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Episode 165 – ABC’s of Personal Finance – Debbi King
15th November 2017 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:27:51

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Episode 165 – Show Notes for Debbi King

On today’s program, I want to introduce you to a child of God that has been through the fire and been through flood…but God is faithful and brought her out into her wealthy place…

Debbi King received her Bachelor of Science degree from the Univ. of South Carolina in 1990…by 1998, she had to file for bankruptcy…but armed with the wisdom and knowledge of what she learned, she rebuilt her financial life and now teaches and empowers others to do the same…

Folks, she went from over $200K in debt and only making $10K as a single mom – to being debt FREE and having a successful ministry… She is the president of Lovell Ministries, a ministry she started in 2012 to honor in memory of her maternal grandmother…amen and amen…

She is the proud owner of “The ABC’s of Personal Finance” – a recognized national personal finance and life coaching firm…a motivations speaker, personal financial expert and author of two award winning books, “The ABC’s of Personal Finance” and 26 Weeks to Wealth and Financial Freedom”

She is a contributor to multiple media outlets in addition to speaking around the country on the subject of money and living your authentic life…

Debbi is happily married with a beautiful 19 year old daughter, 4 step children and 5 grand daughters! I can relate…amen!

Folks, welcome to the program – Debbi King!

Who Is Debbi King?

What was the situation you found yourself in back in 1998?

How did all of that happen?

Tell us about when you had your “ah-ha” moment or your “come to Jesus moment – if you will…

What kind of changes did you make to turn your life around?

So, God moved in and began to change, not only your heart, but your mind as well…how did you get your “message’ through all of the “mess?”

Why did you think it was needful to write the book, ABC of Personal Finance?

Tell us about starting your ministry…why a ministry and not a business?

On your website, I see a picture of you and Oprah – how did that happen?

Are your books available on Amazon as well as through your website?

If someone wants to get in touch with you…ask you a question or to ask you to come and speak or to do an interview such as this – or to hire you to help them…how can they do that?




Books on Amazon:

ABC’s of Personal Finance:

26 Weeks to Wealth and Financial Freedom:

The post Episode 165 – ABC’s of Personal Finance – Debbi King appeared first on Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast.



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