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093 This Abraham Hicks Technique Will Make You Unstoppable
Episode 93 โ€ข 2nd December 2024 โ€ข A Changed Mind | Mindset That Matters โ€ข David Bayer
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In this episode of "A Changed Mind," our host David Bayer explores the transformative power of desire and non-resistance in achieving personal goals.

Drawing from the teachings of Abraham Hicks, David introduces the equation: desire plus non-resistance equals desired result. He emphasizes that understanding and applying this principle can lead to profound changes in health, wealth, relationships, and more. Listeners are encouraged to embrace this mindset, letting go of limiting beliefs and resistance, to unlock their full potential and create a life of abundance and fulfillment.


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What We Explored This Episode

06:07 Desire and Non-Resistance

24:31 Identifying and Overcoming Resistance

36:13 Abraham Hicks' Five-Step Process

Memorable Quotes

"Human beings were born to create something from nothing, to translate what was once just a thought or an idea into a fully manifested material reality."
"Desire plus non-resistance equals desired result. If you have a desire and are non-resistant to it, consistently and predictably, you will produce the desired result."
"The universe is never trying to take away from you. It's an iterative process, helping you fine-tune and calibrate the desires that you have."

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David Bayer:

Heavenly equation is desire plus non resistance equals desired result. What Abraham basically says is step one is desire and you're already doing it. And what Abraham says is you're doing it in response to the things that you don't like in your life. We only know what we want because we brush up against these experiences that we don't like. But that's the way that we're able to sift and sort through all the information. Because we're in a co created reality where lots of people have lots of different preferences and we're bumping up against all those different preferences. And it doesn't mean that you have to hang out with something that you don't like. In fact, it's helping you get clear on what you really do want. And so step one, as spoken by Abraham, is you experience contrast or things that you don't like, but your nervous system sends off a rocket or a flare of desire every time it happens. Welcome to A Changed Mind. A journey into the topics that matter to you most. From the neuroscience and spirituality of mindset and personal growth, to groundbreaking strategies for health, wealth and relationships, to open and honest conversations about pressing global issues such as the environment, censorship, corporate capture and democracy. Each and every episode reminds us of the certainty of the goodness of the future and provides the teachings, tools and timeless wisdom inspiring you to create real, lasting change in your life and in the world. If you've been desiring A sanctuary for your spirit. A place to go to tune out the distraction, negativity and doom and gloom so that you can tap into the deep power, the vibrancy and the potential you have inside. You're in the right place. Welcome to A Changed Mind. Hey, it's David. Welcome back to A Changed Mind. A sanctuary for your spirit. A place where each and every episode I remind you of the certainty of the goodness of the future. I'm your friend, your host, your guide, David Bayer. There is one quality that separates the human being from all other species on the planet. And when you understand that you have within you this secret skill, this magical capability, it has the potential to transform your life in ways that you cannot possibly comprehend today. More money, more health, more authority, more influence than you could ever possibly imagine. And just as fish were born to swim and birds were born to fly, human beings were born to create something from nothing. To translate what was once just a thought or an idea into a fully manifested material reality. To turn nothing into something. And whether it's millions of dollars in your bank account, a thriving business, a private jet, a Soulmate, a healed body. You have the ability, using the power of your mind to reshape and sculpt your reality with absolutely no limit to what you can or cannot create. And in this episode, I'm going to share with you a process by which you can turn your thoughts into things. Only a handful of people truly understand how this works. And after this episode, you are going to be one of them. And so I'm going to share with you an equation. And it is foundational to understanding how to create your reality. And the equation is this desire plus non resistance equals desired result. Well, what does this mean? What it means is that if you want to create any desired result in your life, any type of change, if you want a problem to go away or you want to create something that you want, the key to it is to have the desire and then to be a non resistance 100% of the time, consistently, predictably, if you're able to achieve that, you will produce the desired result. Now this is very good news because what it means is that the equation for creating success in the world does not. Desire plus hustle and grind equals desired result or desire plus control your circumstances and situation and ensure that everything goes your way in order to produce a desired result. Those first two actually sound like a formula for burnout. It is not. Desire plus have enough time or have enough money or be born in a first world country equals desired result. That's good news because what that means is that there's no limitation that can prevent you from achieving your desires. It is not. Desire plus be part of the lucky birth club or desire plus have enough social media followers or desire plus be the smartest person in the world equals desired result. That is not what this law says. What this law says is that if you have a desire, no matter what it is, a healed body, more money, more clarity, spiritual connection, a grown business, a family, a frictionless life, whatever your desire is and you add to that non resistance, meaning you are not in resistance to the desire that you have 100% of the time, consistently and predictably, you will produce the desired result. Now, I'm going to unpack this more deeply with you. In this episode we're going to talk about, well, what is this non resistance? What is the resistance and how do we transform it? So right off the bat, when we talk about desire plus non resistance equals desired result and the goal is to have a desire and then be non resistant, let's acknowledge that the first part, you've already got down pretty good. You've Got a whole portfolio of things that you want, that you've accumulated over the course of your life as a result of experiencing things you don't want. You've got a whole backlog of desires. Every time you experience financial insecurity, you've got a desire for more money, don't you? Every time you experience someone being mean to you or saying things to you that they shouldn't and feeling like you're not good enough, you've got a desire for self confidence and self esteem, don't you? Every time you have friction in your relationship, you have a desire for more peace and passion and compassion, don't you? Every time you see these tragedies and travesties in the world, you have a desire for a different world. A world where perhaps there is no war, there is no manipulation, there is no conflict, there is no division. So you've been going through your entire life building a massive catalog of desires and those desires have not gone anywhere. In fact, those desires have been sitting there waiting for you to be non resistant to them in order to materialize themselves into your reality, no matter what they are.

