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45. Open Up Your Intuition At Work: Metaphysical Secrets to Align Your Spirit
Episode 4530th May 2023 • Mind Power Meets Mystic • Cinthia Varkevisser & Michelle Walters
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Join Michelle Walters and Cinthia Varkevisser in this thought-provoking episode as they explore the intersection of mind power, intuition, and finding happiness in the workplace. Learn how to tap into your intuition, align your energy with your work, and create a fulfilling and meaningful career. Don't miss this inspiring conversation that may change the way you approach your professional life.

How to incorporate your intuition into the job hunt. 3:22

Working with clients is like having a vision. 6:06

What happens when you’ve got a team that’s all about you. 9:12

When the job is done, it’s time to go. 13:15

Why he’s not unemployable. 18:33

What’s the best way to break up a team? 19:47

The mystic side of intuition at work. 23:51

The power of visualization in business. 25:48

An Alignment of Spirit: Finding Work You Love, a book by Michelle Walters

Book a Strip Down What's Stuck Session with Cinthia

Cinthia's Website

Michelle's Website


Cinthia Varkevisser 1:29

Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to Mind power meets mystic with Michelle Walters, my power and me Cynthia Varkevisser mystic. And today we're going to be talking about transmuting, anxiety, frustration and apathy in the workplace. So how are you feeling Michelle, but this subject? Great. I love that good day.

you know, taking it one step further of, you know, what is the risk really about finding a job that aligns with you

Michelle Walters 2:51

Well, okay, so I wrote a book that we've talked about before, my book is in alignment of spirit finding work you love. And it's my perspective that if you find work, that is not work you love,

it will leave, it will go away. Either you won't be into it, and your bosses will see that and decide that you need to move on or you'll find something else, or I've just seen too many times where it's not a great fit. And pretty much those things, at least in my experience in the corporate world tend to terminate. And so there's a great deal more wisdom about how to attract a job that I can offer in my book, which I would recommend people pick up a copy if they haven't had a chance yet.

But one of the things that I think can help people, especially Job Hunters, as they're, as they're looking at a number of options is to incorporate their intuition into the job pent. And I have an exercise for this that, you know, I think sort of came out of working with you because you were a big major intuition teacher for me. And it also came out of working with my version of my Swami mommy, who was Karen Gresham. And I don't know how I sort of came up with it, I think I sort of merged stuff from both of you to come up with it. But one of the ways that I I integrate and recommend integrating intuition into the job hunt, is to actually make a picture of a number of your opportunities. And I like to do that using corporate logos, because I was always applying for big corporate logos. And those logos actually carry an energy that's representative of the company. But if you were working in a different class of things, and you didn't have big logos to put on your page, you could put pictures of the people you would be working with or you could put a map of where the different opportunities were any kind of visual representation and putting that on

A piece of paper. And then actually, and this may sound a little crazy to corporate people, but I don't know, I find it works, running your hand over that, over that piece of paper, probably with your eyes closed, just because that helps to sort of decrease the sensitivity of have your visual sense. And seeing if there are places on that paper that are hotter or colder or stand out to you in some way. And while a lot of people I know would say, Wow, that's really super Whoo, I think it's really just tapping into our natural energy for being able to acknowledge that there are, are some opportunities and possibilities that are hotter or better, and some that are kind of more lower or receding. And that this is an effective way of incorporating intuition into

a professional decision

Cinthia Varkevisser 6:06

Yeah, no, it's falls right in line with how I work with clients as well. So, so beautiful. First of all, I love that there's a version of a vision board for jobs and work. And I love the logos, I didn't think about the logos. And you're absolutely right about each logo, having a certain energy and vibe.

Ben and Jerry's, for me, everything about Ben and Jerry's, I love including their product. And I would love to be an employee, if I were to do that. And when a person comes to me and asks about, you know, a bunch of different jobs, I do the same thing that you just talked about with running over the hand is I just go in energetically and say Okay, which one is the energetic match? And then if they ask questions, then I dive in, but usually it's a yes or no question or, you know, first, second, third place. So that is brilliant. Brilliant. I love that

Michelle Walters 7:03

Well, and I, I have found in the past that it was really helpful to get

That, that that can be helpful, too. But there's, there's a lot of power in incorporating into intuition and energy reading into finding fits for the job for the job place.

