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Ep. 73 - Your Jedi midi-chlorians...Somatids!
Episode 738th April 2024 • The Reality of Health • Erik Muzzy
00:00:00 00:17:51

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Discovering the Terrain Theory and your Jedi Somatids

I share my exploration of the terrain theory as an enlightening alternative to the commonly accepted germ theory of disease. I make the case that, contrary to germ theory, the terrain theory has evidence to back it up, proposing a new perspective: our bodies have an inherent ability to heal themselves, challenging the idea that we are constantly at war with external pathogens. I delve into the significance of somatids, these indestructible entities within every living cell, capable of transforming to fulfill the body's needs—be it as bacteria, yeast, or mold—based on the state of our tissues. This episode brings into focus Dr. Antoine Beauchamp's pioneering work on the terrain theory and his competition with Louis Pasteur. Furthermore, I discuss how maintaining a 'healthy terrain' can keep harmful somatids at bay by emphasizing the role of electrical charge and the body's natural processes of regeneration and detoxification. I conclude by inviting listeners to embrace this perspective for a holistic approach to health, transforming how we view our bodies and well-being.

00:00 Welcome to Monday Minutes: Unveiling Health Mysteries

00:14 Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory: A Revolutionary Perspective

01:55 Introducing Somatids: The Immortal Microorganisms

03:07 Historical Insights: Beauchamp, Pasteur, and the Birth of Terrain Theory

06:17 The Miraculous Cycle of Somatids: From Bacteria to Stem Cells

09:17 Living in Harmony: Understanding Our Body's Natural Defenses

16:43 Concluding Thoughts: Embracing a New Paradigm of Health


Welcome fellow healthy knowledge friends.

Today's Monday minutes. This is going to be a minutes for sure.

Ready. Here we go.

You ever heard of the terrain theory? That would be the opposite of the germ theory. The difference between the two of those is the terrain theory is not really a theory anymore. They can prove it. Unlike the germ theory. Can't prove it. Talked about that in the last several weeks as well. For those of you that believe in the germ theory, that's totally fine.

But this. Could open your eyes.

And help you.

Get rid of fear and anxiety.

And the anchor.

That has sold you to believe. It's you against the world?

Basically the train theory says there's nothing on the outside that is trying to kill you. It is all within you.

You have your own healing mechanism?

All within you. It is literally a miracle inside of you. Let me ask you a question. If you chop down a tree. And came back years later. Would that tree be decomposed? Absolutely. I mean, yeah. It takes a long time, depending on the tree and how dead it was or whatever.

But let me ask you.

Did that tree die? Because it was rotting. From all the yeast and the mold and the bacteria and whatever else is in there. Or. Did it die because you chopped it down.

If you hit an animal with your car. And then you came back several days later. You ever noticed how puffy it is. It's like a big balloon ready to explode. Legs are poking out.

Did that animal? Die because of what's inside it. Or did it die because you hit it.

Well, here's where it gets interesting. You ever heard of something called a micro Zimas?

Also known as a Somatid. Or a Protid. I'm going to refer to what I'm talking about in this episode as Soma. S O M A T I D S.

Basically. They're immortal. You can't kill him. They're pretty much indestructable.

They are in every cell of your body. They are in every cellular tissue. They are in your plasma. They're in every living thing on this earth. Even in things that are not living. Like minerals and That pretty much make up everything.

How do you know this, Erik? Well, They can see them. They can see him in a special microscope. That's able to look at dark field. Which means they can look at living tissue under a microscope with light from underneath, and you can see all these Somatids. Just running all over the place. I'm I'm actually going to put a short video in the.

Show notes. That you can see it. It's only going to be a minute long, but you'll see what I'm talking about. Those little tiny things running all over the place. That's not bacteria. that. Is a Somatid.

Really long time ago, Dr. Antoine Beauchamp.

It's considered to be the father of the terrain theory. Although there's people that proposed it before that he's the one that really brought it to the mainstream. He figured out by the way that the microbiome is in your body. You know that one, we always talk about all the time. Yeah. He's the first person to postulate that. It was a chemist. A biologist and a physician. Now that's what you call. Educated.

You live from:

It has said. That Pastuer mentioned that Claude Bernard was right.