Now some people confuse this conversation for that movie the Secret. It was like a documentary on Law of Attraction and then the book came out years later where they think that they can just have desires and then all of a sudden the Amazon delivery guy is going to deliver a million dollars to their front door or their soulmate or that their health is going to magically be transformed within 24 hours. That's not what I'm suggesting. There will be action that you must take. Thought alone will not produce the result that you want. And so we will look back on your achievement of some desired result and we will see what you would have done to produce the result. I had a desire years ago, my wife and I, when we did our first event, to have 300 people at our first powerful living experience live. That was the desire. The game we played was not necessarily to figure out how, but to be non resistant, to identify the limiting beliefs and the fears and the doubts that we had and to use the tools that we had developed to eliminate those doubts and fears. And then the byproduct of that was having the right thoughts and having the right emotions and taking the right action to produce not 300 but 330 people at our first live event. And so you'd look at that and say, yeah, but Dave, you took action. And I'm saying, yes, action is a very important part of turning something or turning nothing into something. Taking an Idea and making it alive. And behavioral psychology tells us this. Behavioral psychology really maps the invisible to the visible when it says, hey, what you believe. These core programs that you developed at a very young age, you think on a moment by moment basis. And whatever you think in the moment, you feel the vibration of the neural networks that have become active in your brain, that represent the thought, then have a ripple effect throughout your nervous system, and you experience that thought as an emotion. And emotions determine what action you take. If you're feeling anxious and overwhelmed, it might look like you're in some form of inaction, huddled on the sofa, or going for an extra cup of coffee or distracting yourself. But if you're feeling joy and curiosity and inspiration, you'll be taking productive action towards your desired outcome as you take actions. Actions over time produce results. And those Results will be 100% in alignment with the beliefs that started them. So if you believe you're not good enough, those are the results you produce in your life. If you believe you live in a friendly, loving and prosperous universe, those are the results. And that will be your experience. If you believe that your soulmate is out there, you will find them. If you believe there's no good ones left, you will be left alone for the rest of your life or be in a relationship with somebody who you'd prefer not to be in a relationship with. So it's important to understand that action is a part of it, but action is a byproduct of emotion. Emotion is a byproduct of thought, and thoughts are byproduct of beliefs. And so when we go back to this equation of desire plus non resistance equals desired result, what we're saying is have a desire, know what you want, which you already do in so many ways. You know what you want, don't you? Think about one thing that you want right now in your life. And if you can't think about one thing that you want, think about that one thing you really don't want to have anymore. And whatever the opposite of that is, is what you want. I really don't want to be in physical pain. Do you want to be comfortable in your body? I really don't want to be worried that I don't have enough money to pay my rent at the end of the month. Got it. Then what you want is financial abundance and prosperity. I really don't want this job that I have. Okay, got it. Then you want a new career, you want to start your own business, but you know what you want? Desire plus non resistance, meaning not Having any belief systems or any stories that are counterproductive or oppositional to the desire equals desired result. 100% of the time, you are a human being again. Just as birds were made to fly and fish were made to swim, you were meant to create, to materialize into the world, to bring into physics or into reality that which was once just an idea. That is the unique quality of a human being. So you might say, yeah, but Dave, there are constraints, aren't there, to this? I mean, this can't simply apply to everything. What if I want to make more money, but I don't have my own business? I get this question a lot, especially on my Money episodes on this channel. What if I want to make more money but I don't have my own business? Well, who said you have to have your own business to make more money? What's the desire to have more financial prosperity and abundance? Got it. So what's the resistance? Well, the resistance is believing that you have to have your own business in order to have more financial prosperity and abundance. No wonder you're stuck. Because the equation is desire plus non resistance. So all you need to do is have the desire and inventory your inner dialogue and see where you're throwing up roadblocks where perhaps none need to be thrown up. Now, you could further debate with me. Yeah, but Dave, don't I need to know the how? Don't I need to know how I'm going to make more money? And on other episodes