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Becoming Better, with Patricia Campbell
Episode 3823rd May 2024 • Say YES to Your Soul • Tessa Lynne Alburn
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Join host Tessa Lynne Alburn and Patricia Campbell, highly successful entrepreneur author and mom, for an inspiring episode. Patricia shares her transformative journey, stemming from a dark period where she felt lost. Inspired by a moment with her daughter, she committed to personal growth. Through workshops and introspection, she aligned with her vision and soul's purpose, and embraced abundance. Despite plenty of fear, she discerned intuition from limiting beliefs, staying steadfast to her vision. 

Patricia stresses community support and advises women on sharing their vision wisely. She champions feminine energy's role in nurturing self and world. Celebrating newfound empowerment, she embodies love for life and shapes her desired reality.

Tessa’s Free Gifts: Get access to Tessa's Roadmap to a Soul-Connected Business and spice up your life with her Reignition Roadmap


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  • Understanding the role of personal dissatisfaction as a catalyst for transformation


  • The significance of being a positive role model for one's children and the motivation it can provide for personal growth


  • Explore various avenues for personal development, such as workshops, books, and seeking guidance from mentors

  • We need each other to evolve, to grow and develop our souls


  • Recognize the signs of alignment with one's true purpose, including feelings of expansion and aliveness


  • Overcome challenges such as fear and societal pressure to stay true to your vision and values - and not to succumb to the three Ds: Distraction, Delayment and Dissuasion

  • The significance of intuition in guiding your decision-making and distinguishing it from societal paradigms

About Patricia Campbell

Patricia Campbell is an award-winning coach, inspiring speaker, best-selling author, and wildly successful entrepreneur at the forefront of the movement to empower women. From a struggling single teenage mom to a millionaire entrepreneur, her determination has inspired women worldwide.

Sharing the vast wisdom accumulated over three decades of dedicated study in personal growth and transformation, she now facilitates programs and workshops for women to discover their infinite potential and create richly fulfilling businesses and lives.

Patricia’s Free Gift 

Connect with Patricia and receive her Free “Attract Abundance Now!” Ebook, here:

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Patricia’s book, Never Ever Give Up!: 8 Keys to Creating a Life You Absolutely Love is available for purchase here

* About the Host * 

Tessa Lynne Alburn is a soul connection business coach, author, podcast host and explorer. Tessa believes that every woman has the ability to learn to express their true voice, be heard, and fulfill their dreams.

Her mission is to help women entrepreneurs bring their ideas and authentic feminine voices into the world, so they make a real difference and receive compensation that reflects their brilliance!

Tessa’s Free Gift: Get access to Tessa's Roadmap to a Soul-Connected Business and Say YES to Your Soul! 

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May You Say YES to Your Soul.


Tessa (:

Hello there. I am really excited about our next guest today. She is an award-winning coach, an inspiring speaker, an international bestselling author, and a wildly successful entrepreneur at the forefront, literally at the forefront of the movement to empower women. And her name is Patricia Campbell. She went from a struggling single teenage mom to a millionaire entrepreneur. And her determination has inspired women worldwide, sharing the vast wisdom, accumulated over three decades of dedicated study in her own personal growth and transformation. She now facilitates programs and workshops for women to discover their infinite potential and to create richly fulfilling businesses and lives.


And I just wanted to mention her book. It is an international bestseller. It's called Never Give, uh, never Ever Give Up, never Ever Give Up. And it is on Amazon, if you wanna check that out. And, um, get some really juicy bits in there on life and growth. So, Patricia, I wanna welcome you to say Yes to your soul. Hi, Tessa. It is such a pleasure to be here. Oh, yay. I'm so glad we got connected through our mutual friend Julie Steelman. Just a quick little shout out to her. Love her so much. And you know, I know when Julie recommends somebody to me that, that they're a quality person, and certainly you are. You've been really doing your own work for years. You're an excellent coach, uh, with all kinds of wonderful background. But you, and you have a big story, and you're here to share like, the challenges of your life and to then also show or share with our listeners today, you know, what were some of those specifics that helped you to turn things around. So I'd love for you to just kick things off. I know you've got this handled.