When Claude had said. The pathogen is nothing. The terrain. Is everything.

Claude was a physiologist. Taught that the terrain of the human body was more important Then the pathogens that infect it.

One of the ways that Beauchamp actually proved this whole situation with this terrain and these.

the Kids. Took a dead cat. Put it. In a container completely sealed up, wrapped up. So no air could get to it. So you would think. It would be fine. Nope. Four months later, dust. Guess what the dust was made out of.

Just like mummies.

So they can take.

Samples. From mummies, put it into sugar water and it will grow into a yeast culture. Uh, bacteria culture. How is that possible? It's that old. You're telling me. That if a bacteria was on top of something that died. That the bacteria is just going to be immortal by itself. No. That's not how it works. They can do the same thing with limestone. They can take. A sample of limestone, put it in sugar water and it'll grow. Not into limestone, but into yeast fungus and bacteria. How is that possible? It would be the Somatids. They're an immortal microscopic organism. You could consider those to be the essence of physical life.

Here's my question to you. Why is it? Some people get sick and others don't. Even within the same household. Or like an office. How is it? All the viral experiments, taking fluids and stuff. Out of people. That were sick. Giving it to people who aren't sick and they never got sick.

The germ theory just does not hold up.

The terrain theory on the other hand, Kind of works like this. This is what we believe. Is happening. And if they would study this more because they realized they were wrong about the germ theory, we could probably get to the end of this and figure it all out. Basically. Terrain theory says that when you have less electrical charge. Then. You're in an unhealthy state. Then those Somatids become activated because the charge, the electrical charge is low. They know when the electrical charge is low. That you're going to have an injury or dead tissue or an inability to recycle tissue of your body. Therefore it's dying. Well, you gotta get that stuff out.

Right. You don't leave dying tissue. In or on your body, you get rid of that stuff. So then they come in. To start cleaning it up. Guess what. Somatids. I get ready for this. Somatids turn into bacteria.

Or yeast. Or mold. Depending on the dying tissue or the injured tissue.

And by the way, They turn into the right. Bacteria yeast or mold. Specific to that injured or dying tissue area. Like let's say it's toxins. Well, then it uses bacteria or mold to eat that up. And then if it's something else, well, maybe it needs yeast. It knows how to keep turning. From somatids into a bacteria. Then it turns into yeast, then it can turn into mold as a full circle and eventually. They can even turn into tumors. Yes. One reason for tumors. If you build your terrain.

Or your electrical charge, essentially being healthy.

Then they can turn back into somatids very easily.

So you keep this cycle going. In a very good state. You stay healthy.

Isn't that amazing. Think about this, you have these little tiny things in your body that you can't kill. That turned into the proper. Pathogen that we associate with disease. To take care of whatever problem you have, and then they turn right back into Somatids when they're done. That's. Amazing.

Guess what. They do even more. Somatids turn into stem cells. Which then can turn into good new tissue, like all the parts of your body. Then they reside in those tissues to then keep them healthy. By constantly regenerating the cells. As long as you have enough electrical charge. Remember I said this and many people are saying this now we are electrical beings. You are a water crystalline, electrical being.

Take the electricity out. You're a goner.

Where do you get electricity, Erik? Well, you manufacture it. But you also get it from your environment.

Like the sun. or putting your feet on the earth.

If the tissue starts to die or gets injured.

And they will come clean it up. Get rid of the mess. Then they can start making the new tissue again. You see. It's a whole cycle of life.

Your body uses different methods to help the somatids get rid of all the waste. So when the bacteria and yeast and fungus eat up all the dying and dead tissue, the chemicals. The toxins, the debris. Or that injured area, the waste byproduct has to get out of your body. How does it get out? What is your body use to remove the waste? That would be urine and feces. Your breath and sweating and snot, and coughing and sneezing and vomiting.

And. Diarrhea. Comes through your skin, maybe in the form of a rash, because it's trying to get out.

That waste. That's created by these organisms. That clean up your body. That then irritates the tissues. Of those areas where they're located. And that's why you're feeling pain or swelling or it's red or itchy or. W any number of symptom you get there, like a sore throat when you get strep. You don't feel the bacteria there. You feel the inflammation? And the irritant. From what we all know living organisms do. They eat. And you know what they do after that. I've made jokes about this constantly. That waste that they put off irritates those tissues. What happens when those tissues get irritated?

