steve Palmer [:

In a socialist way.

Norm Murdock [:

By his voice. Well

Steve Palmer [:

We're talking about that.

Norm Murdock [:

No question. You know, I I I don't think Stalin ever did fireside chats. He did fireside shootings. Slaughters. But, we had a nicer, socialist, if you will. You know, the the thing is about, about that attack. If you take the identical scenario, almost the same number of people killed, surprise attack on 911, We now have people walking around, you know, even in positions of some authority. I mean, they're in they're into their twenties now that were not even born Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

When 911 happened. Mhmm. And like you said at the beginning, Steve, people have forgotten in a lot of ways about December 7th, and they've they've also forgotten about September 11th.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. They have. And you would wonder how that happens. Like, September or December 7th, It it was again, I'm trying to I'm trying to put the time on together and and and articulate this. And when I was growing up, so back in the in mid late eighties. Yeah. I knew about December 7th. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

And it was over 40 years before.

Norm Murdock [:

Sure. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

And I knew about December like and I think Even kids being born right then knew about December 7th, because it was kept in our public, purview, or we we were taught about it. I don't think we're teaching about it much these days. No.

Norm Murdock [:

I think the textbooks in schools now, the World War 2, phase of, history course It's just, you know, a few pages. Like like, they blip right

Steve Palmer [:

away. Chapter.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Yeah. Which is tragic.

Brett Johnson [:

That seems to be the history courses as well too in high school that it it ends in World War 2. We don't go beyond that. Yeah. I mean, my my son learned about Vietnam and Korea through a history of rock and roll class.

Steve Palmer [:

Wow. Very interesting. Wow.

Brett Johnson [:

That's And I and it was really eye opening to see. He he just grabbed me because I've got great history, rock and roll. Okay. Okay. Whatever. I mean, it sounded like a good course, But then he said it really was based on culture Yeah. Of what was going on because how the music was influenced and the music influenced.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. That whole interesting angle. He learned a

Brett Johnson [:

lot about history through that through the music.

Steve Palmer [:

That's a interesting angle.

Brett Johnson [:

And he says, Dad finally got to learn more about Vietnam and Korea. What's that? Good. Yeah. Okay.

Steve Palmer [:

You know, I didn't learn Any Vietnam history to speak of in high school.

Norm Murdock [:

And it's so important. It's so important. History is

Steve Palmer [:

too soon. Too soon. Know? Like, I it's it's, like, it's hard for me sometimes to get my head around the fact that in 19 when when we pull it, 74 ish. We were just a

Brett Johnson [:

when we were in high school, we were just a decade out. We were

Steve Palmer [:

a decade out. Like, my football coach Yes. Was a Vietnam veteran.

Norm Murdock [:

Kissinger and Le Duc Thao, I think they worked out the Paris Accords, and it was signed. And they both got, Nobel Peace Prizes. Henry took his. Late Octo didn't. I think it was in 75.

Steve Palmer [:

75. Okay. So I was 5 years old. It was still going on, and and I think somehow, it was just too It was too much Mhmm. Still. You know, it's like it it wasn't history yet. I guess maybe that's it. It wasn't history yet.

Steve Palmer [:

Contemporary. And, you know, I didn't learn it. And even in college, there was a Vietnam course, and some people took it. And I I didn't have any interest in it. Yeah. And I wish I would have taken it. I mean, later on, I've I've gone back and tried to learn it.

Norm Murdock [:

But, America's longest war up to that time. Yeah. Now now we would say, you know, the Afghanistan war was our longest war.

Steve Palmer [:

But but getting back to to World War 2 and, You know, at the time, it's it's an interesting, there's there's so much cool history going on there, both politically, militarily, and socially. You know, we had know, Roosevelt was a socialist. He he created a new deal, and everybody thinks that that bust us out of the depression. Quite the contrary. Yeah. And everybody thinks that capitalism got us in the into the depression. Quite the contrary. Quite the contrary.

Steve Palmer [:

You know, there are deals going on with, what's his right before Roosevelt. Hoover? Yeah. Hoover.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. You

Steve Palmer [:

know, Hoover was Hoover, he was he was intervening quite a bit himself trying to force auto manufacturers to deals with labor and do whatever. And it just sort of it, like, it just created a swell that eventually collapses. Right. And, you know, the new deal didn't bust us out of the depression. It it it prolonged it in so many ways. I mean, once so if you can go back and check the the economics of it when things were implemented. But, you know, beyond that, you had you had people like the Nazis, you know, this little harmless group over in Germany, studying and working with Roosevelt and the Americans on things like, eugenics Yeah. That ultimately Oh,

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

That ultimately morphed into the final solution. And these are American Americans were involved. Like, there there's correspondence going back and forth between the 2 governments talking about these these sort of eugenics and and and developing the modern human and all this other

Norm Murdock [:

FDR is well documented to to have been a huge racist.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Oh, I'm sure.

Norm Murdock [:

Huge. I mean, he And You know, he fought Eleanor when when the Tuskegee Airmen, We're not getting deployed. Here here we have aviators that we need in Europe European Theater of War. We got them trained up. They even, based in Columbus for a while, the Tuskegee Airmen. So so for those that don't know, that that's an all African American fighter group, that was put together because we had a manpower shortage, And, you know, the prejudice at that time was that blacks couldn't, possibly operate,

Steve Palmer [:

you know Somehow they weren't capable of

Norm Murdock [:

Bring sophisticated equipment like an airplane, and it turned out that the red tails the the Tuskegee Airmen, the red tails as they were called Because the tails of the airplanes were painted red, had a distinguished record, but FDR refused to deploy them. You know, this was when we we had an apartheid military.

Steve Palmer [:

Yep. You

Norm Murdock [:

know? Like, the cooks, those those, You know, the the people doing the stuff way down below deck were black. The guys operating the anti aircraft guns and And the skippers and, you know, doing the more prestigious jobs were were white. And in, in the army, you had black, You know, you had Japanese. You had all these cores that were racially divided.

Steve Palmer [:

And, you know, you all that sort of runs in parallel to Margaret Sanger and that whole movement of Eugenics. And, there's a Supreme Court case called Buck versus Bell, and that says 1 generation of imbeciles is enough. I mean, it's like there was a time when we really thought we could engineer humans to create the master race. I mean, it it sounds so absurd to say that now, but, like, it like, that's what they were trying to do. And these were racist, horrible people Oh, they were. Today's standards. By today's standards. I am

Norm Murdock [:

so I totally agree. I I was at Rickenbacker for a p fifty one Mustang fly in. This is probably 20, 25 years ago, And the Tuskegee Airmen were there. There were still a few that were alive that were there. It was totally an honor to meet those guys as well as all the other pilots, And you just, you know, you just crunch that a little bit. And when they got when they got demilitarized and went Back to places like Alabama, whatever, Chicago, you know, North or South, didn't matter. They went right back into this Stratified racist society. Can you imagine the anger? I listen.

Norm Murdock [:

I would have been a Black Panther if I grew up In those kinds of circumstances, I probably would have been a militant, black if I had been born African American into that standard of of of living where where I go defend my country, lay my life on the line. You know, general Patton had a group of black tankers called Patton's Tigers, And they helped save Bastogne when the 101st Airborne were holed up there, but if you go to the history books And read about who relieved Bastogne in, in, the Battle of the Bulge, you you almost find nothing about these African American tankers, And, you have to read special books to understand what their role was in some of these, incidents, and it's a it's a stain on our history That we don't, not give them more attention than they deserve any other group, but to give them Equal attention.

Steve Palmer [:

Mhmm. Mhmm.

Norm Murdock [:

And and it it it disturbs me to this day that that the victors write the history, and and the prejudice, inveigles itself into history in ways that are truly dishonorable to the memory of those guys. Yep. You know? And, you know They're absolute heroes.

Steve Palmer [:

The other it's just so funny how everything is, you know, like, everything is sort of tied back to that era. There was a young congressman, Lyndon Baines Johnson Yeah. Who was sort of Roosevelt's FDR's darling in the New Deal. And and Then later on, when he when Johnson finally takes over after the Kennedy assassination, he sort of marshals in the great society that that, FDR couldn't marshal in Yeah. Because the war got on the way. Yeah. And, you know, and it was a disaster, of course. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. And he was another racist.

Steve Palmer [:

Another just abject.

Norm Murdock [:

LBJ was Right.

Steve Palmer [:

Just a horrible. Horrible.

Norm Murdock [:

Yep. And and and the tape recordings that they have from him can you know, at the time he's pushing civil rights, It it exposes completely that it was a strategy

Steve Palmer [:

Mhmm. To get votes for his for his great society. Right?

Norm Murdock [:

Right. The Well, the great society thing was a strategy to capture, human beings that otherwise would be predisposed to be Republicans. So he was just gonna buy them off. That's it was just a straight out, here's money from the federal government, and it came from Democrats. Even though we were the party 50 or 75 years ago that put on the little white hats and founded the Klan.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. The Dames. Right?