Patricia (:

Thank you. Well, my life has been a journey. When you say, I have a big story, I, I guess yes, you could say that. I certainly have a story. I believe we all have a story, and I'm always thrilled to share my journey and my story with, uh, women to, um, inspire them to know that anything and everything is possible. And, and as, as my book says, when we never, ever give up. So it has, it's, it's been my honor and my privilege to support and mentor and coach brilliant women for now over 20 years, to create businesses that make a difference and to create lives they absolutely love living. However, it wasn't always this way. There was a time for me when I was 37 years old. I was, uh, not living a life that I loved at all. In fact, I hated my life.


I was twice divorced. I was living in a dingy, rented basement suite in East Vancouver. I was working at a job that I hated, and I was barely making enough money to make ends meet. And I felt lost. And there was a time when my teenage daughter was 16, and she was going through a tough time, and I, I, I really wanted to help her. And I'm her mom, she's my little girl, and I wanted to, I wanted to help, but I felt so lost myself that I didn't know how. And this one night was in August, this one night, she's 16 years old, and I reach out and I think I'm gonna give her this great life changing advice. I had no idea what I was gonna say. And what flew outta my mouth was, girl, if you don't smarten up, you're gonna end up just like me. Whoa. Uh, yeah, I couldn't breathe. I really could not breathe for a minute. And, and it floored me. And the other thing that happened was that it was, I, the voice that out of my mouth was I heard my mother's voice in my ear. And that really shocked me. And I thought, okay, how, what happened here? I, if I don't love this life that I'm living, if I don't want my daughter to end up like me, why am I living this life?

Tessa (:

Oh, I love that, Patricia. So you, , your frustration, and then you, you had this really great awareness. Oh my gosh, that's my mother's voice. Well,

Patricia (:

It exactly, it like

Tessa (:

Turned it around in that moment. This sounds beautiful.

Patricia (:

Well, it, you know, it, and it, you know, it, I wished I had turned it around quite that quickly. It was just my first awareness. I had to face myself that day, DESA. And I, I thought, okay, well, you know, I, I, I have no idea how to change this, but I want to lead the way for my daughter, but how do I lead her onto a path that I'm not even on myself? So what I did was that I, I vowed I made a commitment that whatever it was, that it would take however long it would take, I was willing to do whatever it was that I discovered had to be done to become a better version of myself so that I could role model for not only her, but I had a, a son. I had had my son. I was 16 when I got pregnant. My son was already had moved out of home when I was 37, and I wanted to be a better version of me. So that was my beginning of the journey onto, um, personal growth

Tessa (:

And Oh my goodness. Yeah.

Patricia (:

Well, and that was, so, I'm, I'm 70 now. So that day, that day, and for now over 30 years, I have committed myself to the journey of transformational, um, tation and personal growth. And so here I am.

Tessa (:

So I'm really curious, like when you were just choosing that, making that vow, like what was that like inside of you? Were you, were you feeling like you were connecting to something greater, or you were just like mad at yourself? Like, what was really going on? I was

Patricia (:

Terrified. I had, I, I just thought, because I felt so lost, I thought, I don't know where to start, and I don't know even what to do. But when I, once I made that commitment, then all of a sudden things began to show up and change. And at the time, I didn't really notice it. Looking back, I can now see that when we make that kind of a commitment to ourselves, that that things come out of the blue, all matter of things unforeseen, as we've probably

Tessa (:

All heard. Yes. The Paul and Jolly, uh, it's attributed to so many people. I can't e

Patricia (:

Exactly, yes. And so I got invited to a workshop for women, and it was all about relationships. And I thought, well, heaven knows twice divorced, uh, you know, I could use some help in relationships. So that's where I started. And that was the beginning. And it began to open up, uh, in me, some inner reflection, some deep soul searching. And so from there, I just, I began to read every single book that I could find. I went to every workshop, I took every seminar, every single thing that, that came my way that I could discover I participated in it. And it began, it began to change my life. I began to discover the, the tools on, okay, I'm gonna say self-awareness, who was I really, who did I want to be? And how do I become that woman?

