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180. Make Failure Profitable: Step by Step
Episode 18017th July 2023 • Luminary Leadership Podcast • Elizabeth Hartke
00:00:00 00:25:29

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What if I told you that failure might just be the key to your success? Hear me out...

Failure is often seen as a setback, a haunting presence that holds us back from achieving success. But what if failure could be leveraged as a stepping stone towards growth, profitability, and becoming a better leader? 

What if we could maximize the return on investment (ROI) on failures? 

In today’s episode, we are diving into how to embrace failure as an opportunity and transform setbacks into valuable lessons. We are pushing forward through failure and into your next level of success! 

Failure is not the end but rather a vital part of the journey toward success. After all, successes cannot exist without failures, and vice versa. So, if you’ve been feeling like your entrepreneurial journey has been more lows than highs lately, I challenge you to embrace failure with a growth mindset. Not sure how to do that? I’m giving you the tools I use to shift my mindset around failure and how you can too! 

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