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Deep Dive on the Spirit’s Anointing
3rd November 2024 • Awake Nations • Glenn Bleakney
00:00:00 00:14:06

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The Deep Dive hosts share about Glenn Bleakney‘s recent Substack post on the anointing of the Holy Spirit

This source, written by Glenn Bleakney, explores the concept of spiritual anointing, arguing that it is the divine empowerment that gives some ministries supernatural impact. Bleakney describes how this anointing manifests in supernatural authority, demonstrable power, and transformational impact. He then analyzes different levels of anointing, suggesting that while God sovereignly distributes these gifts, personal preparation through character development, testing, and mentorship are vital. Bleakney concludes by offering practical steps for cultivating a deeper connection with God, developing character, and faithfully stewarding one's gifts, while cautioning against pride, manipulation, and complacency. He ultimately emphasizes the importance of remaining focused on intimacy with God, maintaining pure motives, and staying faithful in service.

Kingdom Encounter with Glenn Bleakney is a variety show consisting of teaching, discourses, and interviews on all things Kingdom. This is a season of reformation and revival. The Church must build on the foundations of the apostles and prophets preaching and teaching the Gospel of the Kingdom in the demonstration of the Spirit's power to all nations.




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