Tessa (:

Oh, I like that a lot. So you said something about this workshop came up and you're like, oh, I could use some help. And when I heard you say that, I just was like, oh, yes, you like, had this, your commitment was so strong that you were willing to say, I need help and I'm gonna be open to it. And then you began to just continue to open up. And I think what happens a lot of the times when somebody's on a spiritual journey, and you, you hadn't really been on a big spiritual journey at that point, but I think the same thing can apply even when one has been, you know, one has gone to workshops and done meditations and this, that and the other. There's like a, a place like I call it a plateau, where then nothing else is really happening, right? There's a stagnation. And so even though yours, this was like the kickoff for you, I think it still applies to the audience that we have here that has been on a journey and they're just kind of, you know, going along and not continuing to open and continuing to soul search. And I love how you made that vow, that commitment to be better and to be a great role model for your daughter, because that's what probably helped you to really anchor to continuing to open up.

Patricia (:

Absolutely. It it, and, and it was, and I believe that change happens only in a couple of ways. And one of the ways is the, there is a catalyst. We get a little bump from the universe, something happens, and there, there is an incident. And so we, we reached that moment of decision as it was for me, because I hadn't been on a path that came later for me, however. And so I'd heard you mention that, uh, the listeners today, you know, are, or maybe, you know, they're, they're, they're, they're hearing that, or they're maybe, maybe, and I know a lot of the women that I work with, it's that we're at a certain place in our life and there is a bit of a pla plateau, or we are wanting to do some deeper discovery at certain stages of our life. That did come later for me after I had made some changes.


I, I reached a place that I would call a plateau, and things were okay, but there was still something missing and I didn't know what it was. And that's when I took even a deeper dive. And I, I started to connect more. I'm gonna say I connected, um, um, more deeply, um, spiritually. I believe that if there's, if there's ever anything that's missing, the answer always is a deeper spiritual connection. So that's where I went next. And then I, that's where I really began to discover the, the, the, the most powerful tools for transformation, for creating a life that you absolutely love. And that's, that it was then that I really took it upon myself to make it my mission, to help other women really discover how do you create a life you absolutely love living, where you wake up every single day and say, man, I love my life. What's coming today? So

Tessa (:

Yes. That's beautiful. And, okay, so you're on this journey. Like at some point you got, you had enough cataclysm, uh, catalyst to get you going into this forward motion. 'cause you realized your choices and, and you needed to stay strong to your commitment as you began to learn these tools and to connect more deeply spiritually. Like, what started happening in your own identity, and who was it that you beca started to become?

Patricia (:

Well, I'm still on that journey, so let me just say that , I believe we all are, I think it's like nature. It's the trees. We never stop growing until, until it is, uh, the end, uh, of, of this time on this earth. So what started to happen was I really began to realize that. And, and I've come to believe firmly that we are all spiritual beings having this human experience. And so when I, when I started to look at, you know, I, I look at what I teach women now, it's that let's have a look at, you know, where are you now and where do you want to go? Those are really the only, the most, you know, two important questions, I believe. And then, who is the woman that I had to become to, to get to that place? And what's the gap that's in the middle of that? And I started to really examine and study how does that happen? And how do I empower that part of me that is my soul, that my heart and my soul, that that infinite side of me and not, and not be at the effect of my, of that part of me that is human, that's on this human journey that's had those experiences, that has doubts and fears and worry and limiting beliefs and paradigms.

Tessa (:

so you understood the value of really staying connected to your soul, so that when you were in your human, in your humanity, that it wouldn't like overtake you.

Patricia (:


Tessa (:

And how did you know you were connecting with your soul, Patricia?

Patricia (:

Now that is a great question. How do we know when we are connecting with our soul? Well, for me, it, i, I know that I am connecting with my soul when I feel fully alive, when I, I am loving my life. And I just, there's that, that, that feeling of aliveness. And I know that this is for me personally, because I've had the other experience where I felt I would call it, um, I don't, I wouldn't say I was ever really depressed, but I would sure say I was down. I felt negative. I felt just flat. Life was not exciting or fun. And I've come to believe, and I've had the experience that when, that even, even designing a life, I would love even thinking about it. It's the answer, oh, how do I know that that's the right vision for me? Is because it makes me come alive. It makes me feel passion. So it's really a, a feeling of aliveness that, that I feel and experience.

Tessa (:

I really wanna know more about how, what that's like for you. Um, what is it? Because sometimes I think we can get in our head around like what aliveness is supposed to feel like, or, you know, am I supposed to be like, wake up with a giant smile on my face? Like, what is it, what was it for you? How do you know you're feeling aliveness?

