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Episode 2126th April 2023 • Fellowship Of The Reel • Philip A. McClimon
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The Fellowship Of The Reel reviews




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To listen to all of Sherry's picks, click HERE

To listen to all of James' picks, click HERE

To listen to all of Phil's picks, click HERE


Snyder's Genres:












The Snyder Beats:














gathering the team

executing the plan

high tower surprise

dig deep down

execution of the new plan




"Welcome to the Show" Kevin MacLeod (

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Transitions sounds courtesy of Lloyd. Lloyd has very graciously made a whole host of podcast transitions sound effects available free for personal use. We at the fellowship think they are absolutely blockbuster. If you want to find out more, or need some pretty awesome effects for your production visit Lloyd here. TRANSITIONS

Crowd Ooohs and Ahhhs in Excitement by noah0189 -- -- License: Creative Commons 0

Crowd clapping.wav by IllusiaProductions -- -- License: Attribution 4.0



greetings realers my name is Philip and together with my wife Sherry and two of our friends Chris and James we're


Fellowship of the real four people who love talking about movies almost as much as we do watching


them we hope you will join us as we dig deep into cinematic masterpieces and some that are well maybe not


you have an opportunity to be the fifth host of our little show click the link in the show notes and leave us a voice


message telling us what movie you would like us to review you can also reach out on our Facebook


page Fellowship of the real from all of us at Fellowship of the real thanks for listening okay on with the


show at this point in the movie I'm like okay well here's here's what you should have done and I'm thinking yeah right


my favorite openings ever and I've watched that alternate ending and it is garbage it doesn't go where you think


it's going to go there's a monster I am I'm ready for it to be over well I'm not


sure I can even fully uh explain why I love this movie so much


my feelings on it have not changed I fell asleep until the screaming this


is actually where I started enjoying the movie is one of my favorite scenes in all of Cinema


I thought that should have been cut well I'm sure it's artistic and you just


don't get it uh here we are Fellowship of the rail for friends and a movie this time we are continuing on this time


we're gonna do we own the night and this was Chris's pick yes yes a Joaquin


Phoenix a lot a lot of big stars in this I consider it a Joaquin Phoenix movie I I pretty much love everything he does


and we're going to get into that we want to continue with our little uh


sherry-induced competition here she uh has come up with the idea of testing our movie knowledge so three or


four questions of who's whose line it is that anyway we can't use that title Walk the Line we can't use that I don't guess


no I'm just blown away but about how much all three of y'all know about the about movies well we I don't have a life


so that's my reason uh and and just so I'm I'm putting y'all to the test we


could call it who said this [ __ ] who the [ __ ] said that you know whatever there you go


uh okay so when we get a title for this this will be a lot more slick but for


now here it is Sherry's trivia time I don't know foreign


[Music] okay


now this one has a word in it that I'm not gonna say so but I'm I'm gonna quote


it as best I can I'm just going to substitute a word remind us of the rules again real quick um are we naming actors name in the


movie what are we just if you can name the movie okay or the actor or the character name


oh that works yeah where do you think this line came


from gotcha okay now this is one that that I just thought was so funny and and


I don't know if y'all have seen the movie but here it goes and like I said there is a word that I'm not gonna say


I'm going to substitute the word fudge if you can guess what I'm not saying


this is the story huh A Christmas Story oh no but oh fudge yeah well okay that


works but no that's not it all right here it is it's like my mama always said


Forrest Gump no no but good guess it's like my mama


always said two tears in a bucket mother fudget oh that's uh that's a Midnight in


the Garden of Good and Evil that's uh you want to see my candy yes it's the lady Chamblee oh yeah yeah yes I haven't


seen that movie in decades oh yeah no no I've never seen it oh my God you got to see good deals


apparently yeah I knew I was missing out yeah Spacey too right yeah my girlfriend watched that while I was at work one day


thankfully so she's not interested in that movie I don't know yeah it's


distracted by Clint Eastwood it's um nice okay it takes place in Savannah it's a true story I don't know how it


has a lot of the same people of Savannah I mean it's it fits the way life is yeah yeah a lot of the


characters are based on real people who live there I've been to Savannah once we stayed with a a doctor and his wife the


man who was a doctor rode around with a skeleton as his passenger in his car so


there are some quirky eccentric characters that yes they put into the movie hmm there's really people like


that like weird little yeah anyway but it's a good movie it's got a Twist and it's good it's yeah John Cusack is real


good not a comedy but Clint Eastwood directed right yeah yeah okay all right the next one and this one


y'all probably will know but there's there's two people speaking this uh one


character then another and then the character answers okay I hope that makes sense anyway it said he says I'm merely


a humble Butler what exactly do you do I battle sir yeah I think I know it does


anybody else is that Mr Deeds no no oh I know it you want to take it's a clue


it's clue it's clear yeah it's uh that's one of my favorite lines when he says a


bottle sir yeah yeah yeah yeah I've seen that movie half a bajillion times yeah yeah uh what's what's the butler's um


Tim Curry yes the legendary and see if I said it with an accent maybe no yeah he


says a bottle sir yeah okay uh I don't know I love this full some of these gags


in that movie I like the the whole did I step indulge it yeah yeah when they're coming in everybody's checking their


shoes I like the movie that's a comfort movie like I'll put that on just to chill you


know I like that it has so many different endings just like the game you know it's like the game could go and


apparently I'm not sure in in the theaters did they only have one ending


in certain places and I don't know yeah they did different endings in different locations oh really yeah that's that's


really cool yeah the only reason that movie took off and became a big cult hit as it was is because it was so


inexpensive on VHS is that right yeah all the vhs's were back back in the day


when they're first released 80 bucks 100 bucks five dollars so it's all the families


bought clue cause that's what they could afford yeah yeah so if you saw it in theater right you got ending a and then


you bought the VHS were all the endings on the VHS you didn't get just a then had to go try to find a different right


b or whatever that's really cool yeah they got the and that's how that's how it went or this how it could have gone


or something nice yes I wonder how many arguments that started that's not how clue ended were you not did you see the movie that's true that's


really cool okay I didn't know that and then the last one is a very famous line that apparently is misquoted quite a bit


but the true line is why don't you come up sometime and see me was this movie in


the 21st century or the 20th century 20th it's a very old movie yeah I know


why don't you come up sometime and see me Best Little Whorehouse most most people no but it's close most people say


why don't you come up and see me sometime but it's actually why don't you come up sometime and see me I have not seen the


movie I would I don't I didn't know the name of the movie I had to look it up but the character is Mae West


and it's a very old movie she done him wrong that's the name of the movie


I know but it is a very have you never heard anyone say no why don't you come


ee me sometimes not since the:


it on Magnum [Music]


so she decided to test us and we failed yeah no I've never seen the movie I had


to look it up that was a fixed game right there I did ask my mother I feel like that was and she didn't know it was


May West from this movie in:


that that I absolutely love but no I haven't what I don't know


what movie did the character say the yeah okay now wait a minute now the clue one I


bubble that isn't a meme there is a meme that goes around so


I think that's kind of a deep track but still I think you got us you were tired I was getting them and you got us right


and and like I said that sore losers crying about well well I told you that you know it may be something that's


quoted all the time or it may be something that's deep in the movie that maybe yeah no no


they can't all be Big Lebowski quotes right so oh my gosh no all right okay so well I'm surprised that uh that you


haven't seen uh Midnight in the Garden I would have thought you'd done all over that and yeah Clues Clues yeah nothing


against it just haven't seen no it's I like it it's good yeah it's a John Cusack movie The Midnight yes John


Cusack plays uh he's a reporter going down there to do a architectural story or something you know on the uh Chris


and and um and the part the part the party yeah that's a crisp a big Christmas party


yeah the Savannah Christmas party is a big deal social scene so he's going down there to write about it and then and then it ends up being a murder mystery


it gets a messed in a local murder or whatever I'm sure my girlfriend would love it if I watched that movie with her


well then maybe I think it's good I think you would enjoy it it's not yeah I like Clint Eastwood movies I don't


really like John Cusack all that much and that's just a personal thing I don't know why he's good in stuff I've seen


him in yeah Phil just died a little bit yeah no I I he was good in love and mercy have you seen that one the Brian


uh oh good lord The Beach Boys Brian Wilson Brian Wilson where he plays an older Brian Wilson he is fantastic in


that yeah okay he was on us he was on a series on Prime that they canceled after one season which I was very upset about


anyway you're gonna kill me James but I liked him in Conair


like I just never got into him for whatever High Fidelity yeah identities


did you say better off dead better off he's young in that one yeah yeah I mean


it was good because I had Dan Aykroyd in it and stuff like it it was fun just for some reason me and John Cusack I didn't


miss I don't know we might be the same age I grew up on John Cusack he was I think we are


all right so We Own the Night right correct okay yeah


what so I'm very interested not only in just why but like I I had


high expectations for this movie going in I didn't know I know nothing about it never seen it


so why why would you pick this movie oh I don't know um I really really like it it's uh I


guess it's a movie that I've watched and kind of like analyzed myself um and not necessarily like all of like


I hadn't gone through the whole thing like with catboy's Beats um sorry uh once again Blake Snyder uh


save the cat is what we call catboy yeah and his 15 story Beats and I knew like I


guess I really liked the opening his opening and closing images walking uh Phoenix's character so I knew those were


strong I really like that opening yeah they're very solid I think of course the opening is lots of fun but um yeah


what's what's uh Eva Mendes I just should pause it on her legs at


all times sorry Mike


oh so I guess I thought it would be a fun movie to to you know talk about once


we had started this podcast it was kind of got me thinking you didn't uh last time you shared that you had a list of


movies and I had like a like a mental list but didn't really write anything down so I started writing them down and


my list is it's not done and it's it's ridiculous yeah it's it's crazy long yeah and so I gotta try to and what's


cool is we have some of the same movies unless like I tried to remember anything that because I saw your list last time I'm like all right well James already


got them let me not put those down let me put different ones but yeah anyhow just I thought it'd be a fun movie to


discuss and then I guess like I said since you were doing uh The Mummy um so


this really fun light-hearted you know Adventure film I thought let me do something more dark and gritty and I


thought we on the night would it could have easily have been in you know something else sir so yeah all right


well uh let's let's get into money critics fans uh and we'll kick this thing off


foreign [Music] money Creeks fans does anybody else at


the notes I got the notes Here I could go through them unless you go for it I got the IMD he pulled up okay I'll just


read the synopsis real quick uh I got this off uh Rotten Tomatoes as well in


1988 New York's police wage and all-out War on Drugs uh and guilty and innocent


alike become casualties Bobby green Joaquin Phoenix manager of a nightclub that is often frequented by gangsters


tries to remain neutral but hides a potentially fatal secret his brother Mark Wahlberg and Father Robert Deval


are both cops after his brother was wounded in an assassination attempt Bobby can no longer remain neutral he


joins forces with his brother for an all-out assault on the mob I think it's the Russian mob it's not necessarily the


