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PC- 339 On Being Non-Partisan: Or how I learned to turn on my brain, and stop playing their fool’s game
Episode 33917th May 2024 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:11:13

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From Liberal to Realist: My Political Awakening and Obama's Role

Hello, Earnest Mann here! In this episode, I'm sharing my journey from being a staunch liberal to a more critical political thinker. It all started with Barack Obama, a man who inadvertently changed my views forever. I'm not here to preach about seeing the light or converting to conservative ideals, but rather to discuss the profound impact Obama's presidency had on me.

The Disillusionment with Obama's Presidency

I was disheartened by Obama's presidency because he did very little that was good and a lot that was bad. His second term earned him the nickname "Uncle Tom" in my book due to his corporate and military-industrial complex allegiances. Under his administration, more bombs and military equipment were produced than ever before, surpassing even Ronald Reagan.

The Real Issue: Corporate Control of Politics

The major political parties in the US, whether Democrat or Republican, serve corporate interests over those of the average American. This game of partisan politics is designed to distract and divide us. Meanwhile, our infrastructure crumbles, healthcare costs soar, and homeownership becomes unattainable for many young Americans.

A Call to Action

It's time to wake up and recognize that these partisan battles are a distraction. Let's focus on real issues and demand accountability from those in power. Only then can we hope to serve some real justice to the oligarchs controlling us.

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Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 I have a confession to make for many years I was an unabashed libtard drinking down the liberal Kool-Aid by the gallon and wouldn't dream of voting Republican then came the man that changed all that and when I say change you better believe it because that man was none other than Barack Hussein Obama and his form of change unintentionally changed me forever now before I go into a great tsunami style hate herang on Obama which I'm not sorry to disappoint I'm not going to go into some kind of Evangelical tirade style

00:50 of proclaiming how I have seen the light and have prostrated myself to the Church of Ronald Reagan and his idiotic Reagan omics I believed then as I still believe now that rean was the closest thing in modern history to having a fascist president and if you don't count Bush one who was far more intelligent than Reagan Bush to does not fall into this category because Bush's son George was and still is a complete imbecile now having said all that I will tell you as briefly as possible what Obama did to piss me off so much in

01:37 the shortest possible terms nothing and that was the entire problem he basically did nothing well let me reiterate just a bit he really did very little that was good mostly everything he did do was bad really bad now I don't want to sit here and nitpick eight years of the Obama Administration I lived through it that was bad enough and I'll just tell you my nickname for him especially through his second term Now by any Miracle a hardcore liberal or a woke person is listening to this I want to forewarn you

02:22 that you might want to cover your ears least your sensitivities cause your head to explode my nickname for Obama was Uncle Tom the reference being the main black character from the book Uncle Tom's Cabin for you youngans out there because I had never witnessed a president more of an absolute corporate ass kisser than Obama and in particular most thoroughly sucking the ass of the military industrial complex more bombs missiles and various other pieces of military equipment were manufactured and sold throughout the

03:03 world than from any other US president before or since and considering the war Monger that Ronald Reagan was that's a hell of an accomplishment there's an old political adage which states that a good politician is not only bought and paid for but stays bought and paid for and Barack Obama fit that description to an absolute te the bigger point I'm trying to make however is that neither of the major parties in America democrat or republican are in any meaningful way really whatsoever concerned with the

03:43 well-being of the average American citizen their respective interests are primarily to the corporations and the oligarchs that own them the interest or actual needs of the average American come in a distant second or third this game of partisan politics was designed specifically to keep two groups of people fighting and bickering amongst themselves over things which for the most part really don't matter anyway the sole purpose is just to keep the bickering itself a distraction so neither side will notice the giant red

04:27 white and blue flag that's being shoved up their ass continuously have any of you out there noticed how our infrastructure has gone to our Health Care system is an international criminal embarrassment and many Americans only option of going to Mexico to receive treatment for serious illness because the cost of treatment and or prescription medication is only one 100th or maybe even a thousandth of the cost here in the US or how about the fact that home ownership AKA The Great American Dream essentially is gone for this generation

05:15 of Young Americans who know that they don't have a snowballs chance in hell of being able to afford a home which is on average huffing somewhere around 250k while many of them are having to resort to the gig economy which is a youth theistic nice non-threatening term of describing young people that have to work their ass to death with often two or even three jobs just to make ends meet and that doesn't include purchasing a home in addition to that most working Americans don't even have enough money

05:57 in their checking or savings to cover a five $500 auto repair and don't even get me started on the real cause of inflation I just don't have the time in this episode and now a brief message for my sponsor you in my entire life I've never been a Salesman I've done many other things but never been a Salesman I suppose because I don't like and I don't like bullshitting others that kind of thing just ain't style being honest and direct is so if you're enjoying my show would you please

06:36 subscribe and click the notification Bell because it really does help my channel grow now just a brief word about something I use called tubebuddy the rumor I heard about tubebuddy is that it can make you a multi-millionaire in only 24 to 48 hours that is of course just a rumor but that's what I've heard but seriously I use it and it offers a hell of a lot of ways to help make your channel a success and it's easy to use so check out too buddy last but certainly not least if you want to throw a very appreciated few

07:18 bucks my way for a coffee or just to keep the lights on the links to my Kofi and my Affiliated Tu buddy are both in the description below and now let's get back to the show the last great President we had as far as I'm concerned was Eisenhower a republican but again it needs to be clearly understood that especially when compared to the time of Eisenhower those terms have become almost meaningless since the time of Eisenhower as far as business and capitalism is concerned this country many of its laws and certainly its tax structure has

08:05 inexorably moved far far to the right so far to the right as a matter of fact that the policies and social policies of Eisenhower or even Nixon for that matter would be considered left or far left by today's corporate controlled political standards I want to be clear though I'm not talking about the degeneration of society and social standards though it should be self-evident that much of which has been going on socially has been given a very free hand much of which I believe is a very bad idea the societal destructive power of woke

08:55 itself being a very good example I'll wrap this up with saying this speaking of noticing things in addition to the problems we are having with our ancient infrastructure as evidenced by frequent Bridge collapses and rolling power outages during both Peak summer and winter demand from old outdated systems which simply cannot handle the demand to a freight and passenger train system that would be an embarrassment to Bulgaria what about the tens of thousands of homeless people all across America that the government and yes it

09:40 is the government's responsibility to take care of those who can least take care of themselves it is to be by definition a legitimate government demonstrating care and compassion for its citizens hasn't seriously addressed this terrible issue for the last 30 or 40 years lastly you'll also notice the contradiction of how the government has pretty much remained silent and sat on its ask concerning the homeless crisis for all these years and essentially did nothing to combat it but there is no problem pursuing profit around the

10:26 world if there's a problem with Ukraine the Middle East or any other place in the world that the US government wants to stick its corporate fangs into all of the sudden the US can pull billions of dollars out of its ass for military aid or whatever other corporate con job it tells the American people by the way it it politely tells us doesn't sincerely ask or beg us it tells us what it plans to do oh yeah the house or the Senate may need to give approval for such a financial request but that's basically become a rubber stamp in other

11:13 words a nice soft polite language they're telling the American people to go yourself we're taking what we want which the last time I checked is exactly what the mob does so folks let's stop pandering to these corporate created dog and pony shows of partisan politics from such Outlets as Fox News and MSNBC by turning on our brains and stop playing their Fool's game then we can start a serving of some real Justice to the oligarchs who want to continue to control Us by keeping us divided until next Monday or Friday if

12:04 this ain't Earnest what is



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