Patricia (:

Well, that's a really great question. So for me, it's, uh, and I think it, I, I think you're right. I don't think one size fits all. It's just for me is what, just what gave me a sense of, for me, it was a feeling of expansion. Mm-Hmm. . So, um, for me, I, if I can look at the way, you know, I look at that was then, and this is now, when I was not in my soul, when I was not in my heart, often I would feel a sense of contraction, of smallness playing small. When I'm in, when I'm feeling that sense of aliveness, I feel expansion. So I always say that, um, if I'm looking at where would I love to be, what is the vision that I have for whether it's the next month, the next year, the next three years of my life, does it, does it have me feel expansive or does it have me feel contractive?


So there's that, I, I will call it a comparison, really pausing and saying, which is the feeling that has, my feeling of aliveness comes in a way where I get some excitement in my belly. My chest sort of feels like it opens up a bit and I notice that my body relaxes, but I just feel more even excited about, oh, I would love that. So then that becomes my north star is yes, is what I'm going to choose, is what I'm going to take action on. Is that aligned with that north star of what I've declared is my, is my, for me, I call it a vision. I believe that we either live by design, so we design that which gives us that feeling, and then that's the north star. So the actions that we take, the thoughts we think, the choices we make, they're aligned with that north star, or they're not. And we're back into that default, which is the contraction and the paradigms and the anything but aliveness often.

Tessa (:

Yes. Oh, I'm so glad you brought this up, because here's the, here's the thing that I wanna draw out of you. So there you are, you're in the expansive state, and for, for other people it might be something else, right? Like maybe they're tingly, or they feel light, or they just feel buoyant or whatever it is. And, and you're, you're like, okay, that's my way to know. I'm on track. I know when I'm feeling expansive and not contracted that I am heading in the right direction. But what happens when fear comes in or you get a little scared, you're like, oh, you know, 'cause bridging that gap can be a little daunting sometimes. How do you know the difference and not just like, pull yourself back into places of safety?

Patricia (:

Well, I think it's inevitable that it, it is going to happen because I, I work with the universal laws, and I think there is the law of gravity. And I, I firmly believe that our paradigms do try and give us the fear to yes, go back, to keep us safe, to keep us small. It, even though we don't love that feeling of, of contraction or perhaps being where we're at. That's, that's maybe not as alive or not as thrilling as what we, uh, envision that we could have or do want. That it, it, it pulls us back to that. So it's really learning to, um, to listen to and empower that vision that we have of who we would love to become where we want to be. And learning to not listen to the voice of the paradigm that creates the fear. 'cause the paradigm will always speak to us with fear, doubt and worry. But our soul speaks to us in a different way. It's like, it's our intuition. How do we know? Is it our intuition that's calling us to step forward into this? Or is it fear, doubt and worry? Intuition is calming it, it has a different voice. And if we can learn to identify it, it doesn't speak to us with fear. Um, so however, it doesn't, it doesn't mean if I'm answering you correctly, it still, it doesn't mean that there's not going to be some fear because we are stepping out of our comfort zone.

Tessa (:

Exactly. But there's a difference. So you, you're on this journey and you're able to experience the fear and go deeper and connect to your soul to that calmer place.

Patricia (:


Tessa (:


Patricia (:

And the other thing I I wanna say though, Tess, is 'cause you a, you do raise such a good question, and this is, it's not an easy thing. So if, if, you know, I mean, I would've, what I've written in my book may talk about it. And if it were as easy as, as reading somebody's book and saying, oh, good, that's it. Let me, it's like I'm just going to, you know, eat the magic cookie and here I go. It's, it, it isn't easy. It takes, um, I, I believe that it takes a community. I I love what you do because I do not believe that we can become our best self by ourselves. It requires, it requires, um, community and someone to believe in our dreams. When that fear does get loud, it believes in it, it requires encouragement. There are so many elements to it. It's, it's, uh, it's a, it's a journey and it can be complex.