Italian mob right that'll work uh I was I had seen this movie a long time ago and remember liking it but I also


remember thinking yeah it was pretty good and then not ever thinking about it again like it's so it's not a movie that I've watched and said oh I gotta have


that because I thought I did have it but I didn't and so I remember liking it but I guess moving on and not really liking


it enough to say oh I gotta have that uh so we got a copy and I did like and watching it again I I do like this movie


I think it's in the same vein as you know well it's a gritty crime drama and and there are several movies like that


in that genre and this is It's a dark gritty crime drama yeah uh so I was a


little surprised at some of the ratings uh on this they're not as high as I would have


liked so the Tomato Meter and again you know this is a little unfair because some of these movies as we've always


that's yeah:


yeah I think it was around Rotten Tomatoes was definitely a thing okay so 57 of the critics gave it three and a


half stars or above so kind of uh a lukewarm reception there fans did a little better with 61 percent


giving it three and a half stars or above but I think that's I think that is low I I don't normally print any of the


reviews out this was a one-line review uh sort of a summation of all the critics By Rotten Tomatoes


an average review Bland characters cliche dialogue and rickety plotting and sure We Own the Night Never lives up to


its potential I think that's unfair you don't guess I agree with any of that yeah I I don't think the plotting is


rickety I was able to to nail down Beats I don't think the characters were Bland


necessarily I mean I mean they're bad guys are good guys but


yeah but I don't know if I was maybe in a weird mindset last night when I


watched this movie but I felt for Joaquin Phoenix's character the entire time I don't think


I mean and we'll get to this as it goes but I think that the story is a little wonky I think he had a good life going


on he wasn't entrenched in this drug trade crime thing this character


was no no he was trying to live his best life and then he's thrown into all this and then he it's all about family I


guess and Duty and I that didn't land with me on well where he went I think it just


I don't know yeah there's a I think there's a pretty thought a solid theme


stated whether it happens right the five minutes I don't think so but I think there's a pretty solid theme stated and


I think that is what Bobby Joaquin Phoenix is trying to do and we'll get to that when


we get to the theme but he is trying to walk the line because he says you know I don't deal drugs I'm not a dealer what


does this have to do with me what does this got to do with me but he enjoys the fringes of that


lifestyle around which these drug dealers are acting because he because he


does drugs he parties and we'll get into all this in the setup but he is skating right up to the edge of the shark pool


and and I think I guess I guess I think what I was trying to say before is you were saying he was skating right up to


the edge of the shark pool I don't think the stakes were


I didn't feel how high stakes that could have been like that could have been a lot more dirty and gritty and you could have seen him maybe involved more in the


crime because it didn't seem like he was involved in the crime at all he was just running this club he was being


successful he was gonna be promoted to another club yes and then he gets you


got to help us and now all of a sudden he's being treated as a expert drug dealer and an expert well criminal and


he's not he uh he is overseeing the arena in which


these players are doing their stuff and sees these transactions again and he's


sitting down with the family has like relation like carrying the the um the bad guys maraud or whatever


carrying his his daughter around playing with her and stuff and getting fed you know the trying the the wife's pie out


or whatever it was you know like he's I mean like he's I mean I see what you're saying yeah he wasn't he didn't do on


drugs but like he was basically one of their family without even he's very almost like naive and oblivious to


what's going on like he he looks the other way a lot like it just like not you know because like you said trying to


have fun live his life and yeah like I think he said several times uh I didn't know this was going to happen I had no


idea someone was going to get hurt like he was just from yeah I thought he ignored all the warnings so they try to


and we'll get into this but they try to tell him yeah you got to pick a side at one point yeah that's that's done


from what I've seen the first interaction with his family Robert Duvall and Mark


they're just [ __ ] all over him sure and then and then you see his other family the crime quote unquote crime


family and they're treating him like the most favorite son in the world right I get that pull but it didn't seem like


this I don't know it seemed like the cops came in and ruined his life like his


fiancee left him his the family that cared for him and now he's going to this abusive other family that's calling him


and I think the I think like if if if you guys I'm sure you probably have


nailed the theme where I have or I have where you have hopefully I got it right I think the theme stated is going to


shed a lot of light on on his position early on uh anyway let's we'll get into


that because I'm actually pretty excited now because that's a lot of good issues there the uh that was that was critics


and fans I guess this is reflected in the box office so the domestic the budget was 21 million I'm


showing and the domestic box office total was 28 million and the


international was 26 for 55 million worldwide which is not great it it


almost doubled its money just shy of doubling its money but that probably means like James had said earlier everybody got paid including the


marketers because you double the budget yeah it's probably breaking even it wasn't a great success yeah so this pop


everybody got paid but it didn't put any money in anybody's Bank after all the bills were paid uh and and I'm


sympathetic to that because like I said the first time I saw it I was like yeah it's a good movie and then I just moved on never thought about it again it


didn't like wow me but the second time and and we watched I watched it twice so three times now and uh I mean I enjoy it


I mean I it's I think it's a good movie yeah I have a note real quick just on the on the box office


um I I don't feel like we talked about this a whole lot yeah we normally just talk about I guess theatrical runs yeah


but it says uh by June:


totaled 22 million in DVD cells yeah and 32 million in DVD rentals yeah so uh


there's another 54 million just at you know after that yeah so that's basically 100 million over its life on a 20


million which would be considered pretty good yeah and uh I wonder how much that is factored in now because now that's


probably even more as far as rentals and I mean not necessarily DVD rentals but rentals and yeah I think so I mean in a


way even like the because like yeah download yeah like a lot of movies that


come out in theater you can either um you can pay like 20 bucks to rent them now oh yeah and that's 20 bucks not


you know back then that was you know a five dollar rental or three dollar rental or something oh yeah I remember being shocked when they jumped to like


eight Dollar Rentals I'm just curious real quick so the director of this movie the director writer uh James Gray did


you have any of y'all seen any of his other stuff I don't know what I feel like I've seen Little Odessa but I don't remember it a lot and then I never saw


the yards which is apparently has Joaquin Phoenix and Mark Goldberg in it I haven't seen that one either I




anything I haven't seen any of them and then uh lately the lost city of Z and AD Astro


space oh so it's kind of like I haven't seen


any other ones this is my first one I was just curious yeah no I hadn't no anyway okay so that's money critics fans


anything else uh we want to talk about there I think we got it yeah I would like to see those


numbers a little higher I think that I think it was deserving but rentals and and stuff I think I think as people


learned about this movie they rewarded it but with their viewership or whatever I'm just curious was this movie supposed


to be a different kind of movie like was it edited weirdly did anybody I didn't


read any notes about that because it's written and directed by the same guy so yeah it just probably you know as far as


I know able to tell the story he wanted to tell yeah yeah it just in places it seemed like it was well edited weird and


yeah could have been done different way there was a scene I think when they're fighting when the Brothers are fighting


and Mark Wahlberg gets thrown into the guy in the chair that is the worst take I've ever seen in any Mark Wahlberg


movie you can see him looking back to judge where he's gonna land and then make sure the guy's okay I was like you


guys couldn't have done like one more take of that so there's like little spots yeah well maybe you notice that


the how many times did you watch it this time just once damn he knows the first time because I've seen the movie multiple times I've never seen that yeah


and I clearly remember the scene where he falls into the the scene you're talking about but I didn't catch yeah he's looking dude you know blocking it


out looking okay I'm gonna land over here and I blame him I blame the editor filmographer more for that it's like


because that's not the actor's responsibility you get the shot but uh no sure yeah I'm just saying like was


there a time crunch did they have to do reshoots like was it edited together because it seems like one of those


movies and I could be totally wrong that it was written and filmed as one movie


and then the stuff came back and they're like no we need to change it up I don't have this because Robert Duvall's feels


very hot and cold uh that's my main thing is Robert Duvall goes from you're a piece of [ __ ] I hate


U2 I'm gonna look out for you and then you're a piece of [ __ ] get out of here yeah what what well


I mean I'm with you on the back of the fight scene um yeah I mean I guess yeah how many takes did they do because


like if they only did the one then that's the coverage you got you gotta [ __ ] use it they did multiple ones


then yeah come on editor like pay attention I didn't cut out the the bit when you see Wahlberg going huh well I'm


gonna land over here or are you they're unavoidable unavoidable and yeah the now Sherry


noticed I noticed it when I watched and Sherry immediately picked up on it either the boom operator had really


short arms but everybody mumbled in this movie uh I found it difficult to hear


lines I mean I never noticed that before but when I watched it yeah I had the same thing I thought maybe it was just me I was like can I I literally had my


sample this ranked up to 70. and and it wasn't that loud yeah uh I was afraid to


go hard because you know Stacy was asleep but I was because if that goes off in a commercial you know when I turn it off and I put the television on and forget it's gonna blow my ears out and


James you did subtitles I did subtitles I was this close you're doing it this way I can hear everything yeah because


like because I think I missed half the movie because I couldn't understand it the visuals were strong enough that you I think you could track it but the the


dialogue was very I don't know how you heard it whenever every other line was


what did he say yeah right I said that to him the like the so the first time I


I watched it right on regular volume and I didn't catch that exchange between Wahlberg and Phoenix at the very end


when they're sitting on stage oh that I love you yeah and so this time I did you know uh I love you very much I love you


too I thought okay that's cool that that yeah I was like is the I love you part


of this commencement speech like he's like I love you yeah they're sitting together


and they sort of and I couldn't see them I couldn't hear them say it to each other so I just saw the subtitles oh


yeah I was like okay yeah yeah weird anyway all right we'll get into some of


this I think James like the guy up on stage is professing his love right that's exactly what I thought all right