Norm Murdock [:

We're the same people, but now we're gonna pay you to vote for us.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. They bought the votes.

Norm Murdock [:

That's all it was. And Lyndon's on tape.

Steve Palmer [:

Like It is, again, remarkable history there, all going back, of course, to December 8. Not all of it going back. So December 8 was a day that lived. That was the date of the speech, I guess. So, anyway, with that, we can move on.

Norm Murdock [:

That's a heavy duty day. You know, and and and really just a Final thought if you guys don't mind. I think one of the biggest mistakes George Bush the second made was not Asking for a declaration of war. He asked for war powers of a kind Mhmm. But not a declaration of war, and he should have asked for a declaration of war Against Al Qaeda.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. You know, it's an interesting thought. We somehow along the way, we have ordained the presidency with way too much power. Yes. The executive branch has taken way too much power. And and by in large part, that started with FDR with all his new deal and all these new administrative, power actually, even before that, I guess, if you go back to Woodrow Wilson, who said, you know, we can we don't need this democracy anymore. We're we're smart enough to run the country on our own. He creates the administrative form of government.

Steve Palmer [:

Roosevelt drives a truck through it, and then Johnson drives a tanker through it. You know, it's like, now we have, then you fast forward a little bit. Reagan tried to back it off, but then along along comes Obama, and here we are. You know, we've just got this era where They just do it with their pen. So we have this president that signs orders and they get enforced.

Norm Murdock [:

Well and and and the other thing that that where I'm particularly trying to get to is Had FDR done what Bush did, he would have asked congress, to help win help him with a war on torpedoes, You know, because Bush called it a war on terror. Mhmm. Right? Like, what what are you talking about?

Steve Palmer [:

Let's let's kick this around. You know, wasn't FDR really in cahoots with Churchill the entire time, and we're supplying money, As much resources. I mean, we even had guys over there fighting in the Battle of Britain. Oh. We we had the flying tigers cooking. Like, were doing everything but fighting the war.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right. Mhmm.

Steve Palmer [:

We're doing everything except fighting the war against Germany and Japan already. So to some extent like Ukraine. It right.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, it was. It was. We had we had lend lease going in time with, with England.

Steve Palmer [:

And and in Some ways, Japan just sort of formalized it with this attack. Like, it was no secret that we were at we were in conflict with Japan. And, you know, reading his speech there, it's, like, It's sort of disingenuous to say that we didn't think that Japan would ever do anything. I mean, we had all sorts of reasons to think they would, and we were fighting Japan

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

With our flying tie you know, it's like there was stuff going on that,

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. And so it it it The flying tigers.

Steve Palmer [:

The FDR wanted that war, and rightfully so. Yeah. You know? I mean, the world was in huge conflict. The United States needed to be involved. Think we were still gunshot from World War one Right. And we were isolationists and reeling from the depression. And, you know, it's like, we don't need this crap.

Norm Murdock [:

Little Columbus systems. So Clare Chenault, who headed up the Flying Tigers. Right? I thought

Steve Palmer [:

it was John Wayne.

Norm Murdock [:

So he headed up the flying tide.

Steve Palmer [:

Patricia O'Neill. And Patricia Neal. Patricia Neal.

Norm Murdock [:

And then and then when the, and then when, The the the attack on Pearl Harbor, happened. They dissolved the Flying Tigers, and those guys were impressed Into either the army or the marines.

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, right.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, yeah. They had a choice because the, the CIA the OSS at the time, it was called the Upper the office of special services Yeah. And then that became the CIA. They dissolved that operation because, heck, now we're in open conflict. So so so they turned that unit into an Army Air Corps, you know, unit. But the coolest airplanes

Steve Palmer [:

of the war.

Norm Murdock [:

The p 47 or p 40 warhawk.

Steve Palmer [:

Or p 40 warhawk.

Norm Murdock [:

With the shark's teeth on it.

Steve Palmer [:

It it wasn't the most impressive maneuverable plane, but I think it was sort of slow and cumbersome, but, Really cool looking.

Brett Johnson [:

They are cool looking now. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

So that, Claire Chenault, a lot of people so he he, he maintained his CIA Status. During the war, he was a general, but then after the war, he went right back to being a spook, and they operated down at Rickenbacker Or as, Air America during Vietnam War, Korea, and all that. Yeah. Little Columbus tie in there. Mhmm.

Steve Palmer [:

Alright. Well, with that, we can segue right into Common Sense Ohio.

Norm Murdock [:

So, guys, I think we gotta talk about this bombshell that went off on December 7th Of a different kind. The Hunter Biden

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Been indicted.

Norm Murdock [:

Indicted. Nine counts of tax evasion. And all of this was supposed to be swept under the rug by, that that, plea agreement That was rejected in DC by that, that, judge, like, chunk Chunkin or Yeah. Something like that, her last name. She she she's the hero in this along with the 2 IRS whistleblowers that brought all this out in public, and and she She basically told, Abby Lowell, Hunter's attorneys, and David Weiss, the special counsel, no. I can't I can't approve this, plea agreement.

Steve Palmer [:

So let's talk about what happens from here. You know, he's been indicted, and, you know, there's lots of skepticism about this indictment. Because on the one hand, it of, it looks like there's some vindication for those who thought that he should be charged. On the other hand, what's really gonna happen with it? And is it more of just a a fall guy type of indictment. No. We can we can just do this, and then it'll lay the whole matter to rest.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

You know, I I always try to put myself in this situation. If I got a call from the average guy who's been indicted on 9 counts of tax evasion and failing to file returns and etcetera, etcetera, Usually, what the government wants to know is where the hell is the money? What's the flow of the money? Because whenever there's this kind of tax evasion, it's usually to shelter criminal money. You know, you're you're not only making the money and not filing taxes, but something else is going on. You know? Where's the money going? What's where did it end up? And I'll be very curious to see if anybody really cares, like, who truly cares where the money went, because if they can if they really wanna follow the the Where it all ended up, it I'm guessing it ends up in Biden's hand Joe Biden's hands, daddy's hands in some way, shape, or form through you get some benefit from either,

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Improvements here or, funding for something or a house or who knows what. But Yeah. I I've read some books and I've read some articles on this, And, there's a pretty solid argument that that's what was going on. And, I'll be curious to see if the government really wants to know this, because then they would engage in proffers and investigation into this, or is it just gonna get whitewashed? He pleads guilty, gets his his probation, and that's it. Now I we the average Joe is not getting probation for this, I don't think. I mean, this is a prison case.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. From what I'm seeing, he's Special counsel David Weiss said he spent 1,000,000 of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. They're calling it like hookers, drugs, and partying. So

Norm Murdock [:

Human trafficking. I guess even some of the hookers were trafficked young women, so you wonder He's You know, he might be getting into some human rights stuff.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. I don't know. So look. I mean, look. I'm not gonna discount human trafficking when it happens, but it's that that term gets I think it tends to get overused. I mean, if you're are the hookers actually kidnapped and trafficked, or were they just hookers?

Norm Murdock [:

I don't know.

Steve Palmer [:

I don't know.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. I don't know.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Look. You would want to explore all that.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

You would want to proffer this, get him on get him at a table and say, what did you do? Where did the money go? Tell us about Burisma. Tell us about these these links to China. Tell us about all this stuff because, look, it's not just that this guy didn't file tax returns based on income. The income was premised upon, like, our enemies giving him money. Yeah. Clearly giving him money

Norm Murdock [:

clearly to influence, Joe.

Steve Palmer [:

And how did why did Burisma put him on the board to begin with to earn all this money? Exactly. And, you know, it's it's not a secret here. So if they really wanna dig into this, or is it just gonna be a tax case? So, you know, I I we'll find out.

Norm Murdock [:

So So there were negotiations with Abby Lowell to have Hunter testify in front of Congress. I think That's the

Steve Palmer [:

other thing.

Norm Murdock [:

I think that's Gone now.

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, he's gonna take the 5th. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

He's gone. Yeah. Because there's a continuing legal

Steve Palmer [:

But, look, let's don't let's don't overplay that card either because he still could have taken the 5th. That's right. Whether he's charged or not.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

If if Hunter Biden calls me and says, hey. I need a criminal defense lawyer. I've been subpoenaed for congress Yeah. And they want me to come offer testimony under oath about income I earned in Burisma in China and what how it all happened. Yeah. I'd be like, what did did you pay tax on any of that money? Well, Yeah. Like, alright. You're not gonna testify.

