“You cannot comply yourself out of tyranny.”
Unquestioned compliance has slowly become the institutional expectation. Dr. Jane Ruby explains the dynamics behind this assumption and shares how to reclaim your SOVEREIGNTY. Drawing from her experience from within high level organizations, Dr. Ruby reveals some shocking and seldom heard perspectives. We also cover why you MUST be your own savior, how party politicians distort truth for personal gain, and why the future is LOCAL.
- [04:01] Why are certain medicines politicized?
- [09:01] Examples of rarely talked about counter narrative studies.
- [15:15] A deep dive into how clinical trial data can be distorted.
- [22:20] Do we know what’s in every drug?
- [25:10] How should one navigate choosing between leaving a job and following a mandate?
- [30:05] Why collaboration, work trades, and bartering are the way of the future.
- [37:01] Should you be focused on local politics rather than federal?
- [40:21] What’s the difference between Eastern and Western medicine?
- [44:03] Will DJT return to the WH?
- [50:02] Are modern politicians becoming “all hat, no cattle”?
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