I love you New York City


hello boys anyway I'm I'm gonna culturally enriched you guys I'm telling


you okay a movie you haven't seen either though no I haven't seen that movie but I feel enriched already yeah sure but


hey but we learned something that is misquoted all the time okay yeah that's


true all right are we uh ready for the Beats yeah ready for the beats


okay so I was very pleased with the opening and closing images on this I noticed the first time I saw it and then


the second time I saw it I was like yeah absolutely that's what they're doing and we'll get to that in a little bit as we get to it all right I'll start off and


then we can see whether we all agree on this now this is something that because that Chris sort of brought me down on


because previously in some movies that we reviewed I considered like the I


considered the opening image to be several scenes or several minutes into the film and that's strictly speaking not accurate and so


now as Chris rightly said I look at the the scene the image not a series of


images what is the first time you see this guy what is his opening state right and so limiting myself to one opening


image okay well all right before we get to that there are opening images uh


almost not necessarily a prologue but there are these static images of what I'm calling work a day cops uh in black


and white gritty scenes of violence drugs uh grit and crime cops


uh working you know as Blue Collar you know pluggers solving crimes and


fighting bad guys who are themselves grungy and gritty a series of these


images sorry or maybe there's and then the final image is the the street units


logo on their on their uh patch that says uh you know New York City Police


Street Unit we own the night and I guess that's where they get the title right from um yeah just because the images I mean


just I guess so people haven't seen this movie or so it's clear like they're these are real images from real life


yeah because I was wondering about that yeah yeah for the movie these this is like based off a real thing okay so


those are actual police officers what probably what I was asking you about I I was asking is that real yeah


real photos or yeah yeah being do you think it's from the 70s because the


photos look 70s movie takes place in the 80s where the photos look 70s to me but that's what I asked yeah and I was about


to be being a New York cop well being a cop anywhere at that time but being a New York cop in the 70s


because I think Son of Sam was going to be around at that point I mean but just the New York was not I mean New York is


New York but New York in the 70s right was like Judge Dread man or you know almost it was and then they had like the


brown out and the blackouts and I can't imagine no yeah so I think this is intentional this uh this work a day cop


image uh because that is very much I think what uh Bobby's family Mark


Wahlberg and and that whole thing I think that is very much the image that these cops are they're they're pluggers


work a day you know fighters of crime who themselves are soiled but not not


not corrupt but to get you know they're they're in the muck fighting all this stuff I thought it was pretty powerful


to set up sort of the The Stance of where uh these cops were now then we get


into what I call Bobby's opening image we'll we'll talk about this at the end or we can talk about that doesn't matter


but Bobby the first time you see him he's in a really red shirt uh I'm calling him a worker in his own right


because he's making out with his girlfriend but is immediately called away to perform some Duty so I almost


want to say that his work a day as these cops are so is Bobby but just in his own environment sure because he is I don't


think he ever got to make out with his girlfriend in the whole movie because the other time that he started making


out with his girlfriend he was called or well he went away to attend to a party it was almost his choice at that point but


yeah but no but I feel like that I mean it's very intentional like there's two scenes of him making out with his


girlfriend um and uh jumbo is calling him constantly pulling him away from that


yeah just nothing I noticed about this beginning is he's you know a lot of his


I guess being oblivious or ignoring what's going on around him yeah even in this like his best at this point the


best thing about his life is his girlfriend yes so he's yeah he enjoys being the club owner and all that stuff


but like he's ignoring his duties as a club owner to spend time with his girlfriend like he's I mean ignoring


stuff is a constant I guess thing with him until he can't ignore stuff anymore that's a good point yeah yeah um


yeah he's called away for Duty as the day-to-day manager of the El Caribe uh and we learned that he has a boss of his


own so I think his opening image is contrasted with the opening images of the cop and also the setup we're going


to get of his family uh he may be on the other side of what the cops are but his


work ethic is as strong every bit is as strong as I think and and the demands


placed upon him almost probably every bit as strong as the as the cops you know uh in what they're doing


so that I guess that by default that has to be the opening image is that is that which all that's what I have yeah oh for


sure my opening image was definitely Eva Mendes on the couch yes that was that


was surprisingly cool like I watched I was like damn that's a good woman so I had a different reaction


what was your reaction sure God that's perverted oh whatever yeah okay all right I mean healthy loving couples yeah


expressing their no I'm like I don't need to see that in some mighty fine well she felt that a fun fact she even


Mendez um I don't remember as her mom or her grandma she felt that they shouldn't see that either so she told them to come


five minutes late yeah Premiere really yeah yeah that makes sense yeah that's funny all right now I don't know I wrote


this down I don't know it does I don't think it comes right after this opening image in fact I'm pretty sure it doesn't I think it's stated later but I'm


putting it here after the opening image just as a way of the outline at some


point in the movie and it's after we get into some things because I don't think you get a theme stated right away Robert


Duvall's character the father this is what I'm calling the theme stated and it's almost a two-fold thing but I I'm


nailing this sentence down as the theme stated he says you can only pitch yourself and stay warm for so long okay


and then you can only what piss yourself oh I thought she's a fish pissed yourself


for so long and stay warm uh later within that same scene when encouraged


to take a certain action Robert Duvall has a code he says we don't play in the dirt not ever you know so I think those


two things are basically two ways to say in the same thing now what I take from that and then you guys could tell me if


that's what you think the theme is and if not so what I'm what I'm saying the lifestyle of gratification and excess


will not fulfill you over the course of a life is what I'm sort of boiling that down to because I think that's what


Bobby is doing he is in a life that is keeping him warm that is gratifying that


he enjoys that he loves that he doesn't want to be pulled out of or have endangered right but from a thematic


standpoint that's only going to keep him warm and and fulfilled for so long and


that's really what he has told almost several times right yeah and he may not be a drug dealer but he's playing in the


dirt yeah yeah and yes playing in the dirt and what he's doing is only going to keep him quote unquote warm for so


long yes which and I guess the like I feel like Wahlberg and the dead know that right they know that's why they're


they treat him like [ __ ] at the beginning because they like you know they I guess they see the truth that he


doesn't right he's still believing the the LIE yeah yes and and I think I wanna okay so I want to think that


they didn't turn him out immediately but as he distanced himself from them and they realized what he was doing it went


it was it was such an affront to their moral code of cops you know because because Wahlberg will say when we get to


the the Catalyst what I'm going to call the Catalyst in a second uh there's a war out there and you got to pick a side


and right and he's like you know don't you have any responsibility uh no I don't you know right uh he doesn't even


apologize for that I thought let me think about it uh no which I thought that was like yeah uh


anyway uh so uh is that what you all had for the theme or do you have a different idea about yeah I guess I don't think I


nailed it down as well as you did because I had in the same scene you can't talk about where they they pull them aside like the Robert Duvall tells


him sooner or later you got to pick a side either you're going to be with us or you're going to be with the drug dealers and like that's the only because


it's about the right time for the the theme um and I felt like I was like all right I mean that could be kind of a call to


Adventure as well right in a catalyst but I mean that's essentially what if you boil it all the way down that's what the movie's about right it's him picking


us you know picking aside but but yeah as far as thematically yeah the the plane in the dirt and pissing yourself are much much better yeah


um and they are way later but yes it happens way later now uh it that's a


unique image pissing yourself to stay warm yeah I mean because if you asked


Bobby are you pissing yourself no no I'm not just I have a job pop you know right I'm


not business myself I have a job you know and and being a nightclub manager is not a bad job except if your


nightclub is the arena for all kinds of advice and you know right uh so so so


the fact that Duvall that his father characterizes what he's doing as pissing


himself right you know you're you're you know uh shows a different definite perspective about the characterization


of what he's doing because Bobby wouldn't think that right and then you would talk about the I guess when you were defining it about living in excess


um as soon as you said that what came to mind is when uh Robert Duvall makes a comment to Joaquin Phoenix's character


about how much that earring set you back yes yes what'd you say pop you heard what I said yeah you know like it was


you know yes because I guess on the surface I just took it as it's a dude we're engineering and Robert Duvall's


old school and doesn't sure go with that kind of thing but I think there's more to it no no absolutely yeah there's yeah


you know because it was a diamond hearing or something right was there I'm sure it was expensive see I wasn't even


coming about a suit too right in the same scene that's a nice suit you got jokes to scene Joaquin Phoenix maybe in


the muck a little bit deeper because up until then the only thing only drugs you


see him do is he smokes a joint and then he's running a clip I would have liked to seen him maybe playing with that


lifestyle a little bit more and know how more dangerous it is because it didn't seem like the stakes were too high


especially when raw and then when Robert Duvall comes at him and is like how much was that earring that's a nice suit


you're wearing it's like well yeah he's doing he's successful running a nightclub I would have liked to have been like no he's Flirting With Disaster


he's flirting with drugs he's already and maybe Eva Mendes like they could have been doing more than just smoking a


joint like they're doing lines or she's into heroin or something but it it didn't the stakes weren't as high


for me as I think they were supposed to be I see what you're saying but I think if they had done that it would shift the scales like too much I think what they


wanted was for you to you kind of said earlier they wanted you to sympathize with him and go no he's just doing his


thing and then they're the [ __ ] to come in and [ __ ] up his life right if you see if they show how dangerous it is


or make her you know starting to become a heroin addict then you you automatically start to you catch on very early that he's doing the wrong thing


right where if you don't show that and you show it because I mean just the contrast of the parties that club has


[ __ ] happening what was he doing with his girlfriend you know this perverted stuff as Sherry said right at the beginning he's having a hell of a good


time you know and then they go to the you know go to the the the award ceremony for his dad and there's I don't


think there's any alcohol it's a family event well yeah standing around they show the one lady dancing terribly sure


and the food is [ __ ] you know Susie's casserole like it's something yeah


and that's what I was thinking is oh the cops are just as bad as the the drug dealers like that's yeah what I


was expecting to happen was the cops are still the bad guys but I guess like you were saying that's the way it was


supposed that was the way it was presented is that's the way I took it is it you want to you know he's having a


good time like he's not doing anything wrong you know because if you show too much of him if you show the danger or


him hurt like I said her becoming a heroin addict or him getting his hands dirtier then you know it's hard I think


it's hard not to say well all right he's he is a bad guy well maybe maybe that I saw it right because I see a Joaquin


