5. Five Steps to Get Over the Fear and Mindset Blocks That May Be Holding You Back From Starting Your Podcast
Episode 516th January 2023 • Moms Who Podcast - Podcasting Tips For Female Entrepreneurs • Pamela Krista
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Welcome back, friend! Today we're diving into some fears and mindset blocks you may have about starting your podcast. It may be easy to say "I'm starting a podcast!" but there's so much more that goes into it - and it can easily get overwhelming!

Well, that's why I'm here- to make that process as easy as possible for you and this episode is no different. We're talking about how you can let go of some of those fears and mindset blocks holding you back from starting.

Links mentioned in this episode:

  • CLICK HERE to grab a FREE Podcast Clarity Call (*previously called discovery calls*) where we will hash out those fears and mindset blocks and get your podcast launched!

Ready for help right now?

  • CLICK HERE to get organized with your podcast and grab your FREE Ultimate Podcast Organizer
  • CLICK HERE for my favorite business and podcast tools!

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