Tessa (:

Yes, absolutely. Uh, that's beautifully said. So what I'm gonna highlight here for the listeners, 'cause so many of you, I know you so well, like, you set out to do something and then, you know, something comes up, it gets a little scary, and you start to judge yourself and say, you know, I don't have it yet. I still have to work on this. It's hard. And, and then you might wind up back in the, um, human effect, both Patricia and I just wanna encourage you to keep connecting to your soul. Listen to that intuition and that kind soft voice. So Patricia,

Patricia (:


Tessa (:

I know one of the things that you, you've got for the listeners today is, is this beautiful, um, gift of affirmations around abundance. And so I would love for you to, uh, expound a little bit on how the soul saying yes to your soul connects you to abundance.

Patricia (:

How saying yes to your soul connects you to abundance. Well, I believe the soul is, i is limitless. I think the infinite side of us is a limitless, which, which is full of abundance. And I can really speak mostly to my experience, Tessa, which is that when I say yes and I feel that expansion there, then that in itself is a, is abundance. When I say no, I pull back, I contract and that's not abundant.

Tessa (:

Yes. And I love this . This is really getting into some particular share. So what do, what happens when we need to say no? Like there's certain things we need to say no to. So how do we figure that out? Or how do you figure that out? 'cause I know you wanna talk from your own place today.

Patricia (:

That's a again, great question. Well, for me, the way is that we, it, it starts way back at the beginning is, is and my experience was that I was living my life by default. It's why we all, I believe that we all have a pattern that runs us. When I began to become aware of that, that I was living my life by default, when I eventually learned that, well, if I don't wanna live by default, the same old thing over and over again, same results, then what I had to do was design a life that I would love and design the woman that I would love to be. And so that's what I have discovered that successful people do. And now when I have to say no to something, the way that I know is that my vision is in align with, is in alignment with my soul, my soul's purpose, what makes my soul come alive. And if any choice I'm about to make is not in alignment with that vision, that's when I know that it's time to say no to it. Although it might be, we get some women in business, we get, um, we get attracted by what I call juicy opportunities. But that really



Tessa (:

for sure. There's lots of shiny opportunities, juicy, shiny opportunities out there. Um, I love this. So that's the really, the distinction is knowing that, really trusting that you are in alignment with your vision and your soul and really knowing what that feels like inside you. For you, it's your, that expansive state of aliveness. And if there's a choice that, that isn't resonating with that, then then it's to the highest good of your soul to say no.

Patricia (:

Yes. And it's not always easy because there are temptations that are, and our paradigm, our paradigms will actually present us with opportunities to pull us off track. Or our paradigms speak to us in three, in three ways. I think it's three Ds. We get distracted, we get dissuaded. We, we, we get convinced to delay. Do it tomorrow. So it, it's, it's, it's, we're on this, it's the duality that, and we're either gonna follow the soul or we're gonna follow that human part of us that wants to stay perceivably safe. And in our So-called comfort zone, even if it's not comfortable

Tessa (:

. Exactly. It's more that it's the known comfort zone. Exactly. Right. So it it, it fakes us out. Yeah. It's an illusion. But I love, I love that. So the duality, three Ds are a distraction dissuasion and delayment and I, I, this is so cool that you brought up dissuaded. 'cause I think it's one of the lesser , um, recognized problem areas, right? But we, we encounter it all the time. And I'm, I'm curious if you've ever encountered this in your work with women or even on your own journey, where somebody was like, oh, I know what my vision is. I'm, they're connecting to it. And then they go and run out and they tell their friends or their family, and then before you know it, they are being pulled back into the crab pot or dissuaded from their dreams.

Patricia (:

Absolutely. It happens all the time. I always say, be so careful who you share your vision with, because not everybody is going to get it. They're not gonna be behind it. And then there are people that, that, that may not even want us to achieve that level of success or happiness, whatever it is. And so there is that dis persuasion. Like we could, we could have a whole podcast on this one and how that work. Yes,

Tessa (:

We could,

Patricia (:

But Right, and, and, and with women, I mean the, uh, you know, our culture has for, for forever been one of, uh, scarcity and competition. So not every woman wants us to win. That's not attractive to look at or think about, but it's been my experience being bullied in school as a, as a young girl and a teenager. Mm-Hmm. . And then not only that, but there's our own dis persuasion. I mean, there are many times, Tessa, I haven't even had to have somebody else talk me out of what my vision is. I do it before they ever get the chance, or, or that it's, we, we have a dream, we have an idea, and then, and then it, it doesn't happen right away, or it doesn't happen soon enough. And then the voice of paradigm says to us, well, it's not happening anyway. Why bother? Why, why keep going to the gym? Why keep trying to build the business? Why keep wanting the love of your life? Whatever it is, because it's not happening. So why bother it? It, it is part of the reason why, again, the name of the book is Never Ever Give Up.