Cinthia Varkevisser 7:51

Right. That is that is I love that. So love that. And here's the thing that I liked is that you said well, you may like one person. This actually happened to me before I got into the intuitive work, I was really young. I interviewed for Wells Fargo Bank on the investment side.

However, the job would have been great for me, and it would have I would have ended up in construction anyway. So it's funny how life led me, but at the same time, I totally get it. So let's talk about teams and people. And a lot of times when people come to me, they talk about, you know, they're having a great time and one person came on the team and mess up the vibe, and then the team breaks. So I have a couple of things that happened for my clients that I have suggested. But I would love to hear your perspective on that

Michelle Walters 9:22

I think that figuring out how to

every one of them had its own its own energy, you know, you've got your superstars, your rock stars who are out there doing all the work, you've got your mentors, you've got your people who are kind of trying to hide because they're underperforming for whatever reason. Balancing team energy is difficult

Cinthia Varkevisser:

Yeah, that is absolutely that is true. The other piece are those who are not team leaders, well, we can talk about on the team leader side, right, or the person who's, who's creating this space is using intuition to see what everyone's ballistic skills are. So you may not have someone who is performing absolutely the way that you want them to, within the structure structurally, however, they put a calm into the space, and they help. So there is a value within that in that soft skill. And there are ways that, that some people can actually, even though we're all speaking English, they can translate everyone's language, so that the communication is so much smoother. And, and that's a really important thing. So on the, from my perspective, when someone is coming in and creating these teams, or restructuring these teams, it's very important to look at the people holistically. And that's an intuitive thing, as well as taking a look at performances, performance, performance.

And then and then move on. So, yeah, kind of in.

Michelle Walters:

Yeah. And I think some of that comes back to my point that when the job is energetically a misfit, it, it

energetically we are we are meant to be in alignment with the work we do. And when that alignment is broken. one thing or another will topple it

Cinthia Varkevisser:

Right. And it's so amazing how I've seen one person come in, and then the whole team breaks. So if I, you know, it's like, well, then How strong was it in the first place? In order for that in order for that to happen? It's I'm always curious about that. But I want to remind everybody before we go on, that they are listening to mine power meets mystic with Michelle Walters and Cinthia Varkevisser. We would love for you to like, subscribe, tell people about us, because we've got some pretty fucking amazing stuff to share.


Michelle Walters:

I know, for me, there were multiple jobs that I applied for over the course of my career, where I was convinced this was it. This was it for me, I mean, three of these jobs are coming to mind right now. And one was for a coffee company, and I had coffee experience, and it was local, and it was going to be great. Nope, they didn't want me and another one was, or

you know, that didn't work very long. You know, it's just, it's just so strange.

Cinthia Varkevisser:

It's so crazy. Looking back, I thought holy crap. I have not. I have not actually, to be honest, I haven't interviewed for a job since 1987. Because every other job I got I was invited in

Michelle Walters:

Wow, Cynthia, that is

a standout story.

Cinthia Varkevisser:

That is really strange. Now that I think about that. Right? Yeah, I've been invited into every single one. So I would be like a really shitty interview. And yet,

Michelle Walters:

how they would, how they would perform within a formal reporting structure, like it at at a, at a larger business or a corporation

Cinthia Varkevisser:

I actually loved working in a company.

Michelle Walters:

I write things about it, it makes it makes, you know, it's somebody gives you a to do list. And your job is to, to do it and do it. Well. That is many times a lot easier than deciphering the path of the entrepreneur

Cinthia Varkevisser:

Right. I will tell you the reason I left the job that I had interviewed for I was there for eight years. What happened was the up and coming President lied and and threw me under the bus in front of my face out. And I thought, well, that is that is very telling, and I can't see any success coming out of it in any way, shape, or form. And so it was time to leave

I also just think that sometimes people need to check in with themselves, because they're so concerned with, and they have every right to be concerned with making sure that they pay their bills, that they have health insurance, that they are covered for their future that they have families and spouses to think about. So I totally get it. And at the same time, there has to be some kind of representation of self, in order for there to be, you know,

Michelle Walters:

well, your job doesn't have to be your be all end, all right, there are, there are plenty of people who have a job that they do somewhere between competently and very, very well, that

quickly and repeatedly

Cinthia Varkevisser:

Right. Right. The other thing is, is that there tends to be a lot of stress. I mean, come on, we live in a country that is, you know, based on competition, and, and I do love competition. I'm the smile on your face right now.