Oh, there is another question. Is that the right question?

Creates more blood flow to the area which brings more oxygen and more nutrients. And more healing opportunity.

So, if you want to deactivate or inactivate the somatids from turning into these organisms.

You got to create that electrical charge. You have to stay healthy. The healthier you are, the more electrical charge you have. Everything has vibration and frequency to it. Like arsenic, even. Has its own glyphosate has its own. So those two things like arsenic and glyphosate. Coming to your body, because let's say you had a food that just happened to be highly concentrated in arsenic, and you didn't know it.

You wouldn't know it. And all sudden you're getting sick and you don't understand what's going on.

Those stimulate the Somatids to turn into organisms, to clean the toxins out.

You see. It's simple.

It's like the dead. Buffalo carcass.

Just because the vultures show up to clean up the mess. Doesn't mean the vultures killed them. In this case.

Of so many kids.

They would.

Turn into bacteria to start tearing down that Buffalo carcass and get rid of it.

But the germ theory says that vultures. Flew by a Buffalo, killed it and then start eating it. That's called fear and you don't want to live in that. That. Create so much stress in your life. Wondering when you're gonna catch something. That's gonna make you feel ill or kill you.

Cause we're taught that viruses infect you. Well, where did the virus has come from?

Well, Erik. It came from a bat. Or an infected animal. Or a child that went to school. Well, how did they get it?

Where did it originate from.

Oh, don't worry. They got it from another bat. Or animal or a child that went to daycare. So, where did they get it from then? It keeps going back and back and back. Where is the origin of that? Bacteria or that virus or that whatever that's is causing people to get sick. Who made it? What made it. Where did it come from? It had to start somewhere. If it came from the original source, let's say a bat. How did that bat? Make the virus.

Or the bacteria. How did the bat get infected? And with what to then cause a virus in order to spread. Further into other living things. Did it just appear out of nowhere. Or they floating in the air in the woods or near the ocean or in the mountains or the valleys. Well then. How did they get into those areas? What produced them? What made them.

It had to start somewhere.

They find strep and E.Coli and all kinds of bacteria in humans all the time.

With no symptoms.

They're there all the time.

So, where did they come from? They came from you. Your somatids became them. To clean up stuff. In your body. You don't feel them. They're just doing their daily thing. When they get out of whack. Because you had a huge arsenic load come from that.

Bowl of cereal or something.

You're going to feel it. But when it's minor, you don't feel anything. There are so many microorganisms floating around in our environment from our home to work to outdoors. Your car, it's impossible to get away from all of them. We assume that they're floating out there and can harm us.

If you're living your life, thinking that somehow, maybe possibly. a microorganism comes in contact with you. And then you get super sick. Then you can never live your life in enjoyment. You will always be in fear.

If that were the case.

We would all be dead. We would never have lived thousands of years.

Back throughout history. People believed. That you got sick because of demons or spirits, or you had a spell put on you from a. From a witch or a sorcerer, all kinds of weird evil things. Now they want you to believe. That viruses and bacteria are. What makes you sick? They replaced. Evil spirits. With an imaginary theory of germs.

They've done experiments based on Pastuers data. Where they've had animals born, completely sterile. And then they did the C-section to keep it even more sterile. And then they kept those animals. In a completely sterile. Like container, like an environment. Totally sealed off and then fed them sterilized food. You know what happened? They all died a few days later.

So here you have these. Super tiny organisms living inside all tissues on the earth. And in non-living organic matter, even.

They can't be killed. And just keep turning from a single speck into another form. That cleans the environmental mess. And then back. Into the original form. They never go away. This Wednesday. I will tell you one of the ways to help you help them.

📍 What do you do? With this knowledge.

How do you live every day? Knowing now what is happening in your body all day long?

Now do you see yourself differently?

You are not a chance being.

You are not fighting unseen things out to get you.

You are special.

You have little microscopic organisms. Taking care of you. Every second. Of every day. For your entire life.

No one. Told you about this?


Wednesday is a must. Listen.

Take care of yourselves.




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