I've talked about how. No, the how is what keeps most people stuck. You don't need to know the how. How you make more money without having your own business is not your decision to make. That is information that exists in the field. It is part of what you could refer to as God's will. Let God figure out the how and let God give you the how. But you get insights and optics into how you might be able to achieve any type of outcome, no matter how big or how impossible it may seem, by doing two things. Number one, making sure that you have the desire or decide you have to decide that you want to make more money regardless of your current career or business situation, and then be non resistant. And when you can exist in that space, there will be hunches, synchronicities, coincidences that show up thoughts that you have. You could get a promotion in your career, make an extra 30, $40,000 a year, and then find an investment opportunity through a series of circumstances and synchronicities that allow you to put money to work to make an extra million or $2 million through investments. There's an infinite number of ways that you can become financially prosperous and abundant. But if you cut yourself off from all of those possibilities by believing number one, that you need to know the how, and believing number two, that you have to have a business in order to achieve financial prosperity and abundance, well now you're in the equation. Desire plus resistance equals not the result that I want. And oh, by the way, I see so many people commenting, but I don't have a business. Well, why don't you become available to a business? How about you just decide that you're going to let the universe or God or Jesus or Allah figure out the how for you through the thoughts that you are given and the things that show up in your life and be open to maybe starting your own business rather than sitting over here. But it's never going to work out for me. Dave, I love your other videos. You tell business owners how to become financially prosperous and abundant. But I don't have a business. So desire plus oh poor me equals still broken. I'm telling you, this equation works 100% of the time. But it's so subtle because so many of the things that we think we believe are fact. I have to have a business in order to become financially prosperous and abundant. Not true. I've told a story in another episode that while I had a business, I actually made a decision after reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, that I was going to generate $60,000 in additional income from a source that could have nothing to do connected with my business. Why? Well, because I realized I had limited how much I thought I could actually make based on my business. And I was like, well, my God is a God of possibility. Is my God restricted to generating income and wealth for me from my business? And so I played this game and through a series of synchronicities, I met a guy at a lunch who really enjoyed me sharing my recovery. In 12 step. He stopped drinking for a couple of months, invited me to go have lunch with him. I drove the two hours to Tampa. Some guys were pitching him on an investment opportunity in an area where I had expertise. And. And the guy invited me in as a partner in this investment. And at the end of the year, we cashed out of the investment. I got $60,000 back exactly the amount of money that I decided I was going to make from a source of income that had nothing to do with my primary business. So we can make miracles on demand if we get out of our own way. You Say, but what if I want to improve my relationship and my partner won't work on it? Well, let's go back to the equation. What is it? Desire plus non resistance equals desired results. So what's your desire? Well, your desire is that you want to have an amazing relationship with your partner, but you're in resistance. You're not in non resistance. What's the resistance? Well, my partner won't work on it. Then how can it be possible? Well, here again, why don't you turn it over to a God of possibility. What if you operated with the desire of having an amazing relationship with your partner and then you could operate in non resistance, non resistance when they triggered you, non resistance when there was friction, non resistance when things weren't going the way that you expected it to, and instead you held a loving presence with a knowingness that the process of your relationship turning into the relationship of your dreams was unfolding. And anytime it seemed like it wasn't, that was just a blip in the system and you had to just kind of hold your loyalty through it and stay faithful 100% of the time. If your desire is to be in an amazing relationship with your partner and you can maintain that non resistance, you'll get the desired result. Your partner will start to see how they are behaving when you're no longer triggered in the space with them, when you're no longer angry or frustrated that things are not going to change, when you're no longer getting upset based on your own unprocessed and unmetabolized trauma when they do things. And if you can actually remove your triggers from your relationship now your partner has the opportunity to see their trigger instead of yours. This is what we call loving presence. But again, it goes back to the same idea. Desire plus non resistance