Phoenix is just a guy doing his job with a loving girlfriend and a loving adoptive family and then maybe that's


what was presented to me right and right you have this careless cop family coming in to crash


in on all his stuff yes but so would you say this is a dude with a problem well I think we covered that yeah we did we


didn't I think it's writer passage ooh I'll see I didn't I was thinking do the problem or buddy love but I'd write a


passage sounds about right now that you mentioned it uh so I watched the movie correct maybe my opinions are wrong well


the question is are the wrong opinions here all right so the question is how much are you willing


to look the other way to enjoy your life right so none of us have jobs where we


have to tolerate such Behavior to ensure our but but I guarantee there are things


we could probably point to that say you have to put up with that because right and so he has to


watch and associate with people that he knows are cutting off people's heads and putting their dicks in their mouth right


later on right uh maybe it was your dick maybe it was your message no there's some there's a couple of anyway yeah so


so and and that that so you're not doing it but you permit it to


happen and you benefit from what those people bring to the table who are doing those things right yeah uh you're


pissing yourself at that point like yeah because they're always the cops and so his family is always on watch always on


guard they're the ones protecting everybody so that you can enjoy your their life that's why they're this these


soulless guys or whatever because they're always on watch you need me on that wall you know because exactly right


I mean yeah yeah anyway so now moving into the setup I have the boss his boss


is more like a father to him than perhaps his own father he certainly is more affectionate and loving to this


boss guy who he does not yet know about uh necessarily in terms of some of the things we're going to find out I have


the contrast of the two crowd scenes one family one is family honor Pride the other sex debauchery and gratification


Bobby is fully a mess in his own world and loves it Joe equally so in his two brothers two sides of the law as much as


Bobby enjoys his life Joe is enmeshed in the life of being a soldier on the


street for New York you know yeah it's interesting I just don't thought about it though um like the you know we talk about how


serious they are and these almost like soulless guys or whatever like what's the first thing we see what we're doing he's cutting up playing around you know


Shadow Boxing with the other guy or whatever yeah you know yeah like I mean I wonder that had to have been intentional because they know he's got


all these hard scenes later on where he's he doesn't show much affection and he's mad and grumpy and pissed off all


the time so well it's and he even brings his kid over for the photo look I mean you know yeah so yeah C is a family man


uh like Bobby has jumbo and Wahlberg has his whoever that guy was whoever that


guy is but his his cop brother his family yeah so there Warburg has surrogate brothers and Bobby has


surrogate father and brother jumbo is close to him is yeah that is brother yeah so they've chosen surrogate


families in the absence of each other uh for now yeah it's interesting how they're he's estranged from them but he


not enough to not show up for this thing for five minutes you know right and and there's there is a subtle scene uh


because James was talking about uh Duvall's character being sort of hot and cold I some of that is true but I think


there's a a very subtle scene that sort of underlies what is going on emotionally with this family so in the


Catalyst Joe with their father come to Bobby and ask him to inform on the nephew of Bobby's boss a major player in


the importation and distribution of drugs Bobby refuses the call at this point right I got I got a job I these


they're not my problems you're the cops why do you need me I want you to do something why don't you do something uh so he is refusing the this call this


Catalyst right and he gets up to go and he steps over the Pew okay uh and uh his


father knows he's high and sort of maybe unsteady or whatever but as he's stepping over that Pew Robert Duvall


reaches out to steady him you know or to or to he said he almost I don't know if he says it I don't think he says it you


know be careful or whatever but he's he's climbing over that Pew and Robert Duvall reaches out his hand to almost


steady him so in all yeah in all this angst there is still love uh between


these guys and I think especially and I I praise this to Joaquin for selling it


because I thought he sold it uh when he sits down with Vadim later in that Diner and Vadim is bragging about oh don't


worry about the cops you know a cop was hit today wink wink uh we did that and uh the old man he's taking over and


we're gonna get him too and joaquin's you could say okay mother we're you know okay that's it my decision is made but


you could Joaquin you can see the rage I thought just a very subtle acting I thought he did a good job there because


I was like yeah yeah yeah okay you know um but I and so I think there is that they've got their stuff but when it


comes down to it like you could talk about your mother but nobody else can kind of thing right almost you know I


thought well even him staying to try to convince him you know after you know Mark Wahlberg and the other guy's gonna have a go and trying to convince him and


it just you know they're brothers so it just it turns heated and so he's like hey you know let me talk to him and he kicks everybody else out just the two of


them and he doesn't just we're I don't know just starting to think about this now where Wahlberg stood over him yeah


kind of talking downtown oh yeah yeah devaults scoots over he sits next to him


on his same level I'm not sure he still makes good gives him a hard time and yeah you can smell the weed or whatever but


I completely missed the them one going over the few and then him trying to yes and I thought okay I thought that was a


very cool moment for showing that okay I just called you a piece of [ __ ] but I don't want you to but because you know


it's just if you if you had talked about it it would have been two on the notes right or even later


um after uh we're kind of skipping a little bit when Joseph gets shot and the the two uniform guys come and find dad


in the gym yeah first thing Robert Duvall says is which one of them is it yeah right it's not what happened to


Joseph it's like he shows that he cares yes you know yeah yeah yeah to me this


new something bad he was expecting it to be the Joaquin Phoenix I think so yeah yeah for sure yeah uh


so that's the catalyst is that they know he's in danger and playing in the dirt and he refuses to absolutely


I would it's almost a surprise it hadn't happened yet but but he's skirting that outside so I mean well I like and you


were going back to the Robert Duvall kind of hot and cold after that shooting scene one of the cops is like do you


want us to get a counselor in here for I don't need that [ __ ] is what Robert Duvall said it's like oh okay so that


that filled in more gap of Robert Duvall runs hot and cold because he's mentally unstable


well I mean sons are maybe just used to it oh that's dad talking well I thought it was because he he


takes it stoically but then almost passes out like right so he was yeah he's old school straight up old school


he's you know absolutely but I like that do you need a counselor I don't need that [ __ ] it's like huh yeah I think we


all know some people like that yeah I'm a I'm a sensitive it's this was what is it uh Lethal Weapon It's it's the 80s


I'm a sensitive man I cried last night you know oh right were you alone in bed why do you think I was crying


that's right that's right uh anyway uh so is that what Jeff is the Catalyst they come to him and he refuses yeah no


wait yes sort of the first call to action or whatever yes because there's a double bump yeah I


was about to say I I did want to jump on it too quick but yes I believe that as well also I guess what I really liked is


he gets a catalyst because it's all about him picking sides right yes he gets a catalyst kind of moment from the


other side too so they come to him saying hey and uh we need you to want you to inform on Vadim yeah or like one


of the very next scenes is he's meeting with the boss and the boss is talking about Mirage talking about expanding operations and we want you to run it yes


not the team yeah yeah so he's got these both you know these two paths that he clearly has to well his wife says and


don't let your nephews screw it up or whatever yeah right yeah this one's got ideas yeah um nothing too that uh before


we just move past it uh at the party the for Duvall or whatever the sorry it was


for Joseph yeah he congratulations um he leaves like as uh walking Phoenix


after they talk to him he gets mad and he gets his girlfriend and he's walking out of there and they're uh Joseph's out there talking to in a speech and he says


let's have a moment of silence or one of our brothers got shot last night so they have a moment of silence um one it shows Joaquin kissing his


girlfriend again ignoring that people are dying yeah he's on the stairs doesn't mean anything to him yes one


thing I thought it was kind of cool that I caught this time is the clock Chimes as he's walking out the door he's


running out of time yeah I heard the clock and I just I just let it go yeah he's running out of time to make a


choice you know yeah yeah and and and before the cops are dying and he's living his best life right you know


while it's happening and why he's making fun of him yeah right that's I didn't know about the uh I heard the Chimes and


I just let it go I yeah that's awesome now the debate more or less I think through conversation with jumbo Bobby


learns the fate of those who cross the team the nephew he sees that the minions of a Dem would rather kill themselves


than inform uh because you know they arrest two of the guys you know they come in and bust up the club yeah and


pour charcoal down his yeah it works for Vadim kills himself before


he can even be yeah he said if you talk we'll go after your mother yes and then he kills himself and and now


uh I thought it was a violent scene sure didn't like it I guess you know when they're pouring charcoal you she didn't


know what it was I didn't understand that scene well I I guess it's some kind of test for whether you did drugs no charcoal absorbs uh the chemicals in


your body makes you vomit oh it's what they do to people who were overdosing Narcan charcoal


so yeah it's just a neutralizer to all this stuff because he's he's resisting he's not so much under arrest but he's


he keeps you know who who else doesn't he's pushing him and carrying on so one of the cops things are coming about he must be on something let's give him some


trouble now as bad as that seems look at it this way


his brother and the cops rough him up but it's almost I want to call it an act of Love why because if they show him any


special treatment at all right there yep then the others his people are going to be like wait a minute you know so as bad


as they treat him it's almost and for his own protection yeah and I don't know that he could see that yet


because like you said he's in denial and this kind of thing but it's still I think a an extension of of love and


protection of him even when he can't see it yet right you know yeah I don't think we talk about he goes by his last name


instead of uh grazinski the his dad and brother's name he goes by the mom's name green yeah yeah and they can pronounce


it okay because that confused me at the end yeah but that's also separation like he keeps it it's a secret only Armada


knows that his family is you know a cop family yes nobody else jumbo nobody else


knows right right so uh so he so you can almost see him


finalizing that you know because he's been quite he's been asked to inform at this point and he could see


okay well those who informed wind up bad yeah right so you can almost see him sort of mentally debating I don't think


debate is super strong but I think there is some kicking around in his mind about this decision uh testing the


waters hey you know do you hear about that guy yes it was cut off you know that you know so right so he's he's sort


of speculating okay well these are the stakes if I do this you know right at that point I think he's still refusing I


think the double bump is a huge double bump I have it as Joe being shot yeah yep


uh and and I I had not seen this for a long time and I did not remember whether


he had at that point when I saw this first time uh whether uh he lived or


died I thought he was at that point I thought he was yeah he gets shot in the face yes I thought well that's it oh my


God you know Joe was shot Bobby learns that it is and this is the scene I was referring to Bobby learns that it is


