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Stepping Out of the Boat: Overcoming Self-Doubt
Episode 521st June 2023 • Catholics on Campus • Knots Untied Catholic Mindset Coaching
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In today’s episode, Virginia is discussing self-doubt, particularly when it manifests itself as Imposter Syndrome.

“Imposter Syndrome: a psychological condition that is characterized by persistent doubt concerning one's abilities or accomplishments accompanied by the fear of being exposed as a fraud despite evidence of one's ongoing success.” - Merriam-Webster

In today’s episode, Virginia is discussing self-doubt, particularly when it manifests itself as Imposter Syndrome. If you feel like you’re the only one who struggles with this, let Virginia reassure you: you are not alone. Imposter Syndrome affects men and women of every age, race, ethnicity, and occupation. Citing studies and using saintly examples, Virginia reassures her listeners that doubt is a tool of the Enemy, and everyday students and great saints alike struggle with this common frustration. 

In light of this, Virginia is offering Catholic mindset coaching as a useful tool to overcome Imposter Syndrome. Today, she’s sharing an example of a coaching session with a student, showing her listeners that asking the right questions can help them move from self-doubt to hopeful solutions. Most importantly, Virginia invites you to remember that when Peter was overwhelmed with self-doubt, Jesus instantly reached out His hand to catch him (Matthew 14:22-33). Never forget that the Lord Himself is in your corner, ready to support you when you are doubting. 

If you would like to personally experience the way that Catholic mindset coaching can remove your self-doubt, contact Virginia! She would love to help you succeed in achieving your goals with God.

Contact Virginia!




Doubt - Wikipedia

What Does the Bible Say About Doubt?

Definition of Imposter Syndrome

Prevalence, Predictors, and Treatment of Impostor Syndrome: a Systematic Review

Public Viewpoint: Enrolling in Education: Motivations, Barriers, and Expectations

St. Hildegard of Bingen

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