equals desired result. If you have a desire to improve your relationship, I don't care how long it that's been going on in a way that you do not prefer or who the person is. No, Dave, you don't understand. You don't understand my husband, you don't understand my wife. No, you don't understand the laws, you don't understand the mathematics. Desire plus non resistance equals desired result. Now that doesn't mean that as you get all excited with your new desire and committing to non resistance and taking a look at your limiting beliefs, that shit's not going to show up in ways that you didn't expect it to. And that's where you'll get triggered again. You'll move back into resistance and our work is to become aware of it and then try to do the practice better next time. But Dave, what if I want to do all these things, hobby, take care of myself, kids, date night, but there's not enough time. Like you don't understand my life. I have a desire, but I can't do all these things. I would say, look, let's go back to the equation. Desire plus non resistance equals desired result. What's your desire? Well, to have time to do the important things in my life. Okay, well, what's the resistance? I don't have enough time. Look at my life now here you may be misunderstanding that the way you're running your life right now has a base efficiency, but that efficiency can be changed. The kids can behave differently. Things that took a certain amount of time can take a different amount of time. Your whole life can reconfigure and will reconfigure around a decision that you want to have more in your life and do more in your life and have a more balanced life. And efficiency will set in if you allow it to. But it can't as long as you're resistant. That's why desire plus non resistance equals desired result. It's amazing. Since I've had My son, my 2 year old child, and I made a decision that he was going to come first, not my business, how much my business has exploded, how much more my team is coordinating and doing things efficiently, how partners are showing up, how opportunities are showing up. Because I didn't sacrifice my desire for a multimillion dollar transformational company for my son. I wanted to have them both. And so I made the decision and I looked at my limiting beliefs and my resistance around it. And I did the work. I used the tools that we talk about on so many other episodes on this channel to start to clear out my misperceptions so that I could allow possibility to exist in my life again. Desire plus non resistance equals desired result. Oftentimes we get stuck in the how. But how am I going to do this? How am I going to find the time? How am I going to make the money? How am I going to improve my relationship? And it's very important that you set aside the how for right now. Because the how is not a thing that you figure out. You cannot see the how from a place of trying to see the how from a place of doubt or desperation. You actually find the how from the decision that something will be. You decide within the context of understanding that what you decide becomes your reality. Especially when you're playing the game of non resistance. And as you do that, as you decide that I don't need to know how, but I'm going to be rich, I'm going to be healthy, I'm going to be connected, I'm going to be clear, I'm going to be happy. Then that starts to call forth new thoughts and new ideas from the field. You start to have access to new thoughts and ideas. You start to see life differently, you start to find opportunities where before you found limitation. And because you're vibrating at the frequency of a person who is achieving this desired result rather than someone who's resistant to it, you start to create coincidences and synchronicities and attract all kinds of people, circumstances and situations that help you materialize. What you'll look back on and say, this was the how, this was the game plan, Dave. This is how I actually accomplish this. But the irony is you can't figure it out from looking forward, you can only see it looking backwards. And so you have to know that the how is a byproduct of the decision and the willingness to take steps forward, to take steps by faith. The how is the byproduct of desire and non resistance. And so what decision do you take? Well inspired action. You're going to have thoughts, you're going to have ideas, things that you could do in order to produce more income, things that you could do in order to deepen your spirituality. Some of them will be conscious, some of them will be unconscious. You'll just happen to be flipping through YouTube and you'll find a video like this one, or someone will say to you, you know, you should think about doing this thing, or you'll show up at a place where you'll meet someone who's exactly the person you needed to meet. And you do that as a result of holding the desire, which is also deciding and being non resistant, which entails not needing to know the how. And this is actually the process of you becoming the person who will achieve the outcome, who will have the how unfold inside of them. Because as you become the person, you tune into the how and you tune into the plan. John D. Rockefeller, one of the greatest industrialists of our time, in the face of elimination, because Thomas Edison had invented the light bulb, Rockefeller believed he was