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Step Into Your Big Deal Energy: The Key to Building a Fully Booked Coaching Business
Episode 2125th October 2024 • Zero to Rockstar Coaching Business • Leanne Sia
00:00:00 00:18:08

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In today’s episode, we’re diving into Big Deal Energy (BDE) and how stepping into it can help you build a fully booked coaching business. If you've been playing small or feeling like you’re not getting the results you deserve, it's time to tap into the unapologetic, stand-out energy that will transform your business. We’re talking confidence, visibility, and personal branding that makes people take notice!

What You'll Learn in This Episode:

  • WTF is Big Deal Energy? (And why it’s the key to a successful coaching business.)
  • How to step into your "holy fck"* era and expect more from your business.
  • Why playing small and hiding behind your qualifications is holding you back from becoming fully booked.
  • My secret hacks to creating a personal brand that reflects your big deal energy (no more blending in).
  • How my clients go from crickets to cha-chings by embracing business confidence and bold actions.

Why This Episode Matters:

This episode is a no-BS call to action for every coach who’s been playing it safe. If you’ve been sitting in "Not Me Energy", wondering why things aren’t moving as fast as you want, then this episode is for you. Leanne’s approach is all about stepping into your next-level self, owning your space, and getting fully booked—without waiting for permission. If you’re ready to ditch self-doubt and start showing up with serious confidence, this episode is your wake-up call.

Key Takeaways:

  • Stop procrasti-faffing! If your inner critic is holding you back from building a fully booked coaching business, now’s the time to shift into action mode.
  • Confidence is everything. Show up like the successful coach you want to be by creating a personal brand that reflects your Big Deal Energy.
  • Take action: "What would me in my Big Deal Energy do?" Start making bold decisions that reflect the business success you're working toward.

Quick Highlights:

  • [02:00] What Big Deal Energy really means (hint: it’s not arrogance, it’s confidence).
  • [05:30] Why you’re stuck in Not Me Energy and how to switch out of it fast to grow your coaching business.
  • [10:00] How creating a bold personal brand helped me get fully booked in two different niches.
  • [12:30] My client’s transformation after stepping into her Big Deal Energy and revamping her business brand.
  • [16:45] Mindset shifts that every successful coach needs to make.

Join Me in Supercharged!

Ready to turn up your Big Deal Energy and build a fully booked coaching business? Supercharged! kicks off on November 11th for 4 weeks of game-changing confidence, branding, and business growth. You’ll nail your niche, create a magnetic personal brand, and set your business up for success in 2024.

👉 Join the VIP-only waitlist for a £200 discount, Group Voxer access, and a chance to win a full refund + £150 cash bonus!

Special Offers & Resources:

  • Free Guide: "10 Ways to Sign Clients Without Posting on Instagram Every Day" – This free guide will guide you through effective strategies to grow your business without the need for daily social media updates.
  • Amplified: Six-Months to Expert Status – Turn up the volume on your coaching business!
  • 📝10K Template: Mega ways to invite, approach, pitch, and grow your client list with confidence & credibility!

Connect with Leanne:

Join the Conversation:

Did this episode hit home for you? Have questions about Big Deal Energy or how to build a fully booked coaching business? I’d love to hear from you! Send me a DM on Instagram or drop me an email.


Podcast Episode 21



It's about being in your holy fuck era, playing big instead of small and expecting and trusting that everything that is on your vision board is going to happen. When you build a business from that place, my goodness, the world or the universe just completely opens up to bringing home. Everything that you want and I've seen over years of working with coaches that the ability to step in to this big deal energy Whenever you want can massively accelerate the results in your business.

leanne: Welcome to Zero to Rockstar Coaching Business, the podcast for coaches that want to bring consistent clients into their orbit. I'm your host Leanne Sia, business coach and hype woman, ready to help you step into your big deal energy and close the gap between qualifying as a coach and creating the impact, income, and freedom that you know you're meant to have.

Let's do this.

here. It literally means the [:

Because honestly, being able to step into your big deal energy is a game changer for your business. And it's probably the reason why you're not getting the results that you want from your business. So, Big Deal Energy, what is it? Big Deal Energy is Beyoncé in her, crazy In Love video.

It's Taylor Swift strutting on stage in her silver boots. More specifically, for us as coaches, it's knowing that your business is going to be successful as hell. It's not arrogance, it's knowing your value, knowing your worth and being unapologetic about wanting to be seen and stand out so that you can have success. the business that you want to have. It's about being secure as fuck in who you are and what you can do.

It's about being in [:

Why? because The thoughts that you think create your actions, which create the results that you have. So if you're spending a lot of time in your "not me" energy, which is the opposite to your big deal energy, and you're not expecting people to want to work with you, if you're not expecting anyone to look at your posts, if you're not expecting people to respond to your podcast pitches, then guess what?

ing to happen. I really want [:

So you might be thinking, Leanne, I know I'm not in my big deal energy. I know that I'm spending a lot of time playing small, not expecting my business to deliver. And subsequently, what I'm seeing is that my business isn't delivering. How do you step into your big deal energy? So first of all, you're on a winning streak, babes, because you've just acknowledged that you're not in your big deal energy and that something needs to change.

emselves out there? Do I see [:

Do I see them putting their big girl knickers on and stretching out of their comfort zone on the regularly? No. That tells me that there's work to be done there. To have a business, I think, especially because of the world that we live in, patriarchy, social conditioning, all of that kind of stuff. We're not in the perfect kind of environment to be women that want to stand out and get visible and have hugely successful businesses.

m not gonna do what my inner [:

I'm gonna actually do what it takes to have a business that affords me the lifestyle that I want to have. It's a choice that I make. And part of making that choice was to decide years ago that I was going to step into my big deal energy. Because to be honest, the Leanne that I was, Leanne and her not me energy, everything about building a business scary as hell.

beliefs and trust in myself.[:

u feel the way that I feel in:

And vague comfort zone.