Michelle Walters:

partly through my work with you, and partly through other study and other teachers that I have had I've

Cinthia Varkevisser:

yeah, and that's, that is my belief. I believe we can change the world. Michell

Michelle Walters:

let's change the world. Cinthia

Cinthia Varkevisser:

We are we are changing. We are let's see what did Willy Wonka say? We are the

We Are the changemakers and we are dreamers of the dream.

Michelle Walters:

I love it. I think that's exactly where we need to end. Thank you everybody for listening. This has been another fun, super exciting episode of Mind Power Meets Mystic. This is Michelle Walters and Cinthia Varkevisser signing off. Thank you.

Cinthia Varkevisser:


I am mystic aka Cynthia, the Gabi and spontaneous F bomb dropping Virgo who likes to sort

Michelle Walters 0:07

socks. And I mind power Michelle, the highly inquisitive science loving hypnotherapist who reads and walks a whole lot. You're listening to my power knees mystic. We are wildly curious. And we want to talk about how spirit meets business, how self expansion needs love, and how relationships meet life's true purpose,

Cinthia Varkevisser 0:30

because it's our belief that there are invisible cosmic forces tying things together.

Michelle Walters 0:35

My passion is for the powers of the mind, human nature and the development of inner strength. I help people transform by investigating their subconscious and reframing or rewriting their internal thinking.

Cinthia Varkevisser 0:48

My get off is helping people discover their cosmic irony, where their biggest fear is actually their greatest strength. by uncovering these things, they can revolutionize what they do and how they do it.

Michelle Walters 1:00

We want to share how people grow and become bigger, more integrated, more fulfilled, more passionate and inspired in their life's journey.

Cinthia Varkevisser 1:09

Listening as we explore transformations, shifts in finding the AHA hours while making space for serendipity.

Michelle Walters 1:18

Follow us and expand your sense of what's possible,

Cinthia Varkevisser 1:21

and have fun along the way. Dive in and see how

Michelle Walters 1:25

my power mates

Cinthia Varkevisser 1:27


I love this this topic because we both work with so many people in this realm. So it seems it seems fairly easy. And I wouldn't say easy, but that there's a lot of crossover and a lot of space for us to have conversation. So the first place I'd like to start with and I believe you're the expert for this one is how in the hell do we have someone find a job where they're actually happy? I had a conversation with somebody about that today. And they said, I have good news, but there was absolutely no joy in their voice. Well, that's not so good. No, no. And so, you know, what, what would you say to someone who doesn't have joy in their voice when they just got a new job?

That people will take a look at a piece of paper and say, This is a match this person is qualified. There are so many things. And now I have to say, I haven't been in the interview process. This century, let's just be real. I have helped people with their interview process I've helped people energetically go through to get their next jobs. But personally, I have not been in bad a quarter. I've

Michelle Walters:

done it enough for both of us.

Cinthia Varkevisser:

and yet, that's what happened. And, and, and having said that, you know, going in two things. One is I love talking to a lot of entrepreneurs, because they say I am What do they say when they're when they're not? Like they can't. They're an employee. They're unemployable. And it was just the universe saying it's time for you to, you know, walk to your own beat. And that's always an interesting thing. Like you. Like you. Right?