Vadim who is responsible uh and that Vadim will now go after Bobby's father and at this point the debate is over and


that he had he accepts the call Bobby goes to Michael Michael is the one of the cops and says if I wanted to help


what would I have to do in this secret meeting I'll call you another secret cap so now he doesn't tell his other family


that he's a cop and he's not telling his real family that he's going to go undercover as a cop right right


um there's also the when he goes to seeing him in the hospital and Michael pulls them aside and they just the two of them have a conversation Michael


makes comment uh it's a shame we didn't get to him sooner like basically before Joseph could get shot get to the team


sooner yeah and then while King goes you know he's mad and he goes are you blaming me for this yeah and he says no but I'm not the only one with the like


an opinion yeah when it feels that way sure sorry I thought that was interesting yeah no uh and the wife of course gives him you know some really


you know mean looks when he goes in there to see his brother yeah some nasty stuff right before then yeah huh he said


some nasty stuff right before oh yeah yeah they got it oh yeah I think about my hot girlfriend you just that's right


you're into Puerto Rican once you think about my Puerto Rican when you're [ __ ] your fat wife right that's just


not even fast yeah just being an [ __ ] Yeah well yeah that's true yeah that fight could


have been a lot worse if uh if uh Wahlberg hadn't you know watched where he was gonna fall you know get a really


good really hurt himself well it's not going to go back and watch that scene James and look for it


yeah I didn't see it that's funny it's one of those things once you see it oh [ __ ] cam doesn't see it now you know uh


another secret cat Bobby's father is not informed Bobby will wear a wire and then you know I'm looking for the ACT break


uh as just a tongue-in-cheek he calls the second act on the Payphone so when I'm I'm he goes down he makes that call


to set up the meeting whether that's the ACT break he has made his decision I think probably the ACT break like if


you're looking for a crossing of an actual threshold he gets in the limo and his black I I think I have blindfolded


he rides into the second act yeah they put a hood over him yeah but even like I love that whole scene of like once he


you know breaks into two and you know and commits to to checking out their operations just the whole thing's just


super creepy and gives you this yeah like as far as the stakes and the danger like it's through the roof like the car


pulls up and like just a door opens yeah like in this [ __ ] shady dark Street or whatever like you don't even they


don't get out and say all right man you're ready to do this no no just well that Russian guy sits you know where where I'm taking you I've never taken


anything right you'll never see your girlfriend again yeah yeah but like I guess they didn't get out of the car to


greet him just he's no no door opens and you gotta walk down there to get in there so that's neither get a hood that's one of the things that I did not


like yeah uh was that whole thing it's like okay who is Joaquin Phoenix he is


just a club manager what high drug dealer person is going to take you


through their entire operation and let you know everything well usually it's car I say usually like I run drugs it


would be more James I would think I need to speak compartmentalized of you run the club we


just tell you to shut your mouth and don't pay attention and you'll get paid that's it yeah yeah I'm not gonna take


you to my operation show you how drugs are made show you the creepy guy because stuff like this can happen so


Outsider comes in with a wire it just made no sense to me this is the guy that cuts people's heads


off and puts their dicks in their mouths I think he was confident that all right if this guy is doing this over and then


they call the cops and Mickey Mouse and and it's finished obviously he's kind of a a screw-up because you know don't let


your nephew screw it up this guy yeah yeah is not necessarily like if he actually had to Market a product


he would probably fail but because his drugs that people have an addiction to it doesn't take any brains to sell drugs


right because people so maybe you could almost I see what James is saying because there is technically no need for


it right but yeah I mean showing the showing the the facility and what


they're doing and how creepy it is and the dude with the one glass eye that was in the trailer and all the photos but


he's in it for half a second yeah he looks up he looks creepy that was it yeah I get it it needed to be in the


movie I get it but the whole thing and he runs yeah everything that follows this afterwards it just doesn't make any


real world sense to me and it pulled me out for half a second yeah were you going to say something straight well it's about when the cops come in


um you're talking that the um all the cops I mean all his dad and


everything doesn't know that he's doing this he has a wire or whatever


but do the other cops know I think I think Michael's Unit or some Michael must have had some that because they


were telling him and he said you say the word and we're there you won't see us but so there had been some but he jumps


out the window like because he's afraid they're going to shoot him so because he keeps saying I'm one of you or whatever I'm with you


so that that whole thing confused me well I think at that point he was covered in blood certainly the brains of


that other Russian he was wearing a mask and in the The Fog of War yeah you know


people come in shooting and then you got gunfire you're death yeah I mean terrible way to go yeah to be part of


the plan but there's nothing about him that would have made him immediately recognizable in the especially when all them bullets are flying it's like yeah


blood all over it yes that's what I'm saying that's right so that was the other thing was here's a lighter you say


feather will come get you that was the plan yes that was it like that's not a


good plan that's not a a tactical plan or anything well I mean there's I seen that in other movies where there's a


safe word and we you know come in or whatever yeah but it's like hey there's safe word how many guys are in there how


many guns are in there what's in there oh you have how many yeah no as soon as


they come in it was gunfire the gunfire gunfire it just yeah all right but then


I had to remind myself this is 80s it was a war zone yeah I think those cops go in with the mentality yeah right I


had to keep reminding myself that it's not that kind of movie kid and I just think the whole thing went to [ __ ] because that to your point about what


skills this guy have he's not skilled he has one too many people yeah like because he [ __ ] it up he's Michael


tells him don't be hero don't engage in conversation but Joaquin desperate to get because he


wants to at this point because of what has happened to Joe right make sure this happens and I think a lot of stuff it's


not gonna dry up on it and dry up on us and it just keeps asking questions and and that and he gave him drugs to try


and yeah but I think I think if Joaquin had just shut his mouth and strolled through there yeah yeah but now I say


fun and games I have this is the soul fun and game do you have a series of fun and games because because I think


the only way I would lend any Credence to that critic's review of being a little bit rickety's I think some of the


beats are they're all there but I don't think they're uh enlarged or full like you have funny I I


think you have a fun and game I don't think you have a series of fun and games I I think you're right um yeah because


the because the break-in is late even yes right so wait but the the movie itself is not overly long right it's two


hours it's two hours it's not yet I was never bored yeah but if the break-in is is late then you it cuts on your fun and


games window right to get back on track you some some of your Beats have to be shorter right so so I agree with you we


don't get fun and games we get fun and games right which is this meat uh they meet too much talk one one too many


questions water is discovered a bloodbath ensues now this I don't know who the stunt man was who did this fall


wow yeah Joaquin jumps out that window and he lands on his back on that fence yeah I don't even know how you do that


as a stunt right now that makes them back hurt everything you're back yeah it makes my [ __ ] hurt every time and to me


it looked like it was almost a screw-up and they just left it in I don't know how you say oh yeah well you don't want


to ruin the take like that was for sure and if a stunt man gets hurt and you get it on film and it looks great you do


that man an honor and you put that in your movie oh my God how did he how is he not paralyzed first of all maybe he


is so when does the premiere with his little chair so the the thing that happens right after that


yeah I it was rough but then uh Robert Duvall


comes in and this is one of the things that I didn't like he comes in where's my son where's my son yes my son yeah


yeah absolutely now you give a [ __ ] pop yelling yeah right not to me I was like


you are smarter than that sir you know but it had to happen because the writer needed to happen right yes so ifadeem


could hear it yes uh um and I think they could have gotten away with with them still being doing it


secretly and quietly and Vadim just seeing it and putting it together I don't yeah it could have been visual we could have well he was already he could


have like hugged him or something and oh that's [ __ ] weird why is he hugging him you know but he was running an ambulance right yeah he could have been


sitting in the back of the car now you're right yeah it could have been sitting in the back of the car and seen Duvall get into the ambulance and grab


his hand or something [ __ ] yeah even as the doors being closed that's a second you know agreed yeah anyway back to the


back to the fun and game though um uh James did you I guess you'd made a comment as I said earlier about like it


kind of pulled you out of the story um just the way it's set up and kind of why it happens because why is Joaquin the the guy but man the the scene when


he tells him put on the mask and then he goes to that dark ass hallway and nods and it disappears like the lighting is


so perfect in that scene like every time I see it I'm running the first time I'm like I'm not going down that [ __ ] hallway turn on some [ __ ] lights yeah


right you know so just I don't know it's very symbolic like this is like he's descending Into Darkness now yeah you


know for sure and I understand that the story needs it and all that yeah so I think there's a lot of really cool shots


in this movie there's one earlier on when Eva Mendes is in the red dress coming down the hall just for the party yeah and like you see the smoke going


past there yeah no shoulders are really cool yeah yeah I'm not going down that [ __ ] hallway and see but I'm saying


feather right then and there you're right you have cool shots like that and then you have other scenes that just in


and a Fade to Black yeah right or guys going ah I'm gonna fall over here okay and yeah I was like this movie it was


just it was like bipolar it was so weird it's only his third movie yeah who's


who's uh James Gray oh okay well I mean it's not a bad outing but there are some


I think where's my son yeah yeah I didn't so much have a problem with that and then y'all pointed out that yep no


that's flawed could have shown it visually especially shows don't tell us


because because he has shown that he's a man of restraint when he gets to do the Jewish shot but here he's all emotional


so maybe that's to James's point about the hot and cold yeah but one son's in the hospital y'all just went behind my back he did this and I got another one's


going in the [ __ ] yeah he's pissed you know yeah I guess that's true and then uh just another thing I think it


happens right after that you have an expedition Exposition over the ambulance


PA it's like oh guys coming in bruised ribs broken leg that's the whole point


because that stunt guy is now paralyzed that looks so bad and we got to keep that in the film we gotta have some sort


of exposition about how he he's not paralyzed don't worry audience joaquin's still going to be good


he had a bruised rib yeah Bruce rib no I think it's broken I think she says


broken ribs and like he was possible leg injury yeah yeah yeah uh I just can't


imagine that shot that oh this gets me chills because you know I mean you


followed on your back or you've I mean everybody is well the gate was actually made out of pool noodles so it's okay


made out of polyurethane oh my God yes no it definitely it's one of those you


know one of those stunts that makes you yeah it makes you hurt it didn't look Breakaway because it didn't go it sure


did no you're both yeah full noodle for a spine uh all right so


the this is a midpoint false Victory Vadim is captured held at Rikers red-handed there will be a trial


you know and Joseph gets out of the hospital okay yeah and then and then the other two Bobby and Amada go into hiding


yeah which they go into hiding and then they're not


in hiding anymore after that like he becomes a cop and Amada just moves in with her mom like that that happens a


little bit later but I'm like where did this hold oh after Dad does no they were in they were in hiding before that


because dad died he's supposed to be waiting a trial yeah yes but Vadim escaped so there is no trial now at that


point well I mean they had to be down the road right I guess is the idea because they gotta get him back in custody to have the trial right Vadim so


now that they're they go into hiding that's even more Paramount of security


and yeah so they go to move them and then that's when they get right attacked or whatever right and then after Robert Duvall dies are they still in secret


custody or well I think I think Bobby has special knowledge and wants to I don't I don't think you could put him


hiding if you tried at that point yeah yeah and it's he wants to be a cop and I think that's what especially at the end


when he walks up where did that where did that passion come from I'm gonna be a cop now I've got special knowledge here's the cop test the first time I've


ever heard about it well I think I think after his father died which Okay so the demons captured I have is the


