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30 Days of Growing. Pointless.
Episode 2121st January 2024 • 30 Days with Nathan • Nathan Stearman
00:00:00 00:01:25

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2“Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher;

“Vanity of vanities, call is vanity.”

3What profit has a man from all his labor

In which he toils under the sun?

4One generation passes away, and another generation comes;

Solomon. Ecclesiastes 1:2-4. Hi, it’s Nathan, and this is Day 21 of 30 Days of Growing. I just had to throw in a few clips from Ecclesiastes. I think every human being from 5th grade on would be benefited by reading Ecclesiastes at least once a year. It rattles our world and gets to the nuts and bolts of what really counts in life. The author’s own experience shakes us to the core as he challenges us to come face to face with the many ways we waste our time, our lives—speaking especially to those in hot-pursuit of some apparently grand achievement: fame, fortune, power, etc. After all, he reminds us, the generations pass away one after another. We’re all going to die. Some of us in a freak accident, some to health complications and others of us will just grow feeble and slow-fade into the grave. Really. That’s what’s ahead. So don’t waste your life grasping for stuff that will be gone tomorrow. Spend your fleeting moments on earth doing things of value. Live while you’re living—rather than wishing you’d lived while you’re dying.




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