Steve Palmer [:

You're gonna take the 5th.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Yeah. The, the one interesting thing, a week ago, I think it was, that Comer, the other guy, that's, really, in congress, representative congressman Comer from Kentucky, that's kinda leading the investigation into impeachment. He, produced a Series of wires from the Chinese Communist that, had the beneficiary address for the wires as Joe Biden's house, not Hunter's. So I I mean,

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

I think we're getting into some Some nitty gritty here now.

Steve Palmer [:

It it just depends on what they're gonna do. I mean, look. This is a this is a segue, an open door, if you will, to go investigate this stuff

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

To investigate the source of the money. Like, why, pray tell, would anybody think that Hunter Biden is worth all this money to pay? Yeah. It's like I can it certainly doesn't appear that he has the skill set.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Right. Right. That would

Steve Palmer [:

warrant 1,000,000 of dollars coming funneling into his bank accounts whether you pay tax on it or not. So you've got the pay to play problem, and then you've got the notion of where the money went. And I can't it didn't all go to hookers, drugs, and partying. There's gonna be money going elsewhere. And they're gonna actually find it, or they're not gonna find it?

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Yeah. I mean Mhmm. Right? His, his computer that was found, the hard drive, says he had to pay his dad a certain percentage Yeah. Of of of these wires?

Steve Palmer [:

His dad was part of breakfast meetings. His dad was part of, like, his dad Golf tournaments. They were they were he was there's a book on this I just and it's a huge part of all of this. Yeah. And it's not And

Norm Murdock [:

he's denied ever meeting any of Funders' business partners.

Steve Palmer [:

I mean Just flies. Lies. Flat out lies.

Norm Murdock [:

Flat out.

Steve Palmer [:

Flat out pay to play lies.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Yep. Yep. And, look, I it doesn't even have to be that Joe Biden sold influence, although it's ironic that the that he fired the prosecutor who's investigating Burisma at the time his someone was involved.

Norm Murdock [:

Leveraged US tax dollars

Steve Palmer [:

Right. And he bragged about it.

Norm Murdock [:

To get Ukraine's own inspector general Fired.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

Who was looking into all this?

Steve Palmer [:

But leave that aside for a second. Even the if you if the appearance that that could happen, I think, is abhorrent enough. You know? So if if if you're if my if I'm the president, my son is out there saying, well, look, you can, if you pay me all this or, like, hinting around that since my dad's the president, then you might get some play out of this, and he's collecting money on it. And dad knows.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

I think there's an obligation there.

Norm Murdock [:

And I I think this also explains why Obama did not support Biden for president Because he knew. He was he knew he was dirty. Oh. And he's like, you know, I I really prefer Hillary. You know? You know? It's

Steve Palmer [:

Well and and imagine, I was to always try to flip these things whether I'm coming at it from the left or if I'm coming at the right or, you know, we'd, like, take a common sense look at it. What would the what would anybody say? Not just the not just the Republicans, not just the Democrats, not just or and the media. What would they say if it's if it were Trump and his son?

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, come on. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

What would they say? Oh, yeah. Like, how important would that influence peddling be then?

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Right. You know?

Norm Murdock [:

Right? Because they had to make it up.

Steve Palmer [:

It would be off they had to make it up.

Brett Johnson [:

They had

Norm Murdock [:

to make up out of the whole Russian collusion thing Right. That that Trump was interested Sit in hotels or something over there. It was all bullcrap. You know? It was all Yeah. It was all nonsense. All nonsense

Steve Palmer [:

that Fabricated by Hillary's campaign.

Norm Murdock [:

To and they created almost item by item what happened in reality with the Bidens. I mean Yeah. I mean, they tried to construct

Steve Palmer [:

while Biden was vice president. Right?

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

It wasn't just it wasn't just about the I mean, it was like he was vice president.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, if they ever could get, Obama to to tell us what he knew and when he knew it

Steve Palmer [:

Obama ain't talking. I can tell

Norm Murdock [:

you what. I think I think He knew, and that's why he did not, back Biden and tried to talk him out of running.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. And imagine that they subpoena a bomb on this.

Steve Palmer [:

That'd be an interesting, wouldn't it?

Brett Johnson [:

Wouldn't it?

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Is there what's I wonder what the executive privilege will look like at that point.

Norm Murdock [:

I don't think Obama would lie to protect Biden at this point.

Steve Palmer [:

I think he would. Because You

Brett Johnson [:

think so?

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. I think he would because he's not just protecting Biden. He's protecting himself. Because if when this stuff is going on, then he doesn't stop it. He's the president.

Brett Johnson [:

You're right.

Norm Murdock [:

That's that's an excellent point.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. So he's gotta take the 5th or lie Wow. If he knew. I mean, who knows what he knew? But, You know, there was all sorts of stuff going on. So yeah. I mean, if it were reversed in Trump or it were Trump and and, Trump junior

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. We'd be hearing about this 247.

Steve Palmer [:

It would be the it would be the

Brett Johnson [:

That's all people do. Daily

Steve Palmer [:

anal call. Oh, yeah. Bombshell every Warning on Facebook, bombshell, bombshell Well,

Norm Murdock [:

and we saw what fancy Nancy did with, Trump. Fancy Nancy.

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

know, she she I mean, she got him impeached. She got that 2nd impeachment vote with absolutely no investigation or anything after January sex. Mhmm. I mean and and this was after he was out of office. Yeah. They impeached, which is why John Roberts, the Supreme Court Chief justice did not preside over the impeachment vote. He didn't even go down there because he it was absurd. You're impeaching a guy who's out of office? What what what what like he said at the time, what is the point of this? Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

You're gonna throw a guy who's out of office out of office?

Brett Johnson [:

Right. That's my Right.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. So at least the Republicans this past week, you gotta give speaker Johnson credit. They called for a vote whether or not to continue the investigation into impeachment. So it's not a vote to impeach Biden, but what they did this week was Basically, pass authorization, which Jordan said constitutionally is not required, but they didn't wanna do what Nancy did. They didn't wanna just rush to an impeachment. They actually wanna pass a piece of legislation that says, we're gonna officially investigate this.

Steve Palmer [:

Meanwhile, this week, we had the latest Republican debate, which, again, it's I didn't even know I didn't even know there was a debate. It's like I that's that's how insignificant it seemed about.

Norm Murdock [:

You go into the budget? Yeah. Because there was a big news. The the Republicans capitulated again.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Well, no. No. No. I was talking about the the actual candidates Republic the Republican candidate for president's republic.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh oh, yeah. The debate. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

So we've got, you know, along these lines, you've got these, like, Pelosi going after Trump. And, if you I'll tie those together in a second. So if you look, Bill did anybody watch Bill Burr on Jimmy Kimmel? Yes. So Bill Burr just Tease off

Norm Murdock [:

on Jimmy Kimmel. Yeah. Called him an idiot.

Steve Palmer [:

Call him an idiot and say, you, you, you, democrats, You're going after Chunky. Like, you you've basically created a martyr out of him, and you've kept him alive and all this stuff. And Kimbell's like, what if we wouldn't have you know? And and Bill Burr basically says, because of you guys going after him literally from the grave or when he's in the grave. Like, you've given him second life. And so we have this Republican debate where Trump is a leading candidate by by a huge measure. He's not even

Norm Murdock [:

on the stage. 30, 40% above, Haley.

Steve Palmer [:

And he's not even on the on the podium debating anybody.

Brett Johnson [:

They they're debating to become vice president Right. Basically.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. Or maybe not even that. You know, I think Maybe not. I think people say hands down, DeSantis wanted to say DeSantis, there's something about him that people don't like, whatever that is, but, you know, at least he's got a true conservative ideology. But it's really all for naught.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

You know, Trump's Trump is gonna get the nomination, and who I I can't even in my head Fathom how this is all gonna unfold.

Norm Murdock [:

So you know what it is that people don't like about this, Anas? He's just not entertaining, And I I think American culture has gotten to the point.

Steve Palmer [:

We're an operations guy.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, we we elect people like Bill Clinton. Right? He was entertaining.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Lots of charisma.

Norm Murdock [:

Lots of

Steve Palmer [:

well, Obama, lots of charisma.

Norm Murdock [:

And he had this crazy fast

Steve Palmer [:

Lots of charisma.

Norm Murdock [:

Smoked pot, you know, Had all the hot chicks, a little side affair, you know, and all this, you know, in the big drama. I'm not Tammy Wynette standing by my man, I'm not making cookie. You know, he had the spurned wife. Mhmm. And and America just loves that kind of stuff. It was like Jerry Bring her.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, it was like the dawn of reality TV and all this

Norm Murdock [:

stuff is going on. And then we elect the guy who says you're fired. Right? You know, the the apprentice guy. And it just goes to show you I I don't know if you go back to Ronald Reagan or where you go with this, but it seems like well, and then Jesse Ventura gets elected governor of Minnesota. I mean, it's like we've become a celebrity. Like like, politics is celebrity melded together.

Brett Johnson [:

Think that mark in time is probably about right about Reagan.