midpoint false Victory that's what I have immediately go into bad guys close in feigning chest pains Vadim is taken


to the hospital in route he escapes with a and with a price on his head Bobby and


his girlfriend must be moved yeah he and armada's relationship starts to deteriorate at this point as well that's


to me as part of the bad guys close in because yeah yes because like we talked about the beginning like his opening image like


she's the best part of his life yes and and I was always looking for her to be the betrayer okay well she must be the


dude that would have been good right but I was expecting too right but but she genuinely loves him and I think would


have gone into hiding with him if he wouldn't have become a cop she can't that's the thing about cops I don't


think so you don't think they would have stayed together no she was already like like she makes a comment about I feel like the walls are closing so it's


interesting the walls were [ __ ] closing in before y'all just didn't see it right you know what I mean no I just I think she wants to live that oblivious


life and she doesn't want to you know be on that wall she wants to enjoy your freedom because like they're supposed to


be in hiding into James's Point she goes and hangs out her mom she's in there joking having a good time tossing cucumbers to jumbo right like yeah


completely oblivious to what's [ __ ] going on in the stakes here and I feel for her at that point but it's it's like


yeah you're messing this up you're gonna get us killed ladies and he's mad at her and then she just gets mad and walks


past him and you're right you got to see your family why can't I see mine well that's not the same thing he says right


so I have like the bad guys closed in just basically that and then the All Is Lost I think we move very quickly into a


false defeat with Bobby's father is shot and ultimately killed yeah and I like


that car chase come on guys that car chase in the rain Drew they shot really really well yes very good idea if you


want to talk about an idea of value okay here's a car chase we've seen a million times but it was it was very surreal very chaotic like I I as a viewer I felt


almost as disoriented as he must have feel felt behind that wheel yeah you see it almost from his point of view a lot because you don't see a lot of outside


shots of the car swerving and doing [ __ ] I didn't feel like and I thought even when there's an 18-wheeler in front of


him at one point yes and the way they do that like you get how bad that is when he looks back and you see the car smashed underneath it and the shooting


of it had been his father is from a distance yeah but he's ran through the window yeah but the way he reacts


whatever he's getting shot on the shotgun yes because I thought uh take a cliche car chase I thought they they really put their own I think I've


written the the notes here that he the director watched all the car chases and


all the movies and was like what can we do differently that's cool he said that he's never had a POV car chase like a


driver's point of view it felt like it was almost underwater yeah it was yeah shot it they shot it uh on a sunny day


and all the water and rain was CGI really yes really now there are a split


second here and there maybe it looked a little but I just chalk that up to how disorienting looking looking at it with


2023 eyes back to 2007 I could definitely tell it kind of hurt my eyes


following that whole thing it was very surreal yeah I'd never seen anything like that before right so that's I good


on him for doing something new I want to say The French Connection had with


Hackman and the car chase I want to say some of that was POV as they're going through the underpasses because that's


always I mean it was French Connection yeah no that's up there I think he had mentioned something like that French


Connection because I haven't seen bullet but they're supposed to be a good one in both those are yeah yeah I just want to


say that was the one scene that I did put my phone down yeah and I did watch


and things like that make me have nightmares I had I had bad dreams last night damn it yes


and and I did the same thing in The Bourne Identity one time that's one of the Bourne movies I don't remember which


Bourne movie it was it was a motorcycle chase oh maybe because I think it's boring I had nightmares the whole the


night after and I did I had nightmares last night after watching that was Disorder so any kind of does it does the


movie have to I'm just I guess I'm curious does the movie have to be like have like Thriller elements to to do it or can like yeah


possible does that bother you Mission Impossible maybe he has to have more of an edge and kind of Thriller I don't


know something about that that whole Chase where like you said you're talking about the


truck when it just yeah and I'm sitting there going oh my God she freaks out that freaks out but I I hate I don't


hate riding with her but she she car accidents are are big sure and are you


worried about their drivers no there's someone chasing him and shooting from the side and then he


shoots his father I think all of that it led to me that's exactly the effect you


know I don't know all I know is I had weird dreams last year it was an anxiety no absolutely and and that means the


board could go James Gray you gave her nightmares stories about the demons and possessions


and all this when she first started watching they go [ __ ] like I would have nightmares about [ __ ] ghosts what are


the stats man you probably have a better chance of dying in a horrible you know car accident than you do getting yeah


because that's what it goes I would hope so I guess I don't know the way you


drive I don't know all right so all is lost three now you get possessed by a ghost when you're behind the wheel right


Take the Wheel Jesus we've gone off the rails right this is a


car right here all right Bobby's father is shot and ultimately killed I'm having as the All Is Lost Foster feet yes I


have the same one thing I did like is when because roadway gets shot but then he like he you know he's like pull over


pop over then he gets in a car crash and he stumbles out and then um uh Joaquin


Phoenix runs over to him and once he realizes dad's dead he collapses just like the dead yeah


uh Dark Knight of the Soul I'm looking at the funeral and again it's the dig deep down is subtle and I think


Joaquin sells it but he doesn't oversell it the funeral Bobby looks over and sees a couple of


punk kids laughing at the death of these [ __ ] kids man yeah there's They're laughing and you can tell Joaquin is


like yeah there's two sides man and uh I need to get you know right uh to the


point where even when his girlfriend is talking about his dead father and doesn't even say anything offensive but


he goes off the he goes off the handle you don't talk about you don't you don't you know uh at that point he is that's


interesting there's nothing about it and I might be reading too much into it but after the club when they bust this club


he gets arrested right they put the stuff down on Thursday come and talks to him about it they're separated by the bars yeah and then here at the funeral


those kids are on the other side of the fence laughing oh that's true yeah yeah separated by barriers yeah yeah yeah


that's good because because he's laughing in the cell and he actually flips his old man off you know right yeah yeah and then walks all funny when


he gets out yeah The Dudley do right block you know uh the funeral okay uh so this


is the dig deep down um his father we can uh the laughing at his father and he sees the I think he at this point he's


digging deep down shouting at his girlfriend this is the where I'm I'm sort of putting the break into three I


have to do this I have to do this yeah because the whole thing's room because you're saying where did that come from earlier like to me the whole thing was


about picking aside well picking aside is is you know if he's gonna pick the same size as his family and following


the tradition and he's got to become a cop so he's filling out the exam or whatever and he didn't even and again


back to this not didn't even you know she gets pissed because he didn't even you know were you gonna tell me about this yeah yeah it was and then he walks


away he has no answer on when he was going to talk to her yeah when she says and did they did they have anything previously in this story that was like


he went to the academy and flunked out he no I don't I think he tried to do


something in the family but well there's a lot at the very beginning when they're sitting in the car smoking the weed and


he's like she's like there's cops everywhere he's like other drunk anyways and he's like well I could be a cop and he starts messing around and freezing


remember yeah he's being dumb Wahlberg uh Joe sort of hints that pop always


said you were a good shot is that where you're going sure yeah but but uh uh this is sort of the reconciliation


before the break before the storm in the castle we're going to get to it in a second I guess but Joe and Bobby are


sitting down talking and Bobby says I should have listened to you I never listened to you or I should have listened to you or whatever right and


but and Joe says uh truth be told I was always jealous of y'all you know I I


always just did what pop says but you you went did your own thing you were free you know so right at that point I


think he did never want to become a cop I don't think everyone to the academy of flunked out I think he early on was sort


of the black sheep right you know yeah so the being a cop just kind of to me


came out of nowhere other than the other than that I could be a cop I could not no I think I think he's picking aside


though no I think after the death of his because Joe affected him and I think is yeah I mean when in that rain when he


goes down he's throwing up I don't know if you can see him yeah oh yeah I was wondering what all that that's what I


thought I thought it was lots of coke you do the line before too like I literally thought was this supposed to be another movie was it cut different is


he just like where's the scene where he snorted the line before the the cartoon he looked like he was overdosing the


famous dick yeah you know the thing is you can only pitch yourself so long before you to stay warm I think this is


a character who was waking up to his own naivete that I I agree I should listen to you I've been naive yeah I was


turning a blind eye till I couldn't anymore I turned the Blind Eye when I looked back my dad was dead yeah kind of


thing yeah but I would turn to a blind eye as well if the people telling me were like you suck you know sure cheers


you're supposed to identify with them and be on board with them and but at the same time just people start dying right


and um like and as he gets exposed to it like he really becomes I think he becomes awake and aware of the stakes as


as we do right yeah I mean yeah so so what you're saying is Robert Duvall and


Marky Mark they are great they are revving it like we'll say 100 RPM yeah


where he is down in the five and ten RPM because he's just living life it is so they're coming at him really hard yeah


because they see it it is very much the story frustrating because why can't you see this right in front of your [ __ ] face and you know and he's gotcha yeah I


don't see that it is very much the parable of the prodigal so the prodigal's unparable is the sun with the


The Good Son did everything his dad said but the the prodigal son said no screw that give me my half of the fortune Dad


I'm gonna go out and live my own life and does and spends all his fortune and


winds up in a worse State than he ever had with his father because he lost all his money now he's like you know


basically at this point we would liken it to watch you know your dishwasher or you know whatever menial degrading job


you're doing just to get by and he comes to the conclusion I could go back to be a Hired Hand at my dad's place and be


better off than I am right now I'm gonna go home and so the Prodigal Son returns begging for just any job because any job


would be better and his dad accepts him in and says no no here's your fortune back blah blah blah that's


the parable of the prodigal son and so maybe they call him that at the beginning too probably yeah they if they


didn't it would be a Miss but yeah they so so I don't know if it follows that strict a storyline but it is the


prodigal returning right uh into the fold uh but to do that he has to be open


to I should have listened to you line that he gives Joe you know cool yeah


that's very cool anyway um so this uh regular three I have to do


this Bobby goes into his own room and shuts the door you're always looking for doors I think when he shuts that door


that's essentially he has gone into the third act yeah and he's so after Dad


dies he uh I don't want to be alone and he's crying on his brother's shoulders yes right where before like it's always


been her yes she sits there yeah right when when he gets the news about Joe yes


well now and dad's dead I don't want to be alone and they're hugging each other and she's sitting there she gets mad and gets up and leaves yeah right and then


yeah he's he's third act but he's closing the door on her too sure yeah and then later on when he's talking to his brother they're like hey Amanda's


calling for you I'll call her back that [ __ ] never would have happened before no he's gonna stop everything he's doing he was ignoring his job at the club to be


with her now it's yeah I don't have time he ignored the phone call when Joe was shot as well oh tell him yeah she


answers no it's right police and yeah yeah yeah yeah um so he's ignoring the call I guess you


would say there you go there you go the call back to his old life or whatever right yeah uh so storming uh basically


is forming the cow Gathering the team become he becomes a provisional member of the police so his team is now the New


