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064 How to Keep Your 'To Do' List Under Control
21st November 2022 • Property Solopreneur with Rachael Troughton • Rachael Troughton
00:00:00 00:17:37

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It’s important to create a system for your day-to-day activities when dealing with property, and you can achieve this with a To-Do list. However, your list can get crowded and out of your control easily. So in today’s episode, I’ll be sharing with you the ways you can keep your To-Do list under control without feeling overwhelmed.

What You Will Learn In This Episode:

- The importance of a to-do list and why it tends to get out of control

- How to keep your to-do list in check as you deal with properties

- How to ensure that all tasks on your to-do list are actionable

- The importance of creating offstage activities to maintain a balance 

Your To-Do list highlights all you set out to achieve in a day, but without proper planning and prioritising, you might end up juggling a lot more than you can handle. This is why you need to keep your list under control so you can hit your target while enjoying what you’re doing.


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