ordained by God to bring light to the world. And he had decided he was going to become the most powerful wealthiest man in the world. And then here, all of a sudden, all this industry that he had built up, becoming the kerosene baron of the World, literally bringing light to the world was at risk because a guy by the name of Edison built a light bulb. Well, that didn't deter Rockefeller. Rockefeller was operating with desire plus non resistance equals desired result. His desire was to become one of the most powerful, richest people in the world. And just because Edison was designing the light bulb, that wasn't going to throw off the equation. The mathematics is the mathematics. And so Rockefeller stayed non resistant as he navigated through this unexpected conflict or contraction in what he was creating. And it turned out there was another guy who came along by the name of Henry Ford. And Henry Ford had invented this vehicle called the Model T. And the Model T required this thing called gasoline. And gasoline was, lo and behold, the byproduct that was thrown off and discarded of all of the kerosene that Rockefeller was previously selling to light lights or lanterns all around the world. Edison shows up and eliminates kerosene, Henry Ford shows up, and now all of a sudden, John D. Rockefeller became the greatest energy and oil baron in the history of the world. So it's important that we navigate through these contractions while not dismissing the equation. See what resistance is coming up for you in the moment and use whatever tools you have to disarm yourself of the resistance. Because 100% of the time, if you have a desire, if you could be non resistant through the power of thoughts and ideas and emotions and action and coincidence and synchronicities, 100% of the time, the result will be produced. In my own life, I had given up on finding a soulmate. So I was single for about 10 years, going out on dates with one date here, two dates there, nobody I was ever interested in. And I gave up. And then as I started getting into this work, I was like, wait a minute, like my God, the God of my own understanding can find me a soulmate. And so I made a decision one day. I made a decision that I was going to meet a beautiful Colombian woman and make her my wife. And you may have heard the story in other episodes, but through a series of extraordinary synchronicities, including tearing my shoulder, finding a doctor two hours from where I lived, being down there the weekend of his birthday, deciding to take him out for dinner, ending it up in some strip mall with a bunch of restaurants, and walking into a restaurant where my future wife was unexpectedly waiting, I met Carol Gutierrez Bayer, a beautiful Colombian woman who I made my wife. Ten days later, as a result of deciding, desiring and being a non resistance. Now I can look back and explain to you how it all happened. But it's important to understand again that the how is the byproduct of the decision. If you think about it in your mind's eye, the how actually comes after. So we have a desire, we decide, we become non resistant, and then we become a part of the expression of the how in the world. We actually kind of co create the how with how with life itself. So the how is a naturally occurring byproduct of desire and non resistance. Now what is the resistance? Well, the resistance are belief systems that were formed at a very early age. And it's not just beliefs about ourselves like I'm not good enough or I don't matter. It's beliefs about reality like there's not enough time or money is hard to make, or you have to work hard to make money. So we have all kinds of beliefs that were formed out of our observations of other people or what other people who had no idea how this game functioned taught us. And those beliefs started to shape the lens through which we think, through which we feel, through which we perceive the world. And we literally move into an altered state or one dimension of many multidimensional experiences that is configured by your belief systems. And so then you say, well geez, how do I find resistant beliefs? And my answer is notice when you're thinking something that doesn't feel good. We teach a concept called the two states of being, which basically says you're always in one of two states of being. You're in a powerful state or a primal state. Powerful states are states of being that feel good, like joy, curiosity, excitement, passion. Those states are states when the parasympathetic nervous system is active. Rest, relaxation and recharge. And then there are states of being that we call primal states. States like stress, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, jealousy, boredom. Those are states of the sympathetic nervous system when you're in fight or flight. And so what we found is anytime you're having resistant thoughts or you're in some form of a resistant belief, it's triggering you to move into a primal state. It never feels good. And just think about it for a second, thinking that your partner is never going to change, or you're always going to be broke, or you're always going to be sick, or things don't work out for you, but they work out for other people, or you're never going to find something you're passionate about and create financial prosperity and abundance, or that you don't matter, that you're not good enough.