York City Police Department reconciles with his brother hits up jumbo for information here's where he learns of


Jumbo's betrayal I'm saying loses a so he lost he he almost loses his surrogate


father and brother in the scene because he learns that his boss is the one to put out the hit right that he owns jumbo


and jumbo betrayed him so he I think that's the reason he yeah jumbo told him where they were staying yes at the Q


motor hotel in his defenses I thought you'd be gone by then right I tried to try to give him the wrong information I


think that's probably true yeah I think so too yeah like I believed him but it doesn't matter yeah Jimbo came across to me as kind of an idiot sure yeah uh but


with a name like jumbo but a lovability like I think this guy loved Bobby you know I think jumbo was a nickname for uh


Johnson is that right yeah yeah sorry I didn't mean to go out sideways there's a few people out there that know what I


mean okay he he named a part of himself okay really yeah I wonder if that's what


killed Kennedy named maybe hello oh anyway uh so I think he so so as as he's


turning toward his new family so both of his families are really suffer he's losing at this point he's losing both


sides of his family jumbo and his boss to betrayal and and Joe has been shot


and his father killed so your mother's left and a mod is left so yeah this is definitely uh so he's lost his surrogate


family surrogate brother real family and yes yeah wow yeah Dark Knight I'd guess


you'd say yeah and real girlfriend and real good yeah real hot girlfriend wait man I tell you and throughout this


entire movie I felt worse for her because she seemed like a good I think she didn't really loved him and wanted


yeah for sure yeah um yeah his family is being dismantled and parallel to the damage to his real


family storming the castle uh the castle is going to be this drug deal which I don't think they know where it's going


down yet uh and so they're wanting him to hit up jumbo uh and his contacts to get


information and he does and and learns what jumbo has done and what his boss has done uh jumbo tells Bobby that it


was Bobby's boss that was that put his head out on his father loses his surrogate father and brother jumbo is


unable to tell him details of where the castle is is what I'm saying and I guess I'm calling this the sort of Hightower


surprise or whatever because he he learns of jumbo and his boss's betrayal


because I really couldn't pinpoint a a stronger one or another one um


no I think there's a different one okay all right so too okay good because I I could not get it execution in the new


plan Bobby digs deep down and recalls his boss's pattern of taking his kids horseback riding uh surmises this is


where the deal will go down the raid uh this is what I'm calling the new plan and then we'll get to what hopefully you


probably guys have nailed the high tower surprise but um Nadim escapes I said they do the raid Vadim escapes to the


weeds uh Bobby is unwilling to let his Nemesis get away enters the burning fields and gets his man uh now I thought


this was interesting he's given his father's gun the pistol to an to basically enact revenge on behalf of his


father yeah because it's not I'm sanctioned because he he didn't give me a piece I'll get you one like it's yes


better to be 12 than by six we don't like that one a lot yeah uh Bobby


declines killing his old boss having fully adopted what I'm calling his father's thematic code uh not playing in


the dirt will not give in to the gratification I see where he would have gratified himself before I think he


refuses to gratification of killing the man that killed his father and play in the dirt is what I'm saying right um so


where where do you guys put this high tower surprise execution and all that kind of um because I don't get it James you're


going I'm going oh I was just going to tell you what pissed me off about that whole thing you go ahead all right


I feel like this is about there with Fred Claus for James I'm worried that it is I think the to me


the high tower surprise is because yeah he they they break into two is going in


and interrogating jumbo getting information and breaking the three I'm sorry yeah it's breaking the three


um and then they're sitting there and he comes up with the horse racing thing right and realizes and they shoot that down at first but all right this guy's


The Insider so they decided to go there and that is in fact where the castle is yes right so the the new the Hightower surprise has to happen after they're


storming the castle right that's what happens I think it's Joseph freezing I I thought then Joaquin has to step forward


right because he's got a new plan that makes sense he's going to sit back being the guy or whatever and then nobody even


Joseph didn't realize that was gonna happen the dude next one takes a head shot and he just see wigs out yeah


this is 80s so there wasn't no anything like PTSD I think they called it shell


shock back sure right yeah it didn't yeah I don't like feel think less of the character because I shot the


[ __ ] face yeah that is good and then he and then he picks up the shotgun and moves because later he gives back his


father's revolver says I don't need this yeah we're done here he says we're not gonna do We're Not Gonna Play in the dirt but or piss ourself he doesn't go


into the field to take out Vadim or whatever yeah that's that's another grass we're not smoking that's the part


that it made me mad because they're setting this field on fire they say be patient we got it surrounded and he's like no yeah uh and then he's walking in


his eyes are burning it's like no dude you would be passed out and dead by now but hey cool it made a cool little


bit like these guys um you know can do like they do drugs and stuff so they


could handle the smoke with the other guys can't anybody who who's ever been around a campfire camping you just say I


hate rabbits and the smoke doesn't go shame we're not filming this thing it's a shame we're not filming this thing I mean your face James when I said that um


because obviously it's [ __ ] I just wanted to see what kind of reaction I think he gets close to the mic he's


gonna say something just goes nah so fast well I think James is absolutely right now was I willing to gloss over


those because I enjoyed the movie yeah shoot that [ __ ] but yeah yes but but James is absolutely right I remember that being way cooler and then when I


saw it this time I was like all right that's cool but why did we not wait again no it would have been it'd have been cool like if it was an overcast day


and the storm rolled in or something the thunder sounds when he's walking out yeah that would have been that would


have been cool but like they set the field on fire no that's that's a death trap you were walking into death and I


think that's what they were going for that's cool again it just didn't make it yeah like just wait well all I kept


saying was that's the destruction of someone's problems without running it by the fire


department yeah sure


[Laughter] what if the wind picks up and it blows


back and then it destroys the building yeah what if there's a hobo encampment in there you just killed 15 hobos yeah


you know hey no I want to see that scene well sir these drug dealers I mean you can't ever predict what they do they


decided to set a fire I mean it doesn't show in my notes but how much


the quantity how much quantity of drugs were there was uh I can't remember the number of


kilos or whatever I mean but let's just say this it wasn't a uh a tanker ship


full of drugs it was just like a normal and they're all this property all this


death over a small well there's a lot of Furs there and like a lot of drugs came out of that one coat or whatever yeah


just a little piece but then you had like Lethal Weapon 2 where he's got an entire sure but this was full of drugs


this was the opening gamut to a long going like operation they were going to smuggle lots of drugs in those coats


yeah so they're shutting down an operation that potentially would have put billions yeah but I don't think you


can uh hold somebody uh criminally liable for opportunity of how much drugs


sure well yeah I mean you were selling a pound of weed but you had the opportunity to sell I think tons of we


were gonna put you in jail for two years I got that he was doing the first thing because they mentioned the first earlier in the movie I got that he was doing that the whole time


well right yeah I I knew it I was like yeah he's running he's the big bad he's


running drugs it's part of the other thing so your point about they're not arresting for what he's going to do they're arresting him for what he has


done who knew he was I have to prove it yeah he knew he was a well they call him the number one in the at the top of this


drug machine but they were talking not the old man yeah every time the old man


was brought up no we looked into him he's clean yeah because they weren't looking at the kids and they weren't looking at these kids the fur use his


grandchildren to uh couriers couriers yeah but it was brought up that was to make him that was brought up three times


it was we looked into the old man there's nothing he's clean and then later in the second act what about the


old man no we looked at him he's clean yeah and now the third one no it was the old man oh


you guys are terrible cops they're they are Mickey Mouse man the bad guys had another


I I think I mean I think James is right but I enjoyed the movie but you don't


want to look too close yeah that's why I guess the first time I saw it was like yeah it was a good movie and then I never thought about it again you know because this is the rickety plot that


they reference and I think but but I enjoyed the movie I mean same at some


point you have to just let it go but but that's not what we do on this pocket we're gonna dismantle and and I think


some movies we review we don't care who we make look ridiculous that's right including ourselves not that kind of


podcast kid well but I think there's a lot of movies that we get into and we find that they are


screwed down tight like you know this has some you know loose parts I mean is


the car backfiring yet but it's getting us to our I don't know and that's why I was saying was this meant to be a different movie


like was it re-shot was it re-edited because I think I've read something that the this was in canned film festival and


it was maybe a little bit longer it's like maybe that was a yeah what could have been a cut maybe yeah we'll


distribute this but cut half an hour out yeah final image valedictorian of his


graduating class at the police academy now this I thought was interesting he's getting his picture for his cop ID and


the background is bright red and he's in a blue shirt well his opening image he


was in a bright red shirt that I'm guaranteeing match the color of that background sure opening image red shirt


closing image red background blue shirt cop you know so I mean the opening and closing images could not be more


perfectly yeah paralleled I don't know the growth of this character and I didn't I mean I caught that but I didn't


catch the color either like it's kind of I guess what you're saying is like so red shirt he's in it yes and then it's


behind him yeah oh that's good too yeah yeah yeah yeah it's behind him now yeah that's perfect uh the change this


character has undergone uh and then he has a brief flash he thinks he sees Amara and I think that's


what you're talking about earlier James like he he thinks he sees a modest so it's definitely a sadder but wiser tale right like he's he's chosen his side but


yeah being the it's the I guess the the right call because now he's got you know he's he's chosen side and he's gonna you


know committed to fighting you know this War on Drugs but it's damn sure not the fun life he was having at the beginning you know I just and it probably won't be


forever ever yeah and then it's curious to see like so yeah you're definitely not like [ __ ] yeah he did the right


thing you know it's not yeah Neo fighting the the machines at the end you know this uplifting ending it's yeah


that's a [ __ ] bummer so you're right of passage though man he's grown up this is what it means to be but he's grown up


into what his father wanted him to be so chances are he's gonna become disenfranchised with the police force


he's gonna become an alcoholic see the 80s and the 90s and the crack epidemic happened he's like what did I trade my


life in for well I think I should have stayed with Eva Mendes could have had a


heartbreaking yeah fat [Laughter]


I think though but but but that is I I hate to even say


this that's part of being a a an adult if you can look back on your life and


have no regrets God bless you sir because that I mean part of life is being


chipped away at till you die what do they say in the Jesus Club something similar to that is I forget what they


say oh wait when you grow up your heart dies there you go yes and I think I think he's gonna have life is being


chipped away at you until you die yes and I've just said yes and I think that's some Bleak [ __ ] man well