Steve Palmer [:

Because when

Brett Johnson [:

you think about it because because my mind's going to media is cultivating this.

Norm Murdock [:

I I think I think you're right.

Brett Johnson [:

And media became Came much more to the up front in the eighties.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:


Brett Johnson [:

If you think about it, because okay. Let's go

Steve Palmer [:

to the back. CNN, C SPAN.

Brett Johnson [:

Exactly. Let's go

Norm Murdock [:

Reagan had that We go

Brett Johnson [:

prior to Reagan, general elections weren't that much of a personality, a personality a cult of personality.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, nobody nobody ever heard Lincoln talked unless you went to a debate. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

Or you might go back to the like, maybe the dawn of it was the Kennedy Nixon debate. Yeah. It was the first one that was for sure.

Brett Johnson [:

It sort of moments in time.

Steve Palmer [:

But it wasn't it wasn't like this ubiquitous media all the time Right. All the time, all the time, crawl up their backside. But even after, you know, Kennedy, the media knew enough to to not crawl up his backside about all the affairs and all the crazy stuff he's doing.

Norm Murdock [:

And they played up the PT one zero nine thing.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

You know?

Steve Palmer [:

So the media which was wrapped him up.

Norm Murdock [:

Let's face it. He effed up. He had his boat cut in

Steve Palmer [:

half Right.

Norm Murdock [:

By a Japanese cruiser.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. And, look, like, you can't blame him. I mean, like, I I get it. It's like, everybody makes mistakes, but they made him a war hero.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. They they were gonna they were gonna, you know, court martial him.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

But it's a

Norm Murdock [:

And FDR jumped in and said that you you can't do this to Joe's son. I mean

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Right. And you can't They they laid off him when he was, like, having obvious affairs in the White House. Right. I mean Right. And then Bill Clinton comes along, And it's all their

Brett Johnson [:

their That's all there is.

Steve Palmer [:

That's all

Norm Murdock [:

there is. And America's scooping it up. Like like, you know, the public opinion was not to impeach him. The the Republican house, like, you know, they Yeah. They That was an extreme thing for them to do.

Steve Palmer [:

They got the the Republicans got way out over their skis on that one.

Norm Murdock [:

Out over this case because People people did not look at it as a civil rights violation of Paula Jones's, you know, because he lied in a deposition. So, you know, the the American people didn't look at that a lot like that. They just thought the Republicans are mad Because he

Steve Palmer [:

has sex

Norm Murdock [:

outside of marriage.

Steve Palmer [:

It wasn't the issue itself. Yeah. But they just loved Bill Clinton.

Norm Murdock [:

They did.

Steve Palmer [:

So if the same if Donald Trump did the same thing, he would be skewered for If Donald Trump did what Biden did and his son did, he'd be skewered for it. It's really about where the popularity contest, who's winning the popularity contest.

Brett Johnson [:

Who gets what pass.

Steve Palmer [:

And, really, it's more about left and right. I hate to say it, but Oh, it

Brett Johnson [:

kind of is, though, if you think about it.

Steve Palmer [:

The Dems control the media, and at least they did back in those days, for sure. Now now shows like ours and other sort of Alternative sources are coming through where that that was a huge threat. I think that's in that's in large part why Trump gets elected. You know? There was, like, these alternative media sources that that sort of have been growing, And Yeah. And now it's dangerous. And maybe this ties in a little bit to why, the government is so interested in censorship of social media in in controlling these messages.

Norm Murdock [:

Boy, and Elon really blew that up a year ago. I mean, I mean

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, and last week at the conference, did you hear him talk? I think we talked about this last week.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. But, you know, I mean, the idea that Twitter is now an open platform once again

Steve Palmer [:

Well, that's right.

Norm Murdock [:

Is gigantic.

Steve Palmer [:

It's gigantic. So Trump wins the election, I think, because of social media, in in large part because of social media.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

You know? Like, He, like Kennedy years before Right. Realized that that's a huge powerful weapon that you can wield in your campaign. And just and Kennedy would did that with the TV. You know? He looked good. He was he was smooth. Yep. And, there's Nixon on stage sweating like a racehorse. And, you know, it's like Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

It was, all those things were, sort of tied into Kennedy. Like, he took advantage of that, and Trump did the same thing. Social media, like, he, Like, he understood the power of that.

Norm Murdock [:

He's a common guy involved in that. There are so many other examples of this too. You know, Schwarzenegger becoming a 2 term governor of California.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

You've got Clint Eastwood, even was mayor of, Monterey, I think it was. And, so there were a lot of people, a lot of celebrities. I think Matthew McConaughey is talking about running for governor at Texas.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. But he's screwing up. He's like, his message on guns is bad.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Yeah. But but you know what I'm saying? Like, like like Brett said

Steve Palmer [:

Well, Reagan. Alright. Let's talk about Reagan.

Norm Murdock [:

The melding of of of celebrity culture with politics is now so firmly established Yeah. That, you know, I'm

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. I mean, Reagan, an actor, becomes president.

Norm Murdock [:

And that GE Theater that would

Steve Palmer [:

That's right.

Norm Murdock [:

Every week into Americans' homes about the the beauty of America and American history, and he would tell a story.

Steve Palmer [:

And he just had that delivery.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

did. Right. He had the voice.

Brett Johnson [:

That was that was grandpa on the camera. Yeah. I mean, it was it was it was that Fireside Chat feel

Norm Murdock [:

It hunkers.

Brett Johnson [:

It's funny. Did. I remember that.

Norm Murdock [:

It harkens back that exactly. It does. The Fireside Chat.

Steve Palmer [:

So I think the first party that sort of finds that candidate is going to win. And I I don't think it's Trump anymore, and I it's certainly not Biden.

Norm Murdock [:

And and And say, Ron and so in my opinion

Steve Palmer [:

It's not DeSantis, though.

Norm Murdock [:

DeSantis is if if we were a 100 years ago and DeSantis was running against Abe Lincoln, Like, he'd have a chance because you'd look at his policies in the newspaper, and you just read about him. But on stage, He's just boring. I mean, he's just because he's a policy wonk guy.

Steve Palmer [:

And his voice is sorta sounds sorta whiny Yeah. At times. And I, you know, I don't think he is whining, but it's like it's all that delivery. Exactly right. Yeah. Yeah. It's all that delivery. So an actor could do a phenomenal job, but it's all bullshit.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

DeSantis does a phenomenal job, but he can't act it.

Norm Murdock [:

Well said.

Steve Palmer [:

You know?

Norm Murdock [:

And Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

And that's Yeah. That's sad. Who wins this? It's because of that, though.

Norm Murdock [:

Not in a nutshell.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. I mean, he's Salt He's your COO. He's your chief operations officer. He gets things done, and and he does it efficiently. And his instinct is is great. Know, just look at Florida. His debate against, what's his name, Gavin Newsom. I think he just dismantled Newsom.

Norm Murdock [:

Dismantled it.

Steve Palmer [:

And he just did he didn't do it because he's a great orator. He did it

Norm Murdock [:

Little beautiful moves. They they were very you know? And Gavin was just there with his hair gel and and the great smile of his, and he's just bullcrapping his way through the whole thing.

Steve Palmer [:

Total BS. Everything you said was BS. It was all BS.

Norm Murdock [:

I think we need to also talk about This latest Republican, congress reaction to the testimony up on the hill by, the Ivy League presidents about their hate speech codes. Now I hate hate speech codes. Right? So, I mean,

Steve Palmer [:

I mean we should talk about that. Why do you hate hate speech codes?

Norm Murdock [:

Well, if you're gonna have a hate speech code, apply it, You know?

Steve Palmer [:

But a hate speech code implicitly is censorship.

Norm Murdock [:

Yes. It is.

Steve Palmer [:

Implicitly. Right. By its very nature, it's Orwellian censorship.

Norm Murdock [:

Totally against hate hate speech codes. But when the Ivy League presidents, MIT, Harvard, and what was yeah. UPenn. When they go up on the hill and they say, yeah. We have a hate speech code, And we apply that against, like, the Klan and Neo Nazis, and, basically, you know, if if they say something about black Fraternity sisters, you know, that they're buffalos. You know, we'll close down those fraternities. We'll we'll drive those people off of campus. And I'm like, yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

Those are really ugly things, and I guess if you're gonna have a hate speech code, please do me, even though I'm against the code, But at least do me the courtesy of applying it evenly. So when when Hamas protesters get on campus and they say, Kill all the Jews? They won't call that hate speech, and the reason is according to the Three people who testified, the presidents of these Ivy Leagues, they said because it hasn't been turned into action, we don't do anything until there's action. Wait a minute. That's not true. If if you say something about women or blacks or, you know, other minorities, then you you do take action. But, curiously, when when it's about Jews, you don't. And and so the Hypocrisy of that is

Steve Palmer [:

is a false it's inherently it's inherently censorship. Right?

