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Don’t Let Your Thoughts Of “Not Enoughness” Stop You | Ep.13
Episode 1325th August 2022 • Diaries of a 6 figure Coach • Theresa Lambert
00:00:00 00:23:13

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How often do you think that “you are not enough” to do something, be something, want something? How often do you let it stop you, even though you stand at the starting line? Tune in as I share how I have been navigating the thoughts of “not enoughness” this week and how you can move with it. For those of you reay to scale to $10K, here is the link to join my upcoming FREE Masterclass: 

About the Host:

Theresa Lambert is an Online Business Strategy Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. She supports Female Coaches and Service based Entrepreneurs to get their first clients or scale to 6 figures and beyond through strategic, tangible, and practical support.  Her mission: To make Business EASY so your life can be more FULL.

In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book  Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker and the Podcast co-host of Dissecting Success.

Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.

Instagram: @theresalambertcoaching


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Theresa Lambert:

I believe in divine timing. I believe that the right people information, wisdom, guidance, heck things arrive when we're ready for them. I believe that owning our own truth unconditionally is the path to not only creative fulfillment, but more about success and abundance. This is not only a podcast to help you get strategic and mastered a position of success. It's a declaration to share the truth. It's a commitment to keep going to make it happen no matter what. It's an activation and invitation for me for you and for us to play a bigger game. So my question for you is this. Do you really want it? Do you really want to make your dreams come true? Do you really want to become a six figure coach? Welcome to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast. I am your host, Theresa Lambert. And I dare you to get ready to show up, boss up and make it happen.

Theresa Lambert:

Hello, Hello. And welcome back to another episode of diaries of a six figure coach podcast. Holy moly, it is August 18. When you're listening to this, I will be in Toronto, I am leaving on a bus in two days at 3pm in the afternoon to go to the airport. I've booked myself and at the beautiful Fairmont Vancouver Airport Hotel, which is stunning one of my favorite places to stay when you fly out early the next day, and I'm catching the flight to Toronto, and I can't believe and I can't believe it's happening. It's kind of like, part of me believes it part of me dozens. And let me tell you this week has been a hell of a ride. For me. I have been so emotional all week. I feel fragile. And I never seen myself as a fragile person. But somehow this week, I really feel fragile. I really feel everything. I am an empath. I'm very sensitive, I pick up people's energies. And this week, I'm feeling my own energy and other people's energy like at an elevated state and I am easily triggered and easily. Just, it's almost like the slightest wind comes and I am just like, I go into an emotional wave. I'm not sure if you're into human design, if you aren't a human design, I'm a free five manifesting generator with an emotional authority. So the best way I've heard this described was by one of my coaches Jack and she described it once as an emotional authority being like an spiral staircase. And we always going up and down and up and down and up and down. And like this is what it feels like I feel intensity of emotions. And this week, what has been really coming up for me through my triggers through my stones through my emotional waves. Is this not enoughness and this message that I want you to hear and that I want to dive into around not allowing your thoughts of not enoughness to stop you and to hold compassion and to love that part of you. That might be feeling not instead of hiding behind it because I think so many of us hide away the part of us that doesn't feel enough we hide away the part of us that is afraid to fail, we hide away the part of us that feels not legitimate. We hide away the part of us that feels like an imposter. We hide it away, we hide it away. Because somehow we've been taught by the world by other people through our own like trauma that somehow when we are feeling does not enoughness that it means that that is so that it is true. And I want to really break this belief for you, for me and for all of us. Because I believe that it is holding us back so much in business and life and relationships and the way we make choices because we literally let the

Theresa Lambert:

thought of our not enoughness there's one part of us that feels it. Be in the fucking driver's seat. Be the one that's steering the wheel. And it is really so driven by ego and not by your soul not by your pureness not by your truth not by who you really are. And this has been coming up for me this week. I have been questioning like Am I really capable enough? Am I really creative enough? Am I really good enough? Am I really powerful enough? Am I really strong enough? Am I really resilient enough? Am I really able to do this? Am I really able to build my business more? Am I really able to scale? Am I really able to guide my clients powerfully? Am I really able to do all the things that I say am I really courageous Am I really a dangerous Am I really am I really am I really am I really it's like on repeat continuously going and going and going, and it's been busy in my mind. And I've been having to drop back into my body, and really allowing myself to be compassionate as I've been writing in many intense waves of emotion, emotions, of emotions. And you've been on this journey with me, and I'm so excited, I've just decided that I will be recording an episode from every airport that I will be in, as I'm embarking on this journey forward. And this is so exciting. And I really wanted this podcast to be this, I wanted to take you on this journey, I wanted to bring you into my life and really share with you what's going on in what's coming up through me for me, so that you can learn with me through my own experience of not just business, but what I go through in life. And this is what I aspire to, to be for you to be an activator to be an inspiration to be VD, a person for you, that you relate to, and that you see as somebody that becomes a mirror for you of what's possible, of what's possible. And I, I'm hoping that my authenticity, and me sharing what's in my space really helps you with this. And that's why I'm bringing this not enough this conversation up. And one big thing for me has been bringing this back to last three months is that I have sort of really focused on the heart and soul of my business to back end my life healing. I spoke about that a bit, a couple of episodes ago. And that also meant that I haven't really been having my marketing machine turned on the way I have, I was running master classes, free master classes pretty much every month, sometimes two a month live programs, all of these things. And I've still run programs, I've still delivered programs to my to my clients who are in the CEO club and my private clients. But I have really slowed down with my marketing machine and bringing new people in because I needed the space and time to put the systems in place to be able to really scale to multiple six figures from here to be able to do it to bring the team and and there's a lot happening and to heal, and to end nearly two decades of my life like a huge air off my life and embark on this new journey, which literally is kind of starting. And the other thing is kind of ending. It's like we're in like, you know, like if we're thinking about like life as a book, like one book has just like finished and I'm just writing like the end notes and the thank you notes as I'm saying goodbye to people. And I'm saying I'm not sure when I'm back. I'm not sure when I'm back because right now I am not sure when I will be back. I mean, I will be back at some point because I'm putting my stuff in storage. And if you're watching my Instagram Stories, you would have seen some of this unfolding and happening, but I don't really know. So there's this unseen and uncertain that I'm moving into. And at the same time, I'm ready to turn my marketing machine back on I'm ready to be running master classes again. And I have to scale to 10k master class coming up that you all invited to I will drop the link in the show notes as well. I would love to have you join me. It's going to be epic. But the not enoughness came through for me. It came through for me this week these days as I've made this decision to run this masterclass as I'm getting things ready. I've been really thinking like, what if nobody signs up? What if I have paused for too long? And I'm not relevant anymore? What air freight there has been the ego that has come in? What if what I'm doing doesn't work anymore? Because it worked for months ago. But does it still work now?

Theresa Lambert:

Right? Like we're moving so fast. Things are always ever evolving in this online space. And so I've been feeling this come through a part of me fueling this and fueling my ego being like, have you really been doing enough? Have you really been showing enough up enough like all these things are coming up? And that is real? That is real. And I can say wholeheartedly that those are bullshit stories. Of course I've been doing enough I have been showing up enough. I've been showing up for what I needed to show up for. I've been negotiating where needed to negotiate. I have been completing a cycle of life. I've been ending a season of my life with grace and poise and elegance I have been showing up for my clients I've been showing up for me me and for my life and for my business in big fucking ways. But it is still there. And I think sometimes we think that once we reach a certain level or once we have a certain amount of success, or once things are in certain places or moving in a certain way that we are somehow excluded from these feelings of not enoughness from these feelings of inadequacy from the imposter syndrome that overcomes us. And, you know, I still work on that, I still work on that one of the things that I hit home, in my book achieve with Grace was that you are not your results. And a powerful question I asked myself back then, when I left my career as a hotel, GM, I was incredibly successful doing not. And when I left, I asked myself, if I'm not a GM of a boutique hotel, then who am I, if I'm not my results, then who am I. And I explored that back then. And in some ways, I am restarting this exploration process for me right now, because it's so easy to get attached to our results. And as I've been implementing all these back things, as I've been making shifts in my business, as I've been evolving my office, evolving the way I'm doing, I'm evolving and bringing the team and like all these things, my life is changing and packing things up. I mean, everything is basically changed. For me in the last three months. This came up again, because the results are different kinds of results, I created a lot of very potent and powerful results that you cannot see that the public cannot see. But I can see that I can see. And when we're operating in this unseen when we're operating in the intangibles, when we're operating energetically when we're operating with how connected we are at a soul level when we're operating on how safe we feel, how supported we feel, how good we feel in our bodies and our soul and our mind. It's almost like our ego is like trying to tell us that that is not a measurable achievement, that that is not a result that that is not good enough, because what you have to show on paper. And that is something that has been coming up this week, as I've been riding these waves and as I'm about to actually for the first time in three months or two months, I think since the beginning of June. Yeah. Like nearly June, July. Yeah. Well, like nearly three months, I am launching this masterclass. And it feels like a big deal. And I was like, what if nobody signs up? What if nobody cares? What if they don't get it.