So the first thing that I did was I created a personal brand and this wasn't just a personal brand for Leanne, the newbie coach, I created a personal brand for Leanne Sia, the fully booked coach. So I had a brand that said fully booked coach before I was actually fully booked. And guess what happened?

ch and hype woman. I'm fully [:

No one would have paid attention. No one would have agreed to collaborate with me. I know for a fact that the corporate collaborations that I did with a global construction company, that wouldn't have happened if my branding was basic and looked like TK Maxx on a Saturday. I was intentional , about the big deal brand that I created for myself and I looked like a fully booked coach and that's what I want for you.

or having a basic brand that [:

It is your shop front. So please, For the love of Taylor Swift, have a brand that stands out, is bold and looks like you but as the fully booked version of you. That is the brand that I created for myself and it's the brand that I helped my VIP clients create and the results when you do that with your brand are unbelievable.

I had a client that had not signed, a client for about a year in her business. It's Within three weeks of working with me, we had totally pimped up her brand to make her look like the fully booked coach she was going to be. Which is also, by the way, a confidence hack. If you have a gorgeous brand that looks like a fully booked coach owns, you're gonna feel pretty damn confident and that's what happened.

made back her investment on [:

Having a big deal energy, personal brand, is so important. And it is so important. Literally, after mindset and stepping into your big deal energy, it is the second pillar of everything that I do with my clients. I can't work with you if you are not willing to sort out your brand because it is vital. If you want to sell something, if you want to be seen, and if you want to be successful, you've got to stand out.

another way for you to step [:

Okay, so when you are Wondering oh what should the price be for this offer? Ask yourself? Well, what would you in your big deal energy? What price would she have for her offer? You might be stuck in niche drama. Ask yourself. What niche would me in my big deal energy have?

You know the answer. Another one is like the clothes that you're wearing, you know, I love clothes. I'm sat here in a literally bright yellow cardigan and earrings. If you're doing an event, What are you going to wear babes? What would you in your big deal energy be wearing when she was running an event?

decisions and taking action [:

Is that your jam? If not, ask yourself, well, what would you in your big deal energy be doing? Well, actually, it might turn out that you only want to work two days a week and see four clients on each day and have the other days doing things with your family and friends. Or it might be that you and your big deal energy goes to Bali for four weeks over the summer.

Like what kind of business would you in your big deal energy have? The answers are already there because I know that when you're listening to this podcast, sipping on your coffee or driving along, that you know the answer to these questions. So tap into your big deal energy as often as you can in your business.

Because you [:

And stepping into your big deal energy isn't just something that you're going to learn the concept of and forget about it. You need to be able to learn how to step into your big deal energy every single day when you're working on your business.

Here are some of the ways that I step into my big deal energy.

I love music. If you're a client of mine, if you're a student in amplified or supercharged, you've got to have a power song, you've got to have a song that you cannot possibly stay sat down to when you're listening to it.

ound and just no matter what [:

It's currently and it has actually been for a long time Um, a song on the Taylor Swift reputation album Like if you're looking for some power put on that album So I love to put some music on that's gonna put me in my big deal energy I will also follow that up with a podcast while I'm putting my makeup on An uplifting motivational podcast. I also love one of Amanda Francis's, meditations, which are really uplifting. I'm putting on clothes that help me step into my big deal energy. I know for sure that I don't feel. In my big deal energy, when I don't have any makeup on, and when I'm wearing loungewear.

on clothes that I love, that [:

earrings and hair bands. That light me up. They make such a huge difference. Other things that help me get into my big deal energy are my desk. Does my desk space say big deal energy or does it say crazy housewife?

Does it say mum of two girls, three cats, two rabbits and a dog? I want Everything about my business to reflect back to me that I am in my big deal energy because I want to give my business. And I want you to give your business the best fucking shot that you can. I know that you didn't get your coaching qualification just to sit on it and send out a couple of Instagram posts and then say , you've tried everything and it hasn't worked.

eal energy. I don't want you [:

They are my pips. If they can do it, so can I. And you know what? I was just chatting about this on a call the other day with my clients. But sometimes when I, I'm feeling a little bit nervous and stretchy about something, which happens a lot, believe me, I think what would she do? So I have someone in mind who I think is the best.

in their big deal energy and I will literally try and take on or embody that persona of that person in that moment in time. And it's almost like a hack that you can think, okay, so what would she do? What would she do if she was about to stand on stage and give a huge signature talk to 200 people? How would she be showing up?

How would she walk onto stage? What would she be wearing? Think about that person and before you know it, you're acting as her.

You [:

is the key to unlocking the next level in your business. And that next level might be your first paying client. It might be getting booked for your first speaking gig. It might be, like my client Marie, booking a speaking gig on a Caribbean cruise, like, whatever the next level is in your business, it can only be accelerated by you being in your big deal energy. Nothing bad is gonna happen. It doesn't mean you're arrogant. It doesn't mean people are gonna judge you. People are gonna be like, wow, give me what she's on, cause she's fucking killing it.

I want you to be that coach. I want you to be that coach that people see and they're like, wow, that energy. She's glowing. Like what is going on? And I have to say that when you come into my world as a VIP , people will notice that you are glowing differently, that you are showing up differently and it is because I teach you how to step into your big deal energy.

going to build your business [:

I'd love to see you in there, there is a space right beside me inside of Supercharged. I love you loads, have an amazing week.





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