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Episode172 Businesses That Support Ministry – Paul Moore pt 2
24th November 2017 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:26:59

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Episode 172 Show Notes for Paul Moore – Business Funding Ministries

How many times have you wished you could just hang out with a successful business entrepreneur – who was not only successful in business…but was also rooted and grounded in the Word…who knew “who he was” as a member of the Body of Christ – and realized that all the success he has achieved is because of the Blessings of God working in his life…that these things were not “just for him” – but for “everyone who believes?” If that describes You – then you are going to enjoy this broadcast…amen!

Let me tell you a little bit about Paul Moore, our guest today…Paul has an engineering degree and an MBA…after working for awhile with the Ford Motor Company, he launched out on his, starting a number of different companies…TWICE he was a finalist for the Michigan Entrepreneur of the Year…Glory to God! His multi-faceted real estate experience includes development and financing a subdivision…my Lord…a Hyatt hotel development, and two successful online real estate marketing sites – PLUS an extensive investment, development and management of several DOZEN – hear me – DOZEN, residential and commercial projects. He is the co-founder of Wellings Capital, a commercial multi-family investment firm…and he is the author of the book, “The Perfect Investment – Create Enduring Wealth from the Historic Shift”… and he is going to tell us – because I’m going to ask him about – how he went from over $2 million in the bank – to over $2.5 million and debt – and back to debt free again!

Folks, help me welcome to the program, Paul Moore! Paul, thank you for joining us today!

You encourage others to give their way out of debt…we hear about the “give till it hurts and then – AND THEN – God will bless you…but you are talking about it in a different light…can you explain?

You want to encourage people to DO MINISTRY outside the four walls of the church…and you are encouraging them to operate a “Super Natural Business” in doing so…what steps can a Christian Business owner do that will put them on the right path to financial FREEDOM – not just success – but FREEDOM?

Paul, if someone wants to get ahold of you, for future interviews or questions or for advice, recommendations, etc…how can they do that?



“The Perfect Investment – Create Enduring Wealth from the Historic Shift”

– Book:

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