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164: You Are Your Story
12th January 2019 • Change Your Story, Change Your Life • Louis Di Bianco
00:00:00 01:05:46

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You don’t have to believe that you are your story. But, why wouldn’t you choose to believe it?

If you don’t like your current life, and you choose to say, “That’s the way it is. That’s reality, and I must accept it,” you will be right.

You won’t be right because it is an objective truth. You will be right because the words you say to yourself write the story that becomes your reality.

If you want to find intellectual arguments that debunk what I’m saying, you’ll find them.

I’m not interested in those arguments; I’m interested in the experiences of human beings whose lives offer irrefutable proof that your self talk define your beliefs, and your beliefs create your reality.

One of those human beings is today’s podcast guest. The trajectory of his life is one of the most brilliant demonstrations of the statement that you are your story.

Our guest is Randy Gage, an internationally respected and recognized prosperity mentor, an author who has written eleven books that have been translated into twenty-five languages, and a member of the Speakers Hall of Fame who has spoken to more than 2 million people across more than 50 countries.

Did I mention that he also loves to play softball?

It’s important to mention that Randy Gage is a multi-millionaire and a millionaire maker. His friends and business associates include some of the world’s most powerful people of influence. I’m not writing this to impress you. I want to impress upon you that Randy Gage should not “realistically” be the mega success that he is today. You’ll hear him say so in this podcast.

Many of Randy’s early life circumstances would paint a picture of a man headed for a life of crime and/or dereliction.

He was a teenage alcoholic and crystal meth addict. He was a thief who spent his sixteenth birthday in a jail cell waiting for trial on an armed robbery charge. He is a brilliant, articulate, high school droput.

In his early adulthood, he failed to pay taxes on his restaurant business, and the IRS seized and sold his restaurant.

He almost bled to death from a gunshot wound in his stomach.

You’ll be inspired and even transformed (if your mind and heart are open) by the abundant blessed life Randy Gage created in spite of those devastating circumstances by intentionally changing his mindset.


  • Chapter 1 – Baxter Richardson, a teacher and dad to one of Randy’s friends, visits him in jail.
  • Chapter 2-Baxter offers Randy this new story: “You don’t belong here. You’re capable of doing great things.”
  • Chapter 3- Randy embraces Baxter’s story even though he doesn’t believe it yet.
  • Chapter 4 – Randy tries his new story on for size and slowly live into it.


  • Randy joins Amway.
  • Amway introduces him to thought leaders like Wayne Dyer (you’ll belly laugh when you hear this story in the podcast).
  • Randy learns to fail forward until he becomes a top earning network marketer.
  • Randy becomes a world renowned network marketing trainer.
  • Randy evolves into a critical thinker and world famous prosperity coach.


Language is a living energy force. That’s why all my guests and I are passionate about books and reading.

Randy Gage gives you a life-changing gift in this episode when he reveals how the novel, Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand sparked his greatness, his genius, his creativity, and his ability to create enormous wealth.


You will also discover other gems in this podcast episode, gems that will empower you to believe that you are your story and give you the desire and confidence to rewrite it. Here are just a few:

  • The entertaining intoxicating power of comedy
  • How to switch from a problem mindset to a possibility mindset
  • Memes – what they are, and how to protect yourself from them
  • How to turn your ideas into innovations
  • The challenges and opportunities of the age of chaos
  • What education should look like in the future
  • The awesome power of the two words, “What if.”
  • Why this is the age of the artist/entrepreneur


Mad Genius by Randy Gage

Risky is the New Safe by Randy Gage

Why You’re Dumb, Sick & Broke…And How to Get Smart, Healthy & Rich! by Randy Gage

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins

Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World by Peter H. Diamandis & Steven Kotler

The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology by Ray Kurzweil


“Be like water.” – Bruce Lee


Power Prosperity Podcast



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