Tessa (:

That's what I was just gonna say. That's why you wrote that book. Yes. Yes. This is a key part of you, your gift to the world and your purpose of bringing this forward more and more.

Patricia (:

You know? It is, it is. Because the reason is that, and I, um, I tell my personal story much in a much, uh, deeper manner in the book, but it was my mom's favorite expression was I give up. And in the end, I'm sad to say that she did give up. She left the planet far too young, and she's one of my greatest, you know, reasons for, for me staying on the journey, her and, and my children being a, a role model. 'cause I found myself, I, I deal a lot with what is, what are the unconscious patterns that we have that either create success or not? And I heard myself, all of a sudden, it's like I became aware of, of noticing what I'm noticing. And I heard myself saying, oh, I give up. And I went, oh, no. Oh, yeah. So it it

Tessa (:

Got some hurt in your heart. It

Patricia (:

Did. It did. It did.

Tessa (:

Yeah. I'm glad you figured that out. Oh, me too. And, and I'm sort of curious if we had the same mother across the dimensions, no, she would never give up for anybody else. She gave up for herself a lot. Right. And I think that's common. That's what we're programmed as women to do, is to give it up for the rest of the family or for your siblings, or for your, for your mom when you're eight years old, you know, go help your mom with this, that, or the other. And then pretty soon we're trained to become mothers. Whether we do or not, there's still an intri, uh, uh, programming around what that means and how we're meant to take care of others by putting what we need. Not even second, but probably most of the time last if we even are encouraged to look at it at all.


So this is, these are big things for us. And, you know, in order for our world to heal, this is one of the reasons I'm here, you know, doing this and bringing this podcast forward is it's clear that there is a need for more feminine energy. And I'm not talking about a bunch of girls sitting around filing their fingernails, but to like, bring in the deeper, bigger nurturing for the planet where we, where we set boundaries, where we say, no, we don't need that other building, or what we need first is food for this community, things of that nature. Yes,

Patricia (:


Tessa (:

So that's part of, I think, our awakening as women and coming together to be in our feminine and have more power. And so, okay, so Patricia, I could go off, like there are clearly a whole bunch of topics we could , spin yarns on, but I am curious, what, what would you say kind of this idea of the identity, who are you now that is so exciting to you that you never could have even imagined being defined as

Patricia (:

What a potent question, Tessa. Well, I am a woman who absolutely loves my life. And I never thought, at one point in my life, I never thought I would be able to say that. I also am a woman who knows that I have the power in me to create whatever it is that I truly desire, as long as I stay connected spiritually connected to other women who, who will up uplift me and who will help me see the best of me when I can't see it in myself.

Tessa (:

Oh, oh, you just made me tear up . Um, yes. Mm-Hmm. , that's so beautiful. I am so grateful that you could be here today to help uplift other women to, to bring some fun and excitement into my life today. I just really enjoyed our conversation, Patricia and I wanna make sure that everyone knows how they can connect with you and receive your, your gifts. So please go ahead and share that information.

Patricia (:

Thank you. Yes. Uh, the easiest way is my website and it's patricia And there's a link to the, um, I have a, a beautiful co-created, um, book on affirmations to attract abundance easily. My my book is on there if you would like to by that. And I, I often offer free, uh, vision workshops and the links will be on there as well. So Patricia is my website.

Tessa (:

That's lovely. All right, great. Patricia Campbell with two Ls. And, um, check out her Patricia's book of affirmations is gonna be at least as lovely as she is. And, you know, who knows what kind of abundance, right? Like, think outside the box ladies, think outside the old paradigm, the types of abundance you could be creating in your life, and the excitement, and the aliveness and the joy. Thanks again, Patricia, for being here today and sharing so openly and beautifully with the audience. And ladies, I wish you an abundant, loving, and soul connected life. Bye-Bye for now.



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