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Right. Content based censorship.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

So hate speech is now judged by the eyes of the beholder on what is offensive and what isn't offensive. Right. And, you know, not even not even the eyes of the alleged victim to the offensive speech, but the beholder of the law. You know? So if, like, a university thinks, well, this is offensive to, the Muslims. So that's gonna be hate speech, but we don't we agree that this is an affair or that, we agree with this content about the Jews, so that's not hate speech, and we're not gonna enforce it that way.

Brett Johnson [:

Because that's what it comes off saying.

Steve Palmer [:

That is right. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

It's exactly yeah. I mean, it that that that same mindset of You're allowed to yell or you can yell fire in a movie theater, but you will have repercussions for doing it.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. No. That's right. So

Brett Johnson [:

So you you let them speak, But there may be repercussions, but, like you said, level playing field.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. A direct threat, like, if you threaten the president, a a direct threat on somebody's life Is illegal, properly so. Sure. Okay? But, so if you say I'm for a genocide of all blacks or all Spanish People are all this or all that or the Houthis and the tutus.

Steve Palmer [:

That is protected speech.

Norm Murdock [:

That's protected speech.

Steve Palmer [:

That's protected speech.

Norm Murdock [:

But somehow, if you say, You know, Look. If if if you

Steve Palmer [:

all the Jews Kill all the Jews. Is protected speech.

Norm Murdock [:

That it is.

Steve Palmer [:

Kill all the Muslims.

Norm Murdock [:

It is protected speech. Right? Right.

Steve Palmer [:

Put a menorah up. It's protected speech.

Norm Murdock [:

But if you say, I am gonna take this gun Down to the campus and shoot people, that's not protected speech. Well, it's different. Direct threat.

Steve Palmer [:

It's if it's a direct threat, you can regulate that, and you can act on it. You can act. But voicing political positions is the very heart of free speech. Political free speech has to be open, and it can't be censored.

Brett Johnson [:

And if you don't let it be open, guess where it goes as we talked about before. It goes in the dark.

Steve Palmer [:

Goes into our world.

Brett Johnson [:

So And it gets and then we're then

Steve Palmer [:

we're surprised grows. Right?

Brett Johnson [:

Then we're surprised that something happens bad because, well, we didn't let them speak it out in in the open.

Norm Murdock [:

So the the hypocrisy of these speech codes is is being brought out now, and I think the UPenn president, Her board or his I I forget if it's the man or woman, but the president of UPenn, based on the testimony this past week, is getting fired Because the board at at Penn is like, well, wait a minute. If we're gonna have a speech code, which we all 3 think there shouldn't even be 1, But if we're gonna have 1, you have to apply it equally. If you call for a genocide of 1 group of people and and and that's bad and you get You get kicked off of campus or you're you're you know, as a student, you're you're told you can't you can't matriculate here, and you're kicked out. But other genocides, it's okay to promote those. Well, wait a minute. You know?

Steve Palmer [:

So the the hallmark there's a couple things we should talk about. First of all, if if we're talking Private campuses. So private universities, it's a different standard. Right? So this

Norm Murdock [:

standard Harvard's private.

Steve Palmer [:

Like, Harvard's private. So the when we're talking about freedom of speech, we have to identify. We're talking about, government action that would hinder your right or that would somehow censor your speech. So the government can't, act, a private person in theory can. There's some there might be some private causes of action that you have or civil actions, but it's not the first amendment.

Norm Murdock [:

Right. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

So when the government acts and censor speech, now we have a first amendment problem. So that's government action. And so when we're talking about these private universities and we're having hearings on it, you know, it's it's just I think they're just trying to bring topics to the forefront for discussion. But when they're talking about the government acting, to limit free speech on on, say, public university campus like at Ohio State or somewhere else

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Now we have a problem. Now we have a First Amendment problem. And sooner or later, that's gonna sort of matriculate up to the US Supreme Court on some of these issues, and they're gonna have to they're gonna have to do something about it.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. True. True. Similar situation in testimony station, but they call themselves a National Women's Law Center. And she got herself into a a a problem with, Stefanik, Elena I think is it Elena? Stefanik, congresswoman from New York, who asked her 10 times, Ten different ways. Could not get her to answer why men. She basically took the, Catanjie Jackson Brown Defense and said, I'm not a scientist. I can't decide what a woman and a man are.

Norm Murdock [:

And and and, basically, this was about women in sports. Riley Gaines is sitting right next to this lady at the at the table before congress, and this lady from the National Women's Law Center is saying that there is a whole range of genders. It's not just 2. And that, you know, it's a it's a it's a spectrum. Right? And and that you to admit men can't play in women's sports is to somehow admit That men are predominantly stronger, more physically capable in the sporting realm, and she just wasn't gonna go there. So, You know, I it it it just brought out in very clear terms with her testimony that, That that they're insane.

Steve Palmer [:

God. I

Norm Murdock [:

mean, they're just they're they're they're they're they're just I

Steve Palmer [:

mean, you've got I thought there's gonna be some, like,

Norm Murdock [:

mean, asking another female, what is a woman? And she's basically saying, I don't know. I'm not a scientist.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. It's it's that's true.

Brett Johnson [:

In the mirror naked every morning, I can't I can't

Norm Murdock [:

I can't tell him that. You had the National Women's Law Center, so now you represent men,

Steve Palmer [:

I guess? Yeah. It's it's, like you said, it's it's just

Brett Johnson [:

utter insanity.

Steve Palmer [:

With just just utter complete insanity.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. I I was a I'm a a a a a judge, for this organization to listen to podcasts And, listen to content, you know, holistically, sound and that sort of thing. But there's there's one. It was a DEI podcast. I forget the name of it. Doesn't matter. But the the the guest is a well known author in that world of DEI and was talking about her Son. And she made the comment that, well, my son well, at least that's what he calls himself right now.

Brett Johnson [:

6 year old. Wow. My 6 year old son, I should say what he is right now. And I don't and I so I'm thinking so so so I'm thinking about

Steve Palmer [:

Wow. The

Brett Johnson [:

what what? Okay. So she says that. Yeah. So where is her mind? So is her mind that she's open to maybe your son might change? Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.

Norm Murdock [:

He says Or,

Brett Johnson [:

you know, or is she predominantly thinking, I am going to help him make sure That he has all the opportunities and choices because I'm I'm just such a DEI person. I have to be the forefront.

Steve Palmer [:

I'm gonna go a different direction completely.

Brett Johnson [:

I don't know.

Steve Palmer [:

It is It is nothing more than a virtue signaling cry about how awesome I am because I, by any

Brett Johnson [:

chance, piece of it. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

So yeah. It's like, well, I don't know what he is yet. Of course, you do. He's got a little penis.

Norm Murdock [:

Exactly. I I I just honest to go.

Steve Palmer [:

He's got a little penis.

Brett Johnson [:

Nothing is

Steve Palmer [:

Go back

Norm Murdock [:

to his birth certificate and see the dots that

Steve Palmer [:

wrote it down. Right? But instead, they instead, they play along with the charade that the emperor actually has clothes on. And the problem with that is that eventually, you're Teaching that to the next generation to and you're you're look, we all know we have we have inherent common sense, but you're teaching your next generation to ignore your common sense and instead follow this doctrine of ideals. And remember, I think we talked about this once before. It's, like, you've got this instead of figuring stuff out and using your common sense and doing it the hard way, People just ascribe to some set of values that go along with the political position.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

And I think this is happening on both sides, unfortunately. But Particularly on the left, it's like, alright. You have to believe that, boys can be girls and girls can be boys. The gender is fluid. You have to believe that check. You have to believe in, you know

Norm Murdock [:

Abortion. I mean, they have a whole list.

Steve Palmer [:

Have to believe that it's a fetus, not a real baby even though you can see it in a with the three d, ultrasound that it's a Clearly, a small little baby in there, but, oh, it's just a fetus, and you can kill it, because it's not really a human. You know, you check. You know? And and look, I don't care if you actually believe those things, but at least give it a a fair shake. You know, get be able to articulate the position instead of just checking boxes. It sounds like this person is just checking a diversity, equity, and inclusion box by saying, well, you know my son now, but we don't know what he is yet. Of course, you fucking know what he is. He's a boy.

Brett Johnson [:

Well, I think just how she said it 2 is like my son. Exactly. She backpedaled very quickly.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. Because she is she is tip

Brett Johnson [:

in the hat. That that at least we're now or whenever.

Steve Palmer [:

Weigh the virtue flag.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. It just really hit me, and I even spoke out loud at at the car stereo. I went, what? Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. Right.

Brett Johnson [:

It's stupid.

Norm Murdock [:

At least let's It is stupid.

