Hi I'm Christian Baker from and The Achieve Podcast, sharing inspiration, motivation, and encouragement, to help you to think differently and develop your mindset, so you believe in yourself more, take action and achieve the life and the goals that you want.
In this episode I want to share with you, why and how it's so important to focus your mind, to shift your mindset towards the things that you actually want.
When you shift your focus, you can change your mindset and change your life!
Now, whenever I'm talking with clients, particularly new clients, we usually end up starting off by talking about what people don't want.
You know, we're very good at this, it's almost like a default setting is to focus, to pay attention, to talk about, to think about the things that we don't want,the things that we can't do, the things we're not very good at.
But if we keep doing that, we're just training our mind to keep paying and attention and keep moving in that direction.
The mind moves in the direction of our most dominating thoughts, our thoughts lead to feelings and our feelings lead to our actions.
So, if we're constantly thinking and talking about the things that we don't want,
we're, inadvertently moving our mind and our life and our actions in that direction.
Now don't get me wrong, it's important, it's a great starting point, to get clear on what you don't want. But if you keep consuming your thoughts, your self talk and your external conversations about those things, that's like going shopping with a shopping list of all the things that you don't want to buy.
Can you imagine the frustration, if you're walking around the shops and all you've got is a list of the things that you don't want. Imagine how unproductive, what, what a waste of time and energy that would be.
But in order to get clear on what you do want is often a good starting point to decide what you don't want, so absolutely start there.
Then you have to ask yourself the question, Okay so that's the things, the life, the goals that I do not want, what's the opposite of that? What do I actually want?
And then just open your mind to the possibility and just start to get playful with the idea and give your mind that direction.
Once you've done that it's important to take time to think about that on a regular ongoing basis.
Just sitting down and getting some clarity once, is a good starting point, but it's not going to help that continuation and the momentum towards achieving that.
So, in summary, get clear on what you do not want, choose and decide on what you do.
Then focus on that every single day, spend a few moments, thinking, imagining, getting excited about what you do want.
By doing this, you're going to shift your mindset. You're going to train and condition your mind towards achieving and enjoying those goals, the feelings and the life that you actually want.
It takes no more time and energy to think and talk about the things you do want, so give it a go, take some time to do that.
Let me know how you get there and what positive difference that makes to you and your life and how it helps you to achieve the goals and the life that you want.
What your mind believes you will achieve. So, think differently, believe in yourself, take action and you can achieve the life that you want.
Remember, just spend a few moments every day, thinking about what it is that you do want, because your thoughts, lead to your feelings and your feelings lead to your actions, so go on shift your focus and you can change your mindset and change your life.
Go on make it happen!
All the best
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