I think but I think it's unavoidable because you can't deny that forever you know you can be fun all the time yeah


forever the price you're paying for all that freedom and fun is still a high price


yeah the memes have narrowed it down to adulting sucks you know I mean you know


James says he's going to witness all this stuff you know as a cop but but if he stayed in your life


sooner or later he would have he would see the real told that drugs are taking on people he would see kids die in the


street on drugs that he knows crossed his bar right so you know what if Lisa's


you're a cop you know that I stopped it for today I didn't stop it for tomorrow and there's more coming next week and


when I die it's still gonna happen but for this one brief moment I stopped this at this time is the only comfort he's


probably gonna get but but it's a comfort that he wouldn't have necessarily pissing himself and staying


trying to stay warm kind of thing so would the sequel be called uh we lease the night we leased the night yeah yeah


we we financed the knife yeah we uh yeah we low monthly payment tonight


yeah the night is being repossessed from us oh my goodness


just real quick as I'm going to say a second ago about the uh just the right of passage right to just on the right


passage it says so number one the three things it needs to have right number one is a life problem yeah well his life


problems he's on the he's at odds with his family because he's on the wrong side of the law yes two a wrong way to


attack the mysterious problem usually a diversion from confronting the pain oh yeah 100 yeah ignoring all that [ __ ]


right and then a solution that involves acceptance oh yeah the hard truth of the hero's been fighting and the knowledge


it's the hero that must change not the world around it uh that's 100 right of passage then probably the best yeah I


mean that's solid that's solid on every Point have we done any other rite of passage movies I thought we did well


Breakfast Club is right I want to say yeah breakfast I have to go back and look and see what we called it because it was


it was it institutionalized so no yeah never mind you're right it's institutionalized yeah they burn it down


commit suicide or right yeah oh that's right yeah we may have to have you go into the the files or whatever and I


thought we did one but I can't well I had to think of what it was if uh that website the archives I've broken it down


to every genre genre and put the movies in there so uh this will go in rite of passage but I don't know that we've done


one cool yeah maybe I'll I'll by myself I thought we did but maybe not


so yeah thanks uh okay so yeah any other comments thoughts I think we I mean


I think James is right on everything he said and I think I ignored it much like Joaquin did much like Joaquin did to so


basically I was pissing myself to keep warm watching this movie uh because I did ignore some of that


stuff that James is saying and it's true though but I thought that kind of movie kid however you want to say it right uh


but it might be the reason that I saw it the first time and was like okay and wasn't I didn't buy it you know like


walking I love walking in Phoenix well if you were pissing yourself I must been playing in the dirt because like I bought this movie and I watched it


several times yeah well I bought this movie as well I didn't pay full price for it no we paid four bucks at movie


trailer yeah I did too we must have been there to run the same yeah right anyway


okay so any other thoughts it was like five dollars on Amazon I was like I'm saving a buck yeah we paid 3.99 I think


it yeah for blu-ray order yeah so that's exactly what I got yeah all right any other thoughts on that


before we get into uh past consider all right let's do pests consider recommend




okay uh like I said I saw this movie and I thought it was okay and then I never thought about it again and seeing it


this time I enjoyed it uh but I think I'll probably go to give it a consider at this point uh definitely not a pass


because Joaquin Phoenix I think is good I think the movie is good I think it's worth a watch uh I think it does have problems and


it's problematic and I think James nailed those which in my mind sort of keeps it from being a straight recommend


um yeah I'm gonna pass on it myself uh mostly with crime dramas I don't spend


much of my time watching crime dramas and if I do it's like The Godfather and you can't get much better than that


Joaquin Phoenix is great Eva Mendes is great uh


it just did miss the mark for me um I think there are better options out


there uh The Departed like I think this movie was trying to be so many things


but yeah I I immediately thought of The Departed when I watched this I was like okay what movie is this like and it was


like oh yeah The Departed I'd have to go back and watch The Departed oh I actually did buy that one though so I


think I was more impressed with that and then you know I own them both but I've seen this more yeah that's curious to me


well this one this was what hour hour 57 if there was another cut of it over two hours but the departed's it's long yeah


but it's again that's another one of those examples of it's really good and it goes by anytime it's on I watch it


this one just I don't know just didn't hit it for me so I'd have to pass on it yeah it's it's a consider for me


um as well uh yeah I mean if you like walking Phoenix you like Eva Mendes you like you


know crime Thrillers and it's worth checking out um but yeah I guess for the same points that you guys mentioned as far as like


why I can't give it a I recommend yeah um it didn't you know didn't hit all the


all the beats and fire on all the cylinders yeah it's gonna enjoy it I mean it's I don't know I guess I enjoy it you know like kind of talked about


enjoying it more than it's maybe worth yeah then it deserves I guess but I was


gonna I forgot to mention so last night when I put this movie on my girlfriend and her girls uh they didn't want to


watch this yeah so I went to my bedroom to watch and they stayed out in the living room and watched Rock of Ages


Rock of Ages uh Tom Cruise it's a sing-along thing it's it's it's good


okay anyway I don't like musicals and I enjoy it so the best part of this movie for me was hearing Living on a Prayer


and wanted Dead or Alive while they're doing this serious drama scene we had lined it up just so obviously


accidentally but when he's going undercover it's playing Wanted Dead or Alive over my shoulder and then when


they're going into the the weed field it's like all these others I'm like this


is kind of cool yeah it's like playing this part of this movie Wizard of Oz with uh outside of the Moon I did that and it


does work that's awesome yeah I need to do that somewhere maybe that's why he thought it was the movie was supposed to be something else because you had an


alternative soundtrack he's pulling up the the drug house thing and it's wanted if you turn the sound


down on Wizard of Oz and as the credits start you play Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd The Music matches very


uniquely as a soundtrack for Wizard of Oz in a very bizarre way and as soon as the as soon as she walks out of the door


into color into Technicolor the the song Money starts yeah it's so it's you're


the cash register yeah yeah so it's supposed to be and then there's scenes


where they're talking and then you hear him laugh and then on the album he's laughing yeah it's a known thing we we


should try well they they reached uh they reached David Gilmore yeah David Gilmore's guitar player for Pink Floyd


and they go uh what's the deal with dark side of the moon lining up with Wizard


of Oz he goes I I don't know we wrote it to the sound of music yeah that sounds


like a perfect joke all right chair you're on okay I'll pass yeah


um I will say this I really like Robert Duvall sure yeah the National Treasure


yes well and he's a Clemson fan okay well there you go okay so he can't be all bad no


that's not bad or a Dabo fan I should say yeah the coach um I like Joaquin Phoenix and some


things but I've I realized watching this movie and it's probably the mumbling


that it hit me I'm I'm a bigger Donnie Wahlberg fan than I am a Mark Wahlberg


I've seen them in concert twice so recently or no years years when they


were still new well no they do the old guys on the Block yeah my cousin just went to their concert last year and I


was like I wish I'd gone with you um so yeah it's a pass like I said I


couldn't I couldn't understand what they were saying I should have put the yeah the


captions on I had the nightmare I just well the chase yeah yeah see if I went


to a New Kids on the Block concert I'm gonna have no device well that's fine


all right and our thoughts or whatever so I've got


two considers and two passes on this yeah so not great not great but


and I think well I think I don't know how many movies Joaquin had done but I mean I think his stock has only gone up


in following years I mean he's I just I think he's amazing well he he was good don't get me wrong no no I mean I was


his performance was more impressive I'm sorry to say it because I I thought I


really liked Mark Wahlberg but I didn't like him in this yeah I mean I


like Wahlberg but I don't know what his range is I would it seemed to me like this movie Mark Wahlberg was I don't


know phoning in is not the right word he's a professional I'm sure he shows up on time and does his best work but this


one like if you watch The Departed that is him yeah Full Tilt this one just didn't seem like that in the scene where


he gets shot and he's in the hospital and he's all wrapped up I don't even think that was Mark Wahlberg in the bed


like that didn't look it's like his face is also yeah was he I don't even know if he was even on set


during those times like he was gone it looked like him to me I don't know anyway I I don't know it was a 40 inch


TV 15 feet away so that's how I watch it I couldn't watch it on my big screen TV in the living room they were watching


Rock of Ages and I know I sound like a little old lady but I promised you any


movie that starts out with that kind of scene turns me off immediately I have


the exact opposite no I don't know and except for I will say the Bridesmaids


has a a funny scene that I keep forgetting that is the opening of her


and John Hamm yeah but yeah uh I'm sorry I'm just that way I just no


that's well it's definitely like a testosterone movie like it's a it's a


guy movie well I mean it's it's straight up uh you know uh the lifestyle right


um sex drugs yeah sex drugs uh yeah absolutely I mean I mean like you know


Rockstar like if you had all the money Fame and power you know I mean if


there's a reason that you know Bill Clinton was able to get chicks right I mean Volcan is a good looking guy


whatever but if you're in that lifestyle one of the perks is hot chicks man I'm sorry it's just a fact right you know


you sure about that I mean I've seen pictures I wouldn't know you know


but yeah so it's a definite visual of the lifestyle right yeah you know I


didn't ever I mean it could have been better you're not gonna show him living that lifestyle and he's sitting in the


chair drinking branding reading a book or whatever you know no it's just my opinion no no I hear you well movie


starts upstairs like oh this is trash [Music]


yeah yeah it is I said oh god there are certain levels of thought and in this movie she is


definitely at the Trashy hot level there is a trashy hot that is pretty hot you know cheerleader hot is one of them trashy


hot is another right you put a six in a cheerleader dress she's an eight I'm sorry Australian accent you're a five


you're an eight Australian accent plus three bumper right off the bat


Crush out cheerleader hot Australian hot probably cut this last part right out please do


okay nice all right is that it we've done I


think so okay uh all right we are out yeah I just want to say that was the one


scene that I did put my phone down yeah and I did watch but I think


story's a little wonky I think but he is skating right up to the edge of the


shark pool and I'm I'm kind of culturally enriched you guys I'm telling


you that's a good one so I had a different reaction is the


clock Chimes as he's walking out the door he's running out of time but even like I love that whole scene of like


once he you know that's one of the things that I did not like yeah now this I don't know who the stunt man was who


did this fall wow I think he becomes awake and aware of the stakes as as we


do yeah yeah I'm not going down that [ __ ] hallway and see but you have I'm saying feather right then and there