Brett Johnson [:

It's are you directing his life? Are you gonna let his life happen? It's like, I feel bad for the 6 year old son quite frankly.

Steve Palmer [:

And and it's even it's sort of devastatingly worse because it's not that She I don't think she actually believes this. I really don't. In her heart of hearts.

Brett Johnson [:

I would sure.

Steve Palmer [:

Says that she does, and she's gonna act as if she does. And that means that she's not gonna raise her kid in a way that he should be raised. And, you know, you so if you if you tell your son he can be a girl, well, guess what? Don't be surprised when he thinks he's a girl. Right. You know? Yeah. Don't be surprised. Right.

Norm Murdock [:

Right? Because you're conditioning.

Steve Palmer [:

If you tell your kids he can fly

Norm Murdock [:

You got psychological conditioning. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

If you tell your kid he can fly and jump off the top of the of the house.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, he

Steve Palmer [:

he he'll do it.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. And and, oh, let let's see if it'd be more risk

Norm Murdock [:

because he's his mother, and he trusts his mother.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. So let's say the year old boy and and and the dads are overpowering and wants our kids to play sports and wants to be that football hero. It's like and you keep telling your kid, yeah. You're gonna be great in football. You're gonna be great in football. You're raising this unrealistic standard.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. You can go too far the other way.

Brett Johnson [:

So so it's the same it it'll put it It's

Steve Palmer [:

the same.

Brett Johnson [:

It's the same thing.

Norm Murdock [:

It is The healthy Families are in the middle. Right. Right? Yeah. They're not extreme.

Steve Palmer [:

There are boundaries. You know? Here's what you can do, kid. Right. And if you cross this line Right. There's a problem. Right. Right? Whatever that is. You know, they have different ages.

Steve Palmer [:

Those are different things.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. And it's and it and and walking

Steve Palmer [:

out in the street and playing.

Brett Johnson [:

And you're missing This fantastic journey watching your kids grow up.

Steve Palmer [:

And learn it on their own within

Brett Johnson [:

the boundaries that you've created. Right? So yeah. It it's it's just It's a great journey.

Norm Murdock [:

So as a father of 2 boys, I mean, I raised my sons to have deep respect For the opposite sex. Mhmm. Right? You open doors, never hit a girl or a woman. Net no physical Violence of any kind, no implied violence, no threats. You're you're to treat women with the utmost of respect Even more so than men. Right? So all those same things are true about men, but I emphasized, you know, in in the culture of my household that women were to get a little bit more, you know,

Steve Palmer [:

she's actually higher pedestal. Right? So And this is the criticism. There's been backlash against this. This is chivalry, basically, as we see here.

Norm Murdock [:

That there's backlash.

Steve Palmer [:

Right? To say that women are less capable. It's They're more deserving. You know? It's like, if you treat them with if this kind of respect as a man, you're showing them that you that there is something about you as a man. It's not them as a woman. You're you're and it's It's totally misinterpreted Right.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right. That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

The other way. And it's, I was raised that way. Yeah. You know, my my grandmother, Remember my one of my 1st dates, she said, you'd be sure to open up the door for her. Right. And, you know, and I did. Yeah. And she said, make sure you clean the car before you pick up that girl.

Steve Palmer [:

You know?

Norm Murdock [:

By the way, you're paying for the date, by the way.

Steve Palmer [:

That's right.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Right? That's

Steve Palmer [:

right. So mom, can I have money so I can pay for this date? Yes. You know? It's like Right. You know? And that's,

Norm Murdock [:

you show up at prom, you've got flowers in your hand, you know, if you got it, you know No.

Steve Palmer [:

Once you marry them, you can

Norm Murdock [:

do whatever you want. Jeez. But, see, that would tend to lead to, in general, you know, not every case, of course, because we're at 50% divorce. But, you know, in traditional society, the deference that you gave women Often led to a more, you know, healthy household. Stable. Stable household.

Steve Palmer [:

Stable household. Right. It's not It's not that you're relegating women to a certain role. It's that you respect that role even more. Right. You know? It it's like because guys can't

Norm Murdock [:

do it. Yeah. They're the life they're the life givers.

Steve Palmer [:

Neither as well.

Norm Murdock [:

They're the they're the ones that bear the children for 9 months That you know? So you you look at you look at women as so special in in that regard. And for women to throw that away, It

Steve Palmer [:

blows up. That and fight back. And and instead of like, they fight back, and they're gonna say, well, we have men can do it. We can do it. But then they typically like, the They're choosing, like, the worst part of manhood. You know? Yeah. The kind that go out and flounder around and and Exactly.

Norm Murdock [:

And, they eat

Steve Palmer [:

and drink and party and have with whoever they want. And we have the same worst qualities of menhood. Yes.

Norm Murdock [:

And and we have women.

Brett Johnson [:

Don't navigate those qualities of men.

Steve Palmer [:

Of course not. Right. We know

Norm Murdock [:

and we have we We now have a lot of young women. There's this weird cultural thing that's going on with teachers. I I guess you've seen it in the news, Where like, they're behaving like cads like like the men used to trying to be predators on on young boys now. And you're like, why are they imitating

Steve Palmer [:

It's the worst

Norm Murdock [:

one of them. Behavior.

Steve Palmer [:

They're they're choosing the worst male behavior to imitate because the best male behavior, is never do that. Would the best male behavior respects them as a woman who they are. Right? So you can't somehow, there's a juxtaposition there.

Norm Murdock [:

We had sergeant Steven here, and he said one of the best things he ever did was, be a volunteer coach for a girl's high school, basketball team. Right? Well, now you're a creep if you wanna do that. Like, you know, it it it's you're immediately under suspicion.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. It's, It's terrible

Norm Murdock [:

What's happened?

Steve Palmer [:

We are in bizarro land.

Norm Murdock [:

We're in

Steve Palmer [:

bizarro land. Makes sense anymore.

Norm Murdock [:

No? Funny thing. So mayor Ginther here, Mayor of Columbus, Ohio. They outlawed menthol cigarettes, which I didn't know this. This is how dumb I am, but I didn't know menthol cigarettes were predominantly being consumed by, blacks. I did.

Brett Johnson [:

I saw that you,

Norm Murdock [:

and I didn't realize that I did.

Steve Palmer [:

Traditionally. Yeah. I mean, that was always I

Brett Johnson [:

just didn't know

Steve Palmer [:

that you were saying

Norm Murdock [:

know that not being a smoker. I didn't know that, you know, like, cools and And menthol, flavored

Steve Palmer [:

Somehow that was that became part of black culture. Yeah. But but camels became part of white culture. You know? It's like It it doesn't,

Norm Murdock [:

you know I don't know why. But so but it's funny.

Steve Palmer [:

I I think camels became a thing.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Yeah. Well, I think

Brett Johnson [:

well, they Marlboro man, especially.

Steve Palmer [:

Like, you know The Marlboro man. Right. Marlboro Oh, man. Marlboro reds.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Well, they would stick camels into, going back to World War 2. Right? You know, they put them into seagrats. You know? But what's kind of funny is the Biden Health and Human Services was gonna have a regulation they were promulgating To ban, flavors in cigarettes federally. Right? So they were gonna do, federally, what Ginther and his gang have done here in Columbus, And they decided, probably wisely, especially with the reelection coming up, that, yeah. You know, Maybe our idea of protecting African American communities from menthol cigarettes, you know, comes from some Good part of our heart that we wanna prevent cancer, in that population, but we're really gonna piss off a bunch of of black smokers.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, look.

Norm Murdock [:

Because we're taking away something that I lost.

Steve Palmer [:

Too dumb to choose what you would do. Right. You're too dumb. We need we're we need to take care of you. And that's been that attitude

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

All well, going back to LBJ. Right? That's that attitude.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, they call it the plantation attitude.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. It's just like we know better for you. Right. And, you know, that's how it is.

Norm Murdock [:

You're too dumb to make this

Steve Palmer [:

decision. And we're gonna help you, and we knew it's like a screw off. You know? Yeah. Right. I know what to smoke if I wanna smoke. Just leave it alone.

Norm Murdock [:

So somebody, I guess, in the Biden campaign probably told the Biden White House, yeah. You you don't wanna do this right.

Steve Palmer [:

Bad message.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Probably

Norm Murdock [:

probably a bad idea.

Steve Palmer [:

How how patronizing and condescending is that Right. At its core?

Brett Johnson [:

I wanted to Just give a shout out to senator Paul or Rand Paul, I should say. So I'm gonna go back on my soapbox. I mean, it I I've talked about this a little bit that, you know, my history In this journey has been radio. I've been in radio before going into podcasting for, like, over 30 years. So, just this past week, senator Ted Cruz, Edward Markey and Ben Ray Luhan, I'm gonna say. That's how you pronounce his name. He's from, a Democrat from New Mexico. Went to the senate floor this week Seeking to pass a bipartisan, bicameral AM Radio For Every Vehicle Act.