Michelle Walters:

Yeah. Yeah. Although I don't think I'd say I'm unemployable. I think I would say at this point that I choose to be building my own business. But yes, certainly, I've met a lot of entrepreneurs in the last year or two and some of whom it's hard to envision, maybe you actually

it, it fits, it resonates well enough with their spirit that they're okay, there. And that and that energy is good, maybe not amazing, but certainly not awful. And, and they can, you know, chug through with that for a long time. There are workplaces that are more stable, where people are at for many, many years. And then there are teams, like a lot of the teams that I was on where the the team composition changes every month or two. And when when you're when your team is changing every month, or do you know, it's it's it's helpful to have very defined roles in similar roles across organizations and that kind of thing. But it can certainly lead to, to misunderstandings and breakdowns and, and, and sort of efficiencies. Because you you have to relearn little pieces over and over again. I mean, it's my example of the day I just moved about a new microwave. I don't know how to reuse the new microwave, it's not gonna take me very long to figure it out. But for a day or two, my efficiency with microwave is

Cinthia Varkevisser:

is is low right now. Right? You change

Michelle Walters:

jobs a lot. You You have to be the sort of person who can relearn how to do things.

Cinthia Varkevisser:

I do love competition. However it does brings about stress for a lot of people. And it's really important to understand what stress is, is it worth having that job for or that business? And when is it too much? You know, because if you are not healthy, then nothing's going to happen anyway. Right?

Michelle Walters:

Does that make sense? Yep. Yep, yep.

Cinthia Varkevisser:

Well, my friend, we are already at time, and I want to make sure that we hit everything. We've talked about finding a job. We've talked about what it takes to, to be more clear in teams, right, as a as the team leader, as well as you know, participating in a team and making sure that you're in alignment. So that you're you're in the raw in the right company, in the right profession. Right. Anything else you want to add?

Michelle Walters:

Well, we were going to talk about intuition at work. That was part of this theme. And what I want to bring up is that

I've learned to appreciate my intuition more than I did say 20 years ago. and it's very curious to me now, because as I work with clients in hypnosis, not so much the executive coaching side of things, but on the hypnosis side, that every now and again, I am so well in tune with my client, that I can visualize what they're seeing in their hypnosis, which is crazy to me, because I don't have a scientific explanation for how that works. But I imagine this happens to you all the time. So I don't think a discussion of intuition at work would would be complete without having spoken to this very mystic side of the whole thing.

Cinthia Varkevisser:

First of all, yay, you for being able to visualize with your client, because when you're in that space, you know that you're in a place where you can really do some deep shifting for them with them. And so by, by your guidance, they have the power to do the shifting while you're holding the space, because you're actually there with them. I mean, it doesn't get better than that. It really does. It's quite amazing. Yeah. And I love that you say that I do that all the time. That is not my gig. I am very visual, and I can I have snatches of it as well. However, my visualization is, is a little bit different. And, and it's fun, because I get to either see something directly or it's symbolic. And things like that. The beauty about intuition. And because you are more than you are, so you're clear, sentient, I love how you really boost people without really, without giving of yourself, you know what I mean? It's just, it's a well, you know, an endless well for you, you are a channel of, of, you know, being clairsentience, and good vibes. Everyone has more than one intuitive gift. And when it comes to work, what happens is that people tend to get bombarded and, and then they lay on top of that, their personal anxiety, as well as other people's energy. They are not like you, they're, they're, you know, they have empathy, which means that you're feeling their energy, but you're taking it as your own and you're not like cycling it through and, and clearing yourself, right. So there's so many things, and then you have the stress of deadlines and things like that, as well as personalities. So the beauty about intuition is that when we when we as individuals can hang with our intuition and see that person that we're working with, in the way that you saw, you know, you see your clients when you're actually visualizing with them. That is magic. That is Team magic. That is project magic. There's there's a clarity there. That is, that's all I can say is magic. I don't have an explanation for it, either. I like calling it in the pocket. Right? You're in the pocket. Okay. And, and so being in the pocket is a challenge because business tends to be 3d. Right, very materialistic, scheduled, structured. And intuition is not 3d, there's no there are no boundaries to it. Right. Right. There are certain right there guidelines and agreements, but there are no boundaries to it. So it's about walking in this this lovely line. And I really believe that if people were just a little bit more aware, just a little bit more aware that their workspace could be so much calmer, clearer, less stressful, that there would be better boundaries, that there would be just so many so many different things. And

Michelle Walters:

You've been listening to my power meets mystic




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