The universe is going to bring you the pastrami sandwich 100% of the time. But could you imagine sitting at a diner ordering the pastrami sandwich, and before the server even leaves at the table saying, excuse me, is my pastrami sand sandwich coming? They'd look at you like you're crazy. They'd say, yes, sir, but I have to go back to the kitchen and place the order with a short order cook. They take three or four steps away and you go, excuse me, are you sure that the pastrami sandwich is coming? How come those other people have the pastrami sandwich but I don't have my pastrami sandwich yet? Say, sir, I haven't even been able to go back to the kitchen yet this is a great example of resistance. You order the sandwich, you know it's coming back. But we don't operate that way in life. You have the desire. Know that it will materialize both through action that you take and actions that others take. But it will be inspired action. It won't be hustle and grind action where challenges show up. You, yeah, absolutely, challenges will show up. It's part of the process. Let the challenges pass, just like the orphan illusion. And if you do this, then you get to step four. Step four is you actually get really, really good at doing this. It's all step four is. It's not even a new step. Step four is you're building a new neurology, a new nervous system that's downregulated. You're not as reactive. You're aligning yourselves with these fundamental principles of how the universe works. You're learning how to hold more space for the materialization of what you want. And then step five is you're going to forget and you're going to end up in step one in the contrast with something you don't like again. But you don't beat yourself up for it because you realize that the problems aren't problems. They're just helping to fine tune and calibrate the desires that you have. So when you really need to hire a team member and you hire someone and they don't work out, you don't beat yourself up again. Because you realize, wow, I don't like this experience of having hired someone and then having to fire them. But this has really helped me get clear on what I really want with my next hire. It's helping me fine tune my desire. It's a calibration process. The universe is never trying to take away from you. The universe is never showing you that it's never going to happen. The universe is not making it impossible. The universe is also going through an iterative process with you as you're getting clearer on what it is that you really want. Because sometimes we want more money. But then be careful what you ask for in the next iteration. You might say, I want more money doing something that I'm passionate about that gives me a lifestyle that is holistic. So it's an iterative process and we go through these five steps. Desire the universe, organize the cooperative components. You relax and align yourself with the desire. You get really, really good at it. And then you forget and you end up in a problem again. But problems catalyze new desires. And again, if I were going to simplify it even more. I'd go back to the master equation. I'm teaching you desire plus non resistance equals desired result. And while I've talked about this on other shows, I see a lot of questions about it. And so again, this is wax on, wax off kind of shit. I can teach you more stuff around quantum field identity shifting, and I have other episodes on that, but this is really, really fundamental. If you can get this, then you start playing the game of life properly. And I want you playing the game of life properly because I know that life or the Lord or the universe has so much in store for you. And I know that you've got so much desire in you that's ready to just burst into materialization. And the way to do that is not to hustle or grind or figure out how or get so depressed that you give up. It's to understand how to play the game properly. Desire plus non resistance equals desired result. And again, if you want to go deeper on how to actually identify some of the resistance and some of the tools we teach to transform the resistance, we've got a ton of other episodes on it. You can jump on over to we've got some great courses, free stuff, paid stuff. Our live event coming up, the Powerful Living Experience Live. Lots of ways for you to go deeper with us, and I hope you do, because I love being on this journey with you. If it weren't for you and your desire, I wouldn't be staying in this work the way that I am. And this work is changing my life and it's changing the lives of so many other people. So I want to thank you. I love you very much. Have an amazing rest of your day and I will see you in the next episode. Hey, it's David. One more thing. If you want to go even deeper on everything we've talked about on today's episode, don't forget to jump over to you can find the link in the show notes and subscribe to our newsletter. A couple of times a week, I'm going to be sending you the latest episodes that we've released, along with additional free trainings. You'll get immediate access to my free Mind Hack ebook and go even deeper into all the tools, the technologies, and the frameworks that have helped tens of thousands of people establish a changed mind. Don't forget to jump on over to the site and I will see you in the next episode.




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