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, yeah. We talked about this a couple of

Brett Johnson [:

years ago. So they they they rushed her on the floor. This bill was which was approved by the Senate Commerce Committee earlier this year, was on the verge of senate passage before being objected by solely Solely by senator Rand Paul. So this is a quote from senator Cruz. AM radio is something that is widely enjoyed by Americans across this country. Over 80,000,000 Americans listen to AM radio every month. They rely on it. And he says, you're not gonna piss my people off in Texas.

Brett Johnson [:

I mean, not they're this is huge. I mean, this is something we gotta do.

Steve Palmer [:

Just go by an AM radio?

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. So they're saying you know, the the car manufacturers are saying we can't AM radio is just not working in our cars now Because of all the electrical stuff, that sort of thing. And there were 5 or 6 manufacturers saying we're we're just gonna eliminate AM radio completely. Well, that's where The NAB, National Association of Broadcasters, got in saying, woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. You you're gonna kill the AM industry.

Brett Johnson [:

Well, Cruz was on you know, it it I'm I'm I'm just glad that senator Rand Paul was the the loan going, no. We're not gonna do this. Cruz then called for the bill to be passed by unanimous consent, a process in which it only takes the objection of 1 senator for the request to be rejected. That objection came from senator Paul, who during his wartime argued that this isn't the government's role to mandate what technology automakers include in their vehicles.

Steve Palmer [:

Good for him.

Brett Johnson [:

Totally. Yeah. Okay. So historically

Steve Palmer [:

And you're coming at this from somebody who in in theory, your history is support radio. Yeah. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

And okay. So granted, we if we 3 get in our cars and tune in an AM radio station, it sounds like shit.

Steve Palmer [:

Mhmm. It does.

Brett Johnson [:

I'm not gonna choose to listen to an AM station. I'm sorry. I'm just not going to. That that ship has sailed. Back in the eighties, we had the opportunity to to implement, and I'm glad it didn't happen. It was back down to we chose. It was 2 AM stereo systems. And the government said the FCC said, we'll let the we'll let the buyers decide.

Steve Palmer [:

Let the market figure it out.

Brett Johnson [:

And it died. Yeah. So it didn't happen. If you listen to an AM station, let's just say across Ohio. I guarantee there is very little local programming on that station. Yeah. Very little.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. AM radio is, a normal dinosaur.

Brett Johnson [:

There's more local programming on the local FM stations than there is on an AM station because it's All syndicated. This is It's syndicated.

Steve Palmer [:

Classic government intervention based upon lobbying groups and money. So

Norm Murdock [:

In in politics. And

Steve Palmer [:

And and yet another administrative agency Conservative cramming down rules on people.

Norm Murdock [:

Conservative radio is largely on Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

But, no, so look.

Brett Johnson [:

But but it it is I mean, but it is

Steve Palmer [:

I mean, it's you know, it is the center of this in the background, like, you're going to a weird Jordan. This is hard to resist to it.

Norm Murdock [:

In some ways, the this whole battle is targeted against conservative ratings.

Brett Johnson [:

A little bit, but you did have both sides of the aisle. Everybody was saying yes to this, though, but I think for the wrong reasons. I I agree with the good senator Paul that's like, yes. Government, stay the hell out of this.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. You that's what

Brett Johnson [:

the manufacturer does. I wanna put an

Norm Murdock [:

AM radio. Consumers tell Ford Motor Company, I want AM radio. They'll get it. They're gonna put it

Steve Palmer [:

back. Back in. Or guess what? Now we have an opportunity. So if somebody wants to develop A little modular device that you can sell Yeah. That you can stick on your dashboard Right. That will get AM reception. Right. Well, then go make $1,000,000 more

Brett Johnson [:

than that. Pick it up Better.

Norm Murdock [:

Maybe pick it up better. Right? Yeah. Like like, Spotify does. Right? Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Make it like XF. Remember those devices weren't in cars yet, so they sold that separately. Right? We'll Do that.

Brett Johnson [:

Well and and, you know, this whole legislation is way past the party anyway. Okay.

Steve Palmer [:

Can I get AM radio on my phone?

Brett Johnson [:

No. Well, you can. You could stream it. You can stream through an app that you can you can get it. Yeah. I mean, that's partly in regards to the this whole mindset of that we gotta control that entertainment dash has long gone. Oh my god. For the past 10 years, that dash has turned into a streaming dash that that

Steve Palmer [:

Rand Paul Oh, for sure. Yeah. To recognize that it's not the it's not The specific thing that you're trying to regulate whether you agree with that or not. It's the lever of power you're exercising by implementing that regulation. So When the government takes a lever of power and forces a private industry to do something, it's bad. Yes.

Norm Murdock [:

And it shows you

Steve Palmer [:

it's it's a win

Norm Murdock [:

it's a window into how Rand Paul calculates that.

Steve Palmer [:

He's a classic libertarian.

Norm Murdock [:

Because he knows AM radio is where a large Part of his base is supporting him.

Steve Palmer [:

Yet he is voting against

Norm Murdock [:

that. Against compelling

Steve Palmer [:

Because his AM radio. Because His belief structure is such that

Norm Murdock [:

Let the market decide.

Steve Palmer [:

Government is way, way out of bounds trying to regulate that.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Exactly. But, anyway, that that

Norm Murdock [:

that was It's a beautiful example.

Brett Johnson [:

I think it is. It's a beautiful

Norm Murdock [:

example of standing by our principles rather than, doing what's politically expedient.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. Exactly. Exactly. But anyway yep.

Steve Palmer [:

What sort it's it's a it's a it's a paradox for free speech. Right? So Yeah. What you have is, like, You have to permit the speech even though you disagree with it.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

Yep. And he he has to vote no to that even though he agrees with the ultimate outcome.

Brett Johnson [:

I'm sure he does. Sure it does.

Steve Palmer [:

Or or the ultimate outcome might benefit him. Right.

Norm Murdock [:

Right. Well, this feeds into a a story. It's somewhat about automotive surveillance. You know, like Tesla Model Threes have, 8 external cameras and a mobile eye, An interior camera that, watches the driver and the occupants and then transmits all this data back home to, the mother chip for all kinds of marketing and

Steve Palmer [:

some of

Norm Murdock [:

the research.

Brett Johnson [:

That was that was that was the quote. I've I know he was interviewed a while back.

Norm Murdock [:

And this is all?

Brett Johnson [:

Because it's not about manufacturing

Norm Murdock [:

a car.

Brett Johnson [:

It's about the information taken from the car time. Yeah. To market. That's what it's all about.

Norm Murdock [:

So Traffic cameras now are back on you know, we we thought we beat those back with the ACLU, believe it or not, 20 years ago. Now, robo cams, are wanting to come back because they're saying the the old arguments about you couldn't identify who the driver was, You know? Well, that's being taken care of because now we have cameras in the car, so it tattles on the driver. Yeah. And we're like, There's no Not only should we ticket people that are speeding that we can detect with the robo cams, but But we should also introduce technology into the cars just to to not let them speed.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, here here's look.

Norm Murdock [:

Having practice your foot down, it only goes to 55 or whatever the speed limit is on that road

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

And no higher.

Steve Palmer [:

As somebody who's practiced criminal defense for almost 30 years now, 29 years. I've it's it's dawned to me. I don't know where in my career I realized this, but you we have the capacity in our society to eliminate all crime or at least 99.999% of crime.

Norm Murdock [:

I remember you saying death penalty for everything.

Steve Palmer [:

It's really easy. You just put jack boots on the ground. Yeah. You put a guy with a machine gun on every single corner Yeah. Who is employed by the government to stop every single criminal action. And when they do catch criminal action, you execute the person on the spot. Right? You would eliminate all crime except for the government's crime. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

Except for the government's crime. You could have a completely safe society except for that little twist that the government could be corrupt, and soon they're gonna turn those guns on you, the innocent person, to implement their ideals. Right. And that's what happened in that's what Stalin did. That's what Hitler did. That's what Mussolini did, and that's what will happen if we permit this. You you've gotta check this stuff incrementally. Otherwise, you're gonna wake up one day and Big Brother's watching.

Norm Murdock [:

It's a it's a pathway. And and the The the other thing that's happening that's driving this is the minority report or what they call Predictive policing, thing. That that movie, you know, that had,

Steve Palmer [:

Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise,

Norm Murdock [:

and I I forget who Wrote the book. Was it the same guy who wrote,

Steve Palmer [:

sort of this dystopian

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Anyway, that The Japanese government and the Chinese communist governments have both rolled this out, and The the Chicom's are actually pushing the technology globally to other like, they're selling this technology To other countries or marketing the idea that you can monitor social media, you can put cameras up in public spaces, And look at the number of times people blink or the way their eyes move or whatever, and you can know who's going to Shoplift or murder or rape or whatever or, you know, shoot president Abe, which, You know, they assassinated the former president of Japan. You can you can get ahead of the crime before it has occurred And go arrest that person.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, look. This is the same argument we make

Norm Murdock [:

against god.

