Great Question 2: Merit vs Grace? – Ken Wetmore
It seems like our world – and even Christian organizations – give rewards on a merit-based system – what someone can or cannot accomplish. How can we, as Christians – and especially those of us who work in various organizations – offer the grace God has given us to others?
#WholeLifeReflections for this week:
- Think about your favorite jobs and relationships. What things did they have in common that made them your favorites? Were they more grace-based or merit-based in nature?
- In what ways are you emphasizing merit over grace at work and at home?
- What are some practical steps you can take to show grace at work and at home?
Which reflection spoke to you this week? Reach out to us with your questions and comments using the information below:
■ Text/Voicemail: 407-965-1607
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NEXT WEEK: ‘Great Question #3’ by Ken Wetmore
The theme music for Speaking of Grace was written, produced, and performed by WholeLife Church’s own, Phillip Burks -
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