Theresa Lambert:

And I have no logical explanation for that for you. Other than there is a part of me that has these feelings. And I can either push it down and put it away or I can acknowledge it. And this is what I want you to take away from this is that we have to learn to acknowledge it. We have to learn to create the awareness around it. And then work through it. Sit with the emotion that comes up, feel it cry, dance, scream, go for a walk. Yesterday, I went for a walk and I felt hunted. I kept looking behind me as if something was chasing me. I felt this chase from from this trigger. I was moving through in this wave I was in I felt chased. I kept looking. And it took me hours, hours to calm myself down. I couldn't function I couldn't do anything of what I said I was going to do. And I was feeling more and more frustrated because I wasn't doing the thing I said I was going to do. And my not enoughness was present. And it was hard to find that place of compassion. It was hard to choose to love that part. As much as I love the part that says this is a BS story. I needed to learn that lesson again. And it's probably going to happen again. But the big thing that I always come back to is that no matter what, I'm going to keep showing up and no matter what I'm going to keep moving and no matter what. No matter how much I feel the not enoughness I'm going to love the part of me that has not enoughness I'm going to just like blasted with love and light and compassion and grace and poise and I say it's okay. It's okay. Look at what we have done. Look at how far we have come look at what we're going look at what we're doing. Look at the beautiful people in our life and I can wholeheartedly say that their friends I have in my life new friends, that existing friends I have the clients that I have my family, like the people that have been in my space and have come in my space are some of the most beautiful, most soul illuminating beings that I've ever met in my entire life. And I feel so grateful, so grateful to have built these connections, and to have had their support for the way they've helped me, listen to me for the way they continuously show me that I am enough and that I am capable, and that I am beautiful, and that I am powerful, and that I am doing this and that I am courageous. It's been remarkable. When I needed to get the light turn back on, there was people there for me that activated that light again. And some of those people on my coaches that I pay some of those people's souls uses one I'm going to on Sunday and staying with her and we never met in person. And it's been the most incredible thing. So that part of me that feels to not enoughness had other people in that in its corner. And that is big, so big. But learning to love on ourselves this way. And to allow ourselves to move with does not enoughness is really worth at can we not have the not enoughness not be the reason that we're not taking the action that we're not having the conversation that we're not investing in the coach we want to hire that we're not investing in the support that we desire for our businesses, or for our home or for whatever it is. So often, we say no to something that we want to say yes to. Or we say we're going to do something and then we don't do it because we are afraid to fail because we allow the not enoughness part to be in the driver's seat. Don't don't love on the pod, talk to that pod, hold that pod hug that part. And let that part of you know that it's okay. It's okay. Because truly, this is how you move with it. This is how you say you can go into the backseat. And we'll put your safety seatbelt on and it's going to be a beautiful ride, you get to look out the window and it's going to be stunning.

Theresa Lambert:

That's how we do it. compassion, love light. We can box wrestle with it, we can push it down, if you push it down, it just keeps coming back. And it doesn't matter what level you're at and how many times you've launched something and how much you scale your business. There's still those times whether or not enoughness comes out, they're still going to be the emotional times like I'm going through right now where it's ever present. And it feels so real. And it's so raw. And and this is a big thing for me. A big thing for me. And I know the one thing that I will say that is not enough is just be inspired from what I just shared with you to think oh, this was so inspiring. Being inspired is not it's what you do with the inspiration. What are you going to do if you inspired by what I just said for you, you're going to love that party, you're going to take an action you're going to do the thing. Or you're just going to say I'm so inspired and stay exactly where you are right now. This is the same thing that saying you're going to do something and then not do it. How many people say they're going to leave their relationships they're going to quit their jobs, they're going to start a business they're going to go travel they're going to do whatever it is and then they don't do it because we let our not enoughness get in a way we let that fear of failure that is rooted in you're not enough in his Get away. Get in the way of you doing the thing. So don't just be inspired. Let this move you if you inspired let this move you into intentional action. Let us move you into doing something had maybe it's joining the scale to 10 came off the class that's free and coming into my world and figuring out like what is it like when I teach you for An hour and blast you with what to do to get to that level. Maybe it's finally booking that flight and booking that vacation time maybe it is buying the fancy chocolate chips in a chocolate aisle. And if Amelia one of my clients listens to this, she's gonna laugh out so loud because we had a conversation about why we don't buy the fancy ass chocolate chips to put into our cookies. Okay, it's a little thing. It is a little thing, sometimes that becomes a big thing. But stop letting your not enoughness run the show, love it, radiate light to it, create the awareness from it, and then move with it, feel it and move with it. The only way out, is through this. The only way forward is through this. And I'm so excited that we're going to continue this journey together. And I will keep you in the loop around by not enoughness around how this launch goes around what's coming up for me around what's happening as I am turning my marketing machine back on with a team and embarking on this epic journey. I love you all so much. Thank you so much for listening, you will probably never know unless you come into my world, how much it means to me that you're spending the time to listening to me having these conversations with you have the most epic day. The Next Episode You're going to listen to will be the first output episode this is gonna be a tough straw and we're gonna see what happens. And I just can't wait for us to fly together to move together to be inspired together to be lit up by each other together. And if you're on my instagram at Theresa Lambert coaching do make sure you say hi drop into my DMs one of the beautiful beautiful humans that are listening is going to be on this podcast soon as well Mackenzie I'm so so excited. And there's so many opportunities for all of us so go out there get it stop you're not enoughness from stopping you let let you're not enough does not stop you. This is what I do a drip over my words. And you know what, I love myself for it as much. I love you take care and I will talk to you soon.




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