Steve Palmer [:

This is the same argument I make against, communism and socialism. Like, we can let's presume that the person that you instill in that position to monitor these things is a saint, is maybe Christ himself, will never be, corrupt, will always implement all of this with the utmost, fairness. What about the guy next time?

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Right. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

Because everybody's like, well, this is great. We could just stop all the crime. Yeah. Except when the government gets corrupt. Now they take that technology, and they turn it against you in a corrupt way.

Norm Murdock [:

It's AI.

Steve Palmer [:

And if you don't think that could happen, then just Look at how they're targeting. Look at look. There's political targets with Donald Trump as one of them. And, you know, they're gonna turn around, and the the Biden campaign is gonna claim that he's a political target. Like, the government wields its power into

Brett Johnson [:

its price. Create technology to do this, you can all you're opening the door is to create technology that just that It goes against it. So Right. If you're having something in monitors eye movement, let's put it that way. Right. There's gonna be something that comes out that you can buy that games the system. There always is. It just doesn't matter how what you do.

Brett Johnson [:

There's always a game.

Steve Palmer [:

Fair enough. Right? So it's it it's never the perfect outcome that you think it's gonna be, it's not gonna be implemented perfectly in the way that you think it's gonna be. So everybody's like, well, look. I don't do anything wrong. The police should be able to come to my house and search all they want.

Norm Murdock [:

That's a classic reality.

Steve Palmer [:

What if the police are doing something wrong?

Norm Murdock [:

Right? What if they drop an unmarked gun Right. You know, on your carpet and say, oh, so you were the guy who robbed that bank?

Steve Palmer [:

And Go go go tell them. Go find somebody or go find a society where you have 0 government corruption and all the government actors do it with the perfectly.

Norm Murdock [:

Because the government is exist. It's it's just people.

Steve Palmer [:

The government's corrupt because people are corrupt, and people are corrupt because we were born with that awful thing that nobody wants to admit called original sin. If you think you can engineer a society that doesn't have it, Well, good luck. It's never been done.

Norm Murdock [:

So months back, we talked about several examples on chat, GTP, or whatever it's called, the the AI, You know, system. And we we saw how biased it was that if you told if you told it to write a poem about, know, a good poem about how nice president Biden is, it would write a poem. And then you'd give it you'd give it The same instruction and give it the name Donald Trump

Steve Palmer [:

It wouldn't do it.

Norm Murdock [:

And it would say my programming will not allow me to write a poem. Or and these are actual examples. Right? Yeah. And so the Japanese and the Chinese in in in using AI to predict who's gonna be a criminal.

Steve Palmer [:

They're already baking in There's bias bias now.

Norm Murdock [:

We know AI is not even handed. You know?

Steve Palmer [:

So what happens when you implement this and there's more blacks or more whites getting accused of future crimes?

Norm Murdock [:

Because this is profiling.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. It's absolutely profiling. Is profiling.

Norm Murdock [:

This is what we all you know, everybody's like, well, Rudy, you can't do this, you know, this, Shaking down of black youths, patting them down, looking for guns.

Steve Palmer [:

The stop and frisk.

Norm Murdock [:

The stop and frisk is your profiling. Well, what the hell is this?

Steve Palmer [:

This is this is you know? Right? It's profiling. Right. And and, look, you're if you don't think you're gonna get disparate outcomes out of this, then you're sorely mistaken. So, eventually, this has to implode. Maybe that's the that's what should happen.

Norm Murdock [:

nto this was the LAPD back in:

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh my god. You know, they were the ones that pioneered this and and had some success In they claim in stopping crime from happening because they would identify certain neighborhoods, certain people, certain gangs, And then they would focus on them. And I'm like, okay. But that's that's what old gumshoe policing always was.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

And now you want a computer to do that. To do that. Well, see, I guess you can wash your hands of it and say, hey. We're not going after black youth. The computer is. Yeah. You know?

Steve Palmer [:

Or you're gonna program it not to.

Norm Murdock [:

Or you're gonna program it not to. You're gonna look for old Nordic, women

Steve Palmer [:

So you can

Norm Murdock [:

and you're gonna stop them on airplanes and do a frisk.

Brett Johnson [:

Used to say that their PROS file does not exist as

Steve Palmer [:

I mean, look.

Brett Johnson [:

In in the system.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. It's the you can have a checkpoint at every single intersection and eliminate drug trafficking. Right? All you have to do is suspend the 4th Amendment, put jack boots on the ground, give everybody machine guns, and disarm the citizenship. You'll stop it.

Norm Murdock [:

You guys wanna do some quick hits?

Steve Palmer [:

Let's do some quick hits. We gotta wrap it up.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. So, Biden this week did another $5,000,000,000 in student loan forgiveness even though the Supreme Court said he couldn't do it. He's doing it anyway. Now a 140,000,000,000 cumulative he's done so far, and his education secretary said, hey. We're just getting started. For any anybody not making more than $125,000 a year that's carrying student debt, their target is to forgive 20,000 of what they owe.

Brett Johnson [:

A 125,000 as a no.

Norm Murdock [:

Making at least that, then we're gonna dismiss $20.

Steve Palmer [:

What I

Norm Murdock [:

don't hey. Hey. This is where they're going.

Steve Palmer [:

This is where happening, or is it or they're just, like, they're saying they're gonna implement it

Norm Murdock [:

in some cases. Supreme Court Decision that he didn't have the constitutional power to do this.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, they

Norm Murdock [:

they He's doing it anyway.

Steve Palmer [:

They enjoined the the enforcement of it. Right? Yeah. So they didn't actually get to the merits of it yet.

Norm Murdock [:

Trump vice president pick, JD Vance's name is in the mix. Tucker Carlson, just throw that out there. The they're they're being. And, apparently, it's Melania that's pushing Tucker. She wants Tucker. She wants the Don to pick Tucker. But JD Vance hey. I think bringing Ohio in, JD Vance would be in

Steve Palmer [:

Historically, Ohio wins the White House.

Norm Murdock [:

That would be a big one. Federal judge last thing I got. Federal judge, Thomas Klee, in West Virginia, district court judge knocked down A West Virginia, restriction on, 18 to 21 year olds not being allowed to buy handguns. He said there's nothing in the constitution

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. This is one of the Bruin

Norm Murdock [:

related decisions. Bruin related decision. He says there's there's no contemporary history at the time of the bill of rights being adopted that said, youths, 18 to 21 were not allowed to buy guns.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. And in the meantime, the US Supreme Court heard arguments recently on a case involving, it was a challenge to, the firearm disability that results from having a domestic violence or a domestic related civil protection order. And US Supreme Court is going to issue a decision on this based on the new Bruin decision whether or not, it's okay if you have a civil domestic violence protection order against you is that, regulatory scheme in the United States, so it's a federal law. Is that gonna be constitutional under Bruin in the second amendment? All the all the people that watch this, all the commentators are saying that, there's no way they're gonna strike that down. The court is sort of telegraphed that It's not gonna touch that one. So we shall see. Wow. Even though there is no historical precedent for restricting those who have civil protection orders or domestic violence, from having firearms.

Steve Palmer [:

So anyway.

Norm Murdock [:

Okay. I guess we can all go

Steve Palmer [:

home and This history text and tradition standard is a is the wild west, man. We're we're still figuring it out.

Norm Murdock [:

It really is. I guess we can all go home at Smoka Adobe, Ohio. It's 24 hours into what's, recreational marijuana.

Steve Palmer [:

Little bit of a

Brett Johnson [:

A haze?

Steve Palmer [:

A haze? Calming. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

There you go. A little

Norm Murdock [:

Everything's cool.

Brett Johnson [:

But you can't be you can't have the 12 plants. You can only have the 6 because, the the Hoffman says 6 is enough. Thinking, prior knowledge? Prior for prior knowledge? How would you know 6 is enough? Like, he just says so he just says it so authoritatively. It's like,

Steve Palmer [:

what the hell? It's like when people tell me, oh, you don't need 5 guns.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, thanks.

Brett Johnson [:

You need 12 blanches.

Steve Palmer [:

Thanks. They didn't realize that

Brett Johnson [:

until you just told me. Fine. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Okay, dude. Far out. December:

Steve Palmer [:

December 15th.

Norm Murdock [:

See, see, Steve's been smoking.

Steve Palmer [:

I've been smoking too much. I haven't been sleeping enough. I work too much. Anyway, you can check out Common Sense Ohio at commonsense ohio Brought to you by Harper Plus Accounting, where we are coming at you right from the middle, each and every week at least until now.




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